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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Andrew Laming Resign?

Should Andrew Laming Resign?

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Dear mhaze,

Well that got a chuckle.

Mate you always talk about me rather than to me when your cupboard is bare which is fine. You always seem to still show have bereft your logic is when you come up with gems like this:

"There's no evidence either way as to whether Alix Russo was pocketing some of the takings from the Night Ninjas. She says no but offers no proof. He suggested yes but offered no proof."

Which could just as easily be written as:

'There's no evidence either way as to whether mhaze was beating his wife. He says no but offers no proof. He suggested yes but offered no proof.'

Still a Muppet mate.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 31 March 2021 10:41:01 PM
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Steele I couldn't agree more, mhaze is the forums biggest Muppet, sorry is that ttbn, no it could be ALTRAV, no matter it might be a triple dead-heat. You would think with the law of averages mhaze would get something right, sometime, unfortunately not, the old bloke gets it wrong every time. No matter what the discussion is mhaze can be relied upon to be wrong, be it a discussion on Trump, climate change the pandemic, whatever, MHAZE IS ALWAY WRONG!

BTW mhaze they just berried SWEDEN, the country you claimed was the shining light of pandemic control. Well SWEDEN snuff it, its 6 foot under and all that, did you send flowers? Moving on how's your Trumpster's re-election going? More than 3 days have passed and there's no sign of him rising from the political grave. When can we expect the second coming of your Messiah?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 1 April 2021 4:51:16 AM
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SR wrote:"'There's no evidence either way as to whether mhaze was beating his wife. He says no but offers no proof. He suggested yes but offered no proof.'"

Well an impartial independent and fair-minded observer would then say that since there is no evidence either way, they'll remain neutral. A bozo (no names mind you but her initials are SR) would say, I don't care about evidence and will disparage anyone who does.
(BTW my wife is quite conventional and still goes by the pronoun She.)

The way this is presented is that the questioning of Russo came out of the blue. Inquiring minds might like to find the background to the dispute. That its not being made available to the public is another red flag that there's more than meets the eye.


Still here? You normally piss off for a few days when I point out your misogyny.

Was Sweden straw-berried or rasp-berried? Perhaps the famous Swedish Blue-berry.


"The man has a long
history of his constituents complaining about
online abuse, not counting the recent allegations
against him."

Well they kept electing him so I suspect there were a few that were not complaining. But they don't count.

" I feel sorry for his family."

Fret not dear Foxy. With his parliamentary pension his family are well placed. I see his wife is rather supportive - perhaps she knows the background to the disputes. As to the man, well he has a lot to fall back on being an ophthalmologist, obstetrician and gynaecologist - the sort of person we want out of parliament. Perhaps he'll go back into practice.

Or perhaps he'll return to taking his services to remote aboriginal communities (where REAL misogyny thrives) like he did in his pre-parliamentary life. As we know, all misogynistic bastards devote their time to helping remote tribes!!

Or he might continue to display his misogyny by taking up the campaign again to help abortion procedures like he did in the RU486 issue.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 1 April 2021 7:05:21 AM
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Don't worry about Laming resigning. Some if you posters should resign from OLO; you are getting more boring with each predictable comment.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 1 April 2021 7:39:05 AM
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