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Global warming garbage.

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It looks like you are on the same level as Josephus.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 4 January 2020 8:06:13 AM
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You haven’t answered the links to scientific summaries and peer-reviewed papers I gave you to your many anti-science assertions above.

Why should I read anything you say from here on in? You’re ‘rotating’ again, not debating. You are fulfilling this prediction I wrote about a decade ago!


Dogmatic deniers don't debate, they rotate. They have links to spurious, easily debunked papers, and they KNOW they're easy to debunk. So they fire them off like so many artillery shells. Assertion 1 is loaded.

FIRE 1: "It's not us, it's the sun!" they assert and post a link to a dumb website like WUWT. But will they read the replies? Will they debate the peer-reviewed science? Were they ever considering learning anything? Don't be so naive! Before they even read the reply they're loading shell 2!

FIRE 2: "It's just computer models and I don't trust computer models". Assertion and links posted. People who respect climate science try to answer, but they're wasting their time. While the answers come in, the tinfoil-hatter is already loading 3!

FIRE 3: "It's a conspiracy to tax the world and create a world government." Blah blah blah, on and on they go, never once being interested in an actual adult conversation about what the science says. They don't even realise their opinion has been bought for them, paid by the Koch brothers!

They don't debate, they rotate, from red herrings to straw-men to cherry-picking. Don't waste your time with tinfoil hatters like these.
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 4 January 2020 8:29:23 AM
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What's wrong with wanting an intellectual discussion expressed in articulate English. Some of us just don't like struggling to understand Bogan-speak.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 4 January 2020 8:32:43 AM
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> “So Max we are left with 15,000,000 fossil fuelled vehicles with no fuel”
Don’t be intentionally obtuse! We can’t magically click our fingers overnight and wake up and have 40 new CAP1400’s all purring away in the background! It was a vision over 15 to 20 years for replacing coal, and maybe longer for oil as there are other challenges there. Remember, France scaled up their nuclear production to 15 reactors a year at their highest rate, and that was with older regular reactors. We have access to state of the art new stuff coming out on the market that they didn’t. We might get 10 CAP1400’s built and then switch to ThorCon’s super-cheap boat-nukes, built in shipyards with block-build tech at SUPER FAST speeds and super-cheap. These are passive safety Molten Salt Reactors that are built for speed and cheap price, NOT breeding. But they’ll gladly sell their waste on to MCSFR breeders when MCSFR’s are finally perfected.

Also, EV’s are NOT as polluting as oil as more of their on board electricity goes towards forward motion, not just heat. Efficiency to the wheel is higher. The wastes are managed at the power plant. See dude, mining and refining of everything will become cleaner and more carbon neutral as those vehicles are shifted to hydrogen or synfuels or whatever.

>“Wind turbines and solar and battery storage abandoned for the new age specialist Nuclear energy.”
That’s just moronic! The more EV’s we have with smart-grid connections, the more we can utilise BOTH baseload reliable nuclear power AND intermittent solar and wind, as a smart grid can talk to the EV and say “Sun’s just come out! Want to charge?” and the EV can reply back “Oh baby, you know it!”

Synfuels can replace airlines at a reasonable price.

There are many materials that can replace concrete in construction.

Josephus, when you stubbornly cross your arms and insist we can’t do the modern world without fossil fuels, you are condemning future generations to Mad Max when we inevitably run out. Has this basic thought not occurred to you?
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 4 January 2020 8:42:05 AM
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Mr Opinion re: ScoMo.

I was asking some friends what they call the ash falling from the sky, and remembering that the Inuit have dozens and dozens of different phrases for snow. Were we going to end up like that with ash, especially when we saw apocalyptic scenes of Sydneysiders raking black sludge off the beach!

We were throwing around terms like "Summer snow" as "White Christmas" was playing in the background.

Then someone said "ScoMoSnow!" and I lost it — eggnog nearly shot out my nose! ;-)
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 4 January 2020 8:46:01 AM
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Mr O,

Look at the brains we have to deal with;

"as bitumen is a biproduct of coal". Josephus, how much bitumen do you get out of coal? Just asking.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 4 January 2020 9:30:41 AM
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