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Woman Mauled by Dingoes
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Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 28 July 2018 12:13:44 PM
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seems to me, having taken the trouble to read every post Paul is being flogged with a feather, for nothing a million Australians do not say every day,not looking for a fight o sung wo, but seems you are, now Paul dislikes me,its political,once I handed out the greens HTV s at very much red neck booths, along with my own, these days, not so, yet spoke at length with their local candidate this morning, at a market day, he was abrupt, but we got on ok, each polling day I introduce myself to all booth captains and those manning, every sides booth, it is in my view a good and great thing, that we do not hate based on our politics, but is that the reason Paul is under attack? hard not to think so
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 28 July 2018 2:57:19 PM
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Hi o sung wu,
In a previous post I did refer to you as a warmonger, I have no evidence that you were anything of the sorts. Possibly you found the Vietnam War as objectionable as I did, on moral and conscientious grounds, as did millions of your fellow Australians at that time. For that rash comment I withdraw the remark. At worse you may have been nothing more that a supporter of our participation there in. The true warmongers in Australia at that time, were the conservative governments of Menzies, Holt, Gorton and Mcmachen, I still hold that belief. I have nothing but remorse for the over 500 young Australian lives that were needlessly and wrongfully extinguished because of our disgusting involvement in such a terrible war. Your offensive and derogatory comments directed personally towards me are taken as nothing more than ho-hum, and on a political forum I expect that as part of the participation in a highly confrontational forum such as this. HOWEVER, your attempt to "call me out"; // I really ache for a time PAUL1405, where you and I could meet somewhere, one out for a personal confrontation,// and no doubt the inference is for violence you would like to direct towards me. Such behavior is beyond the pale for a forum participant as far as I am concerned, but is a matter for the Forum Moderator. I don't know you at all, and do not know what you or your "mates" you speak of, you claim to be ex-military, ex-copper, are capable of. Incidentally, I have been suspended from the forum on occasions, fairly, but in my many years of participation here I have never resorted to your particular brand of threat. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 July 2018 4:43:02 PM
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That wasn't a threat, it was an invitation. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 29 July 2018 6:54:27 PM
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Hi issy,
Maybe this blokes "The Godfather", and makes offers you can't refuse. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 30 July 2018 7:12:24 AM
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What are you whinging about now, so you've been suspended from the Forum - that's supposed to impress me? Do you wear your suspension like a 'badge of honour' or something - the irascible & tetchy PAUL1405, tough guy? Listen my craven little mate, if you reckon you've been threatened, your already have an inbuilt mechanism herein, in which you can lodge a complaint. Talk's cheap, do it! Your first paragraph makes me heave and gag with undisguised contempt, over you pathetic 'climb down' from your warmongering commentary over Vietnam Vets. '...I have nothing but remorse for the over 500 young Australian lives that were needlessly and wrongfully extinguished because of our disgusting involvement in such a terrible war...' Oh deary me, I hope you weren't too upset there PAUL1405, reading about all those terrible casualties, as you partook in your morning coffee and Corn Flakes, all the while your Australian countrymen, who didn't seek to dodge conscription, existed in the heat, the humidity, and yes the dust in the jungles of South Vietnam! Mate you make me want to retch with distain every time you open your mouth. Where do you go on ANZAC Day? You curl up alone on your comfy lounge with your dog eared copy of 'Dan DARE' & his Combat Platoon', reading all about soldiering! I really wouldn't know, nor care? But what I do know, you'd never be found, or welcomed at any RSL on ANZAC Day. Unless of course you were there, under false pretences. Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 30 July 2018 11:00:43 AM
You wriggle and twist like a rat on a rope, trying to lie your way out of calling me a 'warmonger'. You know Paul you're a real 'thing', a cowardly low life with as much relevance as used gum stuck on one's sole! Let me remind you, you perverse, sleazy little prick; '...In fact when Whitlam was elected, the warmongers such as yourself were well and truely in the minority, you must have hated a lot of your fellow Australians at that time...'.
And there was this; '...the two warmonger references were clearly directed at the government of the day, and not you. Comprehension problem old salt..." 'Well ol' salt'; I again refer you to my second paragraph herein - so why not squint those beady little eyes of yours, furrow that brow, and remove your thumb, from you know where, and read the damn thing!
I really ache for a time PAUL1405, where you and I could meet somewhere, one out. I'd respectfully ask you to repeat every single, solitary syllable, you've ever uttered herein. Apropos the warmongers; the police force; and many other sundry organisations and topics that you've delighted in prejudicially, eviscerating and scarifing with impunity and anonymity. Somehow though, I reckon it'd be a real fizzer. A case of; 'No appearance your Worship!