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Cardinal Pell's Appeal Fails.

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Hope things go well for you Foxy
I read every post, and for me at least this is more than a battle based on faith or [lets face it]politics
I am confronted by all pedophilia, and understand many faiths are involved
Too that the Catholic Church[ based may be in part on its world wide spread] is highlighted for that crime
And we must not ignore, by its policy's on sex, that Church may attract some for the wrong reasons
IF we leave our personal biases at the door, can anyone say with honestly, the Church has taken action to end this crime
Pell, forget his conviction,has been less than kind to victims
He has a chance[powerful men can twist judgment] in the high court but if that fails some, for what ever reason, will still defend him
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 6:18:36 AM
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I read with interest your comments re 'kiddy fiddling' in the 1960s at Catholic schools.

I never attended a private school but The catholic kids and others used to play together after school and at weekends at sports. The catholic kids used to talk openly about Brother X and Father Y and the little ones spoke about the cruel nuns. The older girls that went to colleges also spoke about the cruel nuns. Some kids said their fathers remembered the same when they went to school. The older teenage girls never spoke openly about school sex abuse but hinted that things went on from time to time. There was little parental sex education for teens and no school sex classes.

So it appears it has been going on for generations, maybe since the beginning of christianity. I can recall reading about kids abuse in Indian history and the Chinese viewed it as good if their little boy was selected to serve the monks. I shudder to think about the abuse of boys sent to serve in the military or navy, and the little girls serving in stately homes, etc.

What really gets me is that the parents in each generation continued to send their kids to the same schools, where they knew abuse took place, in fact some of the same clergy and teachers were still at the same schools.

The question must be asked. Why would the parents deliberately put their kids at risk by sending them to the same schools? Do they not now feel some shame and remorse, and share some of the responsibility for the kids that were abused.
Posted by HenryL, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 10:43:50 AM
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Hi HenryL,

You pose an extremely good question, "Why would the parents deliberately put their kids at risk by sending them to the same schools?" I can only say, parents/people knew of things, but never spoke openly about hem, certainly never discussed in the home. Maybe they didn't want to believe such things took place, and in many instances children would not tell parents anyway.

I only know of one instance in about 1967, where a parent actually confronted the head Brother at my school about their son being molested, by a bloke who was a regular offender, and he would do it to a child at the back of the classroom of 30 boys. He would do that at virtually every lesson. The outcome was the head convinced the parents that brother was suffering from "overwork" and he would be given help. The truth is he was moved to another similar Catholic school, which seemed to be standard procedure.

An award winning Aussie fictional dramatisation from the 1970's which reflects Australian Catholic schools in the 50', 'The Devils Playground'. When I first watched this film in the 70's I could see the reality contained in it.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 11:49:10 AM
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While most people are obsessing about Catholic 'kiddy fiddling', they are giving a free kick to all the other non-Catholic schools and institutions in the secular world.

Most people are not interested in child abuse; they are interested in dragging down the Catholic Church.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 12:29:45 PM
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"Australia's Catholic Church hierarchy received a complaint in 2002 that a trainee priest (George Pell) had sexually abused a twelve-year-old altar boy "

Let's show SR the courtesy that he'd never show others and assume that the parts of the story that he left out were because of his sh!t-house research skills and attempts by his sources to deceive the gullible, rather than SR just hiding the bits of his story that didn't suit his gumph.

What other bits? Well 'Phil' wasn't just your average kid. He'd already been gaoled on drug-trafficking charges as well as street and alcohol offences and association with Melbourne criminals.

In his finding, Southwell Q.C. referred to “some valid criticism of the complainant’s credibility” and the “lack of corroborative evidence”. He found that Phil’s complaint had not been established. Southwell Q.C. also found that George Pell gave him “the impression that he was speaking the truth”.

As to corroboration, Phil said another kid was involved but he died in 1985. Wow! Isn't it strange how all the 'other' witnesses die BEFORE the complaint is lodged. I'm sure Pell was responsible (/sarc).

Its this type of thing that I'm talking about in regards to the way all these levers of society were arranged so as to ultimately destroy any chance of Pell getting a fair trial in Victoria. The ABC tells half the story, the gullible buy it and/or internalise it and ultimately we get a jury that has heard so many half-truths that they just go with it and convict based upon another half -truth.

As I said, its a disaster for society and the process will be used against other 'undesirable' (to the left) people and later on the left itself.

Check out the Shorten rape allegations. The evidence is weak but if the name was Pell rather than Shorten they'd already be building the gallows :) .
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 12:35:06 PM
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"So it appears it has been going on for generations, maybe since the beginning of christianity. I can recall reading about kids abuse in Indian history and the Chinese viewed it as good if their little boy was selected to serve the monks."

Henry, you don't know the half of it. But you've certainly absorbed the part you're meant to ie where its Christianity's fault.

On the other hand, these things are only considered wrong because the Christian West determined that to be so.

You might find this informative....
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 12:41:09 PM
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