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Make heroes less necessary

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Unfortunately I don't remember the details, as it was more than a decade ago. But I did hear (on the radio, I think) about an organization dedicated to eliminating the five causes of war. Apparently one of them has already been eliminated,
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:06:14 PM
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Probably the use of rocks as weapons.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:49:57 PM
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Many appear to be having a problem with what an engineer is.

I am a degree engineer. I specialised in heat & hydraulics, which I used to understand the flow behavior of thermo plastics when being injection molded or extruded into products. This enabled me to design the tools required to do these jobs to the best of the materials ability.

I never touched any tool bigger than a pencil, but it enabled me to have a some input into the develop of engineering plastics here & in the USA.

I then went motor racing. I was fortunate to meet & be greatly helped by an accountant. He had no engineering or mechanical training, but with his private study & ability to understand motors, was one of the best racing motor developers in Oz. He taught me how to build a racing engine that would not only win races, but be totally reliable in the 60s, when reliability was very difficult to achieve.

I was now a competent mechanic.

However when I needed to manufacture a new part for an engine or transmission, I sometimes had a play with something not too serious. However if it was a critical part, requiring really fine tolerances, it was a toolmaker mate who took over the lathe or mill.

Were my mates engineers, mechanics or tradesmen to you, I guess that depends on your schooling & attitude, but one thing is sure, none of us cared a dam what you called us, as long as it was not late for lunch.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 7:07:23 PM
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Squadron Leader West (aka Hasbeen nee Phil),

So obviously you reckon one must have a degree to be an engineer.

I disagree.

And I'm sure great engineers like James Watt, Robert Stephenson and Isambard Kingdom Brunel would agree with me. Because none of them had a degree and they are some of the most famous engineers in history.

A person can still become an engineer with or without a degree and I would guess that half the world's engineers do not have a degree.

So SL West it looks like you, me and plenty of others have wasted 4 years of our life studying for a degree that we didn't really need to get to be an engineer.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 7:34:09 PM
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Oh and let's not forget Frank Whittle.

Being a pilot you would be well acquainted with the work of the world famous aircraft engineer Sit Frank Whittle.

Yes SL West, I'm sorry to break the bad news to you but dear old Frank didn't have a degree either but that didn't stop from single handedly designing a silly little thing called a TURBOJET ENGINE.

Next time you're up in wild blue yonder zipping through the clouds in your imaginary fighter jet Squadron Leader West how about sparing a little thought for the guy who put you there.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 7:59:34 PM
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So, the truth is that you don't have any sort of degree in anything at all ? Or TAFE qualifications ?

That makes some sense.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 8:46:12 PM
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