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The Forum > General Discussion > BAD SMELL from BASS HILL Religious Deception.

BAD SMELL from BASS HILL Religious Deception.

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Hi there Aime :) yes of course we differ without the slightest malice whatsoever.

One of the Muslims supporting the school said this on the Bass Hills Future Web site:

"My kids are in the OC class and doing quite well. I'm just sick of all the negative comments about this school taking place. It's people like you that make me physically sick. VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT. GO AND GET A LIFE."

She was referring to a person named 'Knight' who is against the school.

So, lets just hope she (who claims to be an ordinary Muslim) is not typical of those who live in the area.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 6 August 2007 9:57:40 PM
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BD, because we (are supposed to) live in a secular state we should be neutral and not discriminate against one religion to favour another. I wouldn’t want to discriminate against any religious school that does not interfere or harm the freedom of others. I don’t know much about Ananda Marga but if that school does not harm the freedom of others, then yeah if the area is zoned for a school, they have as much right as any to be there.

Neo Nazi schools would be banned as they are a racial hate group. We would not tolerate a KKK school either for the same reasons. Both harm the freedom of others.

Note that I rather see no particular religious school at all for the reason that children should not be indoctrinated into the religion of their parents.
I hope one day all schools will be neutral and may teach about all the world religions- where children learn about their history, their beliefs; compare religions, learn to analyse them etc.
What if we had schools that promoted one of the political parties? What if there were parents who send their children to a Liberal party school, or a Communist party school, where they are told that this is the only right political party and where they will be given biased information?
The same thing should go for religious schools: there shouldn’t be any, preferably.
But while they are here to stay let there be neutrality.
Bring it on, all the religious schools are welcome, the nuttier the better as long as they stick to the curriculum.

As for “…it is a private 'Islamic' school and will be teaching its students:
a) Islam is the ONLY right religion.
b) In the process, they will undoubtedly study the Quran, which inevitably will lead to a study of Surah 9, and 'that' is the killer chapter ...literally. “
But wouldn’t a private Christian school do the same, study the Bible including the violent parts and tell the kids that this is the ONLY right religion?
Posted by Celivia, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 9:21:16 AM
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Hi Celivia

a Christian school would teach the following:

John 14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father, but by me"

So, would be teaching Christ as the only way of Salvation.

Now.. what ELSE would it be teaching ?

"Violence in the Old Testament" ? yes.. absolutely BUT..."not" as an example to follow, NOT as something which is a legitimate part of Church Growth practice, NOT as anything else BUT "What God commanded at ONE place, ONE time, for a SPECIFIC purpose and reason" ie.. as 'history'...not as doctrine.

It would also be teaching how Jesus told Peter to put his sword away when Peter tried to defend Jesus.... how he said "My Kingdom is NOT...'of' this world"

I've had 3 yrs at Bible college and 8 yrs as a missionary and I can confidently say that there is NOTHING taught which suggests Christians should act violently against non Christians. Absolutely....nothing.

Now please read Surah 9:29 and 30 from the Quran. Please.. read them C A R E F U L L Y. serious

Once you have read that... LOOK at this... a Hezbollah production...

notice what they say.. "al maut.. al maut.. al maut Israel"
DEATH...DEATH.. DEATH TO ISRAEL. 9:29 in action in 2007

I challenge ANYONE to show me anything even mildly resembling it from the Isaeli government against Arabs/Muslims/Hezbollah/Hamas.

Remember that Sheikh recently in the Age "We are all Hezbollah supporters" (true or false..he still said it)

PS I would CRITICIZE any Christian school which did the same as this Islamic college.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 10:18:04 AM
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Actually, this thread is a good argument for the removal of government funding to religious schools of any persuasion. Obviously, one element of the Muslim school's planning would be its projected budget, which presumably anticipates a large slab of government money by virtue of policies that favour private schools. Without this funding, it's likely that the Muslim school would be financially unviable. And if governments funded public schools properly instead of propping up elitist private and dodgy religious schools, then they wouldn't have to sell off Education Dept land.

Also, I must point out Boazy's typically dishonest 'strawman' argument concerning neo-Nazi schools - quite simply, they don't exist (unless, of course, you count the cadet corps that are still maintained at some elite private/Christian schools).
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 2:42:23 PM
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Boaz, please can we agree on one thing: if you start a thread, will you set an example to all and stay on topic?

You have once again used a local social issue to springboard into yet another of your whack-a-mozzie rant sessions.

>>I've had 3 yrs at Bible college and 8 yrs as a missionary and I can confidently say that there is NOTHING taught which suggests Christians should act violently against non Christians. Absolutely....nothing.<<

Then why is it that - despite the teachings - Christianity has been used so many times in the past and present as an excuse for violence? Could it be that people ignore the peaceful bits, and simply latch onto the bits they want to believe in?

Usually, these are the parts that say "I am right, you are wrong", which inevitably lead to fisticuffs, and more. So there is little point in drawing attention to the differences in tone and presentation, Boaz. You are still left with your core proposition that "there is only one religion: mine".

And when you add a whole string of inflammatory stuff on the end of this challenge, you are bound to create violence, aren't you?

As an aside, looking at the content of the Bass Hills Future web site that you directed our attention to, one thing is crystal clear.

The area desperately need a school that teaches spelling and grammar.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 3:18:20 PM
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Pericles said regarding religion...

"I am right, you are wrong", which inevitably lead to fisticuffs, and more...

"inevitably" ? not at all. Let me just say that if people allow Christ to control their minds, wills and hearts, the same will be for them, as it was to Peter who was told "Put your sword away" by Jesus.

Nothing more really need to be added to that.

On the spelling of people on the website.. yep.. agreed, but irrelevant.

Pericles, before you make a repeat of your 'violence and Christianity' 'whack a Christian' rant, please ensure that you can support it with evidence of precedent and precept from the New Testament, which is our foundation.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 10:18:17 PM
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