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Turnbull challenge

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Most voters will be very careful after the antics of
the past week as to who they will vote for at the
next election. They won't want a repeat and have another
Prime Minster deposed. I doubt if Julie Bishop will be
on the front bench of this new cabinet. She'll probably
retire to the back bench, serve out her term until the
next election and quit Parliament. I don't see the Liberal
Party winning the next election. They need to re-invent
themselves - and re-unite, and that means getting rid of
the malcontents and destroyers within their own party.
Perhaps the voters will be able to do that for them.

Ton Abbott - who told everyone that he wanted to be a
loyal party member and serve the people of Warringah
as a back-bencher has done everything he could to undermine
the government and his party. Hopefully the people of
Warringah will be less inclined to vote for him at the
next election.

Aaron Patrick writing for the Australian Financial Review
back in March of this year stated that "the 60 year
old backbencher has said in private conversations that he
regards politics as his vocation and has no intention of
retiring from his Sydney seat..." It appears that this
politicians aim is to once again return as PM - and he's
prepared to do whatever it takes to get that job.

Senior political come-backs are rare but not unheard of.
Kevin Rudd returned as PM 3 years after being removed by his
own party. John Howard returned as Opposition Leader six
years after being removed in 1989.

No Opposition Leader elected immediately after his/her party
was removed from power has led the party back into office in
the modern era.

Bill Shorten may just be the first politician to achieve this
feat thanks to the recent behaviour of the Liberal Party.
I guess for that the country owes a Thank You to Mr Abbott
and Mr Dutton.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 August 2018 1:54:59 PM
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Foxy yes well put together thoughts, let me say up front my views keep me from branch meetings but far from campaigning, I can never forgive or forget the shear treachery of dumping Rudd, know those involved they betrayed me,they now know they did, I know only that stopped them doing it again, recently,like the dumping of Abbott,,, some,,, will build legends around this week, remember when they target Morrison, soon, he like Turnbull did not start the knife weldings, our then treasurer was meant to replace Abbott, the same forces broke the back of both governments climate change deniers, it will continue to rumble until one day,it splits in to a new party, Morrison, no joy for me, will bring many back to his party, quite a lot of one notion, intentional spelling is mise, will return but the sooner voters get a chance to be heard the better,,,for Labor
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 25 August 2018 4:50:15 PM
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Foxy that is indeed a strange philosophy. We should of course unite behind a leader who is doing their best, who understands the world & our position it. One with good policy & programs for the betterment of Australians.

Just because a bunch of politicians chose someone to lead their party is absolutely no reason to unite behind them.

When you get a conniving cheat like Turnbull, who understands very little, & is using the position to further the prospects of a chosen few, only an idiot would unite behind them, Any thinking person would be doing their very best to get rid of them.

A week should give us some idea if we can accept Morrison. A month should show us if we have to start trying to get rid of him too. Unfortunately with Frydenberg chosen as his deputy, I very much doubt there is much chance of him proving satisfactory to most liberal supporters.

Think this through Foxy. If you were a yank, would you be uniting behind Trump right now. Unlike Obama, he has now well proved he is on the side of the US little people, but I'm sure you would never support him.

Apply your own logic to the situation.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 25 August 2018 5:45:57 PM
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Dear runner,

I don't think I would ever have thought I would say this but I preferred the pentecostal Christian to the other bloke. Wow. Even just writing it makes my head spin.

This is of course why you have been so measured about Morrison, which is fine, but the rest of us will be keeping a very good eye on him.

Dear foxy,

The most revealing bit of news was about the party that was thrown in Abbott's office the night before the vote. It went late and there were many empty bottles retrieved by staff, all of it paid for by us of course. They were that bloody sure of themselves.

Meanwhile the Morrison forces were working the phones using the time that Turnbull had managed to secure for them to pull the rug out from under the smug bunch of neanderthals.

It was appropriate of course that it was Abbott's office, this was a bloke who was that maggoted on at least one occasion that he couldn't be roused for a division. And to think, there are those on this very forum who still hanker for his return.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 August 2018 6:01:00 PM
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Hi Steele,

Didn't Hitler hold a drunken party just before he shot himself, a party paid for by the German people. There is a big difference between Hitler and Abbott, Hitler didn't drink, so he made it to his execution on time.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 August 2018 6:22:18 PM
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None the less, Morrisson will win the next election, I can't see the Australian voters giving Bill Shorten the reins.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 25 August 2018 6:32:55 PM
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