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First US Presidential Debate

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Interesting report from the NYT, on:

"Dr. Sean N. Dooley, another physician on the team, said Mr. Trump was feeling optimistic. “He’s in exceptionally good spirits,” Dr. Dooley said. He added that the president told his doctors, “I feel like I could walk out of here today.”

"Mr. Trump, bored at the hospital and talking to a number of relatives and advisers by phone, was said by three administration officials and people close to him to indeed be in better shape, which added to the frustration among advisers that Dr. Conley and Mr. Meadows had created such confusion.

"Dr. Conley was put out to speak primarily because White House officials had recognized that there were few in the president’s circle who were seen as credible. But Mr. Meadows was unhappy with Dr. Conley’s appearance, one person close to the president said, and he tried to correct it himself. That in turn only heightened anxiety and angered Mr. Trump.

"While Mr. Meadows gave a more candid description of the president’s condition, the chief of staff has been heavily criticized by people working inside the administration for being too controlling of information that affects a large group of people working in the White House — and too eager to put himself at the center of the public discussion."

Not much honour amongst thieves :)

Of course, though, this is all a hoax. There is no so-called 'virus'. 208,000 Americans have agreed to secretly hide themselves away until after the Election, on orders from secret powers that I dare not name, and why, I have no idea.

I wouldn't wish a Covid-related death on anybody, not even a sleazy, incompetent mongrel like Trump, who has caused the deaths of so many other Americans due to his slack policies - for example, under his overall supervision, does the US have any sort of contact tracing, with more than forty thousand new cases each day ? I don't think so: they're all just wandering around infecting others. Long way to go yet, folks.

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 4 October 2020 5:00:40 PM
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Yes. The Democrats have lost their marbles. Hopefully, Donald Trump will be reelected for a second term, as 80% of Presidents have been in the life of the republic. He has shown that is very capable and good for America domestically and internationally. Joe Biden has nothing to offer: 77 years old, and obviously not firing on all cylinders. I am the same age as he is, and I sympathise with his mental slow down; but, he is definitely past his use by date as a public figure.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 October 2020 5:31:38 PM
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Proud Boy Jose', what do you have to say about this;

"If you follow Dr Conley's timeline, that means Trump knew he was COVID-positive starting midday on Wednesday, only 13 hours after he debated Joe Biden on-stage."

"It would mean Trump knowingly attended not just one but two fundraisers, plus a rally, plus an Air Force One flight, plus several staff meetings, all without masks, as he was contagious with a virus that's claimed more than 209,000 American lives."

Just as he has no concern for the over 200,000 dead Americans, and the over 7 million infected from Covid-19, Trump has knowingly risked the lives of others for crass political purposes. The American Virus, has been a complete failure for Trump. From the time the US released their Virus on China in an attempt to bring down the Chinese economy to today when their number one jackass is supposedly infected with the disease.

Trump has mismanaged the virus in more ways than one.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 4 October 2020 6:21:38 PM
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I suppose it's reasonable to suppose that Trumpf will experience this hoax virus at least as badly as Boris Johnson. I recall that Johnson had lingering after=effects, and was off or around a month or six weeks.

Never mind, Pence will steer the Republicans' futile efforts through the Election, and perhaps be in the position to hand over the presidency to Biden and Harris in January.

Yes, it's likely that Biden may last a year or less, and then hand over to the more capable hands of Kamala Harris, with Nancy Pelosi as her vice-president. Then they can repair much of the damage that Trump has wrought, and be re-elected in 2024. Wonderful.

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 4 October 2020 6:32:00 PM
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The President Trump and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday night and Trump says they've begun their quarantine and recovery process immediately.
The fact of Trump contracting the virus now has everyone tracing his steps the past week. Even though he didn't test positive until Thursday, he could have been contagious for several days prior. As we reported, his adviser Hope Hicks tested positive hours before Trump, and they had traveled together.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 4 October 2020 6:43:01 PM
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Hi Paul1405

Looks like JOSE has taken over the Australian desk of US Fascists International.

Best to ignore Jose rather than trying to speak sense to him.

Jose won't change his views, while debating him just gives him a podium to spout his un-Australian US Fascist message.

Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 4 October 2020 7:39:02 PM
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