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Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?
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Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 14 August 2021 7:24:20 PM
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Dear Paul,
I posted the links in the wrong order by mistake. Here's the rest of them: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 14 August 2021 7:33:41 PM
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cont'd ...
Two more corrections: That's it. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 14 August 2021 7:41:12 PM
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Most interesting but your friends, whom you say lived under the Raj must have been rather aged apart from being lucky to have had the opportunity to learn English and thus migrate to Australia. And in those dim dark ages of yore, under the White Australia Policy, I suspect that they would have been light of hue, probably Anglo-Indians trading on their British ancestry Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 14 August 2021 9:15:34 PM
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Thanks Foxy I'll have a read.
Issy I recall an Egyptian family who lived in a large house near us. He had been a merchant with the Suez Canal working for the British, Nazzah kicked them out, and froze much of their assets. When Mum ask her, how are you finding life in Australia, she said; "The house is small, and the housework is hard, I have no servants". I believe they came to Australia on British passports from Malta. Nice people. p/s I think Mum offered her a couple of our servants to help out. Bloody hell, I wasn't cutting their lawn! Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 15 August 2021 6:14:35 AM
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Is Mise,
You asked me: "How many of the Indians were old enough to remember British rule in India?" To which I replied: "All of them!" No. I did not say that my friends LIVED under the Raj. There are many ways to learn about history - including from those who had lived it - such as family members. And from doing research. The assumptions you made and carried on about were your own. And were wrong. And you're still harping on about. Move on. What any of us believe - history is clear on the facts. And whether any of us choose to accept the facts or not does not make one iota of difference. You're entitled to your opinion - but not your facts. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 August 2021 10:38:11 AM
Dear Paul,
Here's what the UK Government Archives have to say
in an overview of the British Empire: