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The Forum > General Discussion > Morrison Government Could Dump Paris Agreement In 2020-21

Morrison Government Could Dump Paris Agreement In 2020-21

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Armchair, from around 700 ad odd when the Arabs invaded Spain the Jews
were prohibited from being traders, politicians, teachers etc.
The only work available to them other than being a slave was as a
financier and banker. They were not allowed to charge interest,
So for the next 1000s + years that was their trade and they were successful.
It appears they still are successful.

Re Aiden, I have had this argument previously with him about the cost
of renewable energy.
He is right when he says renewable solar and wind is cheaper.
The problem is the duplication that has to be done to get near 100%.
A country the size of Australia "might" be able to do it.
It does however need a very large and high capacity grid to chase the
wind around the country. No one has come up with a cost including
batteries. Batteries will help of course but they do have to be
recharged at the same time the grid is still under high load.
That will require more generation. Electric cars would complicate the
off peak arrangements.
I seriously doubt we can afford it.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 24 October 2019 2:18:47 PM
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Hi Armchair

thanks for sharing how you got to your views on Israel. As you know I am probably what people call a zionist although it seems the left so pervert language that its almost a badge of honour to be demonised by them. They can't even distinguish between male and female.

It interests me that you write

'The primary motivation is oppostion to globalism, this One World Goverment 'New World Order' idea, and the reason why I oppose it is because I don't like the destruction of my own countries national sovereignty.'

Strangely enough I to am opposed to globalism and One world Government. I mean how could the UN be taken seriously when they are lectured to by a 16 year mentally challenged girl.

I will be the first to admit that it is hard to work out exactly who is behind this idiotic one world push that seems to be sponsored by the likes of Soros and other rich and powerful figures behind the scenes.

As far as Israel is concerned and especially Jerusalem it is very easy to establish that the capital was set up by King David thousands of years ago. For sure they have had times of occupation and defeat. Mohammed himself never visited Jerusalem except in some made up vision. I suppose it makes sense that the left who also believe in the gw myth back this lie.

Personally I have no doubt that Christ will return to Jerusalem and the hardened people ofm Israel will then believe the One most of them rejected as Messiah. So in a sense whatn I think or what you think probably is not going to make any difference.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 24 October 2019 3:06:33 PM
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I'm surprised at you Bazz. I thought you would understand that the only form of battery of any real use on a grid scale, is pumped Hydro. Anything else on grid scale is merely decoration. Was Malcolm right with Snowy 1.2?

Renewables are only even approaching economic viability, if someone else is providing the back up with coal, gas or nuclear, & renewables can simply supply when it suits them, & avoid the cost of back up.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 24 October 2019 3:15:13 PM
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Sixty years ago, my farming relatives had a single cylinder engine in the shearing shed to run the shearing machines during the season, and produce a little light for the house. The little bit of electricity produced was stored in a bank of 12 volt batteries. There wasn't enough for refrigeration, so they had a frige powered by kerosene.

That's where we are heading back to; only the kerosene will not be available.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 24 October 2019 3:56:14 PM
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Batteries could smooth out for particular solar farms when
clouds go by or short drop in the wind.
At a cost of $1 a watt it would be expensive. They would save a lot
of switching of power around the country for just three or four minutes.
I see the Germans who were the poster boys for renewables are doing
a rethink on renewables.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 24 October 2019 9:34:52 PM
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Being as the Indigenous who existed for XX,000 someone put it,....and were so backward, how is it they didn't have these problems?
Seems to me the rest of you are indulging in playing the shell game without the pea.
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 25 October 2019 10:20:40 AM
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