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The Forum > General Discussion > Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

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According to FactCheck:

What we can say with certainty is that in the 15 years
prior to the first gun buy back in 1996, there had been 13
mass shootings in Australia in which a total of 104 people
were killed and 52 injured.

In the 21 years since more restrictive firearm policies came
into effect there has not been a single mass shooting in the

Unlike in the US where more guns has meant more mass
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 3 March 2018 3:30:16 PM
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//there are now more guns in Australia than before the buyback.//

And about 35% more people than there were in 1996. Do you have any per capita figures to share with us, or would that undermine your argument?

.... and never mind, found some for myself:

Whaddaya know, per capita ownership is 23% lower than it was before Port Arthur.

You're going to have to do better than that, Mr. Iceberg lettuce.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 3 March 2018 3:32:04 PM
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Then more guns means more crime?

Only goes to shew that the above is a foolish simplistic statement.

The US has more guns than ever but crime is falling and the same goes for Australia, therefore more guns mean less crime.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 3 March 2018 3:49:16 PM
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"In the 21 years since more restrictive firearm policies came
into effect there has not been a single mass shooting in the

These are listed as mass shootings:

Wright St Bikie Murders, 8 October 1999, Adelaide, 3 dead, 2 injured

Hectorville siege, 29 April 2011, South Australia 3 dead, 3 injured

Hunt family murders, 9 September 2014, Lockhart, New South Wales 5 dead. 0 injured.

Now they weren't big ones but they do rather destroy your statement that there have been no mass shootings.
Then there is the possibility of substitution of methods, such as arson.
15 dead at the Childers fire, 10 at the Churchill fire and 11 at Quakers Hill.

I see that the deviant is still cracking jokes at the expense of dead children.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 3 March 2018 5:01:21 PM
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Is Mise,

The notion that more guns lead to less crime is almost
certainly incorrect. The research on guns is not uniform
and we could certainly use more of it. But when all but
a few studies point in the same direction, we can feel
confident that the arrow is aiming at the truth --- which
is, in this case, that guns do not inhibit crime and
violence but instead make it worse.

The popular gun-advocacy bumper-sticker says that -
" Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
And it is in fact true. You can't have a gun murder without
guns, or people. Therefore the bumper-sticker should add -
"Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people more
easily." We can't just simply separate the two.

See you on another discussion.

Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 3 March 2018 5:53:59 PM
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Is Mise,

Just a small correction before I go:

The so called "mass shootings" that you referred to
earlier - the Wright St Bikie murders, the Hunt
family murders, and the Hectorville - according
to police reports were not mass shootings but
individual murder cases.

Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 3 March 2018 6:56:34 PM
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