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Morrison Government Could Dump Paris Agreement In 2020-21

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>I honestly don't understand how it's a false assumption.
Couldn't you have kept reading to find out?

Firstly, increased energy costs don't always result in increased production cots, as there is usually scope for big efficiency improvements to enable firms to cut their energy use. Though the best run firms will do that anyway, most on't - but higher energy costs encourage many more to.

Secondly, increased energy costs are not an inevitable result of switching to renewables, because it actually costs less to generate electricity from renewables than from fossil fuels.

Do you understand now?

>How do we make the nation more competitive in relation to other countries if it's not popular to lower wages?
The market does that automatically by lowering the value of the Australian dollar until the nation becomes competitive again.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 11:31:12 PM
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Hey Aiden,
"Couldn't you have kept reading to find out?"

Of course I read it, lol;
I'm just not sure if I completely agree;
- On the first point at least:

"Firstly, increased energy costs don't always result in increased production cots, as there is usually scope for big efficiency improvements to enable firms to cut their energy use."

Of course they do (increase energy costs = increased production costs);

But I suppose I accept your point in that;

These increased production costs CAN BE offset by improvements in efficiency;
- But it requires additional capital investment.

I don't necessarily see
1/energy and production costs - as being relative to:
2/ improvements in efficiency.
I suppose I'd look at them independently, in their own right.

I'd look at the energy costs in their own right;
Then I'd look at the improvements in efficiency relative to the capital costs required to make it happen.

I'm not economist, business person or CEO etc, but if I was the head of a multi-national company I'd be looking at all these costs tax issues, wages, energy, transport etc in choosing which nation I might base certain parts of the business in.

I just think increasing fuel and energy costs hamstings us from the start, when we already have the issue of higher wages to contend with in our international competitiveness.

So on the first point, not sure I completely agree with you.

On the second;

"Secondly, increased energy costs are not an inevitable result of switching to renewables, because it actually costs less to generate electricity from renewables than from fossil fuels."

Umm... O-Kay.

Truly, I'm NOT against finding better ways to do things.
If you think we can do renewables for less (and it's not bs) then fine.
- Then lets do renewables IF IT COSTS LESS

But I still think we should export coal so long as others want to buy it and it provides jobs and puts food on tables of Aussies.

- It's better than profiting off racehorses being turned into pet mince -

But hey, people need jobs right?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 24 October 2019 4:25:54 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"But, where did you hear anout Israel running the world?"

Well if you want to know the WHOLE story...

Around 12 years ago one of my friends has a friend of his come over from America, and he showed us the Alex Jones documentaries.
He'd always carry on about 'Jews running the world'.
I really didn't buy into his rants but myself and housemates at the time did start watching Alex Jones, and I sort of went down that 'conspiratorial' type path.
I never really had any interest in Jewish, Zionist type conspiracy theories, or religious or satanic type stuff but I did start to be opposed to all this UN globalism type stuff;
Because I saw it as infringing upon national sovereignty.
Eventually around 2010 I came across a video called 'Beyond September 11' by Sheikh Imran Hussein.

Sheikh Imran Hosein - Beyond September 11 (Part 1)
(Go to the 30min mark where he says "Israel has a PHD in deception...")

This probably started me thinking there was more to the story.
I looked at things like Protocols of the Elders of Zion as well as David Duke stuff, which is really not so much racist towards Jews as much as he lays out some biases.
I listened to some David Icke 'Rothschild Zionist' stuff and looked at Israels own geopolitical issues such as Zionist Plan for The Middle East.
David Icke - Rothschild Zionism
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 24 October 2019 5:04:33 AM
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But I still wasn't interested so much in religious or even satanic type conspiracy stuff, and I started to focus on global geopolitical issues, because globalism, or the destruction of national soverignty to be more specific was what really drove my interest.

I didn't like the idea that Australia's future would be decided by people other than Australians, whilst at the same time I started to look more at the political landscape in our country and abroad.

I came across some stuff like 'The Greater Israel Project'; and these:
'What You're Not Supposed to Know About America's Founding' John Birch Society.
The Unholy Trinity of Frank, Weishaupt, and Rothschild

A couple years back I had another look at the Freemason stuff 'Albert Pike's 3 Wars' and the Illuminati stuff.
And then about a year ago someone showed me the 'Know More News' YouTube channel
I watched 'The Jewish Conspiracy',
then at some point I found this:
Top Illuminati Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.”
And I also sometimes listen to a YouTube channel IsraeliNewsLive with Steven Ben-Nun, who was a Christian Zionist years ago when I first saw channel, but now he's critical of Zionism, but just as importantly he speaks and reads Hebrew.
At some point I found a list of Rothschilds 25 point plan for World Domination.
And finally I found the '1666 Redemption through Sin' by Robert Sepher,
Secrets of the Kabbalah and 1666

I did support Trumps nationalist stance at first, saw how he's very Pro Israel and found the news article I shared with you earlier.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 24 October 2019 5:06:35 AM
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I think that when I comment the way I do people have nothing else to go on and they automatically think my motivation is racist against a single group - Jews, but it's not that's not my motivation.

The primary motivation is oppostion to globalism, this One World Goverment 'New World Order' idea, and the reason why I oppose it is because I don't like the destruction of my own countries national sovereignty.

It's opposition to an idea and an ideology not necessarily people associated with it.
Sorry for the long story, but that's pretty much how it went, of course there's many smaller videos and bits of info I got along the way.
One problem I had over the last few years is we had no TV reception, (finally fixed) so I had to rely on the internet for all my viewing.

I'd say thats a fairly good general outline of how I came to go down this so-called 'anti-semitic Jewish conspiracy theory' type path.

This happened over many years, so I'm not really 'nutty' in any way over it, I only took little steps watching videos now and then over a long period of time.
I don't spend my time stressing about it or losing sleep over it anyway.

If I do go a bit far I just pull back and ground myself by reminding myself I have my own problems and to not worry about things I cant change.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 24 October 2019 5:15:57 AM
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I just realised that my list couldn't be complete without Texe Marrs.
He's probably the first Christian I listened to who opposes Zionism.

He's actually quite entertaining in his radio shows;
But he's retired now and doesn't do them anymore.
Here's a sample of one of his shows.

TEXE MARRS - Holy Serpent of the Jews - JUNE 25, 2016
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 24 October 2019 5:46:14 AM
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