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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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Have you been visiting the two convicted green paedophiles in prison? or does it bring back bad memories?

Secondly, none of your posts are logical and you usually confuse your opinion with facts or you cherry-pick BS from such as the Dank Emu.

PS your spelling is incompetent as usual.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 27 August 2021 9:51:14 AM
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shadow minister,

People have their own styles of posting and
they don't usually let anyone try to shame them with
their rules. Your example is that you put "liar" at the
end of names - so you can't really criticize others
for the way they post
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 10:22:24 AM
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I agree with you on Gandhi, where we seem to differ is that I think that he used the potential for violence and the actual British violence for his own ends laudable as 9those ends were.
The Salt March is a good example; Gandhi would have known that such an act of defiance would be 99% likely to end in violence which he could use against the British.

Two things about life in Dorset for the ordinary person, lots of the men joined the navy, it was an easier life and during the Irish famine the unfortunates who made it from there to Britain would not go into Dorset as they were looking for a better life.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 27 August 2021 3:36:27 PM
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Hi Issy,

With the 'Salt March' it was a act of defiance, and Gandhi was not the instigator of violence, that was the choice of the British. Throughout his life Gandhi deplored violence. He attempted to unit both Hindu and Muslim, but unfortunately violence between the two groups broke out and Gandhi eventually paid with his own life.

I don't know if it was a great choice to join the British Navy, in Cooks time on board ship was often a death sentence, if several other things didn't get you scurvy was the big killer. Many sailors had no choice they were press ganged into service.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 27 August 2021 9:04:45 PM
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Hi Foxy,

This bloke has made 100 and more references on the forum to paedophiles. He is fixated with the subject, the bloke inferred I was a paedophile, (post deleted), he called the Greens MLC in NSW David Shoebridge a paedophile, (post deleted). Disappointingly the moderator took little action, other than deleting a couple of posts. He had assured me in the past he had "zero" tolerance for such behaviour, yet to be seen, but maybe that was for those of us of the left. Incidentally he gave me a month suspension for calling another poster an "Islamophobe", I expect that on here. I don't claim to be a goody two shoes when it comes to posting, far from it, I attack politicians, particularly conservative ones, and if I see racists comments posted I'll call the poster a racists or like, but I don't stoop to the level of this bloke with that kind of sick comment. Anyway I doubt I'd get away with it, like some.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 28 August 2021 8:02:09 AM
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Dear Paul,

The saying about "sticks and stones..." is not exactly
true. Names do hurt. Words do hurt. And we do retaliate
with kind and lose it at times. There's no excuse for
attacking people personally or giving them names and
labels. I guess this is easy to do for all of us
when the forum is anonymous - and people
can say things that hopefully they wouldn't say

I was taught to believe that if anyone has to stoop to
personal attacks - they've lost the argument.

I love reading your posts. They often make me
laugh out loud

As for Shadow Minister? I'm trying to understand him and
what prompts him to go off at times. The same goes for
Canum Malum - and ttbn.

They are posters who can surprise me at times
by their well reasoned posts. I have learned a
great deal from each of them and hopefully will continue
to do so.

I believe that there should be room on this
forum for diverse political views and that we can learn
from each other if we keep an open mind.
But I do strongly object to personal
attacks. And I admit that I have been guilty of them
as well.

All we can do is try to rise about it - and try to go
with the "better angels" of our natures.

Stay healthy.
Stay safe.

PS: Today would have been my mum's 100th Birthday.
She passed away 4 years ago. I'm going to light a candle for
her and say a few prayers.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 August 2021 8:54:41 AM
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