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I am just wondering what is going to happen if we ever have a really big problem in Australia with our all ready over worked police.
For the last two weeks I have been trying to get the NSW police to take a report on a child abuser.
This bloke is still walking around doing God knows what but because they are so terribly busy they cant take this persons statement.
The Government go on and on about child protection but their police cant lock up a serial offender.
This bloke has been abusing young girls for many years. Here is a person who has tried to do the right thing for the sake of others but because ALP cant supply police they cant take her statement.
We are talking major offenses here like rape of a fourteen year old not trival stuff. We are not talking a one off offense either. Its been ongoing for a long period of time and hes offended consistantly.
There has been no less than five attempts to report this guy. The first was by phone upon being told she could not attend the station to file the report because they were too busy. The second attempt same thing and they insisted she had to wait until somebody called her. A week later she called again and was pretty much told she was being a nuisance. Then there was another call a few days later. I finally drove her to the station and walked in and said this person is here to make a statement. Its over an hours drive both there and back but they still turned her away but not after checking her name in the system to see if she were on the WAITING list. You guessed it she wasnt. They promised to contact her yesterday but didnt.
There is no argument that the poor staff are working very hard.
I saw one detective who has worked three straight shifts.
These guys are working under enourous preshure doing a fantasic job for little thanks from many of the public.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 4:53:28 AM
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I agree with everything you say this is serious business. The Left Wing Loonies are blaming the Howard syndrome but this is completely untrue. The left wing loonies are saying the increase of crime is due to eleven years of the Howard Government and the lack of compassion in welfare and housing affordabilty and increased suicides. The West Australian Government are spending millions of our dollars in fetching over British Police who are now patroling our streets. The British Police are shocked in horror that they now have to carry guns. Would you support utilising a civil miliatary guard as they have in the united states ? If not we will have to recruit the marines do you agree with that ?
Posted by Julie Vickers, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 8:33:41 PM
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I was just sitting here thinking to myself doesnt anybody see or care how bad things are regarding police in Australia when your comment went up on OLO.
I would support pretty much anything to be honest. I didnt know WA were importing the services of police but its a darn good idea.
I said something similar on another thread involving trouble with street gangs and knifes only to be howled down as odd.
That time I said why cant the Army do some patrols.
When you get to the stage that cronic paedophiles become a low interest we are in real trouble.

The loonies as you call them do not even understand that hospital crisis amnd police and housing are ran by State Governments.

You know 60% of the public blame Howard for no Police Drs etc.

In all honesty I think we are in real trouble.
I am in QLD and a lady was killed last night after calling for help three hours earlier.

The NSW police are just as understaffed which was why I stared this thread.
So yes I would agree with you one hundred percent Julie.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 9:08:54 PM
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Oh gee I should have thought of that! let us have more coppers! say 20.000 more.
And lets have oh hang on who is to pay for it? government has no money its ours so more tax's?
Yep we can get our roads up to American standards over night, 20 brand new hospitals in every state more of everything.
Taxes? well put up the taxes on fuel it works! for the last 20 years this country has done it.
Say 20 bucks a liter for fuel? that will stop car crime too.
Who pays for more Lady's?
in a country of 20 million who pays?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 6 September 2007 5:58:03 AM
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Well I have got to say I was starting to consider that you may know more about the plans and goals for labour.
However after reading your post belly you have lost me.
"This is a typical labour response".
Silly, arrogant uncalled for and lacks any reasonable excuse for responding in that manner.
You spare "not one thought" for the poor person who has tried to give a report to police over and over again.
We had a women murdered up here last night because there are not enough police to respond to emergencies.
On the Gold Coast and Tweed especially we have 1500 hundred people arriving and staying each week.
The area where they refused to take the report was just over the NSW boarder but they are swamped too.
The tax payers of this country are some of the highest in the world and have a right to be able to report crimes against children
Do you have ANY idea how hard it is for a female to report rape?
Do you even care? Its clear you dont!
Do you have any idea the damage done on top of damage when police make victims feel they are NOT worth taking their complaint.

I know its not the polices fault its the stinking LABOUR Government that cant run a cop shop but want to run the country.
God Help us all!

I did the statement myself so she wouldn`t think "nobody" cared.
It starts up-
My step father untied my mother who was hanging there. She was blue.
He took the rope off her neck by lifting her up then threw her down very long stairs then he raped me. I was about eight.
It goes on belly but Labour wouldnt be interested.
Your proof of that. Labour. No Thanks Mr Rudd
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 6 September 2007 6:47:25 AM
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In a couple of threads pale a debate is taking place about your manners.
I get a grin out of you calling me arrogant! thanks!
I think sometimes you just let fly without thinking, you have been around I suspect as long as me, if so you will know every government in the past 40 years has been asked for more police and much more.
Yes we have to deal with that tragic murder on the gold coast.
Was it bad judgment? or slackness? or did every one of those overloaded calls have priority?
My local government area wants more police.
Red necks want more prisons.
Who will pay?
I will settle pale for more good police, the ones we treasure, those cops who answer the two way every time.
Never pretend its not working.
Some do not care you know, to some its a job that comes with cheap or free coffee and burgers and the chance to be lazy and arrogant.
We could never pay enough wages to the good cop, more than gold a good cop how can we tell what one we are talking to?
Sadly Kevin Rudd has not found the need to brief me on his intentions, maybe he thinks I am arrogant!
Regards pale that is all of those who use that sign in.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 6 September 2007 4:34:15 PM
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The person who was murdered called on the emergency line.
There were sixty five before her.

The Labour State Government are trying hard to cover that up.

They are saying it was a mis- judgement rather than we are in crisis.

Four of Wendys friends whom I have met at BBQS have left the force because the work load and the preshure working under staffed is too great which in turn makes it also very dangerous.

It is labours fault this women she is dead not the poor police who responded as soon as they could which was three hours later.

Even the Police Commissoner went on air agreeing she was dead because it took too long.

There is no debate about that issue.

He tried to cover up the fact that they had another sixty jobs on and no way of responding by putting it back to the operator who took the call.

Your compassion and concern for the victim mentioned above is a true labour response.

That was not QLD but NSW however yet again! another police station in utter crisis.

No concern from you noted that the police were so under staffed they had no time to arrest and child rapist

Amazing truely amazing.

Take a good look at a real labour man everybody.

Our police do a wonderful job.

How dare you blame Labours lack of supplying enough police to protect our familes at the feet of these over worked brave wonderful men and women of the Police Force.

No wonder the police tell us they have no time to enforce Animal Welfare laws.

The labour Government should hang their hands in shame for the lack of hospital care , Drs and police in their Labour States.

There cant run their states but want us to entrust them with the country.
ON top of that he will offend America leaving us without our closest friend in such trying times.
We need our old friends of 90 years more than ever now along with our police.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 6 September 2007 9:59:30 PM
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Pale take a breath ,think this is a test I will be judged on what I write.
Now I will let you in on a small part of my life away from work and OLO.
I am a ham radio operator have spent a lifetime of volunteering as a radio operator and rescue squad member road that is.
I support all police, most of them are truly committed to the job.
I have been the voice behind the mike in some of our biggest sporting events in this area.
including national events, next weekend is booked solid.
My roll is emergency response right down to I need more bananas.
So I must put every call in its right place in line.
Do you think every waiting call was more important than that one?
Do you think if say 20 more police had been around that night the call would have been given priority?
Can you be sure?
Have you stood in the rain just 2 steps away from 3 dead people in a smashed car and watch 6 police stunned just like you fail to answer the police radio calling them for an hour?
And do you know of any police area that is not calling for more police?
How pale do we pay for them? yes you say we are over taxed and we are see the massive federal governments money box.
But ten thousand times ten thousand want it spent on them.
Have you pale heard the very lonely call police just so they have someone to talk too?
know about the false alarms?
pale of most importance are the insults and views here those of pale? including your reference to the ALP?
It may well be time for pale to review the issue, is this the way to sell your group?
is the organization about animal welfare or every issue?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 7 September 2007 7:50:10 AM
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It appears that the same problems are occurring in every state. One must be reminded that every state is also governed by Labor.

WA public services have deteriorated to rock bottom standards. The police are overworked and rural police stations are closing, leaving country people stranded, to appease the city folk. These city folk are extremely nervous over the increased crime rates in their suburbs.

And the Labor government are allowing the early release of recidivist criminals, to re-enter the booming criminal industry.

Everything is a mess including health and education.

The Labor treasury is bloated with cash while Ministers continue with their pathetic excuses over constant catastrophes!

And while police, health and education services are failing the public, the last 12 months has seen a 20% increase in public service fat cats receiving over $150,000/pa.

"Superstar", Neale Fong, Head of Health, commenced his new position with a salary fit for a celebrity and in excess of $500,000.

Labor's managed to stuff up every public service in the state including the mismanagement of the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC).

Only last night, with the release of a parliamentary report into the lead poisoning of a town in WA, the Acting Chairman on behalf of the Committee said:

“There were major failings in DEC’s industry regulation function and shortcomings in OTHER regulatory agencies.

These regulatory failures, combined with the irresponsible and possibly unlawful conduct of the Esperance Port Authority, Magellan Metals Pty Ltd, and BIS Industrial Logistics, exposed workers and the community to unacceptable and avoidable health and environmental risks."

We are now witnessing a repeat of the WA Inc.days of the incompetent Labor government in the 80's when the Labor Premier of the State was reduced to cooling his heals in prison.

Ah...yes, I am reminded that "the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it!" Roll on 2009 election day!
Posted by dickie, Friday, 7 September 2007 11:16:30 AM
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How could the unfortunate woman have been helped?

How soon after the phone call was she slain?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 September 2007 2:37:27 PM
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Hi there 'DICKIE'...

You say, 'roll on 2009' ostensibly an election will be called ? What about the election that will take place in a month or two ? Can you imagine for a moment, if the entire country is Labor ! Might as well close down the entire nation and move to...wherever ? By the way, I've retired from the coppers (after many years service), and can't begin to tell you what a 'crook' State Government can do by 'dragging down' a pretty good police force, and as a consequence, absolutely destroying morale etc etc...! I'm jolly glad I'm out of the job.

Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 9 September 2007 5:30:14 PM
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Greetings Sungwu

I agree, the Liberal government is more efficient at governing, particularly with the economy, but at what price?

I recently decided not to renew my Liberal party membership, due to a confict in ideologies.

After several years research I became opposed to the mining of uranium, and being the foolish, forthright being that I am, I understood that Liberal party meetings were a forum for debate. Not so, Sungwu. Those who want debate are viewed as the enemy and the subsequent defamatory remarks and whisperings revealed to me, that the party consists of a mob of sheep.

Some members had (prior to the meeting) informed me that they too were opposed to the mining of uranium and nuclear power (including a politician.) All voted "Yes" for uranium mining and nuclear!

I'd prefer to mix with lepers than liars!

Last year's Young Liberal's forum in Melbourne, saw the following policies released for publication:

1. The elderly must work until they're 70 before receiving an aged pension

2. The tobacco industry must be free to advertise their product

3. Man-made greenhouse gases are not responsible for climate change and no action is to be taken until there is undisputed proof.

Are today's young Liberals, tomorrow's Neo-Liberal leaders?

Therefore, Sungwu. I presently remain in the wilderness. I currently view both federal and state governments as disgraceful, for varying reasons so "I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't."

Any words of wit or wisdom?
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 9 September 2007 8:04:04 PM
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Might as well close down the entire nation and move to...wherever ?

Happy to provide the air fares.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 9 September 2007 8:22:10 PM
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Gee thanks Rainier

What sort of currency does your mob trade with? And what sort of air transport are you offering? Have your mob become inventors and suddenly discovered technology?
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 9 September 2007 8:30:38 PM
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Hi again - DICKIE...

Mate, I'm 'buggered' if I know ? Like you (and many millions of others, I suspect) I haven't a clue who I'll vote for. As you say, they're all such competent deceivers, it's a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

However, I will say that should any calamitous event ever strike our fair shores, somehow I'd feel a little more comfortable with a Liberal Government at the helm, steering us through it, than a Labor Goverenment,at the moment at least.

Though I dunno, look at the magnificent job Prime Minister John CURTIN did during WWll. He was a Labor gentleman, through and through ! Regrettably, men of his statue just don't come along all that often these days.

And the much lauded Sir Robert MENZIES, longest serving Liberal PM. Well personally, I wasn't a great fan of his either. Articulate, educated and a gifted orator, he may have been. But it would seem prima facie, he was more committed to serving Great Britian, and it's monarch, rather then Australia ?

I guess all you can do is cast a vote for the party that you believe will continue to propagate good economic policy and try to encourage positive steps, to combat climate change et al. And of course there's we gradually withdraw, as per Mr RUDD ? Or do we stay, 'til the jobs done' ? Apropos Mr HOWARD's position. Beats me, I must confess!

Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 9 September 2007 9:08:34 PM
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Is Mise
Thanks so much for asking about the person. I am not sure what you mean about the phone call. She was attacked many times and starved of food etc. The guys a pedophile. Regarding the calls I made four calls to arrange to get someone to take a statement... Each time they said- too busy call you back. After the fourth time I drove at night to the station and walked in and said –We are hearing to make a statement and we are not leaving until we do. Sounds good in theory but didn’t go over well with the big old station sergeant who is clearly over worked and under paid.
The answer was NO- but in less polite terms. There was a nice detective and he looked her name up in system to find there had been no entry of her calls and this was two weeks later. So she never was! On any waiting list. I took her again on Saturday as arranged with this extra nice detective doing it as a favor. He had an emergency but it’s down Tuesday. It is important you understand I am NOT complaing the police. They are over worked. I am complaining about the Labour Government failing to supply enough.
If they can’t run states how can they even think of taking control of the country/. This is not a pro Howard post either given his appalling record of Animal Welfare.
Again thanks for caring about this girl.

oSung wu Moral has been getting worse for many years. better offout of it., Good luck

Good comments
I agree Dickie we are buggered either way but the greens might get more power.
I guess I will have to stick with Howard but I dont like it. If we pull our troops out now we are really making a big mistake.
I guess I would rather shake the hand of a digger than fought for freedom than flee.
regardless of why we went we owe it to stay
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 9 September 2007 10:32:05 PM
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Too true, Sungwu

It was the silver tongued Menzies who insisted on continuing exports of pig iron to Japan where they were using it to make bombs for use against China and the West.

Perhaps Atomic John should heed the adage:

"Those who ignore the past, are forced to re-live it in the future."

I recall reading that Britain delayed the arrangement to detonate their atomic bombs on Australian soil, until Robert Menzies won office? So with Menzie's blessing, this nation was bombarded with nuclear explosions and fallout for some six years.

Oops....sorry PALE, there I go, still off topic!
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 9 September 2007 10:41:09 PM
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Has any thing been done for the woman yet, apart from your good efforts?
I agree that there are many good police and a lot of them are overworked.
Have you thought of approaching someone involved with the media?
Even a local paper can sometimes kick things along.
There are not to many who would put themselves out to help as you have.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 10 September 2007 10:35:45 PM
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dickie wrote about rainier,
"Have your mob become inventors and suddenly discovered technology?"
I ask this Dickie - ever been hit in the head by your own returning boomerang ?

on a more serious note, pressure is on everyone to meet some strange benchmark of efficiency - we have had our local senior nursing staff agressively questioned a couple of times by the operations centre dispatcher when they asked for an ambulance that was needed for an urgent bush hospital to city hospital transfer .

We hopefully, will change the Federal Government soon and if we can not get any sense of genuine hope and social cohesion from our new leader and his crew we will no doubt start changing the state governments too .
Posted by kartiya jim, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 11:26:08 PM
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Is Mise
So Sorry. I was out of posts fighting it out in the car park.
Your so kind. Thanks for asking.

Well it wasnt easy and if the old Sergant ever gets me I am sure to loose something but it was worth it.

One decent detective stepped in. its a long way to the top but we need people like him there.

He has had her in the station for a whole day and feels it will take another four. He said it was a bad case.

Because labour wont supply police he is doing it on two of his own roster off days- good bloke!

Hopefully this offender will spend time in goal

:"No thanks to labour".

Kartiya Jim
Mmm Well as you know labour look after Ambulances in their states. reading between the lines however your trying to tell me something.

I would be very happy to discuss this with you in more detail.

We have programes and new policy ideas that have already had the hard work done but labours advisors were too lazy and stupid to look at it.

If you have somebody in the background with half a mind for leadership you will have lots of support.

Why not email me through my site?

Dickie You are welcome on pales threads anytime to discuss anything. No apoligies required.

You come under the same standard as the lone detective- "A Few Good men'.

If you can spare the time come into the pale responds thread.

We need people to "stay focused on the Animals."!

You may even get a laugh out of it.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 13 September 2007 8:27:56 AM
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PALEIF: "We need people to 'stay focused on the Animals.'!"

Good idea. Why don't you try it sometime?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 13 September 2007 9:02:08 AM
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You have trolled pale posts from thread to thread for months
I suggest that you mind your own business.
You ?
What do you do?
Judging by your ongoing comments you have little compassion for Animals.
Even less for this country after your discusting remarks on the poem about our National Flag.
As we have told you before pale is simply a bunch of ordinary everyday people who get out their most weekends delivering feed and organisaing all sorts of help for farmers and animals.
Nobody is paid.
You seem to have a good knowledge of PETA and other groups.
I am inclined to be looking your way and I suggest to you your attempts to discredit these good people will be exposed for what they are.
I have let you get away with clear breaches of OLO rules
It wont happen again.

We are wanting nothing more than to be left alone to post about the cruelty of live Animal Exports and Intensive Farming of Farm Animals.

You clearly have an agenda to stop our work having barged in on EVERY thread causing trouble and making snide remarks
Do something "yourself" for the animals we dont have to do anything- We choose to
Get a life!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 13 September 2007 8:25:16 PM
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Politicians argue about what government is doing, has done, or should be doing, or what government should NOT....

Policiticians - government and or opposition, propose as solution there needs to be an enquiry upon...

Frequently just arguing for sake of arguing, and so that these protestations might let them get to be in charge, or keep in charge, of the government bus.

Expect this will continue until voters, the electorate, is capable of endorsing issues to be presented for voting upon.

When our voters, the electorate, those holding Sovereign Power in Australia, can independantly through a public process arrange for issues to be presented to be voted upon, then we may see more honest debate of substance about issues.

Until then is mostly arguement about who is in charge of the government truck...

Citizen Initiated Legislation works well enough elsewhere.

Rather than focus on particular issues, each important, IMHO we need focus more on what process particular issues need pass through to be placed upon the ballot paper.

Issues likely to appear upon ballot paper will be addressed far more seriously... politicians everywhere prefer the electorate to be satisfied with their solution, than they policiticans be restrained by CILs
Posted by polpak, Thursday, 20 September 2007 5:49:56 PM
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If you want the real truth Labor people are not Bible people. Despite Kevin Rudd trying to push himself off as a christian, other Labor folk trying to do the same, the fact is they arent.
Would there be a committed Labor man or woman in the whole of the land who does daily bible study, daily prayer, weekly fellowship with other committed christians or who witnesses for Jesus Christ as The Lord leads? Not a sausage. If you know one tell me. The reality is Labor people are not Godly Bible people; and do not have much heart for folk beyond their own party beliefs... which to me seems still very communist even though the Berlin Wall is down some many years. The Labor heart to me is cold for the common people of Australia so police strengths are not any major priority. Maybe Labors real hidden priority is to somehow, someday set up a situation to allow the old communist flag/flame to loop around in a different way, but back the same anyway? Love for the people, by Labor people, is a real hard to thing discern.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 22 September 2007 4:19:07 PM
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Do you People Against Live Exports ever do anything in the area of farmers abusing dogs etc.? Animal cruelty was really offensive when I worked on a property south of Warwick QLD back in the late 1980's. The guy and his defacto used to drown the unwanted pups. They didnt bother to find loving homes, just drowned them in the sink or whatever. Ive had an intense dislike for farmers practices ever since. The guy starved his dogs with some mythical belief that if you gave them a wholesome meal they wouldnt pull their weight out with the sheep. It was all very "Deliverance" in that part of QLD.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 22 September 2007 6:39:54 PM
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Sorry I didnt see your post earlier - Thanks for your interesting comments.
Gibo-you put it pretty well about labour.
As to your question re dogs. We have ben working on a project to get some Animal Welfare into Aboriginal and regional areas but we are not a huge organisation and we must wait to see if we can get it off the ground.
We would love to visit each farm at least twice a year.
We are doing a bit on live export of dogs that are cooked alive for humam consumption.
Its hard to beleive the cruelty inflicted on our Animals.
I still can not comprehend it.
Thanks for caring Gibo
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 22 September 2007 11:56:05 PM
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