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CCP Hacking
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 February 2022 6:34:31 PM
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Yes so it is, but what does the letter "H" have to do with the words go and to? Did you want to say ho, ho, ho. BTW "W" is next to "Q" on the keyboard if that helps. "next to each next to each" what kind of English is that? Are you on drugs? Do you have a stutter problem? People in glass houses.... One topic you called AUSTRALIA and another POST. Did you want to discuss AUSTRALIA POST? Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 1 February 2022 8:11:52 PM
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Well Indy
ttbn was the first to have a go, only paying him back, but you won't see that. Oh, no longer with the racists slur for me, the "Concrete Jungle Bunny" you've added to it. Stick with the CJB much shorter. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 1 February 2022 8:26:57 PM
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Bunnies may be a little naive but they're cute & really don't deserve to be lowered to the same level as village idiot anarchists !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 1 February 2022 9:06:53 PM
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Hackathons aren't just a Chinese thing.
Google runs them as does many large tech companies. - Don't kid yourself that the West doesn't do exactly the same stuff ttbn Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 1 February 2022 11:31:02 PM
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Thanks ttbn for discussing an important issue- and think you have a good point in this case. Don't let others distract you from your point.
I'm also concerned at the thought of the CCP owned Huawei spending money to follow students around via their phones in the UK. Sounds like the CCP are pressure testing UK network security. Sometimes an internal attack is easier than external- this implies perhaps that the UK Departments are at least partially effective- perhaps. Maybe the UK Depts should sponsor a way for drones to track senior CCP. Some hacking (and cracking) attempts are pretty easy to understand once they're explained. Thinkabit seems to know more than I- however- some have a vested interest in making it mysterious. Often "variations on a theme" seem to enable crackers to crack a computer system exploiting "lists of known vulnerabilities"- especially on systems that have outdated patching. There are several well documented cracks such as the Heartbleed crack Another interesting computer attack is the "little bobby tables/ database injection" hack. The solution in this case is to check the database inputs before database entry Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 2 February 2022 3:19:29 AM
G & H are next to each next to each other on my keyboard. That's a typo, nothing like your poor literacy skills. You can't even manage to take the piss properly. Keep trying.