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The Forum > General Discussion > Gladys Liu - Are the Questions justified?

Gladys Liu - Are the Questions justified?

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The government made a mistake playing the race card.
It was wrong. The issues around Gladys Liu are about
her connections. Questions raised need to be answered.

The concern about China's interference in Australian
politics relates to the behaviour of an expansionist
power. It is not based on race.

And in terms of tactics as Michelle Grattan has pointed
out - has the Government overlooked that on the Liu
issue ALP Senate Leader Penny Wong - whose father is a
Malaysian of Chinese origin would be very unlikely to
join the front line of a race-based exercise.

Questions need to be answered as stated earlier.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 13 September 2019 11:16:07 PM
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cont'd ...

Gladys Liu should step down - until this matter is
cleared up. People have been asked to do so for much less.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 13 September 2019 11:19:41 PM
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runner, you are full of it! The likes of Bob Katter, Cory Bernardi and Pauline Hanson, plus a couple of others, people whose politics I don't much care for, but there is no way I would call them out as Un-Australian.

Who are Un-Australian are people like you, those that with a blinkered view that start questioning the loyalty of the opposition.

I don't know which crackpot church you belong to, you seem to be ashamed to say, but given your opinions and beliefs expressed here, they must be way out there and a far bigger danger to society than those you mention.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 14 September 2019 5:47:53 AM
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Yes Foxy this time the scomo shine has worn of, he would I think, like to take back some recent words
This mornings press agrees he introduced a very untrue claim and must now confront the truth, he lost ground with China
We did not need that open wound, it did not exist until Scomo did his impersonation of Trump
Paul, read runners contributions in this thread
He is not a source of believable comment
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 September 2019 6:11:12 AM
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What on earth is wrong with the people of Chisolm voting in this woman! It just goes to show that Liberal voters are no different from Labor voters or any other party faithfuls - they vote for the party and don't take any notice of the candidate.

This woman was barking about 'xenopnobia' well before the election in regard to queries about the level of Chinese investment in Australia. Of course she could he a Chinese Communist Party plant; and stupid Australians have put her into our Parliament! And, our stupid Prime Minister is inferring that the Opposition is 'racist' for reacting to the situation in the same way his mob reacted to 'Shanghai Sam'.

The undemocratically enforced policy of multiculturalism continues to tear Australia apart, and expose its politicians as the ignorant buffoons and pawns of Beijing they are.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 14 September 2019 9:09:42 AM
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ttbn, that is a distinct possibility "a Chinese Communist Party plant" these things can be worked on for years to achieve the desired result. Many years back it was claimed that PM Harold Holt was in the pay of the Chinese Communist Government, money speaks all languages. In Holt's case his disappearance without trace at Cheviot Beach in 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War was extraordinary to say the least. It was rumoured that Holt had been "working" to pull Australian and American troops out of Vietnam. Outwardly he appeared very pro America, going on to say of US President Johnson "All the way with LBJ!". Johnson was having great difficulties with very strong anti Vietnam sentiment at home. Holt was trying to cultivate a special position of influence with Johnson. What was Holt's objective in that?

BTW, Maybe Holt was dead before he hit the water, the Aussie spooks were on the scene.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 14 September 2019 9:31:41 AM
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