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Believe some women

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"If Biden can be shown to have indecently assaulted a staff member, then he should pay the penalty."

I'm not talking about what 'can be shown'. None of it will be proven. Not the accusation against Trump or Kavanaugh or Pell or Biden.

That's not the issue. The issue is the different reactions to the accusations. The hypocrites of the left have one reaction when its one of their own accused and a completely different reaction when its not. They clothe themselves in moralistic standards, weeping at their own goodness, in one instance, then adopt the utter opposite stance in another.

That's all very annoying in people like Foxy, but equally just as one would expect. But its much more grave when the media adopt the same standards or lack thereof. Then it becomes a matter of noting it and understanding the very great threat to the good functioning of the democracy.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling for Biden to be stood down over this. Just as I thought Kavanaugh and Pell and all the others should enjoy the presumption of innocence, so should Biden. But that's not how others think, and that needs to be called out.

But I want Biden to run as the Democrat nominee. Trump will have him for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the debates - although watch out for the DNC to try to cancel the debates to protect Biden from being exposed.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 1:06:38 PM
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funny how Hilary is now defending Biden just like she did Bill. She did know however that Kanavaugh's accusers were credible. This summarizes the lying liberal left media. Of course her friend Weistein and Bill's friend Epstein were innocent also.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 2:24:01 PM
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Talking about hypocrisy...

Strange how freedom of speech seems to only apply to
views that agree with your own. You can dish it out
but can't take it.

As for Trump eating Biden for breakfast, lunch and

Not sure about that.

Trump loves fast food.

Besides -

Kidney stones have entered the chat.
High blood pressure has entered the chat.
Liver has left the chat.
Diabetes is typing.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 3:28:02 PM
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Who's freedom of speech am I infringing Foxy?

What am I dishing out that I can't take?

These vague assertions to assuage valid observations don't really work.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 4:10:13 PM
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Go back and read your post on page 4.

You write:

... the hypocrites on the left have one reaction when
it's one of their own and a completely different one
when it's not...

What about the hypocrites on the right?

You then write... That's very annoying when people like
Foxy, but equally just as one would expect...

That's very annoying when people like mhaze ...

Then you say - it needs to be called out.

Damn straight. Indeed it does.

Your claim these vague assertions don't work -
is spot on.

So Mr mhaze:

- "practice what you preach or
change your speech."
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 6:39:15 PM
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Dear mhaze,

What on earth are you on about now?

This is ludicrous.

I don't see any major figures on the left screaming that the victim was a liar which was something the right reveled in.

No one on this forum has made that claim either.

None of these scandals touched Obama nor were they likely to have touched Bernie. Yet the Republicans fell lockstep behind Trump and the Democrats are falling in behind Biden. Why? Because no matter their distaste of the respective candidates they are the ones the people have selected.

The sexual misbehaviour which they have both seemingly engaged in will cancel out and other issues will then lead voting preferences.

However the right's approach to victim blaming is far more odious than the left's and you are engaging in more of it here.

Dear runner,

You write; “regressive women are known for lying. Just look at the constant lies told by the abc about Pell. The problem is they are never held to account. The lying left liberal media will only 'believe all women' if its one of their own no matter if true or not.”

What an utterly classic case of projection. You have absolutely no moral standing in this matter so really should put a sock in it.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 9:17:33 PM
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