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Make heroes less necessary
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Posted by david f, Wednesday, 21 October 2020 8:53:40 PM
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All Soot Morrison was interested in at the time was organising his holiday in Hawaii. "Can someone please stop those pesky firefighters from ringing me all the time. Don't they know I'm off to Hawaii? Tell 'em if anything happens while I'm away then I'll catch up with them at Cobargo - they love me down there." Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 21 October 2020 9:48:03 PM
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David f,
doesn't that scenario clearly show that we need people who can make decisions when decisions need to be made ? Not bureaudroids too scared about getting a rap over their knuckles for taking preventative action/decisions but not too scared about fires getting out of control ? Such heroes are necessary unlike the parading ones under whose watch half the country burnt out of control ! We also need people in the various authorities who stand up for such heroes when the swamp people come down on them like a load of bricks for doing what needs to be done because the swampies aren't doing their jobs ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 21 October 2020 10:25:50 PM
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Dear Individual,
I'm afraid such heroes as you want are in short supply. I doubt that there will ever be many of them. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 21 October 2020 10:34:06 PM
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David F said-
"It was not so simple as a split between Communism and democracy. What the US called the Free World included many dictators. There was an endemic racism in the US. After the Hungarian revolt the US admitted many Hungarians to the United States. " Answer- Endemic racism in the US?- overall I think that most countries/ ethnicities/ cultures are more "racist" or bigoted than the US. Accusations of US racism stem more from projective ideology. Everybody is probably racist according to literal definition- if not the usual definition- but the perspective that it is wrong to be racist is another thing. If it is a choice between racism and globalist tyranny- perhaps racism is the better philosophy- it's probably less bigoted than demanding that everyone follow the same principles. David F being of Hebrew ethnicity perhaps is more sensitive to "so called racism" than the general population. Hebrew's rightly have their own interest to consider just as any other cultural group. If this is racism- so be it. Hopefully different ethnicity's and culture's can learn to stay on their own sides of the fence and not interfere with other communities. Then there will be more peace in the world. Human's unrestrained nature seems to have failed us up to this point. There needs to be a balance between stability and change and between freedom and restraint- Blank Slate Theory is extreme change. Most people just want to be left alone to live with their kinfolk. The history of the world is the history of ethnic and cultural conflict. Many use the concept of RACISM as a weapon for UNIVERSALISM. Communist Universalists use Salami Tactics Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 22 October 2020 5:04:56 AM
| | "It was commonly believed that the term salami tactics... was coined in the late 1940s by Stalinist dictator Mátyás Rákosi to describe the actions of the Hungarian Communist Party in its ultimately successful drive for complete power in Hungary. Rákosi claimed he destroyed the non-Communist parties by "cutting them off like slices of salami."... By portraying his opponents as fascists (or at the very least fascist sympathizers), he was able to get the opposition to slice off its right-wing, then its center, then most of its left-wing, so that only fellow travellers willing to collaborate with the Communist Party remained in power." Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 22 October 2020 5:05:24 AM
I have no duty to defend experts and do not know why they didn't take particular actions. My original post contained "Greg Mullins, the NSW Fire & Rescue commissioner from 2003 until 2016, and almost two dozen heavyweights sent a letter to Mr Morrison in April demanding an urgent meeting."
Mullins who headed the group was no longer the NSW Fire & Rescue commissioner and could only warn. Since he was no longer the NSW Fire & Rescue commissioner he had no authority to do anything.