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What if its all for nothing

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Dear Armchair Critic,

You obsess; “COVID-19 is a Bioweapon. It was released probably because the Trump-Russia bs failed to remove him from office. It's not a PANdemic, it's a PLANdemic.”

So now it is the Democrats who done it? Whew mate, you do have it bad don't you.

Well it was some long term planning that went into this one then. Thy must have set up a few of the bird flu pandemics of the past just to lay in wait for Trump.

All rubbish I'm afraid but if this is what keeps you going have at it mate.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 April 2020 12:17:28 PM
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Thanks for your suggested link way above.

That is the most sensible explanation I've yet seen.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 13 April 2020 12:37:15 PM
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Re the Euromomo data. I don't know what you think you see there but two things remain apparent:

1. That the number of deaths remains on par with a severe flu season
2. The deaths are largely confined to the elderly.

Nothing much has changed there.

" I just love the incoherence on display."

Yeah, we wouldn't want a president who wasn't 100% coherent 100% of the time....

But that's different because....reasons.



"This is starting to smell more and more."
I wouldn't rush to conspiracy here. Just people reacting in a crisis with less than complete competence. Its very true that there is growing evidence of the number of deaths due to the virus being overstated - that we are counting people who died WITH the virus rather than just those who died OF the virus. Cases where people are bought to hospital with acute organ failure from a previous condition, being exposed to the virus and then being counted as a wuhan virus victim. There's also anecdotal evidence that the numbers of heart attacks are startlingly down in NY with the assumption being that many people dying of heart attack are being counted as virus victims.

When this is all over, epidemiologists will pull all this apart and its likely that the number of Wuhan virus deaths will be downgraded. Then people will be talking about a conspiracy to hide the true death rate.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 13 April 2020 12:59:39 PM
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What are you planning to do if all of the epidemiologists end up dying WITH the Wuhan virus instead OF the Wuhan virus or in the worse case they end up dying OF the Wuhan virus instead of WITH the Wuhan virus?

Kudos for calling it Wuhan virus instead of adhering to China's request to refer to it as COVID-19. China shouldn't be allowed to escape its responsibility for this pandemic and be allowed to think that all countries round the world should just get on with business as usual in order to shore up the Chinese economy against collapse.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 13 April 2020 1:13:07 PM
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Dear Diver Dan,

Really? If you are talking about Professor Knut Wittkowski then please be aware the guy had a shocker. I'm no expert but when I watched it even I knew he was talking out of his arse.

This is what he said on April the 1st (the video was uploaded on the 3rd) when he was asked why he thought the pandemic was over.

“There are no more cases in China and in South Korea. The number of new cases in Europe is already beginning to decline. The virus came later to the US so here we see a bit of an incline maybe and a levelling off within the next couple of days.”

On the day of the video the new cases figure in Europe was 34,000 the very next day it was 54,000. So much for a decline.

This is what he said what would have happened in the US if intervention had not occurred, something he advocated.

“Two percent of all symptomatic case will die, that's 2 percent of the 25,000 per day so that is 500 people per day and that will happen over 4 weeks so that could be as high as 10,000 people.”

Well even with all the interventions this guy was saying were counter productive the current death rate per day is is now 4 times his prediction, the total number of deaths is already over double his predictions and the US is still pretty well at its peak. One shudders to think what it would have been if the government had followed his advice.

Just another typical contrarian mimicking Trump's talking points unfortunately.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 April 2020 1:26:17 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You are bloody well kidding right. You made much of flat figures and now they are spiking you are saying it still marries with your orginal position? Rubbish.

And you were wrong on this; “But now we know that the threat of this virus to all, other than the very aged with pre-existing conditions, is minor.” Just look at the 15-64 year old spike on your link.

You are now wrong when you claim “That the number of deaths remains on par with a severe flu season”. No they don't. Those countries heavily impacted by the virus have seen current figures blowing past figures out of the water. Look at Italy, Spain, Netherlands, or England. All smashing the previous three years flu records.

While we can cut Italy and Spain some slack because of how quickly the virus reared its head, but the Netherlands and England decided to go the 'herd immunity route and look how many deaths it has cost them.

Why don't you admit you were wrong on this an move on.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 13 April 2020 1:48:22 PM
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