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The Forum > General Discussion > 'No gay gene.' Does new study have faults or hold merit?

'No gay gene.' Does new study have faults or hold merit?

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It's interesting that for centuries, the Western
world generally viewed homosexuality as a moral matter,
as a sin that might evoke divine retribution.

Then around the end of the nineteenth century, many
Western countries redefined homosexuality as a
crime; punishable by imprisonment.

But by the middle of the twentieth century, public
opinion - encouraged by psychiatry - once again shifted,
and homosexuality was viewed primarily in medical terms.

Homosexuals were considered "sick" and psychiatrists
tried (and failed) to change their sexual orientation in
order to "cure" them.

By the 1960s, however an emerging gay liberation movement
insisted that homosexuality is simply a different

In 1974 the American Psychiatric Association accepted this
view, and gave millions of homosexuals an instant cure
by simply voting the "disease" out of existence.

The obvious fact that physicians cannot similarly vote
away cancer or diabetes points up the difference between
what is considered deviant behaviors and physical

It is therefore doubtful whether what we consider deviant
behaviors are medical problems in the any scientific
sense. Yet our taken-for-granted social reality now
includes the notion that certain forms of" deviance" are
"diseases" and therefore are not "normal".

In practice, therefore, the medical profession's
definitions and redefinitions of "deviance" both shape
and reflect the changing norms and values of society.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 September 2019 4:16:08 PM
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Design shows clearly that homosexuality is not natural. Normal is whatever a society accepts. So yeah it might be normal but not natural (against design). Old uncles taking young girls was very normal in Indigenous communities. In Rome men using young boys for sex and women for reproduction was normal but a very sick practice.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 September 2019 4:56:20 PM
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Rome men using young boys for sex and women for reproduction was normal but a very sick practice.
And, look what happened to the Romans. Maybe things would have turned out different if they had Alcowipes for their unhygienic practises ;-)
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 17 September 2019 6:20:37 PM
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Alco-wipes should be recommended for all kinds of
"disorders". Be they drug abusers, self-injurers,
plastic eaters, anorexics, sadomasochists,
w**#ers, flashers, mastur**ters, pedophiles,
et cetera.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 September 2019 6:46:57 PM
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Dear runner,

You wrote;

"In Rome men using young boys for sex and women for reproduction was normal but a very sick practice."

Effectively little seems to have changed. All they have done is elevated themselves to leaders of the Roman Catholic church and done away with using women for reproduction. Everything else stayed the same.

A woman hating Paul played a part in it. A hero of yours I believe.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 17 September 2019 9:15:02 PM
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To Steele Redux.

You said
<<It flags its bias from the very start;

"A number of well-designed studies have found that men with SSA are more likely to have psychiatric and substance abuse disorders and STDs than heterosexual males, and are more likely to have a positive attitude to sexual relations between adult and adolescent males.”

But then gives scant data to back up the claim. There is also no discussion about how society's attitudes toward gay people have impacted their mental health and substance abuse levels.>>

Actually it does cover these aspects later in the report. Go ahead and finish reading it before finding excuses to dismiss it and not read it.

That seems to be your crutch, to dismiss articles and research you don't agree with, long before you finish reading it to judge it in full. It's just an observation. However, if you don't address that issue in your future all it does is harm your own credibility. Something to work on.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 3:44:51 AM
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