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dickie wrote about rainier,
"Have your mob become inventors and suddenly discovered technology?"
I ask this Dickie - ever been hit in the head by your own returning boomerang ?

on a more serious note, pressure is on everyone to meet some strange benchmark of efficiency - we have had our local senior nursing staff agressively questioned a couple of times by the operations centre dispatcher when they asked for an ambulance that was needed for an urgent bush hospital to city hospital transfer .

We hopefully, will change the Federal Government soon and if we can not get any sense of genuine hope and social cohesion from our new leader and his crew we will no doubt start changing the state governments too .
Posted by kartiya jim, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 11:26:08 PM
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Is Mise
So Sorry. I was out of posts fighting it out in the car park.
Your so kind. Thanks for asking.

Well it wasnt easy and if the old Sergant ever gets me I am sure to loose something but it was worth it.

One decent detective stepped in. its a long way to the top but we need people like him there.

He has had her in the station for a whole day and feels it will take another four. He said it was a bad case.

Because labour wont supply police he is doing it on two of his own roster off days- good bloke!

Hopefully this offender will spend time in goal

:"No thanks to labour".

Kartiya Jim
Mmm Well as you know labour look after Ambulances in their states. reading between the lines however your trying to tell me something.

I would be very happy to discuss this with you in more detail.

We have programes and new policy ideas that have already had the hard work done but labours advisors were too lazy and stupid to look at it.

If you have somebody in the background with half a mind for leadership you will have lots of support.

Why not email me through my site?

Dickie You are welcome on pales threads anytime to discuss anything. No apoligies required.

You come under the same standard as the lone detective- "A Few Good men'.

If you can spare the time come into the pale responds thread.

We need people to "stay focused on the Animals."!

You may even get a laugh out of it.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 13 September 2007 8:27:56 AM
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PALEIF: "We need people to 'stay focused on the Animals.'!"

Good idea. Why don't you try it sometime?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 13 September 2007 9:02:08 AM
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You have trolled pale posts from thread to thread for months
I suggest that you mind your own business.
You ?
What do you do?
Judging by your ongoing comments you have little compassion for Animals.
Even less for this country after your discusting remarks on the poem about our National Flag.
As we have told you before pale is simply a bunch of ordinary everyday people who get out their most weekends delivering feed and organisaing all sorts of help for farmers and animals.
Nobody is paid.
You seem to have a good knowledge of PETA and other groups.
I am inclined to be looking your way and I suggest to you your attempts to discredit these good people will be exposed for what they are.
I have let you get away with clear breaches of OLO rules
It wont happen again.

We are wanting nothing more than to be left alone to post about the cruelty of live Animal Exports and Intensive Farming of Farm Animals.

You clearly have an agenda to stop our work having barged in on EVERY thread causing trouble and making snide remarks
Do something "yourself" for the animals we dont have to do anything- We choose to
Get a life!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 13 September 2007 8:25:16 PM
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Politicians argue about what government is doing, has done, or should be doing, or what government should NOT....

Policiticians - government and or opposition, propose as solution there needs to be an enquiry upon...

Frequently just arguing for sake of arguing, and so that these protestations might let them get to be in charge, or keep in charge, of the government bus.

Expect this will continue until voters, the electorate, is capable of endorsing issues to be presented for voting upon.

When our voters, the electorate, those holding Sovereign Power in Australia, can independantly through a public process arrange for issues to be presented to be voted upon, then we may see more honest debate of substance about issues.

Until then is mostly arguement about who is in charge of the government truck...

Citizen Initiated Legislation works well enough elsewhere.

Rather than focus on particular issues, each important, IMHO we need focus more on what process particular issues need pass through to be placed upon the ballot paper.

Issues likely to appear upon ballot paper will be addressed far more seriously... politicians everywhere prefer the electorate to be satisfied with their solution, than they policiticans be restrained by CILs
Posted by polpak, Thursday, 20 September 2007 5:49:56 PM
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If you want the real truth Labor people are not Bible people. Despite Kevin Rudd trying to push himself off as a christian, other Labor folk trying to do the same, the fact is they arent.
Would there be a committed Labor man or woman in the whole of the land who does daily bible study, daily prayer, weekly fellowship with other committed christians or who witnesses for Jesus Christ as The Lord leads? Not a sausage. If you know one tell me. The reality is Labor people are not Godly Bible people; and do not have much heart for folk beyond their own party beliefs... which to me seems still very communist even though the Berlin Wall is down some many years. The Labor heart to me is cold for the common people of Australia so police strengths are not any major priority. Maybe Labors real hidden priority is to somehow, someday set up a situation to allow the old communist flag/flame to loop around in a different way, but back the same anyway? Love for the people, by Labor people, is a real hard to thing discern.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 22 September 2007 4:19:07 PM
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