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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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shadow minister,

I use logic and research.
It's not complicated.
And it's fun.
Besides I've also worked in
institutions of learning and
in museums and National, State and Parliamentary,
and University libraries
which has helped. Plus done research for
MPs, Post Grads, and Community leaders.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 22 August 2021 4:22:49 PM
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The problem with your statement is that is so non-specific as to be bereft of any value.

For example, which indigenous and when? And where and which European demographic are you comparing them to?

Thus I can assume that you have no idea as to the life expectancy of indigenous at about the time of Cook's arrival.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 23 August 2021 4:22:28 AM
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Hi Foxy, I don't know why we engage with the pompous Wally, but he is of menial entertainment value, when he's not getting his rocks off with the use of the "P" word.

I've got to give it to shonkyminister. he charged that I, "From your grammar and spelling, you probably don't know any teachers." then in his last post this gem;

"The problem with your statement is that is so non-specific" Proper grammar would see IT before the second IS. Turkey, the only thing that is bereft is your brain. It obvious you never had any teachers.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 23 August 2021 6:54:53 AM
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shadow minister,

Logic dictates that our Indigenous people would
have been much healthier prior to colonialisation
which introduced them to disease, alcohol and
other evils. Also compare our Indigenous to the
slums and habitats of London, the sewerage floating
in the Thames, and you should realize that there
would be no comparison with the way people lived
her to the way they lived in the rat-infested cities
that the colonials came from.

A visit to libraries and museums and a study of
history might get you off your high-horse and in
touch with some facts - of which your statements have
thus far been bereft.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 August 2021 10:04:10 AM
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Dear Paul,

I admire your patience and integrity.
It is getting tedious trying to have
conversations with some people who
simply refuse to see the bigger picture.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 August 2021 10:06:55 AM
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Now I know that you are just making this up.

Before colonisation, there was little to no indigenous sanitation and on top of it, there would have been frequent lethal clashes with other tribes which is typical of all tribally based systems.

So logic does not dictate the increased longevity of indigenous tribes.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 23 August 2021 10:42:05 AM
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