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The Forum > General Discussion > The benifits of multiracial over multicultural.

The benifits of multiracial over multicultural.

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One fact that so many just don't get is that you don't need to be aterrorist if you are a Muslim in order to conquer. Ghaddafi et al openly confirmed that over the years.
All they need is numbers & as soon as the numbers are adequate elections will be a one-way street.
Do-gooders either don't understand that or for some queer reason refuse to accept this strategy. A million good muslims will always vote in support for a Muslim Govt which then will permit the fanatics to do their dreadful deeds.
All that matters to them is for the West to go under the yoke of medievil superstition.
Europe is just about at the half-way mark. Australia's Left is blind to that.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 29 September 2018 6:32:53 PM
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Indy, you have not answered the question. What punitive action, if any, do you want our government to take against Australia's 600,000 Muslims?
I could make a few suggestions;

1. They could all be forced to ware a red crescent for easy identification.
2. Ban Muslims form the public service, such as teaching positions, the police force and the defense units.
3. Encourage real Australians to avoid Muslim owned businesses.
4. Hold public burning of the Muslim religious books etc. Just to show them who is boss.
5. Ban public worship and practice of Islam.

If you don't feel these measures go far enough, there are more draconian actions that can be taken, I look forward to your suggestions. They are all in the political handbook of the politicians you so admire. Its just a pity that we didn't have ex~Nazi's in Australia to form a political party like the one in Austria. Well, we'll just have to do with the Lovely Pauline and Corny Banana.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 29 September 2018 8:21:06 PM
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Indy, you have not answered the question. What punitive action, if any, do you want our government to take against Australia's 600,000 Muslims?

Sorry, I didn't realise you'd asked me this question. Why do you suggest punitive action ? Why punish people for something out of their control ? Why put innocent people into a very difficult & even dangerous situation because they're forced to play their part as instructed by higher up authority who has the ulterior motive, not the people it sends.
Your suggestions are nothing short of plain, stupid hate mongering. You just put your insipid & wharped mentality on display for all to see.

My suggestion of dealing with the situation is to fully explain to Muslim Immigrants that they're making the decison to start a new life in a Nation that is not islamic & therefore should sign a statement accepting the conditions & culture. Any involvement of political religious destabilising would result in deportation to their country of birth.
This could of course only be done if religion was made irrelevant on the Census forms.
Migrants who would actually be interested in leaving their religion should be given every opportunity & protection to do so.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 29 September 2018 9:21:17 PM
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In answer to Paul1405- There are things we can and should do but I'm sure that whatever the Australian people do Paul1405 will compare them to Hitler.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 29 September 2018 10:16:58 PM
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The Australian political parties have given them a franchise in our home without our consultation or approval. Many of us want to take this franchise away as is our right. A government that is not of the people by the people for the people is a dictatorship and a tyranny and it's the right and duty of the people within such a tyranny to throw it off if necessary by force.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 29 September 2018 10:20:47 PM
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This is interesting...

The Anti-Comintern Pact was an anti-Communist pact
Anti-Comintern Pact concluded between Germany and Japan (later to be
joined by other, ... , governments) on November 25, 1936, and was directed against the Communist International.
... recognizing that the aim of the Communist International, known as the Comintern, is to disintegrate and subdue existing States by all the means at its command; convinced that the toleration of interference by the Communist International in the internal affairs of the nations not only endangers their internal peace and social wellbeing, but is also a menace to the peace of the world desirous of co-operating in the defense against Communist subversive activities
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 29 September 2018 10:43:40 PM
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