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The Forum > General Discussion > Gladys Liu - Are the Questions justified?

Gladys Liu - Are the Questions justified?

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So what should the Prime Minister do now?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 14 September 2019 6:32:36 PM
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Dear Foxy,

You asked 'So what should the Prime Minister do now?'

That really is the $64 question and a real conundrum for ScuMo. He has been forever playing off one party against another and at last it has backfired and he is now been caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Serves him right.

If he asks Liu to resign he will lose the LNP majority in the lower house and incur the wrath of the Chinese Communist Party. If Liu refuses to resign he will be left as an impotent head of government with a majority that has a member who is linked to the Chinese Communist Party and he will be constantly confronted by a whole bunch of MPs including some from the LNP screaming for blood and a probable no-confidence vote that might just get carried by the house.

Wow! This is history making stuff.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 14 September 2019 6:53:21 PM
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Dear Mr Opinion,

It certainly appears to be history-making stuff.
What I can't help wondering though is - how come
we're not getting more responses and contributions
to this discussion. Do the strong supporters of
the Liberal Party on this forum - have nothing to say?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 14 September 2019 7:03:17 PM
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Dear Foxy,

You asked 'Do the strong supporters of the Liberal Party on this forum - have nothing to say?'

I think they're all dumbfounded and totally lost for words and in dread of what is more than likely to happen. I don't think they want to show their faces around me especially because they have been forever calling me a juvenile idiot for saying that Australia's politicians, bureaucrats and business class are in the pocket of the Chinese. I suppose I could skite by saying 'I told you so' but I won't. Never kick someone when he's down.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 14 September 2019 7:23:53 PM
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I bet ScuMo and his inner circle are locked up all weekend working out what to do about Liu. I'm looking forward to an interesting week with lots of surprises and twists and turns. I can't wait for the movie to come out: Danny de Vito as ScuMo and Jackie Chan in drag as Liu. I can see a few Oscar nominations coming up there. All we need is an actor who looks like Adolf Hitler to play Peter Dutton, who only has one line telling the PM 'I've got ya back mate'.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 14 September 2019 8:33:03 PM
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Right now scomo must be wishing he kept his mouth shut
IF he takes no action nothing he ever says about truth and accountability will be trusted
She may well go within weeks
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 15 September 2019 5:21:33 AM
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