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The person who was murdered called on the emergency line.
There were sixty five before her.

The Labour State Government are trying hard to cover that up.

They are saying it was a mis- judgement rather than we are in crisis.

Four of Wendys friends whom I have met at BBQS have left the force because the work load and the preshure working under staffed is too great which in turn makes it also very dangerous.

It is labours fault this women she is dead not the poor police who responded as soon as they could which was three hours later.

Even the Police Commissoner went on air agreeing she was dead because it took too long.

There is no debate about that issue.

He tried to cover up the fact that they had another sixty jobs on and no way of responding by putting it back to the operator who took the call.

Your compassion and concern for the victim mentioned above is a true labour response.

That was not QLD but NSW however yet again! another police station in utter crisis.

No concern from you noted that the police were so under staffed they had no time to arrest and child rapist

Amazing truely amazing.

Take a good look at a real labour man everybody.

Our police do a wonderful job.

How dare you blame Labours lack of supplying enough police to protect our familes at the feet of these over worked brave wonderful men and women of the Police Force.

No wonder the police tell us they have no time to enforce Animal Welfare laws.

The labour Government should hang their hands in shame for the lack of hospital care , Drs and police in their Labour States.

There cant run their states but want us to entrust them with the country.
ON top of that he will offend America leaving us without our closest friend in such trying times.
We need our old friends of 90 years more than ever now along with our police.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 6 September 2007 9:59:30 PM
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Pale take a breath ,think this is a test I will be judged on what I write.
Now I will let you in on a small part of my life away from work and OLO.
I am a ham radio operator have spent a lifetime of volunteering as a radio operator and rescue squad member road that is.
I support all police, most of them are truly committed to the job.
I have been the voice behind the mike in some of our biggest sporting events in this area.
including national events, next weekend is booked solid.
My roll is emergency response right down to I need more bananas.
So I must put every call in its right place in line.
Do you think every waiting call was more important than that one?
Do you think if say 20 more police had been around that night the call would have been given priority?
Can you be sure?
Have you stood in the rain just 2 steps away from 3 dead people in a smashed car and watch 6 police stunned just like you fail to answer the police radio calling them for an hour?
And do you know of any police area that is not calling for more police?
How pale do we pay for them? yes you say we are over taxed and we are see the massive federal governments money box.
But ten thousand times ten thousand want it spent on them.
Have you pale heard the very lonely call police just so they have someone to talk too?
know about the false alarms?
pale of most importance are the insults and views here those of pale? including your reference to the ALP?
It may well be time for pale to review the issue, is this the way to sell your group?
is the organization about animal welfare or every issue?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 7 September 2007 7:50:10 AM
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It appears that the same problems are occurring in every state. One must be reminded that every state is also governed by Labor.

WA public services have deteriorated to rock bottom standards. The police are overworked and rural police stations are closing, leaving country people stranded, to appease the city folk. These city folk are extremely nervous over the increased crime rates in their suburbs.

And the Labor government are allowing the early release of recidivist criminals, to re-enter the booming criminal industry.

Everything is a mess including health and education.

The Labor treasury is bloated with cash while Ministers continue with their pathetic excuses over constant catastrophes!

And while police, health and education services are failing the public, the last 12 months has seen a 20% increase in public service fat cats receiving over $150,000/pa.

"Superstar", Neale Fong, Head of Health, commenced his new position with a salary fit for a celebrity and in excess of $500,000.

Labor's managed to stuff up every public service in the state including the mismanagement of the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC).

Only last night, with the release of a parliamentary report into the lead poisoning of a town in WA, the Acting Chairman on behalf of the Committee said:

“There were major failings in DEC’s industry regulation function and shortcomings in OTHER regulatory agencies.

These regulatory failures, combined with the irresponsible and possibly unlawful conduct of the Esperance Port Authority, Magellan Metals Pty Ltd, and BIS Industrial Logistics, exposed workers and the community to unacceptable and avoidable health and environmental risks."

We are now witnessing a repeat of the WA Inc.days of the incompetent Labor government in the 80's when the Labor Premier of the State was reduced to cooling his heals in prison.

Ah...yes, I am reminded that "the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it!" Roll on 2009 election day!
Posted by dickie, Friday, 7 September 2007 11:16:30 AM
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How could the unfortunate woman have been helped?

How soon after the phone call was she slain?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 September 2007 2:37:27 PM
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Hi there 'DICKIE'...

You say, 'roll on 2009' ostensibly an election will be called ? What about the election that will take place in a month or two ? Can you imagine for a moment, if the entire country is Labor ! Might as well close down the entire nation and move to...wherever ? By the way, I've retired from the coppers (after many years service), and can't begin to tell you what a 'crook' State Government can do by 'dragging down' a pretty good police force, and as a consequence, absolutely destroying morale etc etc...! I'm jolly glad I'm out of the job.

Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 9 September 2007 5:30:14 PM
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Greetings Sungwu

I agree, the Liberal government is more efficient at governing, particularly with the economy, but at what price?

I recently decided not to renew my Liberal party membership, due to a confict in ideologies.

After several years research I became opposed to the mining of uranium, and being the foolish, forthright being that I am, I understood that Liberal party meetings were a forum for debate. Not so, Sungwu. Those who want debate are viewed as the enemy and the subsequent defamatory remarks and whisperings revealed to me, that the party consists of a mob of sheep.

Some members had (prior to the meeting) informed me that they too were opposed to the mining of uranium and nuclear power (including a politician.) All voted "Yes" for uranium mining and nuclear!

I'd prefer to mix with lepers than liars!

Last year's Young Liberal's forum in Melbourne, saw the following policies released for publication:

1. The elderly must work until they're 70 before receiving an aged pension

2. The tobacco industry must be free to advertise their product

3. Man-made greenhouse gases are not responsible for climate change and no action is to be taken until there is undisputed proof.

Are today's young Liberals, tomorrow's Neo-Liberal leaders?

Therefore, Sungwu. I presently remain in the wilderness. I currently view both federal and state governments as disgraceful, for varying reasons so "I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't."

Any words of wit or wisdom?
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 9 September 2007 8:04:04 PM
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