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What if its all for nothing

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ttbn, I watched Josh Friedbrain on 'Insiders' and he wouldn't be drawn on the issue of manufacturing "self-sufficiency" for Australian industry, as is the majority of the conservative side of politics. The advocates for some degree of self-sufficiency like Bob Katter are seen as whacko's of little consequence.

ScumO' and Friedbrain are very much in the Globelest camp on this, as are their strongest backers, it pays big dividends for them. Other than talking about niche industries, which after all are nothing more than glorified cottage industries, they are not interested in any large scale manufacturing in Australia. BTW when this is all over they may make a concession and allow an Australian face mask industry, to placate the health concerns of the general populace. Imagine, our very own face mask industry, and not having to rely on imports from China in times of need, what a relief that will be. All thanks to ScumO' and Friedbrain.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 13 April 2020 7:07:35 AM
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Just on the future self sufficient growth of Australian industry, the "Face Masks Manufacturing Industry". According to ScumO' and Friedbrain, projected modelling shows that every Australia should be able to produce 40 face masks a day at home in their cottages, on their trusty old 'Singer Sewing Machines'. That's 100,000,000 per day, 364,000,000,000 per year, Chrissy Day off. Now with pandemics running on a 100 year cycle, the next one due in 2120, ScumO' and Friedbrain said Australia will be fully prepared, full self sufficient, for such an event with a stock pile of 364,000,000,000,000 face masks! That represents a face mask to projected population of 47 still living, a ratio of over 1 trillion masks per person! As The leader of the free world 'The Donald' would say "A beautiful set of numbers". When asked, how did that equate to the GDP quantitative earnings ration on a seasonally adjusted basis Treasure Friedbrain said Treasury projections in these times of fluoserty (new word) put that figure in dollar terms at "lots" possibly even "lots and lots"! He went on to say the Australian people will be well satisfied with this great achievement and wants to remind them that in February 2020, he was able to reduce unemployment from 5.3% to 5.1%, a beautiful set of numbers, all while creating another new job at the Moonee Ponds Pizza Store, which closed down in March 2020! But he did give the new guy 1,500 bucks.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 13 April 2020 7:43:06 AM
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Just reading a few comments:

"So a couple of French scientists get called out by WHO for wanting to test their vaccines on Africans rather than their own citizens and you want to inject WHO staff as a consequence of their temerity?"

Dr Fauci himself was caught trying to recruit people to fast-track human trials outside of the FDA.
You should take a better look at the very people you're currently trusting.

To everyone who is pointing the finger at Trumps incompetence:

Trumps being played by those around him.
He's been driven off a cliff deliberately, and the entire US and global citizenry along with it.

Pay attention to this smoking gun:

** Fauci predicted the Trump Presidency would be hit with a bioweapon 10 days before his inaugruation. **
I'm telling you all this thing stinks.

Stop arguing over changing outbreak statistics and other pointless crap.

COVID-19 is a Bioweapon.
It was released probably because the Trump-Russia bs failed to remove him from office.

It's not a PANdemic, it's a PLANdemic.

I think he's being fed bs by those around him to make him deliberately misstep the handling of the virus, to give Biden half a chance to win the election without campaigning, and with Hillary, Obama and the Deep State gang running things behind the scenes.

You're not looking in the right places, and with the corporate media there are no right places.
If you don't watch these 2 videos then you'll all going to be clueless going forward and that's what you deserve.
You're not looking in the right places and not asking the right questions.
I'm giving this to you, get smart for crying out loud!

How does the corporate media turn you all into clueless morons at each others throats?
You're all muppets I demand you GET THE FACTS.

Fauci, Birx, and Redfield - Army Virus Bioweapons Plan

Fauci’s tune is easy to pick out in coronavirus SARS2
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 April 2020 8:50:53 AM
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You're all acting like chooks running around with their heads chopped off.

And that makes this thread:

- All For Nothing -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 April 2020 8:52:38 AM
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All threads could be seen as "all for nothing". After the first few comments, things always descend into a boring spectacle of the same handful of posters arguing with each other. You only have to look at the ID's to know why they are going to say. No need to read. Nothing achieved.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 13 April 2020 9:47:04 AM
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The governments own stats say in 90% of cases they know where it came from.
In cases where it's known (90%), only 10% of those are from Asian countries.
The vast majority of COVID-19 cases came from Europe.

These are the worst contributors for origin of the virus, which we should've blocked, or in the case of cruise ships, managed better.

1. Europe
2. Cruise Ships
3. Americas

- These 3 alone have accounted for 80% of all cases.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 April 2020 12:13:33 PM
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