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Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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Hi Foxy,

My wife who occasionally reads my comments and others, on the Forum for a laugh. She refuses to post anything herself. She tells me to STOP responding to that nut case shadowminister, "the guys some kind of fruit cake, can't you see that". According to her if I keep responding to the nut job, then people will think I'm in the same club. The wife said; "its like as if you're pen pals with Dolly Dunn. No matter what the subject is all this guy talks about is paedophiles, don't it tell you anything" I think I see what she means, so no more responding to this rubbish for me.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 30 August 2021 5:59:29 AM
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Dear Paul,

Your wife is probably concerned about the stress
all this is causing you. My husband gives me the
same sort of advice when he sees that certain posters
are upsetting me. He tells me to just not respond to
them. Scroll past their posts when you see who's doing
the posting. Just ignore them.

But that's not always an easy thing to do.
I often think - Heck, I've tried to be polite all of my life.
I was raised not to rock the boat - to fit in, to keep my
mouth shut. Now I think - NO - on all of that - if I can't
say what I think at my age - when will I be able to do it?

I do still try not to respond - and I know the advice
given is good. So instead I try to see things from the
other's point of view - and what it is that's causing them
to behave that way. I try to understand their motives.

My husband tells me not to provoke people to start of with.
Which again sometimes the temptation is just too great.

None of us are perfect. And posting on this forum is a
learning experience. We often can't change the behaviour
of other people. But we can change our own. Or at
least try. Oh God - now I'm beginning to sound like
my dad.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 August 2021 8:20:59 AM
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Firstly, time zones!!

Secondly, it took 10 seconds to google "green paedophile" and you instantly get a flood of greens around the world involved to some extent in paedophilia. A coincidence? I think not.

As for your wife, she married the nut job.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:06:47 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Te made the point, you don't know this guy, what if the cops bust him for you know what and check his computer and see he's been talking with YOU. Next thing you know the cops are around here taking your laptop for a look see. Te said it would be like communicating with some guy who wants to talk about bomb making all the time. I was treating the bloke as a joke, but the wife has turned the light on.

Watch, he'll be back with the same nonsense at his next post.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:16:02 AM
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Dear Paul,

Take your wife's advice.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:22:59 AM
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If you have been talking to Johnathan Doig, you should be worried about what is on your computer.


Pauliar's propensity to hurl insults then cry continuously when it is served back is the problem.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:56:27 AM
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