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The Forum > General Discussion > Should some criminals pay the costs of imprisonment?

Should some criminals pay the costs of imprisonment?

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Hi there YUYUTSU...

I've told those who I've arrested; there's only two basic 'predicaments' in gaol - survive or perish. Most survive, by yielding to the unofficial gaol rules, established by the 'gaol heavies'. Those who're fearful, need protection, though an ultimate sign of weakness. The fact you may also be a 'dog' or a 'lagger' (you betray other prisoners; to Police). To commit such an unspeakable crime, is an automatic death sentence in gaol - thus the prison heavies put the 'dog' on you.

Once that happens, despite being on protection, you'll suffer all manner of verbal abuse & threats. Until after some time things 'may' settle down and you're allowed to mix in normal population once more. If however, your crime has been committed against a 'heavy' (you may've 'given him up' in the past), and he's been transferred to another gaol, for 'your' protection; it's possible his network, will still get you, as proven over again.

The last job I did (as case officer) was at Parramatta Gaol. A former gaol heavy had a 'blue' with another gaol heavy. He was placed in a cell occupied by another pretty tough bloke, but certainly no heavy. On 'let go' (0700hrs) the next morning, the Officer opened the cell door, only to find the cell floor awash with blood, with a saturated towel laid against the cell door.

One inmate was awake, but remained in his top bunk; while this 'gaol heavy' was laying in his bottom bunk, entirely covered up by his blanket. After several commands to get up, the Officer pulled the blanket back only to find the inmate was 'headless'. During the night our friend decided to decapitate our mate for 'disrespecting' him in one of the gaol yards, even though the victim was a 'heavy'. His head was found rolled under his bottom bunk with his eyes staring ahead in some amazement! Probably in the realisation he was no longer a 'heavy' just headless!

No YUYUTSU, gaol's not a great place to be. Best you stay out of the place if you can my friend?
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 13 July 2018 1:24:26 PM
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That seems good advice o sung wo but so very many make little effort to do that, crime is always the default for some and I doubt that will change.
my state even today is unmasking very corrupt conduct in local government and if justice has its way more prison time will be the result,we should while punishing the offenders look at new ways to make return offending less likely
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 July 2018 5:05:25 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

Thanks to your reply I am really distraught and unlikely to be able to sleep tonight, or I will scream and wake up in cold sweat.

What I now need to calm me down and help me sleep peacefully, is a cyanide pill in case they ever try to arrest me, so I can bite on it before they are able to take me into the place of horrors you described.

So admittedly you were serving a body of people (the state) that does such horrendous things to people, including good, honest innocent people who either made an honest mistake, or acted harmlessly in accordance with their good conscience and religion when these just happened to conflict with that body's legislation, or who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Aren't you ashamed for having supported such a bloody institution?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 13 July 2018 5:12:50 PM
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Hi there YUYUTSU...

Am I ashamed? Not a bit my friend. The good honest souls, who you so quaintly put it, who make one minor error in there lives; rarely ever get a custodial sentence. If you wish evidence of that, just listen to talk-back radio, and hear the confected complaints of the good righteous people, lamenting the fact that so & so have got off too lightly, or something similar?

My friend, perhaps you should (with respect) pull your head out of your fundamental orifice and have a good look around you, to see what's happening in society. Have a nice evening YUYUTSU.
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 13 July 2018 5:40:12 PM
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Yuyutsu please let me say sorry for what I am about to tell you yet again, I find your views impossible to believe are shared by many, yes you are in all probability a good person, but reality demands we understand Joe and Jane average, while not committed to much at all, want to be safe from criminals, a world that can not give them that, that in fact refuses to, is never going to exist
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 July 2018 7:39:43 AM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

But who is to say which is an error, which is a minor error and which is a major error?
It is that same gang who are legislators-judges-and-executers.

Following one's conscience and religion is not an error.

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is an error one usually cannot avoid.


Dear Belly,

Just like Joe and Jane average, I too want to be safe from criminals.

So who are the biggest criminals?

Here is a gang which:
1) is so powerful that you cannot escape or hide from them.
2) nobody can challenge them.
3) make any rules as they please about things which everyone must or must not do and demand that you follow them. These might well include rules that conflict with your values, conscience and/or religion.
4) if you fail to follow their rules, they lock you up in horrific conditions, including as described by O Sung Wu.
5) if you manage to flee from them for awhile, then as O Sung Wu mentioned, they shoot you (in which case, if their bullets kill you then you are better off, but chances are you only get wounded, then you are both incapacitated AND incarcerated).
6) they can change their rules at any time and failing to know about the changes is no excuse.
7) occasionally they might lock you up in those horrific conditions even when you did not break their rules.

Yes, there are of course other criminals too, but whom should Joe and Jane Average fear more?

«I find your views impossible to believe are shared by many»

Do Joe and Jane Average have no values, conscience and religion?
Or perhaps they are sedated to the point of getting their priorities wrong!
What sedates them? perhaps this "talk-back radio" which O Sung Wu mentioned? or even stronger drugs like television?

Perhaps unusual nowadays, but I just want to live my own life, rather than through the eyes and ears of others, this way I am awake, not sedated and able to call a spade a spade!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 14 July 2018 8:22:12 PM
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