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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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Is Mise,

If I was wrong I would admit it.

However, virtually all of the information that my
friends and colleagues have given me comes from
reliable sources including the actual lived
experiences of their families and relatives.
Their information passes the test of academic

Their views represent a very shameful period of
British history.

IOn the other hand I thin your friends are either
being polite to you or are suffering from
historical amnesia about the time of the Empire.

Why isn't the history of British colonialism
taught in British schools?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 August 2021 6:38:14 PM
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cont'd ...

Is Mise,

This one's for you:

Let's be kind to the mixed modern Brits
It's not their fault that colonialism became unfit
Coming to an inglorious end
'Cause greed and poverty did not blend.

People suffered under British rule
And denying them justice was simply not cool
But hey, there were some good things to be had
Not everything was really bad

There were the perks of Shepherd's Pie
And Toad In The Hole just made one sigh
Today we have people who want to belong
But "Rule Britannia" is not their song!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 August 2021 6:49:26 PM
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I have no desire to continue this discussion; backing you into a corner and watching you squirm has become, frankly, rather boring.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 15 August 2021 8:39:15 PM
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Hi Issy,

How about a comment on the English/Irish. If anyone got a bad deal from the English it was the Irish......or was it the Scots, Welsh, Native Americans, Native Africans, Native Australians, Native Anybody, Chinese, Indians, Zulu's, Maori, other Poms, etc etc. I was going to say at least the Eskimos were left alone, but then I found out in Canada even the Eskimos got a bad deal from the Poms. I actually can't find anyone who got a good deal from those bloody Poms!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 16 August 2021 6:03:51 AM
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Is Mise,

I'm not the one being backed into a corner
old chap. You're doing that to yourself
without any help. Why is it that in London,
a world capital of museums - don't they even
have a Museum of British colonialism?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 16 August 2021 9:59:49 AM
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Ho hum.

The Irish experience, or as Patrick O’Farrel so delightfully put it in the title of his book ‘Ireland’s English Problem’ was typical but it had its positive aspects.
Once Irishmen got into the British Parliament Britain started seriously on the road to democracy and the Irish influence on the British is reflected in our own country.

The Brits were far from perfect but thiiey made improvements wherever they went, even in Australia where they introduced cloth to the locals and Indigenous Australian hunters have long preferred the British Le-Enfield .303 rifle to their traditional spears.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 16 August 2021 11:12:36 AM
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