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Holocaust Remembrance Day
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 15 April 2021 4:58:13 PM
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This is from a Jewish newspaper and also from people who
were there: Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 7:35:10 PM
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Dear mhaze,
You seem intent on shooting yourself in the foot. If Queensland were to cede from the rest of Australia and become an independent country they would likely still proudly see themselves as Queenslanders. Sicilians are Italian but it does not take independence from Italy before that becomes a legitimate identification. Palestinians were given that delineation from the rest of the region in 1925 with the national laws that were enacted. Prior to that the name of Palestine has a history going back over 2,000 years. The Histories of Herodotus in the 5th century BCE used the term. What we now know as the Dead Sea was called the Lake of Palestine by Aristotle. The inhabitants of the land of Palestine embraced many religions and to dismiss their identification as Palestinians because they are not a coherent ethnic group is bewildering coming from a so called Australian. Dear Yuyutsu, I am prepared to consider your perspective about the claims of rape but the rest runs completely counter to the evidence and the testimonies procured by the documentary maker from the Haaretz story. I have little doubt your version is also dramatically influenced by one of the world's most effective State propaganda machinery in existence. Dear Cherful, What a completely biased and one eyed perspective. What of the multitude and extent of terror attacks from Israel against the Palestinian people? These are an occupied people resisting that occupation with the quite rudimentary means available to them. Do you give that struggle any legitimacy at all? Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 15 April 2021 9:25:33 PM
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Dear Foxy and SteeleRedux,
What you say demonstrates that the operation in Deir Yassin was successful: The operation had two objectives: 1. To open the road to Jerusalem. 2. To empty the country of its Arab population. However, one objective they obviously did not have, was to look good in the eyes of the world and future generations. Insofar as it was necessary to achieve the first objective, fighters and their helpers were killed and the houses from which they operated blown up. Sadly, some unfortunate innocent people were also killed as a result of being in these houses. To achieve the second objective, they staged the atrocities. Yes, they used some of the dead bodies for that purpose. They wanted to be seen as ruthless savage monsters, capable of anything. The "Left witnesses" believed them. Haaretz believed them. You believe them. Fair enough, all that mattered to them, was that the local Arabs believed them too, fled their homes and thus Israel could be created and its Jewish population saved from another holocaust. You don't have to like what they did, you don't have to agree with their second objective, or even the first, you may curse them for the rest of your life, yet their grandchildren are still alive and flourish as a result. BTW, it is this same mentality of saying "never again" to the holocaust, which made Israel grab and hoard these vast amounts of COVID vaccines. We may be enraged that we, and most of the world, cannot get vaccines (or only poor-grade ones) while they already secured 4 Pfizer doses per person for next year (plus a vast stock of Moderna), over and above their current vaccination round. You may be angry and curse them, yet COVID-19 is dying off in Israel: the virus listens to the vaccine rather than to your sentiments. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 15 April 2021 10:18:36 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
With respect mate that is inane. Why would documents which had been hidden in the archives have been written to scare away Arabs who would not have been privy to them? Why would the commander be relating to a documentary maker in 2009 a few weeks before his death be saying things like: “I won’t tell you that we were there with kid gloves on. House after house ... we’re putting in explosives and they are running away. An explosion and move on, an explosion and move on and within a few hours, half the village isn’t there any more” “Our guys made a number of mistakes there that made me angry. Why did they do that?” he said. “They took dead people, piled them up and burned them. There began to be a stink. This is not so simple.” And this from Yair Tsaban, a former Meretz MK and government minister, related in his interview with Shoshani Quote he was sent with fellow members of the Youth Brigades to bury the corpses of the dead. “The rationale was that the Red Cross was liable to show up at any moment and it was necessary to blur the traces [of the killings] because publication of pictures and testimonies about what had happened in the village would be very damaging to the image of our War of Independence,” he said. “I saw a fair number of corpses,” he added. “I don’t remember encountering the corpse of a fighting man. Not at all. I remember mostly women and old men.” Tsaban testified that he saw inhabitants shot in the back and dismissed the claims of some of participants in the action that the locals had been hit in exchanges of fire. “An old man and a woman, sitting in the corner of a room with their faces to the wall, and they are shot in the back,” he recalled. “That cannot have been in the heat of battle. No way.” End quote. Rather than show anything they were trying to hide it. You sire are speaking through your hat. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 15 April 2021 10:41:58 PM
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As to this:
"BTW, it is this same mentality of saying "never again" to the holocaust, which made Israel grab and hoard these vast amounts of COVID vaccines. We may be enraged that we, and most of the world, cannot get vaccines (or only poor-grade ones) while they already secured 4 Pfizer doses per person for next year (plus a vast stock of Moderna), over and above their current vaccination round. You may be angry and curse them, yet COVID-19 is dying off in Israel: the virus listens to the vaccine rather than to your sentiments." This is a stab at modern day persecution complex? Who is criticizing them. Not either of us. Israel got hit hard by by the virus. Hoard away, but also deal with the population you have under occupation with the stewardship required. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 15 April 2021 10:45:24 PM
Please allow me to settle some facts about Deir Yassin, as I personally heard from people who were there:
Mhaze is perfectly correct: Deir Yassin could better be described as a Western Arab suburb of Jerusalem, on a hill that overlooked the only road in/out Western Jerusalem. The locals there shot the traffic below, effectively blockading the city and starving its population.
The battle to take over Deir Yassin was conducted by the "Irgun". Only fighters were killed, only houses from which the troops were fired on were blown up and the possibility of rapes is laughable: understanding the mentality at the time, no Jewish/Israeli man could possibly have the slightest sexual attraction toward Arab women any more than they would toward a camel with lice.
Nevertheless, the Irgun played that tactic card brilliantly and planted agents among the fleeing Arabs who encouraged them to spread horrific rumours about what supposedly happened there, including "rape". As a result of these false rumours, 100,000's of local Arabs across Israel panicked and fled their homes to end up as refugees. Had they remained, Israel might have lost the war, never came to exist and had its population massacred, likely raped too beforehand.