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Might as well close down the entire nation and move to...wherever ?

Happy to provide the air fares.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 9 September 2007 8:22:10 PM
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Gee thanks Rainier

What sort of currency does your mob trade with? And what sort of air transport are you offering? Have your mob become inventors and suddenly discovered technology?
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 9 September 2007 8:30:38 PM
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Hi again - DICKIE...

Mate, I'm 'buggered' if I know ? Like you (and many millions of others, I suspect) I haven't a clue who I'll vote for. As you say, they're all such competent deceivers, it's a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

However, I will say that should any calamitous event ever strike our fair shores, somehow I'd feel a little more comfortable with a Liberal Government at the helm, steering us through it, than a Labor Goverenment,at the moment at least.

Though I dunno, look at the magnificent job Prime Minister John CURTIN did during WWll. He was a Labor gentleman, through and through ! Regrettably, men of his statue just don't come along all that often these days.

And the much lauded Sir Robert MENZIES, longest serving Liberal PM. Well personally, I wasn't a great fan of his either. Articulate, educated and a gifted orator, he may have been. But it would seem prima facie, he was more committed to serving Great Britian, and it's monarch, rather then Australia ?

I guess all you can do is cast a vote for the party that you believe will continue to propagate good economic policy and try to encourage positive steps, to combat climate change et al. And of course there's we gradually withdraw, as per Mr RUDD ? Or do we stay, 'til the jobs done' ? Apropos Mr HOWARD's position. Beats me, I must confess!

Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 9 September 2007 9:08:34 PM
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Is Mise
Thanks so much for asking about the person. I am not sure what you mean about the phone call. She was attacked many times and starved of food etc. The guys a pedophile. Regarding the calls I made four calls to arrange to get someone to take a statement... Each time they said- too busy call you back. After the fourth time I drove at night to the station and walked in and said –We are hearing to make a statement and we are not leaving until we do. Sounds good in theory but didn’t go over well with the big old station sergeant who is clearly over worked and under paid.
The answer was NO- but in less polite terms. There was a nice detective and he looked her name up in system to find there had been no entry of her calls and this was two weeks later. So she never was! On any waiting list. I took her again on Saturday as arranged with this extra nice detective doing it as a favor. He had an emergency but it’s down Tuesday. It is important you understand I am NOT complaing the police. They are over worked. I am complaining about the Labour Government failing to supply enough.
If they can’t run states how can they even think of taking control of the country/. This is not a pro Howard post either given his appalling record of Animal Welfare.
Again thanks for caring about this girl.

oSung wu Moral has been getting worse for many years. better offout of it., Good luck

Good comments
I agree Dickie we are buggered either way but the greens might get more power.
I guess I will have to stick with Howard but I dont like it. If we pull our troops out now we are really making a big mistake.
I guess I would rather shake the hand of a digger than fought for freedom than flee.
regardless of why we went we owe it to stay
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 9 September 2007 10:32:05 PM
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Too true, Sungwu

It was the silver tongued Menzies who insisted on continuing exports of pig iron to Japan where they were using it to make bombs for use against China and the West.

Perhaps Atomic John should heed the adage:

"Those who ignore the past, are forced to re-live it in the future."

I recall reading that Britain delayed the arrangement to detonate their atomic bombs on Australian soil, until Robert Menzies won office? So with Menzie's blessing, this nation was bombarded with nuclear explosions and fallout for some six years.

Oops....sorry PALE, there I go, still off topic!
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 9 September 2007 10:41:09 PM
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Has any thing been done for the woman yet, apart from your good efforts?
I agree that there are many good police and a lot of them are overworked.
Have you thought of approaching someone involved with the media?
Even a local paper can sometimes kick things along.
There are not to many who would put themselves out to help as you have.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 10 September 2007 10:35:45 PM
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