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The Forum > General Discussion > Congratulations to the Greens for their new Senator for Victoria

Congratulations to the Greens for their new Senator for Victoria

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Well I don't know the woman personally.
I looked up some stuff online.

Am I wrong for saying it looks like we have:
Lidia Thorpe the Greens party member and pleasing to white Greens voters persona
Lidia Thorpe the black activist persona and a leader of the 'Pay the Rent campaign', which calls on non-Aboriginal Australians to voluntarily pay reparations on an individual basis through an organisation of the same name.
[From wikipedia in the section under activism]

Then I found this:

"The documents showed more than $611,000 in secured debts and mortgages, including with Indigenous Business Australia.

There was also almost $100,000 owed to unsecured creditors — $55,277 to the Australian Taxation Office, about $38,500 in business loans and almost $3700 in unpaid rates, utilities and childcare."

"She said she was lumped with growing debts after her abusive partner froze her out of their shared glazing business in Gippsland."

So somehow, your blaming an abusive partner for:
- Ripping off other businesses and individuals 100k and claiming bankruptcy
- 55k unpaid taxes, is she saying she never got any of those earnings?
- 38k in business loans

unpaid rates - electricity bills - and childcare

I'm sorry hey but this woman looks like a trainwreck
Does she have any kind of track record of managing anything properly?

I know it says she's done good things but what exactly?
Gotten support for the 'hate whitey point of view' by telling aboriginal people she's going to make whites pay the rent if they vote for her?

Well be paying the rent alright.
611K in debt, and suddenly she becomes 'unbankrupt' when she's got an opportunity to get her snout back into the trough at taxpayers expense?

Something it seems she's rather skilled in?

For me I see red flags, but as I first said I don't know her personally and don't really know for sure what she's really all about.

First impressions: Scowl face.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 17 October 2020 12:17:02 AM
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Bazz, I understood what Foxy was saying. Casual vacancies in the Senate are filled by a person nominated by the Premier of the state concerned. Having said that, convention dictates that a name is put forward by that party to the Premier, who in turn "automatically" nominates that person to fill the vacancy. That was the convention until 1975, following the sudden death of Queensland Labor senator Bert Milliner, Labor nominated Mal Colston to Primer Joh Bjelke-Petersen to fill the vacancy. Bjelke-Petersen refused, and instead placed a f wit named Albert Field into the Senate. Field was it seems was an ALP member, surprise, surprise, but vermently anti Whitlam, a sort of a black member of the KKK. It was Fields vote that ultimate blocked supply to the government, and that alcoholic turd Kerr sacked Whitlam.

p/s A Premier could nominate anyone they like to fill a casual senate vacancy, so there is still hope for you. BTW from my experience the Greens have the most exhaustive process of any party in selecting political candidates, its entirely done at the grass roots level. Unlike the major parties which often cut out the rank and file in the candidate selection process, the Green's constitution prevents that. If people want to shot dirt at a Senator who filled a casual vacancy take a look at Labor's Kristina Keneally from NSW who was parachuted in to replace Grubby Sam.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 October 2020 6:48:23 AM
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Issy, given your past record of porkeness, and your lack of providing evidence that as you claimed; "The Senator is pro-hunting and the sustainable harvesting (killing) of animals for human use, even protected Australian fauna."

As the one authorised to give out such awards on the forum, I present you yet again with a PORKY AWARD (first class) for you know what. Your 27th such award for the year!

AC, what a beat up, you should be a Proud Boy of yourself!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 October 2020 6:56:26 AM
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Scott Morrison doesn't even look Australian! He looks like a Telly Tubby from Telly Tubby Land, so does Albo. Remember Rudd and his line "fair suck of the sauce bottle!" a dead set give a way for unaustralianess, no fair dinkum Aussie dingo of a bloke would be caught dead with his pants down, or sucking on a real sauce bottle. Yep, sucking on a bottle of piss, too right, also known as sauce (not real sauce, but piss sauce, the XXXX and VB varieties) is totally acceptable with all us blokes, its ridgy didge as far as we're concerned. In fact the whole Coalition government, and most of the Labor mob look like Telly Tubby's in my opinion. Its a conspiracy to deny the true Australian culture as portrayed by the one and only Barry McKenzie! Anyway me thinks we have a few Barry's on the forum.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 October 2020 10:22:44 AM
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'AC, what a beat up, you should be a Proud Boy of yourself!'

What because I'm not sipping the Kool-aid like all of you?

Call me whatever you want, lets just assume I agree with it all
Because for the sake of avoiding arguments I don't really care what you call me

I'm sorry if you somehow thought the true purpose of this forum was to blow smoke up each others dates and just agree with everything, then I have bad news.

I have a war on stupid, because there's too much stupid.
If I see it stupid, I point it out.

I'm not saying she's as daft as SHY
But it's only reasonable coming from that camp that we consider the distinct possibility right?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 17 October 2020 1:01:41 PM
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Big win for Labour in New Zealand and in the local ACT elections. The Greens did okay as well, The conservatives got blown out of the water.

Issy what happened with your Shooters and Hooter?

AC, I don't think you have a war on stupid, what you call stupid others may see as brilliance. Your war is more on progressive thinking than anything else, of course you wouldn't see it that way, being the brilliant chap you obviously are.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 October 2020 8:52:48 PM
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