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What if its all for nothing

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As he wriggles and back flips in an attempt to deflect criticism from his own incompetence on the covid-19 crises gripping America, Donald Trump, not satisfied with blaming the Obama administration for his monumental cock-ups, is now trying to blame the World Health Organisation (WHO). Not content with just being an incompetent fool, Trump has with this pandemic made himself a dangers incompetent fool! As he threatens to withdraw much needed American finance from the WHO, it will impact on the way the WHO is able to coordinate attempts, as world wide research tries to find a vaccine for this virus. Trump is threatening millions of lives with his incompetence and politics. All Trump is concerned with is his re-election in November, if he is not careful there might be no one alive to vote for him.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 5:46:08 PM
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Governments are choosing from a wide variety of responses to the Covid-19 crisis.

Some seem to have gone hard early on, once they realised the seriousness of the situation and urgency of response, anticipating rapid disaster if they didn't. China, South Korea and Australia and New Zealand seem to have chosen to be careful early. They have grasped the rudiments 0f what 'exponential' means.

Others, such as Italy and Spain, Britain and the US, have been a bit more laissez-faire, perhaps in the belief that, since they didn't actually ask for it, it will go away. A bit like Donald Duck or Wiley E. Coyote running off the cliff - because their oblivious to gravity, it won't kick in, not until they look down anyway. I look forward to Trump looking down, perhaps a bit late: the US will hit a million cases by the end of next week, with maybe 50,000 deaths. Children shouldn't play with matches, or run for president.

We could all get it now, massively overwhelm the health system, kill off most of our health professionals, and pick up the pieces later - those of us who survive. Or just play Russian roulette, that might give us more of a chance.

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 6:20:34 PM
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mhaze, can you give us some stats on the use of refrigerated trucks to hall away dead bodies in a flu outbreak, maybe go back to 1919. For anyone who is interested there is a very good doco on YouTube (made before the coronavirus) about the influenza pandemic of 1918. About 40 minutes long.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 7:28:20 PM
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Wuhan is open for business again so why don't we all chip in a few bucks each to send mhaze over there to do some ground zero stat-taking. He'll be happy to have a job doing the thing he likes most: looking at numbers; and we'll be happy to see the back of him and his boring arguments about numbers, numbers, and yes you guessed it more bloody numbers.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 9:20:53 PM
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This is worth the time to watch
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 11:48:08 PM
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Well if you keep asserting (claims without evidence) that Trump is a fool, incompetent etc, you might eventually convince someone its true. Maybe even yourself.

Of course Trump must be a fool because he's letting all those Kansas preachers run services in Easter. OH, wait...that was just something, it seems , that Paul made up.

There are all sorts of villains in this saga, but at the top of the list is the Chinese Communist Party and the WHO.

The CCP kept the virus a secret for at least a month,gaoled and persecuted doctors trying to get the truth out, allowed millions to be exposed to the killer, and millions more to transport it all around the world. It is credibly calculated that, had the CCP been completely open about the virus from the outset, 95% of the current problems, cases and deaths would have been avoided.

WHO actively helped in the CCP's efforts to hide the virus. It wantonly and willing believed and disseminated every lie told by the CCP and sought to protect the Chinese from any criticism. In mid January, even though it had been known for a month (and probably longer) that the virus could be transmitted person to person, WHO was telling the world the opposite. And in late January WHO was telling the world that travel bans weren't required or helpful. Remember they criticised Trump and others for instituting such bans on 31 January.

The most charitable thing that could be said for WHO is that its completely incompetent. But in reality, despite the US paying for it, WHO is really just a Chinese mouth-piece. It leader owes his job to the CCP and is still trying to cover for them.

WHO is the first in a long line of organisations which will pay for their duplicity in these events.

The country that is doing the best in regards to the Wuhan virus is Taiwan. They never trust the CCP and, since they aren't part of WHO, they didn't get exposed to the WHO lies. If only we were so lucky.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 April 2020 6:49:06 AM
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