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Assaults on Ambulance officers

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Why do you blame someone's religion for the actions of
criminals and extremists? Are you influenced by what's
in the media? We should not assume that everhone
practices their religion in exactly the same way. And
blaming an entire religion for the actions of some
people does not somehow seem very logical or fair.
Of course criminals should be punished - and have the full
force of the law - but it's not wise to just single out
one group over others.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 12:47:26 PM
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//If those misbehaved happen to be non-australian citizens return them to their country without delay//

And if they are Australian citizens and their country is Australia? Let them off scot free? Hang them? Caning? Community service?

Your post seems to be missing a bit at the end there, where you explain what you think we should do with our home-grown criminals.

I reckon we should lock 'em up.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 12:49:07 PM
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//So if I stated the inconvenient facts that Muslim immigration will lead to existing citizens in those areas losing access to ambulance services what do people say?//

I would ask what you think Muslim immigration has to do with the first of the stories I linked to yesterday. And also this story from a few months back:

Now, it is true that neither story mentions the ethnicity of the perpetrators of those cowardly assaults, but we know that they were drunk. Which doesn't necessarily rule out Muslims; they are physically capable of consuming ethanol and getting drunk off it. But as a general rule of thumb, they don't.

//I'd rather lose the Muslims.//

OK, and what do you propose as step 2 when it turns out doesn't work and drunks still keep assaulting ambos? Do we lose some another group of people apparently unrelated to the problem? Because I've got my eye on a few groups. How about this as a course of action:

1. Get rid of the Muslims.
2. Get rid of the hippies.
3. Get rid of the hipsters.
4. Get rid of people who talk in movies.
5. Get rid of happy-clappy Christians, Mormons and JW's.
6. Get rid of people who watch reality TV.
7. Get rid of bank executives.
8. Get rid of paedos.
9. Get rid of the presenters of 'Sky After Dark'.
10. Burn Kyle Sandilands at the stake.
11. Get rid of people who buy 4WD's and only drive them in the cities.
12. Get rid of teenagers who ride wheeled contrivances on footpaths, trains stations etc. Actually, just get rid of teenagers all together.
13. Get rid of the Irish, everybody knows they're troublemakers.
14. Call a temporary halt to the pogroms and maybe think about doing something sensible related to assaults on ambos.
15. Get rid of anti-vaxxers.
16. Get rid of flat-earthers.
17. Get rid of people who turn their headphones up too loud on public transport.
18. Get rid of people who don't like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 1:26:06 PM
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Well who honestly would have thought a thread showing us just how bad some people are treating our first responders would bring about a parody thread? this one did, in starting the other I wanted to lay down a thread to give dumping ground for dislike even hate of others, my story about that rail line left out the race of the party goers, it did not need to include that, their actions the actions of the dead lad, the impacts of the grog, worse or better because of race,we sit up and howle, sometimes rightly, about other faiths and races being different than us, in the case of law and order we should demand forever equality, that every person in this country face the same law same consequences for breaking them,leave your racism in the bucket at the door
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 1:50:54 PM
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I reckon we should lock 'em up.
Toni lavis,
Of course, but not only lock them, make them work in detention @ $10-15/hr until they've paid back the costs they incurred. The more they repay the sooner they get out of jail.
And, jail should be jail not a 4 star motel with a fence around it.
Once the many non-citizen crims are deported more bunks will be available so the claim that jails are overcrowded will not stick with the do-gooders.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 2:21:38 PM
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Get rid of the Straw Men
Posted by Shockadelic, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 4:29:24 PM
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