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Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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shonkyminister didn't you say you were in Christchurch NZ? What are you doing there, visiting the murderous far right white susprimists Brenton Tarrant in jail?

All I have said about indigenous people is based on factual reading, logic and experience. It easy to see what motives YOUR thinking, its certainly not education.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 8:47:20 PM
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When, in my youth, I spent an all too brief time with truly tribal Aboriginies , they were very healthy, nary even a sniffle amongst them,, they wore virtually no clothes and the eldest of them seemed to be quite old.
I wish I’d asked how old they were but one didn’t ask such questions.
Those of the group who had never seen a white person before were intrigued by the contrast between the suntanned bits and the white of the rest of my body when I stripped off.
Incidentally they didn’t understand sun burn as we do because of never being covered up.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 10:13:40 AM
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Hi Issy,

You are observant. absolutely, deadly disease were unknown to indigenous people pre colonisation, that's why when such were introduced by Europeans, Aboriginals had no immune defence. By 1788 small pox was still a serious disease among the European colonists, but rarely fatal, for Aboriginals around Sydney Cove it proved to be 90% deadly in 1790. The notion that Aboriginals were desert dwellers just eking out a subsistence living is a long way from the truth. The majority of Aboriginals inhabited the coastal and fertile regions with decent rainfall and a plentiful food supply. My own reading and learning in Sydney and now Moreton Bay, I'm jealous of the amount and verity of foods available, and the abundant fresh water supply indigenous people enjoyed. Even today when we travel to Aotearoa for an event the kai presented at the obligatory feast is unbelievable, seafood, from lobsters and crayfish, shellfish of all kinds, paua, oysters etc, all obtained free from traditional Maori fishing grounds. Good to be an 'Old Fart' we get to sit at the "main table" where only the best is served. Last time over there I recall saying how I was partial to the fresh crayfish, a blink and a nod from cuzzy bro and next thing I knew there were another 2 lobsters and 6 large crayfish in front of us. The Maori people have always fed us well every time we've been there.

p/s Not big on rotten corn or kina.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 6:46:25 PM
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Good Morning,

This discussion has gone on for far longer that
I ever expected. It's been interesting and
I am pleased that we're able to read various
views. I look forward to our next discussion.
May we continue to be respectful towards each
may we continue to talk to each other.

Wishing you all good health.
Stay safe.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 August 2021 7:35:28 AM
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Thanks for that and the same good wishes to you and your’s.

My English ancestors came from Dorset and their village, Stoutpaine featured in the London Illustrated News of 5th Sept 1846 as an example of poverty, filth, immorality, rotten housing etc.
Labourers in the fields, both men and women, would work naked to save their only set of clothing and hide or lay down at the approach of a stranger.

They prospered in NSW.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 26 August 2021 9:40:09 AM
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Hi Issy,

We read about the Cook's and the Clive's of the Empire, the top 1%, but we hear little of the ordinary folk who lived in abject poverty. They may have not known it at the time, but for many convicts transportation to NSW was like winning the lottery in comparison to the conditions from where they came. One of the problems Phillip had was the lack of rudimentary skills among the convict class, the soldiers were no better, they almost starved to death, with an abundance of native food all around them. There are accounts that local Aboriginals played a big part in keeping the early colony going by suppling or trading fish etc with the Europeans. Given the choice, would you rather have been one of the poor of Stoutpaine or a native of Tahiti in those times.

One of the great myths of empire, is the terrible lot of the native savage pre colonisation. I don't believe that for a minute, nor do I believe the average native anywhere was overall advantaged by colonisation.

Issy, read that book on Gandhi, it reinforced my belief that Gandhi was the greatest individual for good during the 20th century. Gandhi was never awarded the Nobel Peace prize, says more about society than Gandhi. If you don't agree with me, can you throw up a name that you believe surpasses that of Gandhi. Please don't say Hitler, as I agree Hitler was the most influential person of the 20th century, but not for good. Christ in my view is the most influential person of all times.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 27 August 2021 6:54:13 AM
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