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Closing The Gap 2.0

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Anyway, I think the discussion is irrelevant.
By the end of next year we will probably be in debt for
a trillion dollars. There just will not be the money to enable such plans.
If interest rates rise then our situation will be very tight.
Indigenous funding will be out of the question.

I do not think many people understand what a trillion dollars really
looks like.
Look at this;
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 31 July 2020 10:12:38 PM
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Bazz, as much as I think you may be right, future debt aside for a moment, I believe like all the past attempts at govt's appearing to DO something, that's all they do is; something, so if anyone asks or researches the issue they will find that "something" IS actually being done.
Unfortunately it is never what is expected and rarely achieves the goals it was supposed to achieve.
Besides, these attempts at virtuosity, are fronts or excuses for certain people to get their hands on money and grants intended for the blacks and the causes set up to assist and aid them.
Unfortunately the money is handled by the whites and the wannabees and NOTHING but tokenism ever reaches it's destination; the blacks!
I and millions of others cannot understand why we are WASTING so much time, energy and mostly money on a purely emotive, subject that will only end up no-where like all the previous attempts, because we know we have been here before and unfortunately I fear that we will be here again when the next group of con-men try to push for more and more, and the pathetic, gutless people lacking the fortitude, courage and wisdom to see through all the lies, dishonesty and deceit, cave in to these scum-bags once more.
And anyone who thinks that the two wannabees in govt pretending to be pushing this cause, are actually going to achieve ANYTHING WORTHWHILE, you are amongst the most unrealistic and mis-guided of those who are so far out of touch with the real world or reality, that your comments and opinions are worthless and have no basis, foundation or material facts to back them up or support them, thereby making them irrelevant.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 1 August 2020 12:43:38 AM
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ALTRAV you are the most "factless" poster on the Forum. I'm sure if a "black" person was coming your way you would cross to the other side of the street to avoid contamination. Take this little gem from you, just one of many; "I (ALTRAV) understand there are a number of ethnic communities who are preparing submissions to the govt, citing this new scam." I say you simple made that up, provide evidence if you are so convinced that this is fact. If you are going to put a flour sack over your head when it comes to our "black" brethren, at least have the sense to cut some eye holes in it so you can see a little of the reality. At the moment all you are doing is bumbling around in the dark, lashing out with nonsense.

"All the govt has to do is stop funding and assisting them and repatriate them or set them up in the bush....." From most posters I would take all that as attempted sarcasm, but coming from you, one with no grip on the reality what so ever, its probably what you believe.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 1 August 2020 6:48:21 AM
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Guys who have a tendency to avoid seeing facts
Are you a 'Guy" too then ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 1 August 2020 8:14:33 AM
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Paul 14.05klm from Nimbin.

Your a very confused puppy son.

The world you and the rent gouger SteeleRedux live in, is devoid of colour actually.

In your attempt to conform to the specifications of the liberal Neuva race, that being one of racial purity (as Hitler did actually), your arguments fall in a heap at the intersection controlled by George Bush. IE "your either with us or against us".
That is a world where simpletons like yourselves dwell: the top branches of the faraway tree with saucepan man.

the world in which I grew up in and lived a life in, teaches positive lessons of integration along its path, and produces entirely different outcomes to your own sad view.

There is not a problem living a life in the society we were born into, if we are permitted to defend ourselves against external attacks on our personal space.
But when for example, I consider my space superior to your space and begin to take from you what is not mine, there is a problem.

At this point you jump in with conflated out of context historical data supporting your black and white view, "whites are racist". No they are not racist. As with all racial profiles in the world, it boils down to this; Humans are racist". It's in-built.

As evinced by your posts on this forum, your actually paranoid. You have built a wall of victim-hood around yourself, have isolated yourself and defended yourself from within its fearful walls. Your main weapon is attack by lies and innuendo. In the most part, it's an attack on the white race of this country you call yours. That is bearish behaviour.

The fault of multiculturalism is what drives you to distraction. All races are racist.
Racism is escalating in this country, not because whites call blacks coons, but because immovable racists like yourself, refuse to acknowledge that racism is a normal status.

Defending blacks as you do, with a blunt one-sided view, heightens the problem of multiculturalism and exacerbates the negative it is.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 1 August 2020 9:02:45 AM
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If you don't want to ever close the gap, you should do exactly what we are doing. The surest way to ensure a problem isn't solved is to create a government programme designed to solve it.

After all, there are now myriad people whose very livelihoods depends on there always being a gap needing addressing. Government employees, academics, ABBAriginal bureaucrats. All need these programmes to continue ad infinitum to enhance their welfare, prestige and career.

As to the people who are supposed to be the ones needing help? Who gives a damn about them? Nothings changed for them in the last 0 years and nothing will change in the next. The system is designed that way.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 1 August 2020 10:06:07 AM
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