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The Forum > General Discussion > Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes In Our Parliament

Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes In Our Parliament

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//The poofter bashing campaign//

Campaign? There is no campaign, ALTRAVING. Poofter bashings are random acts of violence by a thankfully very small number of sociopaths (because they're the only people that think it's a good idea).

//but remember, keep looking over your shoulder!//

Good advice, ALTRAVING. Very good advice indeed ;)
Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 10 December 2017 7:52:31 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

Same sex marriage was not legally allowed under the
laws of the land in Australia. It will now at least
bring institutional recognition. We have all heard
the accounts of people not being able to go into
medical facilities to say good-bye to their dying
partners or they have not been given recognition in
hospital situations. Legal marriage will now change that.
And that is only right that we all are treated equally
under the law. I'm sure that you will agree.


Six out of 10 Australians are in favour of same sex
marriage. And your concerns about people committing
violent acts probably only applies to a small
minority in our society. Most normal, decent people
would not commit acts of violence. Those that will
commit violent acts will have the full force of the
law thrown at them. That's not to say that people
who are homophobic will probably stay homophobic.
Attitudes are changed by hard work and constant
education. Our hope lies with the younger generations.
And the families and friends of gay people.

I agree with you about the nine politicians, all
members of government who chose to be absent from the
chamber at the time of the vote. They could still
have abstained from voting - but they should at least
have stayed in the chamber as members of government.
It was not a good look and I hope that their electorates
will take note.

Here's a few thoughts that you may enjoy:

"Mate, Mate
Let's get this straight
Gay marriage is finally here
Gay marriage is no longer bad
And it's no longer queer

Love makes the world go round
Now all of us can spin
She's now allowed to marry her
And he can marry him

We've made our choice
We've had our voice
What we've done is simply great
Australians strongly said YES to love
The hate will have to wait."
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 9:49:33 AM
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cont'd ...

My husband and I have been invited to a dinner party
this evening to celebrate the passing of this
legislation. It should be interesting as there will
be some well known personalities in attendance.
I'm looking forward to the evening.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 9:56:21 AM
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Six out of ten Australians are NOT in favour of fake, homosexual marriage. Six out of ten Australians WHO VOTED were in favour or were conned into thinking it was about equality. Foxy is now making up her own statistics to defend her warped thinking.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 December 2017 9:59:34 AM
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According to the Daily Telegraph, Lyle Shelton of the Australian Christian Lobby was tweeted 'eat sh.t Kyle' after the fake marriage bill passed. This from a supporter of those yapping “What a day for love, for equality, for respect”.

No chance of the 'victors' being magnanimous, then.

The there's Turnbull's ugly, red-faced, triumphant ranting on the floor of Parliament.

How is he going square that away next election with the 63% of Coalition voters who voted NO? The people who worked so hard for in his SSM campaign are never going to vote for him. And the Smith bill has crapped all over people asking to be free of homosexual discrimination. Even Coalition dag, Scott Morrison said, “...that to pretend the Smith bill satisfies the concerns of No voters shows “a lack of understanding and empathy”.

The aftermath of the fake marriage victory is going to be very nasty indeed,with all the nastiness coming from the Left, fake marriage urgers and stirrers.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 December 2017 10:55:02 AM
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Dear Foxy,

«Same sex marriage was not legally allowed under the laws of the land in Australia.»

But it wasn't disallowed either; and in a democracy, any action that is not explicitly disallowed by law, is legal.

«It will now at least bring institutional recognition.»

Assuming this is a good thing.

Tell me please, if such recognition is all such sweetness and honey, then why aren't [legally-]married couples allowed to request the state to withdraw that recognition?

«We have all heard the accounts of people not being able to go into medical facilities to say good-bye to their dying partners or they have not been given recognition in hospital situations.»

Yes, this indeed is a problem which needed fixing.
However, I do not agree with the specific way in which it was being fixed (or was it really fixed?).

«Legal marriage will now change that.»

Only for those who agree to undergo a legal marriage. What about the others who still want to be able to say goodbye to their dying partners?

«And that is only right that we all are treated equally under the law. I'm sure that you will agree.»

I hate to disappoint you, Foxy, but I don't.

But without going into a deep philosophical debate into the general case and why I disagree with that premise as if everyone ought to be treated equally under the law, let us with your permission remain focused only on this particular issue of marriage equality.

In my view, the correct solution for this particular inequality, was to eliminate the institution of state-sanctioned marriage altogether, including to repeal the Marriage Act altogether and the removal of any other references to the words "married", "marry", "marriage", "marrying", etc. from all Australian legislation.

Don't you agree that this too would result in marriage equality?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 December 2017 1:31:41 PM
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