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The Forum > General Discussion > Should some criminals pay the costs of imprisonment?

Should some criminals pay the costs of imprisonment?

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Well we have prisons, we always will have them, by far the majority would have it no other way,taking body parts? same as above, we are after all not China Obied?one of thousands who can pay and should pay the future will not stand still, it will bring changes to every thing,and prisons and the length of time a criminal stays will change too,making offenders pay, twice if you like, may well be part of that change
PS Obied infested my party, he had others in that party who never got caught, some did, for criminal acts while in office I truly think he should never be released, and every cent he made by those actions should be reteaved by government
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 7:51:02 AM
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Hi (again) YUYUTSU...

I'm sure you're a really nice human being, with a good heart and forgiving soul, and where possible, you wouldn't harm anyone, if it could be helped. Unfortunately not all people are like you. For this reason, we need to deal with some members of our community in a much harsher way and in a much harsher environment.

It's for this reason we need gaols, gaols of all types - starting with those, that are classified as open institutions, right up to Maximum Security. Those gaols needs to be staffed with all manner of men & women; from the compassionate, to the real hard-headed screw who might well knock you for six, if you show him any real 'attitude'. At those tough gaols they have men with powerful rifles, who will without doubt, shoot you dead, should you attempt to escape. If for some reason, you do make good your escape, then the police who will undoubtably shoot you, if you fail to give yourself up?

So as you can see my good compassionate friend, all strata's of law-enforcement, complement each other. Unlike the domino effect, if one part of the process fails, usually the others try to take up the 'slack' as it were. Hope this helps YUYUTSU.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 10:32:50 AM
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Prisons, if we should or should not have them avoids the question, that being should criminal who have the money pay for time served there or us, in the end their victims
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 11:28:02 AM
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In reality BELLY you can't even extract money from the average crim. for their fines now. That's why many of them go to gaol in the first place, in order to cut out their fines, at x amount of dollars per day! So how on earth are you going to make these miscreants pay for their Room & Board ? A nice thought no doubt, but one devoid of any reality I'm afraid.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 12:08:59 PM
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Be aware that there are persons that oppose your view on this issue.

Just because a person has wealth or assets does not mean that wealth was obtained illegally or associated with a crime the person has committed. Therefore if the person was made to pay for the cost of imprisonment it would be penalizing him twice for the same crime, whereas a person with less wealth would get less penalty. Where and how would you draw the line?

The same argument is used against advocates for deportation of non-citizen criminals. Those against deportation say that we are penalizing non-citizens twice for the same crime.

Something to think about.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 1:49:18 PM
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o sung wo Bango I have zero doubt you both are right,100% but governments, if willing can bring about changes,think with me here *do you think the costs of confinement some times play a roll in questionable sentencing?* if your answer is yes then why not try?yes we have criminals who will avoid it, or try to, remember in my state, shamefully, a Minister went to prison, for granting early release from prison,after taking bribes, two a Knight, Minister for police, did so in Queensland, room exists for change.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 2:54:41 PM
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