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The Forum > General Discussion > Make heroes less necessary

Make heroes less necessary

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Of course the United States could have won in Vietnam. The US could have nuked Hanoi. What was left of North Vietnam would have then sued for peace. As it was they didn't, and I am glad of that.
Posted by david f, Monday, 19 October 2020 3:05:10 PM
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david f,

You sound like a mathematician:

"Give 'em a good old nukin' boys. That'll fix the bastards!'

david f - Mr Diplomacy.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 19 October 2020 3:24:47 PM
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public school system which teaches critical thinking and encourages questioning.
david f,
Well, looks like we have to wait for the international borders to open so we can get suitably qualified teachers in.
Posted by individual, Monday, 19 October 2020 10:54:19 PM
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Yes, and Scotty and the boys are trying their hardest to force the borders open so that they can start bringing those millions of cashed up Chinese migrants into the country we need to kick start the economy, coronavirus and all.

And, before I forget ...... A big Aussie "Ni hao mate!" to you too.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 October 2020 7:45:47 AM
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Hi there INDIVIDUAL...

I couldn't agree more with you. National Service instilled some much needed moral as well as some social responsibility into many of these young blokes who were required to do their National Service for two years. If you were a conscious objector, like some were, the Medical Corps was more than happy to accommodate their beliefs.

As a retired copper, I strongly believe, if we had some form of mandatory National Service, not necessarily military if the candidate was morally against military service, but something for the benefit of the entire Nation, and operating on the same model of self, and institutional discipline, as the military, I reckon we'd not have nearly as much youth crime on the streets. Just my opinion is all.

Hi there Mr OPINION...

You say it was wrong to try to prevent Vietnam from creating a Nation-State? Honestly, I don't know? What I do know, there were many in the South who wished to remain non-communist and the advance of troops from the North greatly threatened their safety and independence.
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 20 October 2020 12:27:51 PM
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o sung wo,
thank you, you've just given me another idea. Unemployed 18+ year olds could spend time with real life services such as collecting drug needles, help picking up dead drug users, attend cleaning up road accident sites, help wherever basic help is needed. I'm certain that some of them would actually come up with brilliant solutions & find a calling in some circumstances.
As I have stated here before, young people don't need to waste time on work experience, they must experience work ! They can serve in any field they choose & after proving they're suitable they must be encouraged to further themselves.
We need to rebuild our society & become more caring & responsible !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 20 October 2020 2:01:58 PM
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