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Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes In Our Parliament
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Posted by Foxy, Friday, 8 December 2017 5:54:55 PM
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I support same sex marriage and always did.
I agree that churches and other religious organisations should be allowed to refuse to marry same sex couples. Churches are someone else's club and those people get to write the rules. I wish they had allowed military chaplains to refuse to conduct services. I don't believe businesses should be allowed to refuse to cater without being sued. Businesses owned by religious organisations were exempted and I agree with this. Please correct me if I have my facts wrong. Posted by benk, Saturday, 9 December 2017 2:17:08 PM
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On the ABC this morn there was a discussion about how the "Gay" lobby can progress from here and change the minds of the people who voted 'No' so that there is close to 100% acceptance.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 9 December 2017 2:47:10 PM
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I'm pleased that my local MP stuck to his word and voted 'yes', despite being against same-sex marriage, because that was what the majority of his electorate wanted.
Meanwhile, the Betoota Advocate has a brilliant satirical piece mocking the loopy conspiracy theory that it is all a cunning plan to destroy the family unit: '“Phase One Complete” Says Militant Homosexual' ( "The leader of a vast secret network of homosexual terrorists hellbent on corrupting Australian family values to their very core has today ordered his foot soldiers to turn their attention to their next target, after successfully destroying the institution of marriage." Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 9 December 2017 2:55:24 PM
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I'm not sure that there will ever be 100% acceptance.
Look at the 4 politicians who voted no and the nine who abstained. It's unlikely they will ever change their minds. They haven't to date, and that's fine. We've heard all the arguments - again, and again, and again. But at least finally the 45th Parliament has finally voted and legalised same-sex marriage on Thursday 7th December 2017. It's been a long journey and undoubtedly one about which many have mixed feelings. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:06:59 PM
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At least the postal survey told us what we already
knew via opinion polls. That roughly 6 out of 10 Australians were in favour of same sex marriage. And now it's official. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:13:23 PM
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Three of the four no voters in parliament were Queenslanders.
Bob Katter (Kennedy), LNP MPs - David Littleproud (Maranoa) and Keith Pitt (Hinkler). They were joined by Liberal MP Russell Broadbent from Victoria who joined the lonely crew on the no side of the House. Nine MPs, all members of government were absent from the chamber at the time of the vote. They were - Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce, Treasurer Scott Morrison, Former PM Tony Abbott, assistant ministers Alex Hawke and Michael Sukkar, Liberal MPs - Andrew Hastie, Kevin Andrews and Rick Wilson and Nationals MP George Christensen. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:34:03 PM
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Yes, Foxy, if anything good has come from the unnecessary survey, it’s that the opponents need to accept what the polls over the last 13 years should have already told them: that the majority wanted marriage equality.
However, as Magda Szubanski noted a few days ago: with the unknown (and unqualifiable) human cost of such an ugly campaign, who could really know if the survey was worth it in the end? Simply passing the law and letting the opponents lump it may have been the better option. At least this way there is a greater air of legitimacy to the change, though. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:38:33 PM
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Is Mise,
What do you reckon? Complete arrogance, naivety, or just plain disrespectful of the 40% who voted NO? These ardent Leftists really think that people who find homosexuality totally disgusting, and genuinely regret having the tradition of marriage hurled out on a perverted whim are going to change their minds? Tell them they are joking. Hang on, though. They are probably not joking as they now smell blood and the possibility of dragging society down a lot further yet. Even poor fools who were conned by the call for 'equality' will now know that they were actually conned. Too late of course. Yeah, 60% voted YES, and we are not likely to hear anything about the 'tyranny of the majority' from the Marxist Left, who have contempt for majorities when they don't act as they are supposed to. So, it's now legal, and the smug bastards are over the moon. That will not make a jot of difference to to NO voters, who will have even more contempt for them. We now have two parallel societies, just because of a lousy 3% of lousy people. But, 'legal' does not mean 'right'. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:38:44 PM
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I suppose that some, maybe many, SSM activists will suffer unsettling anticlimax. There will be a large hole in their lives. What to do now? - A reminder of Spike Milligan's skit, 'What are we going to do now?' (repeat over and over)
I am sure you can stand down now Foxy. Returning to bayonet the vanquished few left on the field (or in the Parliament) is never a good look. Hopefully the Parliament, both Houses (and the ABC), might get some time for those 'wicked' problems now. 'Struggle Streets' anyone? Nope, all are leaving on holiday abroad. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:55:02 PM
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Dear AJ,
Most of us learned early in high school that our Representative Democracy was - that we elect members of Parliament to make decisions on our behalf without the need to take contentious issues to a public vote. But instead of doing their jobs our Members of Parliament handed the reins over to us and in the process gave a megaphone to the most hateful elements in Australian society, on both sides of the argument. That's why today many people will have mixed feelings about this entire process. And if that wasn't enough our Prime Minister then ceded the parliament floor for 2 whole days to allow every MP to do what voters are sick of hearing them do - argue. We had to hear the same crackpot rubbish again, and again, and again. Especially from people like Bob Katter. But at least it is now official. Despite the long haul that it's been. Some will be celebrating, but most will simply be tired and glad that it's finally over. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:58:23 PM
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The 'Use By' date for SSM activists, both sides, has expired. Everyone is going on the Summer hols.
Maybe a soft cover, 'What to do with left over SSM activists' and recycled quickly as egg cartons. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 9 December 2017 4:13:38 PM
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Here is what LGBTI politicians had to say about
the passing of the same-sex marriage bill in Parliament, in their own words: It's quite moving. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 5:27:43 PM
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Not feeling so gay as you once did? Feeling a big let-down? Anticlimax? Lost the highs of virtue-signalling and sledging? YOU could be suffering from Post-SSM Activist Syndrome!
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 9 December 2017 6:07:00 PM
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I am really looking forward to doing the reading
"The Art of A Good Marriage" by Wilferd Arlan Peterson at a close friend's gay wedding next year. It will mean a great deal. The words are quite beautiful. And well worth a Google. "Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens A good marruage must be created In marriage the little things are the big things... There's more on the web. Enjoy! Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 6:56:39 PM
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Dear Foxy,
The state's recognition of SSM came at no surprise at all. Yet, I am disappointed about the collusion between church and state and the resulting preferential treatment and protection of established "religions" over the unprotected personal religious and moral convictions of individuals that are not affiliated with the powerful churches. «Well - it has passed. Same Sex Marriage is now legal in Australia.» It always was. --- Dear Benq, «I don't believe businesses should be allowed to refuse to cater without being sued. Businesses owned by religious organisations were exempted and I agree with this.» So those affiliated with the big organised churches can do whatever the like with impunity, but those who are not might be ordered to break their vows or face the courts (including those who undertook such vows that were perfectly legal at the time). This you consider fair? --- Dear Ttbn, «So, it's now legal» Why, it was legal all along and no law previously prevented two people of the same gender from marrying. Nothing changed and nothing happened to the tradition of marriage, because the registration of "marriages" by the state has little to do with the actual fact or otherwise of marriage. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 December 2017 1:25:53 AM
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As I previously wrote. Now begins the real test. If the Gaiz think they have won something, good for them. But as history and the records show, in every country where this Gai marriage was passed, there was a sudden and sharp rise in the incidents of VRO's, hospitalisation, separations, divorce, assaults and more bad things all suddenly came from the Gai community and all between the Gaiz. The Gaiz did not think this through. They created a 'shitstorm' and now it will dump very heavily on those who would least expect it. If you recall I gave a 'heads-up' by saying watch out look over your shoulder. To which I was vilified for making veiled threats. If I want to make threats I will do so I don't need to hide behind something like they do. Anyway according to the newspaper of the day, I was right again. The poofter bashing campaign was raised a couple of notches and yes Gaiz got their Christmas jollies a little early this year. So enjoy your new found status, but remember, keep looking over your shoulder!
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 10 December 2017 7:06:11 AM
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Foxy, I am surprised at some of the names who were absent from the vote. It smacks of a conspiracy to save face and follow party line. If one is not there to vote, they won't be showing their hand. If that is true then these pollies are hypocrites one and all. Abbott made a big deal about voting NO and when the time came, he wasn't there? It's clear to me that these people are gutless and rather than stand and fight would rather crawl under a rock and shiver in fear. Had these morons voted as they suggested, NO, I wonder what the outcome would have been. Instead it was arranged and agreed behind closed doors, for the greater good of the bloody party, let's sell out Australia to the whims of a very small and irrelevant minority. I'm not the only one who has noticed this let down. I hope it costs them at the next election. As for the SSM act, it's OK we now have time to pick away at the act and slowly amend it to the satisfaction and work-ability of the NO camp and the real Australian majority, not just those in the postal vote.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 10 December 2017 7:24:58 AM
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//The poofter bashing campaign//
Campaign? There is no campaign, ALTRAVING. Poofter bashings are random acts of violence by a thankfully very small number of sociopaths (because they're the only people that think it's a good idea). //but remember, keep looking over your shoulder!// Good advice, ALTRAVING. Very good advice indeed ;) Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 10 December 2017 7:52:31 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
Same sex marriage was not legally allowed under the laws of the land in Australia. It will now at least bring institutional recognition. We have all heard the accounts of people not being able to go into medical facilities to say good-bye to their dying partners or they have not been given recognition in hospital situations. Legal marriage will now change that. And that is only right that we all are treated equally under the law. I'm sure that you will agree. Dear ALTRAV, Six out of 10 Australians are in favour of same sex marriage. And your concerns about people committing violent acts probably only applies to a small minority in our society. Most normal, decent people would not commit acts of violence. Those that will commit violent acts will have the full force of the law thrown at them. That's not to say that people who are homophobic will probably stay homophobic. Attitudes are changed by hard work and constant education. Our hope lies with the younger generations. And the families and friends of gay people. I agree with you about the nine politicians, all members of government who chose to be absent from the chamber at the time of the vote. They could still have abstained from voting - but they should at least have stayed in the chamber as members of government. It was not a good look and I hope that their electorates will take note. Here's a few thoughts that you may enjoy: "Mate, Mate Let's get this straight Gay marriage is finally here Gay marriage is no longer bad And it's no longer queer Love makes the world go round Now all of us can spin She's now allowed to marry her And he can marry him We've made our choice We've had our voice What we've done is simply great Australians strongly said YES to love The hate will have to wait." Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 9:49:33 AM
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cont'd ...
My husband and I have been invited to a dinner party this evening to celebrate the passing of this legislation. It should be interesting as there will be some well known personalities in attendance. I'm looking forward to the evening. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 9:56:21 AM
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Six out of ten Australians are NOT in favour of fake, homosexual marriage. Six out of ten Australians WHO VOTED were in favour or were conned into thinking it was about equality. Foxy is now making up her own statistics to defend her warped thinking.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 December 2017 9:59:34 AM
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According to the Daily Telegraph, Lyle Shelton of the Australian Christian Lobby was tweeted 'eat sh.t Kyle' after the fake marriage bill passed. This from a supporter of those yapping “What a day for love, for equality, for respect”.
No chance of the 'victors' being magnanimous, then. The there's Turnbull's ugly, red-faced, triumphant ranting on the floor of Parliament. How is he going square that away next election with the 63% of Coalition voters who voted NO? The people who worked so hard for in his SSM campaign are never going to vote for him. And the Smith bill has crapped all over people asking to be free of homosexual discrimination. Even Coalition dag, Scott Morrison said, “...that to pretend the Smith bill satisfies the concerns of No voters shows “a lack of understanding and empathy”. The aftermath of the fake marriage victory is going to be very nasty indeed,with all the nastiness coming from the Left, fake marriage urgers and stirrers. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 December 2017 10:55:02 AM
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Dear Foxy,
«Same sex marriage was not legally allowed under the laws of the land in Australia.» But it wasn't disallowed either; and in a democracy, any action that is not explicitly disallowed by law, is legal. «It will now at least bring institutional recognition.» Assuming this is a good thing. Tell me please, if such recognition is all such sweetness and honey, then why aren't [legally-]married couples allowed to request the state to withdraw that recognition? «We have all heard the accounts of people not being able to go into medical facilities to say good-bye to their dying partners or they have not been given recognition in hospital situations.» Yes, this indeed is a problem which needed fixing. However, I do not agree with the specific way in which it was being fixed (or was it really fixed?). «Legal marriage will now change that.» Only for those who agree to undergo a legal marriage. What about the others who still want to be able to say goodbye to their dying partners? «And that is only right that we all are treated equally under the law. I'm sure that you will agree.» I hate to disappoint you, Foxy, but I don't. But without going into a deep philosophical debate into the general case and why I disagree with that premise as if everyone ought to be treated equally under the law, let us with your permission remain focused only on this particular issue of marriage equality. In my view, the correct solution for this particular inequality, was to eliminate the institution of state-sanctioned marriage altogether, including to repeal the Marriage Act altogether and the removal of any other references to the words "married", "marry", "marriage", "marrying", etc. from all Australian legislation. Don't you agree that this too would result in marriage equality? Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 December 2017 1:31:41 PM
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Yes indeed. What about homosexual couples who do not wish to 'marry'? The ones who voted NO along with heterosexuals in the 40%.
That's the trouble with cultural Marxists like the vixen and her mob who want governments to make decisions for them, protect them, and live their lives for them by enacting laws; they can only think group-think; they need a gang; they can't think outside the square. These people are like pack animals. There is little about them that is individual. They can only think and do what the group says they can. In this case, they have been totally unaware that people who do act and think as individuals are are also to be found among homosexuals. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 December 2017 2:56:38 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
We have covered this ground many times before with you. And yet you still persist. Same-sex marriage has not been legally allowed ever since then Prime Minister John Howard amended the Marriage Act in 2004 to read that marriage was to be only between a man and a woman, to the exclusion of all others. Now this has been changed. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 3:24:54 PM
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Nobody is going to force anyone who doesn't want to get married to get married. The law now allows those that do want to get married and have their marriages legally recognised to be able to do so. There is nothing sinister about that. As for your earlier reference to my making up statistics. That again is nonsense. The statistics are crystal clear. The results of the postal survey told us what we already knew via the opinion polls. That 6 out of ten Aussies were in favour of same-sex marriage. The people who did not vote had their chance to be heard. They did not use that opportunity. The ones who did vote decided for them. They have no one to blame but themselves. And carrying on about it now is a bit late. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 3:39:56 PM
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Dear Foxy,
Yes, we have covered this ground many times before, yet you still persist. Australia has no law against picking your nose - hence picking your nose is legal in Australia: you don't need a law to tell you that it is OK to pick your nose. No Australian police ever arrested anyone for picking their nose, nor for marrying a same-sex partner. No Australian court ever convicted, fined or jailed anyone for picking their nose, nor for marrying a same-sex partner. Such activities were always legal. You didn't used to receive a certificate, nor extra privileges from government for marrying a same-sex partner (now you do, provided you inform the government about it), but you didn't used to receive a certificate nor extra privileges for picking your nose either (you still don't). Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 December 2017 3:47:50 PM
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Dear Foxy,
«Nobody is going to force anyone who doesn't want to get married to get married.» True, not force - but still pressure. Unmarried couples are still prevented from going into medical facilities to say good-bye to their dying partners, so this may pressure them into legally-marrying, even when they otherwise don't want to legally marry. You see, the marriage-equality issue could have been used as a lever to, once and for all, solve that painful situation - but the opportunity was missed and unmarried couples (heterosexual or homosexual, it really makes no difference) will continue to suffer. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 December 2017 3:57:03 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
There were/are no laws legislated concerning the picking of noses or the scaratching of butts in this country (although exposing your rear-end is a different matter). However there were laws legislated - - called the Marriage Act that did not allow same-sex marriages to be legally recognised. I think that we're going to go around in circles once again - and you just either don't seem to get it - or you don't want to get it. Either way - I don't have the time to continue this argument with you. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 December 2017 4:10:39 PM
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Well SSM is now lawfull, shows how far downhill we have gone.
I will continue to call it 'poofter marriage' or 'SS Union' and I see marriage slipping on popularity simply because it will now be associated with dirty sex. That is the sole reason homos were disrespected. Hard to believe that 60% of Australians now approve of anal intercourse Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 10 December 2017 5:19:52 PM
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//Hard to believe that 60% of Australians now approve of anal intercourse//
Funny, my survey form didn't say anything about intercourse. Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 10 December 2017 5:32:24 PM
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Guys OK lets just accept we lost this one at this time. The good news is we now have something to chip away at in getting a balanced set of laws and not biased ones. We were disadvantaged in the lead up to the vote because the scumbag left are such low-life and as ground dwellers they used any kind of underhanded and dirty tactic to achieve there desired result. So now we don't have to run around on someone else's timetable or agenda. We can take our time because that's one of the things we are good at, so when we are finally ready to bring them down, one at a time if necessary, we will slowly achieve our goal, at our pace and time of choosing. During the campaign we had no idea where they were going to attack and how. Now they are all celebrating thinking it's all over, now is when they are at their weakest. Personally I can't wait for the first court case to test these new poofterism laws.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 10 December 2017 5:40:59 PM
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Nobody said people would be forced to marry. You either have a serious cognitive problem or you are into the cooking sherry, or worse. You are clearly unable to grasp that 60% of people who voted YES is not 60% of the Australian people. 4 million did not vote, and huffing and puffing about them not availing themselves of the vote doesn't change the fact. You (and I) have no idea what the people who didn't vote think about SSM. If their arms were twisted, they might go YES of NO but, as it stands, there is absolutely no way of knowing what percentage of ALL Australians think on this matter. Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid, or on something. Banjo and Altrav, Way to go! Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 December 2017 10:53:38 PM
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Banjo, please don't call it 'poofter marriage', the gay and lesbian community are most upset to think a handful of crusty old conservatives like you don't agree with what the vast majority of Australians voted for. They crave your approval, don't you know that?
That's it ALTRAV, you can form some clandestine secret organization and devote the rest of your life to overturning the decision of the millions. Call yourself, 'The National Front of Bigots' if you like, and hold your meetings in some dank and dingy basement somewhere, all three of you. ttbn you can be the first Chairman of this new fun club. Good luck! Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 December 2017 3:39:07 AM
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Well thank you Paul1405. I'll be sure to have your ticket waiting for you at the door. Don't worry it won't be some dank place. The venue will have to be out of the reach of the left as they will do anything to disrupt proceedings, just like in Massachusetts in the US. I can tell you are looking forward to it too. No rush we have all the time in the world now. One thing is for sure, the queers will be the masters of their own fate. It has already begun. The first Australian queer divorces are being prepared as we speak. These queers are a joke. They thought they were so smart at beating the system, they got married overseas. But they can't divorce overseas because they are not from that country originally. LOL I'd like to know how they were 'married' in the first place? Watch how ya go now.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 11 December 2017 6:34:56 AM
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//No rush we have all the time in the world now.//
Haven't quite figured out how democracy works yet, have you ALTRAVING? It isn't time that you need, it's numbers: more people who agree with your bizarre views on homosexuality. Numbers that you're never going to get when all your arguments are rubbish. And in fact, time is not on your side with this one. The data from the survey (and other surveys) indicate that homophobic views are the most concentrated in the oldest demographics, and very rare amongst young people. Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 11 December 2017 6:52:01 AM
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I'll tell you ALTRAV, I have one up on you. A few years back we attended a legal gay marriage in New Zealand. What happened was the two guys stood in front of a celebrant, in most pleasent surroundings, made their affirmations, the celebrant did his bit according to law, etc, then pronounced the couple married. The assembled, very smartly dressed guests friends and family, watched on etc, reception after. harbour cruse the next afternoon. I think you get the idea, about the same as many heterosexual wedding I have attended. New Zealand is still there, the sun still comes up in the morning, Kiwi's still go about their daily business, not much has changed since that day.
"Paul1405. I'll be sure to have your ticket waiting " Don't bother I would not want to catch rabies, from some rabid bigots who are hanging out in some dingy basement, crying in their jocks. "woe is me, woe is me!" Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 December 2017 7:11:53 AM
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The entertainment industry, Hollywood and 'those' US gender studies/ humanities academics have moved on. Forget the Gays and alphabeticals, the next big thing is to convince the Useful Idiots of is 'Pansexual'. - Where the 'mainly'(yeah, right!) heterosexual 'bros' or 'sista's' up with the same sex, preferably a 'friend' (the Left 'Progressives are great on storytelling) for some sexual action.
Of course humanities academics, the 'arts' and the entertainment industry have always had a dubious reputation where substance abuse and sexual capers are involved and yes, there were always those types who would mount anything with a heartbeat. But 'pansexual' makes it all legit, huh? Meanwhile the exasperated public can look forward to a run of cheap series and movies where the hero gives blow jobs on the side to his 'best mate' while his assertive career feminist partner gets on with her career (and gets served on the side by her girlfriend). OK, so when will 'Safe Schools' ( a Marxist misnomer if there ever was one!) be ushering in 'pansexuality', or will the 'genderless' push already cover that? Paul 1405, Greens mates, the CFMEU, outlaw bikies and ors are already closet 'pansexuals', having their 'girlfriends' in the Big House. The Greens would be wanting to ensure their ex-lag supporters are comfortable in their 'pansexuality'. -Maybe another 'rights' pony for the Greens to bareback, now that SSM is old hat and the Gay horse is stuffed, yesterday's hack? Posted by leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 7:41:55 AM
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Should be,
"- Where the 'mainly'(yeah, right!) heterosexual 'bros' or 'sista's' TEAM up for sexual interludes with the same sex, preferably a 'friend' (the Left 'Progressives are great on storytelling) for some sexual action. Posted by leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 7:44:52 AM
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Well, if the poofs don't care about whether or not we approve of them (as per the Green Hornet), then they won't care about you calling their fake marriages poofter marriages. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 11 December 2017 8:36:00 AM
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Following the rejection of amendments to the SSM bill which would have protected us from the vindictive homosexual mob, it is now being said that the enquiry panel – set up without consultation – is merely reflective of the SSM lobby. That it is headed by the HR Commissioner clearly indicates that democracy and human rights is a dead issue in Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:12:56 AM
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Being married is not going to change certain attitudes.
However it will bring institutional kinds of recognition which was after all what the intent of all this was. Of course it won't change the small minority's views in our society. People who are homophobic are going to stay homophobic. However, who cares about them. They are on the wrong side of history and will end up on the dung heap where they rightly belong. They can rant and rave - but their voices are like farts in a blizzard - and just as effective now. They've been out-voted and we can now ignore them. Yay! Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:17:26 AM
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Poor leoj, Australia's answer to Heinrich Himmler, another member of the rabid right with a very bitter pill to swallow over what is the triumph of the yes vote, and subsequent new laws, on same sex marriage. That pill must be the size of Ayers Rock considering the difficulty the crazies are having swallowing it. The poor little sods have been left climbing the walls of the asylum with a total loss of reality. Get a grip on it boys, and then go to town, but such incoherent rantings and ravings will not cut the mustard, today or ever.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:21:19 AM
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Toni, as far as I have Been able to assertain, the results of the survey do not specify which age groups voted yes or no, only how many voted.
So you cannot say that most of the no voters were old because we don't know. Certainly we can't rely on random surveys because they were all very wrong about the level of support for SSM. Remember how all surveys predicted a 70% support but the vote actually only came up with 48% support of the whole community. Posted by Big Nana, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:39:14 AM
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Foxy, you are wrong, 40% isn't a small majority. 5% is a small majority and that's the number of people we had this whole upheaval over.
Posted by Big Nana, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:43:30 AM
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Big Nana,
Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO. Of all eligible Australians who expressed a view on - "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The MAJORITY indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding YES. And, 38.4% (4,873,987) responding NO. Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. ALL states and territories recorded a MAJORITY YES response. And only 17 of the 150 Federal Electoral Divisions recorded a MAJORITY NO response. And that's the facts! Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 10:13:37 AM
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"61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." That ain't the facts as the whole population didn't vote, nor did the whole of the eligible to vote population do so. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 11 December 2017 11:01:53 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
ALL states and Territories recorded a MAJORITY YES response and only 17 of the 150 Federal Electoral Divisions recorded a NO response. Nearly 8 out of ten eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. And those my friend ARE the facts as given by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 11:12:30 AM
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//That ain't the facts as the whole population didn't vote//
They weren't all eligible. Does anybody really think it's a good idea to grant suffrage to small children? Thought not. //nor did the whole of the eligible to vote population do so.// Well too bad for them, they had every opportunity to do so. They probably just couldn't be bothered on way or the other. Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 11 December 2017 11:19:46 AM
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There is no point in telling Foxy that 60% of Australians did not vote YES. She is incapable of understanding. There is thick, very thick, and then there is Foxy. I am very glad that we have Big Nana here to remind us that all women are not like the obsessive old vixen.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 11 December 2017 1:14:09 PM
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Well folks he's back.
Poor ttbn. Stalking me again on this forum. I am irresistible to him and he's obviously a fan. Get a life, you poor old thing. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 1:33:36 PM
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"The ABS reports that more than 79.5% of voters enrolled with the Australian Electoral Commission submitted their form with a clear vote cast for either side of the debate.
Simply put, this means that slightly fewer than half of all eligible voters (49.0%) voted Yes and a little less than a third (30.5%) voted No. The rest did not vote or their preference was unclear. .. So does this mean that we now know what all Australian eligible voters think about this issue? Can we conclude that a majority of eligible voters are in favour of same-sex marriage? What the numbers can’t tell us The number one point to understand about these results is not what they are telling us, but what they are not telling us. It is tempting to believe that the survey outcome means that 61.6% of Australians are in favour of same-sex marriage, and 38.4% against. This is not true. While the response rate was high [as is usual for Australian elections], we know that 20.5% of eligible voters didn’t take part. .. But all we are really able to say is that these figures (61.6% Yes and 38.4% No) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote, rather than being representative of all eligible Australians. These two populations may be very different." Stale news though. For the Left gender studies academics it is already on to the next big thing (wait for it!):....'Pansexuals'. Or is that gender fluidity? There is no 'slippery slope' though. Or is there? Posted by leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 2:31:19 PM
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Dear Leoj,
What does it matter how many voted when the question itself was illogical nonsense, or in the least misleading? How can anything be legalised while it is already legal?! How would you respond to the following survey question: "Do you agree that the law be changed so that all triangles become triangles?" Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 11 December 2017 2:59:04 PM
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Sexual attraction to gods with goat legs? Hate to burst your bubble, leoj, but Pan is just a myth. As are fauns and satyrs. I guess you could always try and find a bloke who was into roleplay, and maybe you can find a sexy faun outfit for him to wear. Of course, if the goats legs and horns that really do it for you rather than human bits, there are always goats. Although I should warn you that that is illegal, and socially unacceptable. Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 11 December 2017 3:02:04 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
Same-sex marriage has been legal in Australia since 9th December 2017. A bill for legalisation passed the Australian Parliament on 7th December 2017 and received royal assent from the Governor-General the following day. Same-sex marriages entered into overseas have been recognised in Australia since 9th December 2017. Have a nice day. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 3:21:33 PM
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If Labor forms our next government – which it probably will – within in 100 days it will appoint ANOTHER commissioner to the HRC: a full-time LGBTI commissioner to ensure that the darlings are not discriminated against. This will cost a million a year over four years.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 11 December 2017 3:48:44 PM
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Pansexuality 'Who and what is a pansexual' The rider of the 'wrecking ball' is one fo the forerunners of the easily led and will encourage more 'useful idiots', the SJWs. Posted by leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 3:50:40 PM
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Melissa Kang, writes: “The marriage equality bill has passed, and the mandate to deliver inclusive sexuality education in schools is more pressing than ever. LGBTQI+-inclusive sexuality education should embrace diversity in the classroom, the staff-room and in whole-of-school policies.”
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 11 December 2017 3:56:27 PM
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Dear Foxy,
I respected your wish when you earlier wrote: «Either way - I don't have the time to continue this argument with you.» This does not render your view correct. To the best of my knowledge, same-sex marriage has never been illegal in Australia. Even in those dark days when same-sex sexual relations were illegal, I am not aware of any law that prohibited couples of the same gender to marry (provided they remained celibate). Please correct me if you know of any such historical law which prohibited same-sex marriage (other than the Marriage Act, which only discusses issues around the recognition and registration of marriages by the state, but is mum about what individuals may or may not do in private and/or within their churches). Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 11 December 2017 4:02:02 PM
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It will not be stopping at that.
Posted by leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 4:06:42 PM
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You can stop being obtuse now, Yuyutsu. It's not clever.
Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 11 December 2017 4:07:33 PM
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Apologies Yuyutsu, my reply was directed to ttbn.
Posted by leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 4:08:55 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
The following link should clarify things for you: There are contact details also given to the Attorney-General's offices in Canberra. They will happily answer any questions you may further have regarding marriage in Australia. Enjoy your evening. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 5:15:06 PM
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The poor No bodies on the forum, running around like headless chooks. Their nonsense that a majority did not vote yes to SSM is simply ridiculous.
What about that Barnyard Joyce the so called moral Catholic, what a hypocrite. " In stark contrast, Mr Joyce’s family was nowhere to be seen in an official capacity during the five weeks of the by-election nor as he declared victory at the Southgate Inn, Tamworth on Saturday night." Is there a baby on the way? To be born out of holy wedlock to a moral degenerate who can't control himself. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 December 2017 8:23:58 PM
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//'Who and what is a pansexual'//
So, long story short, turns out that they're just bisexuals in new hats. Well you could have just said that in the first place, leoj. Anyway, I don't know what you're so up in arms about. It's not like bisexuality is a new idea, even if some mad hatters have made it a new hat. And people do like new hats (no, I don't why either. Just fashion victims, I guess). I've always assumed that those with homophobic inclinations would be more accepting of bisexuals, because at least they're attracted to the 'correct' people some of the time. //The rider of the 'wrecking ball' is one fo the forerunners of the easily led and will encourage more 'useful idiots'// Miley 'That's Your Karmic Retribution for Achey Breaky Heart, Billy Ray' Cyrus? Seriously? Is there anything in the whole world that is simultaneously so wretchedly pathetic and nearly-choke-laughing funny as a some old geriatric who thinks he's really in touch with 'the youth'. Nobody likes Miley, dude. She was a no hit wonder whose main claim to fame was wearing insufficient clothing (which would be nice if she actually hot) and nobody cares anymore. Maybe it's time to switch off your computer (or at least disconnect your internet), go for a walk in the sunshine and fresh air, meet some real people, and while you're at it ask some young people if they're Miley Cyrus fans. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Although do try not to be too creepy, otherwise they'll probably think you're some paedo trying to groom them with free tickets and report you. Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 11 December 2017 8:29:15 PM
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Are you thick or have you been on the Pimms No1 Cup? You said "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" They didn't, plain and simple; your statement that they did is wrong. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:06:11 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
What on earth is Pimms No 1 cup? I actually prefer Grey Goose vodka. It's so smooth and you can mix it so beautifully. As for my being wrong? They're not my stats. They're the Australian Bureau of Statistics. You can Google them for yourself. And if you think that the Bureau is wrong - Well - you tell them, not me. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 December 2017 9:58:29 PM
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Paul is another one who doesn't know the difference between a majority of those who voted and the majority of Australians.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 11 December 2017 10:30:49 PM
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Dear Foxy,
The link you provided says: "To be legally married in Australia, a person must: *-* six conditions *-* " Fine, so that's what it takes to be LEGALLY married and that changed slightly, but if you marry without doing any of the above, then while you would not be recognised by the state as legally-married, your act of marriage would still be legal. When you do something illegal and you get caught, they throw you in jail, but nobody in Australia had or would have thrown same-sex couples in jail if they were caught marrying in Australia without informing the state authorities. Same-sex couples could have done so in the open at least for decades, they could have had their marriage sanctioned by clergy, they could have had their whole family attend their wedding and no policeman would even squeak about it (unless the celebrating crowd became too rowdy and disturbed the neighbours). While you cannot for example legally marry you brother in Australia and while it may currently be illegal for you to have sex with him, nobody would charge you with any offence just for setting up a wedding with him, inviting a priest/celebrant to preside over it, exchanging rings and vows and celebrating the occasion with all your family and friends - there is nothing illegal about it, just as there was nothing previously illegal about two people of the same gender marrying each other. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 11 December 2017 10:31:45 PM
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In protest at the diabolical decision of the vast majority of Australians in approving the sexual depravity, that is same sex marriage, the leadership of the 'No Bodies' have agreed that as a protest they will unanimously abstain from all sexual relations with their family pets, goats included, for 24 hours starting at midnight tonight. The holy one however has given a dispensation for group president Bob, to go for it, Bob is legally married to his long time love, Doris the Donkey!
What a bunch of hypocrites! Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:17:00 AM
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Equality was not merely about SSM it is about removing Democracy, diversity and opposing opinion to State views, especially the Christian world view. The Marxists are not attacking Islam! This allows in the nation as the Muslim population grows blasphemy laws and Totalitarian rule. Divide and conquer and allow change in the constitution. Witness Britain, Sweden, and Canada as they move toward Muslim Rule. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 7:40:51 AM
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""//Hard to believe that 60% of Australians now approve of anal intercourse//
Funny, my survey form didn't say anything about intercourse. Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 10 December 2017 5:32:24 PM"" It implies anal, dido as the ultimate sex experience is now Marriage. Nor did it say we must now move to eradicate Christianity and their ministries to the World which is the new agenda according to Monash University. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 7:54:46 AM
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//Equality was not merely about SSM it is about removing Democracy//
//This allows in the nation as the Muslim population grows blasphemy laws and Totalitarian rule.// //It implies anal, dido as the ultimate sex experience is now Marriage.// O....kay Been smoking the wacky tobaccy this morning, Josephus? Might want to go easy their pal. You're starting to become incoherent. Also, when you say dido is the ultimate sex experience (I assume you mean the singer and not the long dead Queen of Carthage), how would you know? Pretty sure you've never shagged Dido, dude. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 8:18:49 AM
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There are many things that were not said by those cajoling people to support fake marriage. Now that they have got their way, the Marxists are starting to tell the truth. The truth can be freely read - from the mouths of the Marxists - now by those really interested to see how right they were to oppose SSM, and also by those poor fools who were conned by the idea of 'equality'. The latter group will probably be too embarrassed to look for the truth, though.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 8:33:08 AM
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ttbn, I'm on your side and I have given directions as to some of the negative outcomes of this SSM excrement and the smell it is going to permeate through this country, just like the Massachusetts disasters that has befallen that state since the SSM was unleashed on an otherwise unsuspecting people. If you have any further excrement to add to the Gaiz overflowing bucket, I for one would like to add some more negative facts to what is already an overwhelming and sizeable list. The queers and their sympathisers stupidly believe they have won something. Well just like them, we can play their game too, they said if the answer came up NO then they would bring such a shitstorm down on us so that we would change the vote to YES sooner than later. Well here we are. Now that the dust has settled and we can now see the enemy, we can now begin the job of chipping away at their new cosy little laws.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 9:13:34 AM
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Whatever happened to the stoic Aussie?
The laconic digger? The 'She'll be right mate" attitude? The "Fair-Go for all?" It looks like the megaphone's been given to the hate-mongerers on this forum who are whinging about who should be allowed to marry based on the way they have sex. There are people in this world who really have something to whinge about - the starving kid in Somalia, the Thai sex-trafficking victim pimped out to a Chinese businessman, the family who has been sitting in a squalid refugee camp on the border of Afghanistan for 10 years or the limbless victims (soldiers and civilians) in Iraq. These are the people who should be complaining. Not ones on public forums upset over someone else's sex lives and rights to marry. Stop this nonsense. The Marriage legislation has passed. Stop stoking your sense of entitlement. Think what you think. The world will continue to change despite you. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:15:54 AM
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You posted the erroneous figures, don't try and blame someone else because you posted garbage; it's your mistake. Pimm's Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:27:14 AM
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Eugh, it's got gin in it :(
Steer well clear of that then. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:31:10 AM
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Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:33:37 AM
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Is Mise, I looked up the stats and Iv'e come away with a feeling of 'somethings not right'. As I'm in WA I took particular note of my state's stats. From memory we have well in excess of 2.5 million people in this state. The stats say that only 1.2 million 'eligible' people voted. Surely half our state are not children? I can't put my finger on it but there is something odd about the stats. Maybe you can elaborate, I can't.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 11:02:45 AM
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"Of the eligible [ELIGIBLE, note!] Australians who expressed a view on this question, the majority indicated that the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, with 7,817,247 (61.6%) responding Yes and 4,873,987 (38.4%) responding No. Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view." That is vastly different to, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" which is what you posted, in actual fact 61.6% 0f 79.5% voted "Yes" and 38.4% of 79.5% voted "No", which as I indicated earlier I accept as a majority in favour of the proposition. So there is nothing to apologize for, except in the future, if you take exception to being considered a dill. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 12:14:31 PM
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Well, well, well.
Looks like someone's getting a little too inquisitive for their own good. It's nothing, ALTRightActiVist, and you'll drop it if you know what's good for you. Walk away, ALTRAV. Just walk away. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 12:18:22 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Read what the Australian Bureau of stats said in the link I gave you. I quoted directly from that link. If you have trouble understanding what they said then it's your problem, not mine and if you have any questions or disputes with their figures contact them, not me. I am merely quoting them and they are after all a credible and reliable authority. Now if you think that makes me a dill, well my friend, what does that make you? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:03:58 PM
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The next agenda for the Left is the move to a Marxist Republic. The cry will be nothing will change, it wont affect you!
Australia day will change and the Christian calendar including holidays such as Christmas nativity and Passover etc. will go because it is not equality to Ramadan and is offensive to a minority. Any symbols that represent Christianity will be removed such as the crosses including the Southern Cross from our flag. Anything that is considered an opposing view will be called "HATE" speech and bigotry and silenced. The Marxists have not finished yet! Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:22:56 PM
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You have seen this before, "What the numbers can’t tell us The number one point to understand about these results is not what they are telling us, but what they are not telling us. It is tempting to believe that the survey outcome means that 61.6% of Australians are in favour of same-sex marriage, and 38.4% against. This is not true. While the response rate was high [as is usual for Australian elections], we know that 20.5% of eligible voters didn’t take part. .. But all we are really able to say is that these figures (61.6% Yes and 38.4% No) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote, rather than being representative of all eligible Australians. These two populations may be very different." by, Scott Sisson, Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Peter Baker, Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland [given at page 9 of this thread, leoj, Monday, 11 December 2017 2:31:19 PM] Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:32:37 PM
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and from the same article,
"The ABS reports that more than 79.5% of voters enrolled with the Australian Electoral Commission submitted their form with a clear vote cast for either side of the debate. Simply put, this means that slightly fewer than half of all eligible voters (49.0%) voted Yes and a little less than a third (30.5%) voted No. The rest did not vote or their preference was unclear." Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:34:20 PM
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Dear Josephus,
The Marxists will never take over this country you need not worry about that. That is nonsense. There are enough people that make up the population of this country who have fled from dictatorships and totalitarian regimes. There is now way that they would ever allow this country to become what you are describing. No way! Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:45:54 PM
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Cannot trust you Foxy.
It only took 5% communists to overtake the USSR; volume of people mean nothing. Activists change the mind of people by their slogans with a promise for a better life for some minority. In the next 20 years Christianity will become an underground faith in Australia, as Islam becomes dominant as in Sweden, then followed by activists Marxist atheists. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:59:52 PM
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Dear Josephus,
You can trust the history of this country. Which political party has had the most support throughout the years? And do you know why? Thanks to the very people who fled those dictatorships and totalitarian regimes. They and their children and their families would never support Marxism, communism, or any form of dictatorship. And now with the growing numbers in our population that have managed to escape these type of regimes - you can add these people to the mix of standing against what you fear. And the stoic Australian "True Blue" spirit will always survive. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 5:46:39 PM
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//In the next 20 years Christianity will become an underground faith in Australia//
Care to make a wager on that? //as Islam becomes dominant as in Sweden// Islam isn't dominant in Sweden. My aunt married a Swede and lives in Sweden with Swedish kids. I talk to them all the time. I think I would have remembered if they'd mentioned something like that. It's fake news, dude. The Swedes know about it, and they all think it's hilarious... the cousins once asked me if Aussies are so ill-informed about Sweden that also believe that Swedish people really talk like the Swedish chef off the Muppets. To which my reply was: yes, of course they do? Have you guys heard yourselves talk? It sounds exactly like this: But not at all like this: //then followed by activists Marxist atheists// Nah, sorry, I don't have any funny puppet/muppet videos about Reds under the Bed. Frankly, I find the idea of people who are still paranoid about Marxists 30 years after the end of the Cold War to be amusing enough. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 6:04:29 PM
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A J Philips, what do you mean. I'm not very good with sarcasm as I have previously said, so if you or someone could help a feller out and explain the meaning of why only half the population voted.
Thanks. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 7:26:14 PM
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//I'm not very good with sarcasm as I have previously said, so if you or someone could help a feller out and explain the meaning of why only half the population voted.//
Well, there are two schools of thought here. The first says that not all of the population were allowed to vote, and of those who were not all could be bothered to vote, and wouldn't be it great if everybody learnt some basic mathematics. And the second says that hybrids of humans and reptilian aliens from the constellation Draconis cooked the books in order to get gay marriage legalised as part of their evil plan to enslave the human race. Which is obviously nonsense. Why would we need to go messing about with marriage legislation when we have plasma cannons and exo-skeletons and cloaked ships in orbit waiting to deliver 'rods from god' to any recalcitrant human rebel scum? No, the reason us Illuminati tinkered with the postal survey was to wind up rabid homophobes like ALTRAPIST. Because hey, it's fun. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 7:52:51 PM
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Josephus, "The Marxists have not finished yet!". There should be no problem there, all you religious fundo's have to do is call upon your mythical god to unleash his vast army of angles in their chariots of fire to smite the blasphemers. Can't you do that?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 8:32:51 PM
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It's OK Toni. I'm still none the wiser. Someone might take a moment and give me a brief explanation. Sorry I didn't get what you were saying. I have to assume it was sarcasm.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 8:40:43 PM
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I read the link and nowhere did it say "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" which is what you said. I suggest that you go back and read the link again and learn to quote accurately. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 9:31:04 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Read the link from the very beginning under "National Results - Response". And then take a look at the charts in big letters that follow. I can't do any more for you. Perhaps you need new glasses. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:21:59 PM
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Whatever the quibble, the short story is a clear majority in those bothered to return a survey, and a totally reasonable assumption that such majority is reflected in those who did not respond with this further supported by statistically valid random sampling.
As a result, homosexuals will be able to marry and further enjoy public acceptance and quiet enjoyment of that state, with the normal legal protections. Some commenters state they will use more derogatory terms, particularly in relation to common sex practices. These weaklings have never had the courage to police such activities in heterosexuals, so it seems odd that they are so fascinated by homosexuals *in particular*. They also lack the guts to challenge or police the still extant requirement for fidelity in *all* marriages, and no wonder given the stats. I wonder how such commentary on their own marriage would be met? One commenter is concerned on this and other threads with issuing "warnings" about the public safety of homosexuals from attackers. Since he is so well-attuned with the minds of such criminals, he might also warn *them* that the public will reasonably expect diligent forensic investigation and maximum penalties, plus punitive damages. Given the clear public and parliamentary support, I believe our courts will waste no time in making this clear and in *directing* police to investigate carefully where there may be lingering reluctance. There will be no "chipping away" at such clearly supported law anytime soon, and never at all given the arguments presented so far. Rusty. Posted by Rusty Catheter, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 11:05:36 PM
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Rusty Catheter, you are not the moral police. You do not speak for the majority. If heterosexual couples indulge in anything which is as disgusting as the queers, I would be the first to condemn them, not condone them. As you clearly would. As for the SSM result. Nothing is clear. There is always another side to a story. You appear to lack the courage to state the truth about Gaiz and 'their' infidelity. The stories about Gaiz and their subsequent malaise after SSM was made law in the US, simply shows your ignorance and your determination to deflect, and ignore truth and facts. Like all the rest of your misguided elk, you take a comment of factually based concern and immediately proceed to contaminate it with your pre-concieved and long nurtured prejudices, turning all things good and natural, into vial and defamatory self ingratiating foul minded thoughts and responses as only you and your camp can and do so well. As for your running off crying to the 'law' and describing so eloquently how the law will deal with anyone who dares touch one of your precious Nancys, again you miss the point. By then it's too late. As for being dealt with by the law, you don't worry your pretty little head about that. Worry about the state of the victim. Instead of wasting your efforts on stupid emotional responses, look up Massachusetts and the passing of the SSM laws there. Then you have the right to comment. Oh and BTW the 'look over your shoulder' comment was as a result of the news reports both here and in the US, and whether you believe it or not it was made because of genuine concern for the queers.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 3:33:42 AM
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//Sorry I didn't get what you were saying. I have to assume it was sarcasm.//
Nope, no sarcasm there. You'll have to find another excuse to pretend not to be able to understand what I wrote. //Someone might take a moment and give me a brief explanation.// People already have, but because they weren't the explanation you wanted to hear (that it was all a big conspiracy orchestrated by people you dislike) you've pretended you can't understand them. But here it is again: not everybody was eligible to vote, and of those who were not everybody voted. That is why not everybody voted. Nothing suspicious, no evidence of vote tampering or electoral fraud, just good old fashioned arithmetic. And I know that this answer will disappoint you, because the truth is more boring than exciting conspiracy theories, and that you'll therefore cry 'sarcasm' and pretend to not understand what I have written. Nevertheless, that is the explanation. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 5:49:08 AM
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In today's Australia it is mostly accepted that
gay people are people too. Although they still appear to be a threatening presence to some in our community. We've heard all the NO arguments over and over and over again - linking homosexuality with paedophilia, with Marxism, with freedom of speech, with political correctness, with the demonization of traditional values, with anal sex, and many, many other accusations, including the anti-Safe Schools campaigns. Linking homosexuality with paedophilia is as unsubtle as conflating halal food with terrorism. And the fact that some have chosen a now irrelevant ideology of Marxism tells us that some people are firmly stuck in the 1950s and are still fearing the existential fears of that time. They are defending orthodoxy - by which they mean the notion that "normality" is a white, Christian, patriarchal, and heterosexual one. Anything which suggests otherwise is regarded as a heresy. They should realise though that Marxism is as powerful a totem of evil in 2017 as Satanism, that is to say - not at all. But people are entitled to continue to bring forward their arguments and their imaginings, and fears. The world will continue despite them and life in this country will be that much fairer as a result of the passing of legislation which Parliament and so many Australians approved. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 10:48:59 AM
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Not very observant, ALTRAV?
The US Survey of Family Growth recorded that roughly 30% of heterosexuals have engaged in anal sex, about one-third of those ongoing. Even allowing variation, Australia will have more heterosexuals doing so than the total number of homosexuals. In short, heterosexuals do it, probably one in ten of couples you know, and you do in fact lack the fortitude to police the matter. I don't *need* to worry about infidelity of *any* sort, and believe the marriage act is weakened by a requirement that is routinely ignored, unpoliced and unenforceable. In contrast you have harped on about heterosexuality as if it was the *only* important part of the old definition, yet ignore infidelity among heterosexuals. It's common as paternity testing shows so go for it tiger - start talking just as loudly about adultery at the local and see how long before someone instructs you to shut up. Don't dismiss the law too rapidly. Forensic evidence can be slow to process. If your concern is genuine warn your heroic mates that *when* caught they can count on maximum penalties, both punitive and exemplary. Maybe your own browser records could help find them? I *do* worry about the state of the victim - you are speaking of premeditated grievous harm and murder so expect that compensation and punitive damages will ruin the perpetrators and their families. They too should worry. If they make the mistake of parroting your attitude near a judge they'll get contempt as well. A given judge may not like the new law, but they like bogans dismissing it even less. "genuine concern for the queers"? Really truly? Sounds more like you relish every imagined boot to the ribs. Your heroes may be able to trap and gang up on the odd solo or tipsy individual, the homosexual community has never been free of such threats. Most *are* careful and I know none that do not actively participate in high-level martial arts. Your thugs may get as good as they give, though I suspect they don't tell their friends when the "poofters" win. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 12:29:52 PM
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//Your heroes may be able to trap and gang up on the odd solo or tipsy individual//
But do bear in mind that law enforcement and security agencies keep a very keen eye on communications between these sort of violent extremists. If they discuss their poofter-bashing plans on any sort of electronic device, there's a fairly good chance they'll find themselves caught in a sting operation, when the 'poofter' they go to bash turns out to be a cop with all his mates waiting to pounce. It's a stupid and risky game to be playing, this poofter-bashing. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 1:15:58 PM
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Though the term Communism is no longer a threat in the West, the agenda of Left wing politics have adopted much of the Marxist philosophy and call it Socialism. Socialism is rampant in Australian Universities. The constant attack on Western values like democracy and religious diversity: freedom of expression, diversity religious belief, sanctity of marriage being a mother and father the family unit are to be eradicated, and the views of the ruling Socialist elite are to be enforced. This will happen In Australia as more Chinese, their descendants and those that rely on Government for their welfare believe the future lies in power to and the good will of the ruling Class. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 3:42:46 PM
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Dear Josephus,
Have you ever studied at a university? If you have then think back. Universities do not "indoctrinate" students. Their aim is to do the opposite by encouraging students to engage in critical thought. They want their students to become independent persons with the capacity of forming their own nuanced opinions. Of course it is understandable that some people do find this a threat and do label anyone who disagrees with them as indoctrinated foot-soldiers of the Left. However, instead of unfounded criticism, what they should do is embrace the teaching of critical analysis at universities as that is part and parcel of the reasons that institutions of learning exist. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 5:52:08 PM
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cont'd ...
Now back to the topic. We have talked so much. There has been so much debate, It has been a long journey for so many people and every Australian who wanted to have a say has had one. Parliament has passed the legislation - with sweeping support from the Nationals, Liberals, Greens, the crossbench and Labor. We can all now just get on with our lives and look forward to a fairer and more equitable society. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 6:04:08 PM
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Before I leave this discussion I'd like
to wish everyone all the Joys of the Festive Season, all the Magic of Christmas, and may the New Year 2018 - bring you Health, Happiness, and many Beautiful Days shared with Family and Friends. All The Best. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 6:09:13 PM
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Obviously you also have not been to university recently. Hear what Professor in human rights Paula Gerber has to say. Equality is not over yet it has just begun. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 7:41:51 PM
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Dear Foxy,
«Before I leave this discussion I'd like to wish everyone» So you are leaving now? Does it mean that I need not expect an answer and can now close this page? Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 8:38:51 PM
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It was more of a piss-take than sarcasm. You’re quite conspiratorially-minded (e.g. your belief that 9/11 was an inside job). You’ve expressed suspicion over the results of the survey a few times now - as though tampering had occurred to favour a ‘Yes’ outcome - and I thought that’s what you were probably doing in your post to Is Mise, so I thought I’d have a bit of fun with that by pretending to warn you off from looking too closely at the figures (as though everyone not on the Right was in on the conspiracy). Toni Lavis and I had similar fun with Armchair Critic at I was also poking fun at the fact that so many of you Rightists are paranoid enough to believe that there’s a vast conspiracy involving some alleged “New World Order” (whatever that is (because granting that the other side may actually have sincere and noble intentions is simply unthinkable - especially when hating them makes ignoring what they have to say so much easier)). -- Josephus, Well, I’ve been to a university recently (and did a social science degree, no less), and I can vouch for just how much the idea that universities are indoctrinating students into Marxist ideology *snigger* is paranoid, Rightist BS. Multiple perspectives are taught, and tutors encourage (provoke, even) debate in workshops and tutorials among students to get them thinking about the various perspectives (all of which can usually be categorised into a more simplified Left vs Right). Almost half the essays are what are referred to as “critical analyses”, where students are expected to critically analyse an article, or a psychological or sociological perspective/theory, and marks are awarded for a student’s ability to critique and back their critique with evidence, not for how well they can recite Marx. This idea that they sit students down and tell them what to think and how to think is laughable. You people are a joke, and I get a good chuckle reading this type of paranoid garbage from you lot on OLO. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 8:57:49 PM
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AJ Philips,
Obviously you did not listen to Paula Gerber and her Human rights agenda on the link I gave. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 9:04:22 PM
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Yes, I did watch the clip, and at no point does she mention Marxism (or anything else unreasonable, for that matter). You Rightists just use "Marxism" as a placeholder for anything you don't like. You lot need to find a new line, if you want to be taken seriously. Perhaps try addressing issues instead of dropping the name "Marx", and thinking that's enough. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 9:28:24 PM
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As a devout "Marxist". I would like to post a few of my favourite quotes by Marx that hopefully will sway those Rightest to the cause;
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know." "Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." "Please accept my resignation, I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member!" and "I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception." ha ha Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 14 December 2017 4:02:50 AM
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Rusty Catheter, "The US Survey of Family Growth recorded that roughly 30% of heterosexuals have engaged in anal sex"
What does that prove? A hole is a hole? There are men who would penetrate a lump of sliced liver too. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 14 December 2017 9:23:36 AM
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Dear Josephus,
I have been to university for more than just one degree. As an undergraduate and for a Masters - so I do know what I am talking about. I have also worked in universities both in this country and overseas - so again I know what I am talking about. Dear Yuyutsu, I have answered your questions many times. I've now lost interest in continuing to argue with you. Enjoy your day. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 14 December 2017 9:37:32 AM
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AJ Philips, if you have an open mind and consider ALL sides of a debate, you too will begin to question EVERYTHING. Only the naive, lazy, arrogant or ignorant will always believe things at face value. Live long enough, experience lie's and let downs and you too will seek the truth. The fact that I question EVERYTHING makes me a little more aware than most people. I don't recognise emotions in a debate. If I say something which is not true then I would be greatful if corrected, not angry. As for 9/11. Why would you find it so hard to believe it was 'an inside job'. Do you know that it wasn't? Is it beyond the reach of this current technology? And why is it you reject the idea that there are a handful of very wealthy people controlling world events. I choose to use the words, 'new world order' because that usually gets the desired response. My comments are based on information garnished from day to day reports media and anywhere it pops up. The one thing I have learned, and this is probably where you are coming from, is that for every story about something being one way there are several more saying that it's the other way. So who do you believe? That's where you have to consider ALL the facts and then make up your own mind. So if I appear to malign certain people like the Rothschilds and the Bilderberg Group and use words like New World Order it is because there is evidence out there to back my suspicions/conspiracies. You want proof, fine look up 'the true story about the Bilderberg Group and the name Daniel Estulin.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 14 December 2017 11:18:03 AM
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leoj, eeeuuw. Really? So we now know that 30% of Americans are mentally ill. So what was your point? Ummm how do you know about the 'sliced liver club'. It must be a very exclusive club, I've never heard of it. That's unusual because I like liver. If it's cooked in butter, a little seasoning, not too much. Oh sorry I digress. Anyway, enjoy your liver.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 14 December 2017 11:32:48 AM
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Very few women would choose anal sex and for all sorts of valid reasons. They are being bullied and (emotionally) blackmailed into it by selfish, risk-taking men who have no regard whatsoever for the woman's feelings, preferences and welfare. The men are being influenced mainly by the porn industry. Although the abuse of women by not allowing them proper access to cheap and reliable contraception is also a factor. Parents, particularly mothers, cannot rely on government any more to do the right thing. Mothers must take it upon themselves to prepare and arm their daughters from an early age with defences against the deceitful, risky, creeps who would lie to them and pressure them into anal sex. Girls and young women have to support one another with the necessary intel and advice to be proactive with a flat 'NO!' from the outset. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 14 December 2017 12:34:35 PM
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Leoj, your comments left me thinking I somehow want to harm or denigrate women. I can assure you the further-est opposite is more the truth. I don't know what I am responding to other than to say; For me there is nothing more desirable than a woman. As a 'real man', I love women, almost to the point of being accused of unsavory things. A real woman is all that real men desire and long for, so I'm not one of those 'soft cocks' I believe you may be referring to. The 'women I abhor and dislike with a passion are those who by pushing the 'equality' mantra have in fact demeaned women. There are so many areas where women are different than men and in so being are better for it. Consider this men have always been drunken slobs, fighting, abusing, conducting themselves beyond disgusting. Now take a snap shot of todays women. Drunken sluts, fighting, abusing, also conducting themselves beyond disgusting. Just look at the news or U tube. So yes when I say maggots you can fill in the rest. Back to my point. Who in their 'right mind' would want to be equal to that garbage? A friends wife who works in a pharmacy was shocked to overhear a group of three or four girls discussing how some of them were feeling horny and were going to pick up a guy at the club and have sex with him. That kind of thing was not so obvious before. Now women are acting like men. The good news is there has been a slight turn around from the men after watching how women conduct themselves I think it's made men look at themselves and seeing themselves in these maggots has brought them back to their senses a little.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 14 December 2017 1:07:22 PM
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//The fact that I question EVERYTHING makes me a little more aware than most people.//
The available evidence suggests otherwise. //I don't recognise emotions in a debate.// I don't think you recognise much at all, ALTRAPIST. But I do know from observation that all your arguments are based purely on emotion, and that you consider reasoned debate to be anathematical. //If I say something which is not true then I would be greatful if corrected, not angry.// Well that is clearly a lie. You've said that alpha males exist, and when I pointed out that it wasn't true, you became angry rather than grateful. /Do you know that it wasn't?// Yes. //And why is it you reject the idea that there are a handful of very wealthy people controlling world events.// Because the empirical basis for that hypothesis is much, much weaker than the empirical basis for the competing null hypothesis. //They are being bullied and (emotionally) blackmailed into it by selfish, risk-taking men who have no regard whatsoever for the woman's feelings, preferences and welfare. The men are being influenced mainly by the porn industry.// Oh dear, another tory who seems to be unfamiliar with Htichens' Razor. Evidence or it never happened. //Although the abuse of women by not allowing them proper access to cheap and reliable contraception is also a factor.// Women have ample access to cheap and reliable contraception. It's covered under the PBS, and there are non-profit NGO's like Family Planning who will subsidise them or give them away for free. //Mothers must take it upon themselves to prepare and arm their daughters from an early age with defences against the deceitful, risky, creeps// Like weird, grubby old men taking an undue interest in other peoples sex lives (but particularly those of young women... giggity). Fifty bucks says leoj's browser history is chockablock full of teen anal porn. Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 14 December 2017 6:58:09 PM
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//Girls and young women have to support one another with the necessary intel and advice to be proactive with a flat 'NO!' from the outset.//
Intel and advice? Jesus mate, it's just sex, not the D-Day landings. If chicks don't want to have anal, then all that is required is to say 'nah, I'm good' if the fella asks. //Leoj, your comments left me thinking I somehow want to harm or denigrate women.// Yeah, why am I not surprised? Epic Freudian slip.... 'I somehow want to harm or denigrate or women'. Nice to hear you finally admit it. //For me there is nothing more desirable than a woman. As a 'real man', I love women, almost to the point of being accused of unsavory things.// You still haven't worked out the difference between lust and love, have you ALTRAPIST? It will come with maturity - took me quite a few years AFTER puberty. So you've still got a long way to go yet. //Consider this men have always been drunken slobs, fighting, abusing, conducting themselves beyond disgusting.// Well I don't know what sort of 'men' you associate with... but it doesn't sound like the blokes I hang out with. Except for the drunken part, every now and then. //Now take a snap shot of todays women. Drunken sluts, fighting, abusing, also conducting themselves beyond disgusting.// And I don't know what sort of women you associate with either... but again, it doesn't sound like the chicks I hang out with. Except for the drunken part, every now and then. You seem to have a real problem with drunkenness. On behalf of the 98% or so of the population who like a few beers every now and then, we would greatly appreciate if you would take your teetotalism and stick it where the sun shineth not. //So yes when I say maggots you can fill in the rest.// Fly larvae. Tremendously useful creatures, maggots. Wonderful for cleaning up necrotic tissue whilst leaving healthy tissue alone, and then of course there are the forensic applications of entomology. Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 14 December 2017 7:00:36 PM
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[Delete for abuse.]
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 14 December 2017 7:01:42 PM
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"Teenage girls pressured into ‘painful and coercive’ anal sex because of porn
Straight young people are increasingly having ‘coercive’ anal sex because of porn Teenagers are increasingly being pressured into anal sex – sometimes ‘coercive’ – according to disturbing research published in the British Medical Journal. Straight young people are now engaging in sex acts which are often dangerous, and sometimes ‘coercive’, after seeing certain types of hardcore pornography. Girls are said to be increasingly affected by the competition among teenage boys, in which they spur one another on to try and have anal sex. One person told researchers: ‘Men wanted to tell their friends that they had had anal.’ The data collected in London, a city in the North and the rural South West, was collected for a submission to the BMJ. The rise was often linked to ‘coercive’ pressure The shocking rise in the number of people having ‘coercive’ anal sex was blamed on pornography. Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, found heterosexual men were increasingly watching anal porn online. Top searches on PornHub and other pornographic websites often feature the terms associated with this type of intercourse. Researchers found that more and more women being pressured into having painful anal sex because it has been normalised online. Worryingly, teenagers have internalised terms like ‘accidental’ penetration of the anal area. Teen girls are increasingly likely to accept these so-called ‘slips’." tbc.. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 14 December 2017 7:23:51 PM
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Researchers wrote: ‘In some cases, anal penetration of the woman… was described by men and women as having happened accidentally… Once they’ve ‘slipped’, many teenage boys are said to refuse to even slow down the pace of intercourse, as painful anal sex is becoming normalised. These techniques were considered ‘normal’ by teens who responded to the study and girls were simply expected to be in pain. Researchers were shocked to discover that teens are becoming so used to anal sex it affects how they speak about it. Many people who had anal sex blamed it on ‘slips’ (Picture: Getty) They wrote: ‘Young people’s narratives normalised coercive, painful and unsafe anal.’ However the researchers are now hinting at authorities’ need to act. They added there must be ‘harm reduction efforts targeting anal sex to help encourage discussion about mutuality and consent, reduce risky and painful techniques and challenge views that normalise coercion’." Twitter: | Facebook: Posted by leoj, Thursday, 14 December 2017 7:25:07 PM
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This is what Universities in Sydney are now teaching law students Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 14 December 2017 7:29:38 PM
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Ahh yes, how silly of me to have forgotten that all men are actually secret rapists (some feminists will back me up). We just can't help ourselves... a bit of 'uncovered meat' and we're all over it like a fat kid with a cupcake (some Imams will back me up).
Anal rape? Oh yeah, we're all down with that. On account of being secret rapists and all. I don't think you understand how it works these days, mate (just out of interest, when did you last get a root?). If the girl says no.... she means no. That's it, end of story, no 'accidental rape': no means no. It's not that hard, leoj. Why do you struggle so much with the concept? Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 14 December 2017 8:01:20 PM
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Toni L, stop twisting what are actual events just so you can make yourself feel better. Before you even think about trying to defend your ignorance, look at what I said regarding media and news reports on the actions of these women of today.
Leoj, I don't think anyone will believe the 'oops, sorry, slipped into the wrong hole' argument. I do believe all the reasons given, even peer pressure. Now, everyone don't take this the wrong way, but because there was a doco' on this very topic, I have to mention it. Not that I agree. Far from it. Anyway the doco' was about anal sex (primarily regarding queers)and it was revealed that by rubbing something against a section of the spinal column it caused an arousal, and in men ultimately an erection. By this stage I'm ready to get the bucket. Then they casually follow this statement up by going to several animal husbandry places. Next they followed up by demonstrating. They put on this big plastic condom like glove which went up to their armpit and casually proceeded to insert their whole arm into the animals arse. As if that wasn't bad enough they began pulsing back and forth and other weird movements and to my shock and horror not only did this huge beast 'crack a fat' but it eventually ejaculated which was promptly collected and sealed for the lab. WOW! not something I would have expected in a million years. The reason I am mentioning this here is, I wonder if there is any truth in this that anal sex arouses the recipient? Or is this only something that is particular to animals? Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 14 December 2017 8:08:52 PM
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//it eventually ejaculated which was promptly collected and sealed for the lab. WOW! not something I would have expected in a million years.//
For once, I am struck dumb. Over to the Nine Inch Richards: Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 14 December 2017 8:16:40 PM
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Toni, that's it? That's all you can come back with? A picture of a feminist being aroused by some yokle slack jaw red neck? I think you may have punched through the floor finally. There is no going any lower, this has got to be your lowest. So leave it at this and keep what little self respect you may think you still have left. It's been weird. Have a nice day.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 14 December 2017 11:54:00 PM
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//There is no going any lower, this has got to be your lowest.//
Bit rich coming from a misogynistic pig-shagger, ALTRAPIST. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 15 December 2017 5:19:48 AM
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More on teenage girls pressured into ‘painful and coercive’ anal sex because of porn and straight young people increasingly having ‘coercive’ anal sex:
"Pornography has changed the landscape of adolescence beyond all recognition As a study reveals a sharp rise in the number of schoolgirls at risk of emotional problems, Allison Pearson says we need to embolden our daughters to fight back against pornography - however embarrassing it may be.. .. Her patients were deeply ashamed at presenting with such injuries. They had lied to their mums about it and felt they couldn’t confide in anyone else, which only added to their distress. When Sue questioned them further, they said they were humiliated by the experience, but they had simply not felt they could say no. Anal sex was standard among teenagers now, even though the girls knew that it hurt... .. The girls presenting with incontinence were often under the age of consent and from loving, stable homes. Just the sort of kids who, only two generations ago, would have been enjoying riding and ballet lessons, and still looking forward to their first kiss, not being coerced into violent sex by some kid who picked up his ideas about physical intimacy from a dogging video on his mobile. .. more than four in 10 girls between the ages of 13 and 17 in England say they have been coerced into sex acts, according to one of the largest European polls on teenage sexual experience. Recent research by the Universities of Bristol and Central Lancashire found that a fifth of girls had suffered violence or intimidation from their teenage boyfriends, a high proportion of whom regularly viewed pornography, with one in five boys harbouring “extremely negative attitudes towards women”. It was also reported that schoolboys are being tricked and coerced in anal sex and other risky practices by other males, " Boys and girls can fall victim to 'sextortion'. Posted by leoj, Friday, 15 December 2017 8:38:34 AM
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The topic of this discussion is the "Same-Sex Marriage Bill Passes in Our Parliament." Now I don't mind having started this discussion and having a few diversions. That's the norm on public forums. But this has gotten way out of line. If you wish to continue to discuss the problems of teenage sex, anal sex and whatever else seems to take your fancy - kindly start your own discussion and not spew all over mine. I really don't care to hear your thoughts on anything other than the topic that I have raised. Thank You. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 15 December 2017 3:06:55 PM
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' . more than four in 10 girls between the ages of 13 and 17 in England say they have been coerced into sex acts, according to one of the largest European polls on teenage sexual experience. Recent research by the Universities of Bristol and Central Lancashire found that a fifth of girls had suffered violence or intimidation from their teenage boyfriends, a high proportion of whom regularly viewed pornography, with one in five boys harbouring “extremely negative attitudes towards women”.'
the obvious outcome of adopting secularism, safe schools and conscience deniers. I suspect Sodom and Gomorrah was more respectable than what our god deniers in hollywood and unis have produced. When most of Parliament celebrate perversion you can easily see where we are at. Posted by runner, Friday, 15 December 2017 3:18:45 PM
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We've heard all those arguments before. It's an age old ploy of dehumanizing people by stirring up feelings of hatred for them. Good work for a self-proclaimed Christian. It reminds me of the Nazi author of an animated children's book from 1938 Germany who wrote this to his young readers - "Just look at these guys! The louse-infested beards! The filthy, protruding eyes, those stained, fatty clothes...Jews oftentimes have an unpleasant sweetish odour. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jews". The publisher was later executed as a war criminal. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 15 December 2017 5:20:43 PM
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cont'd ...
runner, Sodom & Gomorrah ? Parliament celebrates perversion?" Really? Goodness me. And I suppose that the Australians who voted YES did so because they're perverted as well. This blatant tactic of painting people in this way is alarmingly effective at keeping you from seeing gay people as fellow human beings. It also shields you from the realization that you are, in fact, a bigot and not a hero who is out to save our society from an infiltration of moral degenerates. Society needs to be saved from the hatred within you. May God forgive you. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 15 December 2017 5:30:54 PM
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It is a disturbing read, "Pornography has changed the landscape of adolescence beyond all recognition" ..A GP, let’s call her Sue, said: “I’m afraid things are much worse than people suspect.” In recent years, Sue had treated growing numbers of teenage girls with internal injuries caused by frequent anal sex; not, as Sue found out, because she wanted to, or because she enjoyed it – on the contrary – but because a boy expected her to. “I’ll spare you the gruesome details,” said Sue, “but these girls are very young and slight and their bodies are simply not designed for that.” Her patients were deeply ashamed at presenting with such injuries. They had lied to their mums about it and felt they couldn’t confide in anyone else, which only added to their distress. When Sue questioned them further, they said they were humiliated by the experience, but they had simply not felt they could say no. Anal sex was standard among teenagers now, even though the girls knew that it hurt." Posted by leoj, Friday, 15 December 2017 8:32:17 PM
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Foxy, I must agree with you on staying on topic. I'm sorry if I may have been part of the problem. I find that when anyone say's anything that I believe to be wrong or I simply don't agree with, I have to respond. I will have to remind myself to scrutinise any comments in future and if they are off topic I will not respond or at least advise that they have drifted off topic. Thanks for 'the heads up'.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 15 December 2017 9:00:04 PM
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Hi Foxy, the worse side of Christianity is that intolerant side. Some so called "Christians" like runner will spew the most disgusting filthy bile in an attempt to portray those they detest in the worse possible terms. Planting seeds of hatred into the minds of others with unsubstantiated claims by association.
The Nazi's were very clever at manipulating the minds of children. Both Hitler and Goebbels were Catholics. Wow! what does that tell you about the Pope? For those who may not know it, the Pope is also a Catholic, and possibly a good man, but we just don't know, a Catholic never the less. What crap! Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 16 December 2017 5:06:57 AM
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Thanks for hearing me. I do appreciate it. Dear Paul, The sexual abuse of children by the clergy is horrendous and intolerable and the failure of the churches to deal with it effectively has done immeasurable harm to victims. We can only trust that the recommendations of the Royal Commission will be followed and that the Vatican will back these recommendations. The pope needs to take note as the clerical profession has taken a severe battering and the respect for the priesthood is, understandably at an all time low. leoj, You really seem obsessed with anal sex. However you need to realise that people can acquire HIV through intravaginal sex. That condoms exist. And that education is the key - especially of young people. In any case as I stated earlier - start your own thread on the subject and stop diverting mine. Thank You. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 December 2017 9:58:40 AM
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Now that SSM is legal, the next inequality to be fought for is lowering the age of consent, to decriminalise sex with teenage children.
The new age of consent will probably be 12 years for girls as puberty begins around that time. No need for parent or legal consent at that age to marry. You see; currently under sharia law the marriageable age is 9, but western girls are too young at 9 to marry. The argument will be that they already engage in sex so they should be allowed to marry older men. To deny this is blatant bigotry, sexphobia, discrimination and inequality, same argument as SSM. Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 16 December 2017 11:28:26 AM
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So, Josephus, you think rapists are being unfairly discriminated against and want equality for them? What about their victim's rights?
Good luck selling that one. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 16 December 2017 12:06:29 PM
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AJ Philips,
That is opposite my agenda, but the push by the left; you watch what the new equality agenda will be. Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 16 December 2017 1:08:56 PM
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AJ Philips,
You talk about rapists, I talk about consensual marriage laws. Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 16 December 2017 1:11:58 PM
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A person as young as 12 is not mentally or emotionally mature enough to give their consent. We are both talking about rape. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 16 December 2017 1:27:00 PM
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AJ as many things in life, there are so many varying views and opinions. As much as I hate to admit, what Josephus is saying is old news. The story was aired about a year or more ago, when all this SSM rubbish began. Apparently there are people who are in love with, wait for it, 'children'. There is a name for it, but as I was disgusted with this whole new world we seem to be embracing without any thought or consequence for the future and the people there-in, I chose to not retain any details. Suffice to say, these people have a name and demand that they be heard and supported otherwise it will be seen as discrimination and all those pathetic words the SSM camp used to make their point. I warned of things to come, let's see how many sicko's are going to get down in the gutter on this one. These people are serious they openly admit that they are in love with children and therefore are just as entitled to seek happiness as anyone else. Funny is it not pedophilia no matter how you try to twist it?
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 16 December 2017 3:46:19 PM
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Are you talking about NAMBLA? Yes, groups like that are disgusting. But comparing them to gay people is fallacious, and for the reason I’ve already highlighted in my posts to Josephus. <<… these people have a name and demand that they be heard and supported otherwise it will be seen as discrimination and all those pathetic words the SSM camp used to make their point.>> The difference being, of course, that the supporters of same-sex marriage have a case. Groups like NAMBLA don’t. Apples and oranges. The comparison is fallacious. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 16 December 2017 4:04:14 PM
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AJ you see, here is a prime example of a point I have been trying to make. To me and others of my persuasion, we 'don't' see a big difference in the two. We dislike them both equally. But because you favour the Gaiz, you find reason to justify their stance. The NAMBLA will come up with as many reasons, probably more to justify THEIR stance. It is no different for straight people making an argument against ALL of these groups. So how can YOU justify the SSM thing and reject NAMBLA? This new paradime has now set the cat amongst the pidgeons and in doing so has given the NO camp a very strong point in their favour. I did say that now the bill has passed we will be seeing things that will ultimately chip away at SSM.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 16 December 2017 5:51:53 PM
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Dear AJ,
We've heard it all before - the arguments that all gays are pedophiles, all lesbians hate men, or that the next thing we know they'll all be marrying dogs and horses. That homosexuality is disgusting argument is an age old ploy of dehumanizing people by stirring up feelings of disgust for them. They tried it with the Jews. Now Muslims are the flavour of the month next to gays. The blatant tactic of painting these people, especially gays as depraved creatures rife with infectious disease who enjoy wallowing in each other's faeces and smelly butts is alarmingly effective at keeping anti-gay bigots from seeing these people as fellow human beings. It also shields them from the realization that they are, in fact, bigots and not heroes who alone have the courage to protect us and our society from an infiltration of moral degenerates. But hey, anal sex is not limited to gays. Not all gays have anal sex. Straight people can acquire HIV through intravaginal sex. Condoms exist. Vaginas don't always smell of roses either. Gay people are no less repulsed by faeces than are any other human beings. They want people to believe that lofty emotions such as love and romance are only for actual straight human beings (like them) and not for filthy animals fornicating and spreading disease. As I said - we've heard it all before - over, and over, again. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 December 2017 5:52:28 PM
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FOXY, ANYONE,ANYONE who engages in any form of filth is not a 'normal', 'healthy' human being. That obviously includes the degenerate heterosexuals as well. You have to soften your stance a little on this SSM thing. Just because a few people are born with a dis-order only means we can feel sorry for them but to push this wheelbarrow of shame and vilification at anyone who thinks that SSM is wrong, IS WRONG! I for one don't care about being called whatever because I look at whose doing the name calling. In this case I expected exactly what I got. Nothing surprising there. You have made argument after laborious argument in favour of SSM. We get it enough already. What we don't get is why you don't get the negatives of this SSM. God knows I've thrown enough out there. And furthermore my views as well as any other NO camper are of equal value to the YES mob. So just because the bill has passed does not suddenly make the NO camp become believers, quite the opposite. Just ask the anti Trump brigade about the acceptance of their US election result.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 16 December 2017 6:14:37 PM
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Speak for yourself, ALTRAV.
<<To me and others of my persuasion, we 'don't' see a big difference [between paedophiles and homosexuals]. Because there are plenty of homophobes who are still capable of understanding that there is a big difference between paedophilia and homosexuality. I just mentioned a difference earlier. <<But because you favour [gay people], you find reason to justify their stance.>>” How about you tell me why my reasoning is not sound then? But, yes, I do favour them, and for the reason I mentioned earlier. You make it sound like there's some sort of a subjective bias going on here. <<The NAMBLA will come up with as many reasons, probably more to justify THEIR stance.>> The difference being, of course, that none of them are sound. <<So how can YOU justify the SSM thing and reject NAMBLA?>> The fact that one is rape and the other isn’t. I was discussing precisely this with Josephus. <<This new [paradigm] has ... given the NO camp a very strong point in their favour.>> And that is...? Anyway, I’ve told you why homosexuality cannot be equated with paedophilia; I was going to ask you how exactly you justify equating the two, but I can see now from your post to Foxy that you have no objective or rational reason for doing so. Your entire position is one big fallacious appeal to disgust. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 16 December 2017 7:33:10 PM
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AJ thanks for the link. I draw particular attention to the 'validity versus truth' paragraph. As I said previously, the YES are not going to convince the NO's and NO's are not going to convince the YES'. End of!
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 16 December 2017 8:33:55 PM
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I’m not sure which paragraph you’re referring to, ALTRAV.
<<I draw particular attention to the 'validity versus truth' paragraph.>> I don’t think it gets you off the hook, whatever paragraph it is that you’re referring to. Perhaps you could link to the relevant section for me. <<As I said previously, the YES are not going to convince the NO's and NO's are not going to convince the YES'.>> Well, that depends on the individual now, doesn’t it. If you could provide me with a rational argument as to why same-sex marriage should not be legislated for, then I can guarantee you I will change my mind. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 16 December 2017 9:13:52 PM
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"The new age of consent will probably be 12 years"
Josephus, you will need it lowered more than that if you want to put all your paedophile clergy in the clear. Why don't you push for say, no age limit then all your clergy can argue "It was consensual!" BTW how many pedos have been exposed in your church? 10, 100, 1000, none? because all of them are still in the closet? Before you come on here with all your sanctimonious clap trap you should firstly take a look at your own church, and what you personally have done to clean it up, the answer is most likely nothing, and then look up the meaning of the word hypocrite Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 16 December 2017 9:18:16 PM
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Dear Josephus,
«Now that SSM is legal,» It always was. «the next inequality to be fought for is lowering the age of consent, to decriminalise sex with teenage children.» So naive to think that government would do anything with our good or the good of our children in mind, or even that sex has anything to do with it - it's all about political power: politicians do what they perceive as good for themselves and for no one else. Government will not allow marriage at younger ages because they want the children locked up in schools where they can be indoctrinated to pursue and be enslaved by the industrial-technological-consumerist lifestyle (talking about child-abuse...): if a teen-aged girl was to be married, then she could have babies and/or financial security and would no longer be motivated to attend school, thus she would not be brainwashed into becoming part of the work-force, a cog in the machine and a tax-payer, so they understandably fear. A girl who lives in a natural society would be completely mature and quite capable of consent by the age of 12 (this is not to say that girls are never forced to marry without consent in natural societies, which is bad, but the capability is there and in some cases girls do in fact freely consent). Admittedly, girls who grow up in present "modern" society are typically not mature enough due to the distractions, unnaturalness, confusion and complexity of industrial society - and government is only too happy to cash on this immaturity. No, government will not allow it, whether or not it is in the girls' true interest, even in cases where common-sense prevails and everyone could see that she enthusiastically consents: they will always think about themselves and their social-engineering projects, never about the girl. Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 16 December 2017 10:25:55 PM
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When people say "legal", when discussing this topic, they mean "legislated for". Stop taking people so literally just to push your bizarre anarchist/libertarian hybrid worldview. No-one cares. Go away. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 16 December 2017 10:41:09 PM
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We already have a larger population in our community, who are larger than the Homosexuals that will marry, who approve of child marriage to persons of 9 years, and perform it undercover. Such matters are now discussed in Sydney Law degrees. Half of the Worlds population approve of child marriage and in the third world sell their girls to prostitution to earn money for the family. Our Church supports Destiny Rescue working in Third World Countries to remove children from the sex trade and give them respectable employment, and anyone working near or with children or the vulnerable in our Church have to pass Police clearance regularly. There have been NO convictions! Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 17 December 2017 7:22:02 AM
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Once Again - I hope that you will all enjoy
this Christmas celebration And All The Best for the New Year 2018! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 December 2017 5:26:41 PM
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Foxy, "anal sex is not limited to gays"
Again, it is entirely misleading and wrong to imply as this does, that heterosexual women are willing parties, seeking and appreciating anal penetration. In fact the reverse seems to be true and women are being sexually bullied and abused, as already discussed in previous posts. -Posts that were in response to another poster's statement, page 17, where the same misleading bald statement was made without necessary qualification. It was not a subject that I raised and it would be a travesty, despicable, if such an impression was allowed to stand when so many women and girls are being treated so abominably. It is a disturbing read, Posted by leoj, Sunday, 17 December 2017 9:04:16 PM
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Give it a rest - nobody is implying anything of the kind. Start your own thread on the subject. Leave mine alone! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 December 2017 9:59:02 PM
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Earlier on page 17, ALTRAV had indicated that *if* heterosexuals had anal sex he would be the first to condemn (though he lacks the guts to confront). It is not an "if". His position since is that he is somehow an expert on something he had not been aware existed just a few hours earlier. Your own position is similarly (and transparently) ignorant. You harp on as if no anal sex exists that is not coerced. Some is not, granted, but you have not disentangled this from other coerced sexual activity. Given that only about half to a third of all attempts lead to any sort of repetition makes it clear that a great many are experimentation and voluntary. Quite aside from that I know two couples who do do so as part of their normal activities, so your hypothesis that coercion is the *only* motivator is crap. You may know some too, though you may not be a fit person for them to confide in. The harms you mention include some serious matters and are a strong argument for better and more thorough sexual education. Some of the saddest stories in sexual health include older couples who had no idea they were doing it wrong and no normalised avenues for seeking advice. One horrific example was a childless woman who had been enduring painful urethral intercourse for years yet whose husband, like some present, was "certain" he knew all he needed. Like surgery, ask those who do it routinely for advice, not those who never heard about it till three days ago. Like driving, those who have never practiced on dirt roads or skid pans have no idea what to do when they *do* start to slide. Since both heterosexuals and homosexuals have anal sex, and since none of them are inviting you to join them, it is hardly a problem is it? Your own marriages remain unaffected, just as they were unaffected by *other people's* sex practices just a short fortnight ago. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Sunday, 17 December 2017 10:45:32 PM
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Rusty Catheter, "You harp on as if no anal sex exists that is not coerced"
That is your straw man. This was my reply to ALTRAV, "Very few women would choose anal sex and for all sorts of valid reasons. They are being bullied and (emotionally) blackmailed into it by selfish, risk-taking men who have no regard whatsoever for the woman's feelings, preferences and welfare. The men are being influenced mainly by the porn industry. Although the abuse of women by not allowing them proper access to cheap and reliable contraception is also a factor. Parents, particularly mothers, cannot rely on government any more to do the right thing. Mothers must take it upon themselves to prepare and arm their daughters from an early age with defences against the deceitful, risky, creeps who would lie to them and pressure them into anal sex. Girls and young women have to support one another with the necessary intel and advice to be proactive with a flat 'NO!' from the outset. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 14 December 2017 12:34:35 PM I linked to this news report that cited its reputable source, the British Medical Journal. I could have added the involvement of illegal drugs, prostitution and other nasties that boost those anal sex numbers you quoted for heterosexual women. Anal sex seems to be all about men, wouldn't you say and women are getting the usual bum deal. It is most unlikely that anywhere near a majority of those women who reported having anal sex actually sought and enjoyed it. And what about all of those 'slips'? So what exactly is to be gained and by whom by pretending that a sizeable proportion of heterosexual women are willing and appreciative 'bum' girls. It is not that way at all now is it? Posted by leoj, Sunday, 17 December 2017 11:36:47 PM
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*Your* fallacy is that "Very few women would choose anal sex". More than you think do, and it is clear they would not tell you. I know it for a fact that some do, and they have considerable capacity to enforce their own preferences, being financially and domestically independent. Just as in homosexual couples, people are not stopping because you say so. Perhaps they feel that proper preparation and lubrication minimises harm. Perhaps they have information not known to the bible-belt porn watcher who has no idea. Given that people are allowed to choose to harm themselves with tobacco, perhaps they really have a right to do other things that you do not like. The scenario *you* paint is common to all sorts of coerced sex. If you are concerned about it, you need to make realistic suggestions. Policing and enforcing a prohibition? Already a failure. As you suggest, there may be unreasonable male expectations. Another commenter is entranced by the "alpha male" myth and I think it is exactly this mentality that is the most likely offender. How about genuine support and services to help people who *are* coerced, that take their allegations seriously and are funded to provide alternatives for people who may perceive they have none. Good crisis care, accommodation, support in leaving an abuser and non-judgemental medical help. Proper sex ed that includes, yes, warnings, but also advice on how *to* and on legal rights. These help people across the board. Just saying "don't" won't work any better than it did for the ciggys. In any case, the male homosexuals seeking marriage do not seem to be quaking in their boots at the prospect, nor giving a stuff about your own dire warnings. Perhaps it is not as bad as you think? Rusty. Posted by Rusty Catheter, Monday, 18 December 2017 12:32:02 AM
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Rusty Catheter,
First, the 'bandwagon' (fallacy) - 'everyone is doing it', a monstrous lie in any event where heterosexual women and anal penetration is concerned, is being employed for the cynical, selfish benefit of whom? The research reported in the prestigious British Medical Journal (link already given) contest that for starters! Then you posit, or was that threaten adverse political effects?, that 'they' the heterosexual women who allegedly desire and demand anal penetration, 'have considerable capacity to enforce their own preferences, being financially and domestically independent'. Is that also, 'all the best people are doing it'? What obvious bollocks and irrelevant anyhow! Followed up with other fallacious nonsense such as the Straw Man, "'people'(sic) are not stopping because you say so". Insinuating that as the messenger, I might be trying to impose my own views on women and girls and somehow blocking their access to that highly desired anal sex you claim they are after (and in droves, yeah, right!). I have been very clear about what I am objecting to. Rather than re-stating that yet again, here is one of my posts, <Foxy, "anal sex is not limited to gays" Again, it is entirely misleading and wrong to imply as this does, that heterosexual women are willing parties, seeking and appreciating anal penetration. In fact the reverse seems to be true and women are being sexually bullied and abused, as already discussed in previous posts. -Posts that were in response to another poster's statement, page 17, where the same misleading bald statement was made without necessary qualification. It was not a subject that I raised and it would be a travesty, despicable, if such an impression was allowed to stand when so many women and girls are being treated so abominably. It is a disturbing read, Posted by leoj, Sunday, 17 December 2017 9:04:16 PM, page 26> Posted by leoj, Monday, 18 December 2017 7:53:29 AM
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You're at it again. With your generalisations and sweeping statements. The statements made earlier that stated not only homosexuals have anal sex and also that not all homosexuals have anal sex happen to be facts. Yet you go on about women and young girls being forced to have anal sex. That may be true for some - but what does this topic have to do with the subject of this discussion. This discussion is about the same sex marriage bill being passed in our Parliament and yet you continue to read all sorts selectively into statements that have nothing to do with the topic. If you want to continue to go on ranting about women being forced into anal sex - start your own discussion - because you are breaking the forum rules by continuing to do so on my discussion. You're off topic, and you keep posting the same thing over and over again. Go Away and take your megaphone elsewhere. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 18 December 2017 8:34:06 AM
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It is relevant.
Yet again, below is the statement on page 17 of the thread that gives the misleading impression that heterosexual women, in numbers, are well disposed towards anal sex. That by implication, women generally are accepting by desire and choice of anal penetration, and consent is freely being given, which is absolute rot. [Rusty Catheter to another poster], "The US Survey of Family Growth recorded that roughly 30% of heterosexuals have engaged in anal sex, about one-third of those ongoing. Even allowing variation, Australia will have more heterosexuals doing so than the total number of homosexuals. In short, heterosexuals do it, probably one in ten of couples you know, and you do in fact lack the fortitude to police the matter". Even the most basic scrutiny immediately reveals the restrictions, the myriad of problems, in trying to draw any conclusions from that '30%'. For example, many of the women could have been drug users complying (or plying) to get fixes. And what about the problems of informed consent? But then other negative information emerges, such as men are calling 'slips'(!) and likely progressing with the violation. The article in the British Medical Journal is relevant and is discussed in this news report, Posted by leoj, Monday, 18 December 2017 1:35:42 PM
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What does all this have to do with the topic of this discussion? Please explain. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 18 December 2017 4:23:39 PM
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It is a monstrous lie that heterosexual women - in any significant numbers at all - are desirous of, demanding and enjoying anal penetration. That is a fantasy and a fabrication. The reverse is seen to be true. Heterosexual women recoil from anal sex and for all sorts of very good reasons, not the least being the nasty stereotype of women's role that most hoped was challenged and buried decades ago, You make it rather obvious from your persistent attempts at gags, censorship and puppeteering in this thread that it is somehow crucial for you (and your activists' talking points) to USE women, heterosexual women, as cannon-fodder in a campaign to normalise anal sex. I still hope that isn't the case and that you will not continue to be so callously dismissive of women's needs, just to suit your political activist agenda, whatever that might be. How is it that you can duck the i port of the research in the British Medial Journal (BMJ, previous link)? - It is likely that many women (and regrettably, girls) are subjecting themselves to anal sex that they do not want and would not choose if it was up to them. Their selfish partners are using emotional blackmail and other unfair nasty practices to get what they want and disregard the physical and emotional welfare of the women who are just convenient holes. - Back to the Fifties? Maybe you should be having a few thoughts about that BMJ report and the negative consequences of the promotion of anal sex for women and girls. It stretches credulity that anyone who claims to be one of OLO's women posters could ever countenance supporting/building a lie for political purposes that heterosexual women are wanting and enjoying anal penetration - or that a condom and lube overcomes all of the risks and 'makes' them enjoy it. Posted by leoj, Monday, 18 December 2017 8:44:14 PM
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Third para above, 'i port' should be import.
Posted by leoj, Monday, 18 December 2017 8:46:28 PM
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I read the link again and nowhere did it say "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" which is what you said. I suggest that you go back and read the link again and learn to quote accurately. Pay particular attention to the fact that nowhere on the link is there a statement that 100% 0f the Australian population voted, which is what you are saying. It'd be nice if you, just once, admitted that you were wrong. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 9:30:12 AM
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I do not have a political agenda. My views are not set in concrete. I rely on facts which is an occupational habit being a reference librarian and having worked in special, public, university, libraries both in this country and overseas for decades. I have been professionally trained to delve into issues. I therefore respond to irrational, inflexible attitudes toward entire categories of people. And to statements rooted in generalisations that ignore the differences among individuals. Now your statements generalising women and anal sex - are simply false. You are in no position to speak on behalf of ALL women. And my pointing this out does not mean that I have a political agenda, or that I am pro anal sex or anti women or that I am trying to gag or censor you. We've been down this route many times and it is your well worn tactic every time something is pointed out that does not agree with your viewpoint. Again, you are breaking the rules of this forum by not sticking to the subject. But then you already know this. So I shall leave it there. I do not usually enjoy engaging with you for obvious reasons. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 9:55:09 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
You do need to have your eyes tested. It's all there on page 1. But if you can't see it - I can't help you. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 9:56:55 AM
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I have pointed out several times that I am merely addressing the remark of another poster back on page 17 (and you put your oar in as well), correcting any misunderstandings that result where raw data is interpreted without the necessary restrictions. If you disregard peer-reviewed research in the prestigious British Medical Journal because doesn't fit your idealism then so be it. But don't be blaming me as the messenger. Why is it that the pro-anal sex push are so determined to use heterosexual women as the cannon fodder to legitimise penetrative anal sex? It is obvious fudging and lies through misleading a trusting public. However, saying that 30% had been exposed to anal sex is more a red flag that something is going awry, that women are being abused surely? And that the advances made by women are being rolled back. Does someone have to spell it out for you? While 30% report having anal sex, it is anal sex that is being done to them. The pro-anal activists deliberately mislead when they use that number. Few women would ever seek anal and for rather obvious reasons, denial of their womanhood for starters. Then there is that nasty stereotyping of women, as holes for men to use for their own gratification. The usual men demanding anal from women come from the background of familiarity and preference for it from their sex with male partners. It stand to reason too, that these men are very high risk of STIs where women are concerned - and more so because they are demanding anal and more likely to NOT use a condom. For posters with inquiring minds who want facts, here is another useful and relevant research report, Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 10:56:13 AM
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Off subject!
My wife worked for a leading gynaecologist in Cornell University Hospital in the 1960s and his advice to women was, to stay vaginally healthy was not to wear briefs as they spread bacteria from the anus to the vagina. Faeces does not need penetration to cause bacterial infection. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 2:13:43 PM
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You are doing MORE than "merely addressing the remark of another poster back on page 17". You have carried on about the subject of anal sex throughout this discussion - you've been on a roll beginning with page 19, 20, 21,22,23, then back again on page 27, 28, 29. That is much MORE than "merely addressing..." that's being obsessive. And NO ONE is pushing the topic of anal sex apart from YOU! Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 2:48:39 PM
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Dear Josephus,
Again, there is plenty on the web on this subject. Which we can all access. However leoj has more than covered this topic. Thank You. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 2:50:27 PM
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Nowhere in that reference does it say, as you mistakenly claim, that 100% of the Australian population voted, nor does it even claim that 100% of eligible voters attended the polls. It makes a claim in the 70 percentile. Maybe you need glasses or a comprehension course. If I missed a vital part of the information that you gave and I am thus wrong, kindly point to the exact reference. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 3:57:38 PM
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The lie is in how you are twisting and turn things isn't it? The answer is NO, I am not as you say carrying on about anal sex. What I am doing, but you are constantly trying to derail, censor and block, is to correct the misleading impression given by the pushers of anal sex (and you are definitely one of them from your behaviour), that significant numbers of heterosexual women are choosing anal penetration of their own volition and preference - which is absolute bollocks. What is worse, there is evidence that substantial numbers of those heterosexual intercourse are likely sexual abuse and even rape. -Rape is lack of consent isn't it? What else then to call 'slips' and particularly where the violation is continued and reportedly even more violently? You have made no attempt whatsoever to address the facts put forward and you obviously don't want anyone else to do it either. It is part of your modus operandi to constantly bury posts you object to with meaningless trash and that includes ad hominem. Who the hell do you think you are that you imagine you can be there directing people what they can and cannot write. And then acting as moderator alleging that others have 'broken rules' because they happen to want to correct a misleading 'factoid' in the interests of correctness and balance. To repeat a question you are ducking, 'Why is it that the pro-anal sex push are so determined to use heterosexual women as the cannon fodder to legitimise penetrative anal sex?' Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 5:18:57 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
The ABS has published the postal survey results online. Feel free to access them and interpret them as you please. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 5:58:56 PM
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Glad to learn that you are no longer carrying on about anal sex. Perhaps now you could contribute something to the topic of this discussion. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 6:00:47 PM
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Shew me where I'm wrong, please. It worries me that I may have got it wrong and that I am doing you an injustice in thinking that you are stupid. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 6:18:14 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Quite frankly I've lost my appetite for dragging this discussion any further. The Bill has passed in our Parliament and the exact breakdown of stats is available online by the ABS. You can look it up for yourself. At the moment I'm tired. We had a violent storm in Melbourne last night. Thunder and hail. And several of the sky-lights on our house we smashed by hail-stones the size of rocks. And we're told there's more to come. It was a very scary experience. And we have a lot to do before Christmas. Anyway - I'll leave it there. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 8:34:39 AM
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cont'd ...
Here is the link that I cited earlier: If you go down the column on the left-hand side until you come to "results" then click onto that it will give you the national response. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 8:48:46 AM
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Dear Foxy,
My sympathies with you on the hail damage, severe storms are not a nice experience. Regarding the survey, I followed your directions and found that, "Of the eligible Australians who expressed a view on this question, the majority indicated that the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, with 7,817,247 (61.6%) responding Yes and 4,873,987 (38.4%) responding No. Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view." That is not, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." as you stated. See the difference? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 9:12:02 AM
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A Lie repeated and not challenged becomes the truth.
There are elements that are trying to legitimise and normalise anal sex. Plainly, it would help their propaganda campaign considerably if it could be claimed that large numbers of heterosexual women seek and enjoy anal penetration. Obviously you have done your part, Foxy. You have been intransigent in refusing to admit the lie and the nasty sexism (and it is 1950's sexism that rolls back the gains of decades since) that is embedded in the anal sex propagandists' false inferences regarding heterosexual women. You don't even want it discussed. That is because any examination finds the facts, the truth. And the truth dispels the lie that is so necessary to those who are determined to promote and normalise anal sex. If some men want penetrative anal sex there are other men who are seeking to service them. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 9:19:59 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
Our Prime Minister stated: "It is a big country 150 electorates and 133 that's nearly 90% voted YES. Let's not lose sight that it was a YES vote!" The following link explains further: Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 12:01:36 PM
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A second study done by Sydney University has found the following: According to Professor Chris Rissel - "The proportions of men and women who reported experiences of oral or anal sex has increased significantly - from 79% to 88% among men and from 67% to 86% among women." Prof. Rissel states that "This is consistent with increases in the lifetime experience of oral and anal sex in other countries". Prof. Rissel may be contacted at Sydney University for further information. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 12:52:45 PM
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Apples and oranges. Incidence does not prove preference, or even consent.
You just don't get it do you, Foxy? What about you find some studies that give some weight to females' sexuality? Also, where it is the male partner (and usually with prior anal sex experience with males) who is overwhelmingly the the one taking the initiative when it comes to anal sex, what might that indicate to you as possibilities for further research? Research that should also look into denial of effective conception to women. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 3:10:54 PM
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I have provided you with information regarding the subject you wish to discuss - that of anal sex- from an institution of learning in this country despite the fact that I have indicated to you that this subject is your interest not mine and has nothing to do with this discussion. If you want to continue to further discuss this subject at greater length, as I suggested earlier - start your own thread or contact Prof. Chris Rissel at Sydney University. He is an expert on the subject. I'm not. Kindly respect my wish to not engage on this matter with you any further. Thank You. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 3:42:28 PM
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Foxy,"..the subject you wish to discuss - that of anal sex"
More straw man. You are perfectly aware that my interest is in challenging and dispelling the misleading impression, the big lie, being spread by unprincipled, manipulative activists, that there are significant numbers of heterosexual women who are requesting and enjoying anal sex. I have already challenged your most recent 'evidence'. See above. There is however abundant evidence to suggest that heterosexual women do NOT favor or enjoy anal penetration, that anal sex is diametrically opposed to the sexuality of women, a sexuality that deserves further study and emphasis. Anal sex is a disturbing return to the 1950's compliant, serving woman, and her anus is just another hole for selfish Lotharios guided by the Porn industry, or in so many cases, men who have anal sex with their male mates (men who have sex with men, ie., MSM) and want the same deal, access to an anus, from their female conquests. That is very high risk sex for women, as is shown by research into the transference of HIV to women. Worryingly, the direction that research should be taking and urgently, is into the emotional and physical abuse of heterosexual women by their anal sex demanding partners. If some men want penetrative anal sex there are other men who are seeking to service them. QED, leave heterosexual women alone. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 6:12:27 PM
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Sadly, girls already have enough issues to contend with, body image for instance.
They need lots of care, support and help from parents, their mothers especially, to deal with men who are browbeating them into highly risky behaviour, as 'bum girls', that is aimed exclusively at servicing and satisfying males, and because of a porn industry (and cynical activists). Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 6:37:42 PM
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Regardless of what the PM said, It was not, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." as you stated. See the difference? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 8:01:54 PM
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Now that SSM has been legalised in Australia opens the way for religious freedom protections to include sharia law to be practised in Australia. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 8:07:26 PM
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The Australian Constitution protects us but is ignored. SSM violates the Australian Constitution because it does not conform to Christian moral law. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 8:32:48 PM
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Josephus, you make a very good point. That alone should be enough for a legal challenge to the SSM laws if the govt have not given due and just consideration to religion. I try not to believe that pollies are just a bunch of consumers with absolutely no special qualities justifying their elite position, but unfortunately it is so. It's no wonder they make such asinine decisions over the years. Anyway I would like to see what provisions they have made to accommodate the religious groups in Australia.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 10:04:39 PM
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Please site the section of the constitution stating that laws must conform to "Christian moral law" (we'll worry about what constitutes Christian moral law later on). You see, neither throughout my time in law school, nor my reading of the Constitution, not once do I remember reading anything of the sort. I hope you've done your homework. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 20 December 2017 10:31:49 PM
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'The Australian Constitution protects us but is ignored. SSM violates the Australian Constitution because it does not conform to Christian moral law."
Geeezz!! Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 21 December 2017 8:55:26 AM
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I remember many years ago I could access the constitution quite easily. Not that long ago I attempted to look it up again but was met with all manner of rubbish but was unable to get the original constitution as I had done for many years prior. What the hell is going on? Is someone trying to stop us from referring to the constitution? Is there some sick agenda in play? Anyone got any thoughts?
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 21 December 2017 11:16:13 AM
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Try, Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 21 December 2017 12:19:51 PM
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Prof. Chris Rissel of Sydney university made it quite clear in the link that I cited earlier that "The proportions of men and women who reported experiences of oral or anal sex has INCREASED significantly - from 79% to 88% among men and from 67% to 86% among women." "This is consistent with increases in the lifetime experience of oral and anal sex in other countries". There's more to read in that given link on this subject. You are the one in denial - blaming god knows what. This is the second such study on the topic done by an institution of higher learning. You can deny all you like - but the facts are recorded. And medical specialists and researchers use them. You seriously need to move on - you've flogged this subject to death on my discussion. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 December 2017 1:17:25 PM
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AJ, I think Josephus is referring to ChapterV number 116 of the Constitution.
Josephus, jump in if I'm on the right track. Firstly the heading says; 'Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion'. Then the actual explanation is as follows: The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. WOW! I can't believe it. Josephus I think you will find that there will be dispensations in this new crap law to cater for this. What I am more concerned about is whether the law is going to interfere with freedom of trade and charge those who choose to refuse queers, as is his right. I don't see the big deal. Muslims (true Muslims)won't deal with non Halal establishments, every race has their particular habits or quirks. I don't see this as any different. If someone doesn't want to serve the queers there are a thousand more that will. They may even be run by queers. I am sure straight people have been refused service, by simply being told, we have run out of stock or similar. The customer will never know and therefore can't go running off to complain. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 21 December 2017 1:18:05 PM
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I believe our constitution envisaged religion to encompass personal practise and implied Christian denominations as has been taught in schools from the beginning. Religious freedoms must only be personal and not imposing on other persons.
However Islam is a theocratic sharia political system imposing halal taxes on food consumed by all, payable to the Islamic community for their benefit alone. This in itself is a violation of a free society, as it is imposing its religious beliefs on persons not of their belief system, and offers them no benefit. To give protection to imposed religion on unbelievers is a violation of their rights. Islam if given religious protection I believe will be seeking right to marry children as young as 9 years, and the right to shame killings for a woman who has been raped; the right to have multiple wives. These are happening under cover already in Australia, a couple of cases have exposed. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 21 December 2017 1:48:30 PM
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Saying things doesn't make them true. Nor does linking to an academic and claiming that he supports your view. I have already challenged claim before. But you sidestep and present the same again. There is NO evidence whatsoever of significant numbers of heterosexual women requesting and enjoying anal sex. However, there is abundant evidence to suggest that heterosexual women do NOT favor or enjoy anal penetration, that anal sex is diametrically opposed to the sexuality of women, a sexuality that deserves further study and emphasis. To stress again for your benefit, anal sex is a disturbing return to the 1950's compliant, serving woman, and her anus is just another hole for selfish Lotharios guided by the Porn industry, or in so many cases, men who have anal sex with their male mates (men who have sex with men, ie., MSM) and want the same deal, access to an anus, from their female conquests. That is very high risk sex for women, as is shown by research into the transference of HIV to women. Worryingly, the direction that research should be taking and urgently, is into the emotional and physical abuse of heterosexual women by their anal sex demanding partners. If some men want penetrative anal sex there are other men who are seeking to service them. QED, leave heterosexual women alone. Plainly you are so far into your advocacy of anal sex that you never get to meet any women. You might try explaining to them why it is so important, crucial, to the normalising of anal sex for those anus-targeting MSM that heterosexual women must be the cannon fodder. Heterosexual women are eagerly demanding and enjoying anal sex? Bollocks! How many women do you know who want to be 'bum girls', self-administering enemas, having disgusting mishaps in the sheets and having the running bums later? Posted by leoj, Thursday, 21 December 2017 2:14:02 PM
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You should know that the Fox Trot contains a number of side steps!! Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 21 December 2017 2:38:47 PM
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It is widespread, organised, sexual abuse of girls and women and happening right now. Most would weep at the numbers. But promoters of anal sex, particularly the MSM anal sex activists, rejoice in the numbers of girls and women cajoled, emotionally blackmailed, tricked (the infamous 'slips') and raped. The higher incidence of females reporting an anal sex interference affecting them is being twisted by anal sex MSM activists into 'lets pretend that those numbers are all women who happily request and enjoy penetration of their anus and violation of their femininity and rejection of their sexuality' by some thrill-seeking, dominating, selfish MSM who doesn't care about their welfare or feelings, or health! You should be ashamed of yourself, Foxy. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 21 December 2017 2:40:31 PM
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Is Mise,
That one is has been taking the MSM's role in the fox trot. Women and girls (boys too) being thrown under the bus to promote anal sex for MSM and arrogant, selfish, thrill seeking men influenced by porn? The youthful targets that boost the numbers and the circumstances under which the molestations take place, eg many involving drugs, are red flags for likely sex abuse and rape. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 21 December 2017 3:05:02 PM
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Here's another article for you from the Daily Mail in the UK. Perhaps this one just may sink in as to what's being said: The country's LARGEST study of sexual activity and attitudes found that over 92% of heterosexual people are having vaginal sex. 86% of men and 80% of women are engaging in oral sex and 25% of men and 19% of women have had anal sex. Oral and anal sex was more common among 30 to 49 year olds. To deny the fact that some women do have anal sex is simply being blinkered and narrow. And that is something you should not be proud of. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 December 2017 3:08:57 PM
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Hey guys, easy. I don't know anything about this subject and quite simply it sickens me to even have to read about it. I'm only jumping in because I'm coming to Foxy's aid. What little I can garnish about her on this forum, she does NOT appear to be in favour of what you accuse her of. I don't recall any post that left me nauseous after reading like some of the ones I have lately. In fact my stoushes with Foxy have been that she stuck up for women, not the contrary. If I am wrong I must have missed those particular posts that show her in a different light.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 21 December 2017 3:16:19 PM
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I've already explained my take on things several times in this discussion. However it becomes very difficult on a public forum especially when you're dealing with people who are psychologically disturbed. These people have a distinctive set of traits that include conformity, intolerance, and insecurity. These are typical of personality patterns that tend to have anti-intellectual and anti-scientific attitudes. These are people who are disturbed by any ambiguety in sexual or religious matters, and they see the world in very rigid and stereotyped terms. They usually come from a family envornment in which the parents were cold, aloof, disciplinarian, and themselves bigoted. I don't imagine that is the case with you coming from the background that you do. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 December 2017 3:39:23 PM
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Well, thanks for the kind words Foxy, I don't know if I am not a little like the person/people you describe in your previous post, but being deprived of any encouraging comments I will take what I can get. Even from a worthy, driven combatant.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 21 December 2017 3:54:46 PM
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Once again you wrongly equate heterosexual women and girls having experienced anal sex as them wanting, requesting and liking anal sex. That is false. It is a fallacious leap. It is a lie. You are an advocate for anal sex and you want to legitimise and normalise it in the general community. So you want to maintain the lie that heterosexual women are seeking anal sex. You'd throw heterosexual women and girls under the bus to legitimise anal sex for the MSM lobby. You side step simple incontrovertible facts. There is abundant evidence to suggest that heterosexual women do NOT favour or enjoy anal penetration, that anal sex is diametrically opposed to the sexuality of women, a sexuality that deserves further study and emphasis. And that anal sex is a disturbing return to the 1950's compliant, serving woman, and her anus is just another hole for selfish Lotharios guided by the Porn industry, or in so many cases, men who have anal sex with their male mates (men who have sex with men, ie., MSM) and want the same deal, access to an anus, from their female conquests. Also, that anal sex is very high risk sex for heterosexual women, as is shown by research into the transference of HIV to women. You must believe that few women have any regard for their emotional wellbeing, their sexuality and their physical and mental health. Women are not so ill-informed, but they are being bullied, tricked and forced into the very undesirable, risky sex they don't ask for or want. Higher numbers of anal sex being inflicted on heterosexual = Red Flags for sexual abuse and discrimination against women. The direction that research should be taking and urgently, is into the emotional and physical abuse of heterosexual women by their anal sex demanding partners. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 21 December 2017 6:02:40 PM
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Section 116 of the Constitution contradicts Josephus’s claim, as you seem to realise. Anyway, it doesn’t look like Josephus is willing to argue that one any further, so I’ll leave you two to your paranoia. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 21 December 2017 8:30:20 PM
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AJ honestly. I can't argue with double negatives. I know I'm no linguist, but just stop and think about it for a minute. Why would anyone write something to reject religion when their whole premise is based on religion. Do you guys go out of your way to deny anything you know is a threat to your argument or stance? OK, because I am not as quick as you guys, do me the honour of breaking it down and explain it to me, so I can see where I went wrong.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 21 December 2017 10:17:34 PM
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I have no idea where the double-negative was, ALTRAV.
<<I can't argue with double negatives.>> Could you point it out to me? Something Josephus had said, perhaps? <<Why would anyone write something to reject religion when their whole premise is based on religion.>> I don’t know. You tell me. And while you’re at it, could you please explain the relevance of this comment of yours, too? After all, the Constitution wasn't based on religion. Are you perhaps being flexible with your definition of the word 'religion' like theists and climate change deniers can be? <<Do you guys go out of your way to deny anything you know is a threat to your argument or stance?>> No. Why’s that? Have I done that somewhere? Are you actually trying to claim that marriage equality is unconstitutional? Not even Josephus appears to be taking that one any further. <<OK, because I am not as quick as you guys, do me the honour of breaking it down and explain it to me, so I can see where I went wrong.>> Wrong where? About the Constitution requiring that Parliament adhere to this dubious notion of “Christian moral law”? Tell me where it says such a thing, and I’ll be happy to oblige. As for s 116 of the Constitution, it literally rejects such a notion. I’m not even sure how that could be explained in any simpler terms. To require that Parliament adhere to the “moral law” of any religion would be to “establish” a “religion” and “impose” a “religious observance”. What part of that do you not understand? Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 21 December 2017 10:48:48 PM
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AJ you are not well. I will break it down for you.
Firstly, let's begin with the heading: 'Commonwealth 'NOT' to legislate in respect of religion'. The header should tell you where the text is going. The text: The Commonwealth 'shall not make any law' for establishing any religion, or for 'imposing any religious observance', or 'for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion', and no religious test shall be required as a qualification of any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. The paragraph that says you are wrong, and you know you are, is 'prohibiting the free exercise of any religion'. So now that I've 'put up', YOU can shut up! Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 21 December 2017 11:34:58 PM
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The problem being, ALTRAV, that same-sex marriage doesn't prohibit the free exercise of religion.
So, no, it is in fact only you who should to "shut up" now. You don't think some homophobic lawyers wouldn't have thought of that already, had you been right? Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:08:01 AM
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I just thought, ALTRAV, since lawyers apparently have no scruples, how about you approach a firm specialising in Constitutional law with your (or Josephus's) discovery (which they apparently couldn't discover themselves) and see what they think? You might want to brush up on the case law surrounding s 116 before you do, though. You do know what those cases are, don't you?
Yeah, didn't think so. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:17:47 AM
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AJ I find your comments are going around in circles. I'm not interested in your ramblings any more because once I read 116 even someone as thick as me realised, and I wrote, that surely they made provision for 116 in the queers act. And I was right, because I did, so I don't understand what kind of sick mind would knowingly and intentionally mislead people into believing that 116 had the opposite meaning. What is the matter with you people. I might be slow but you people are sick and should be committed. Goodbye!
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:40:33 AM
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So in other words, ALTRAV, you have no idea how same-sex marriage violates s 116 of the Constitution. Nor do you understand how banning same-sex marriage could be supported under s 116. Neither do I.
Bye bye. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:47:43 AM
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We are most fortunate to have a team of Constitutional lawyers on the forum from the rabid right to explain everything. Following is the learned one himself ALTRAV explaining the Constitutional implication of all this SSM stuff for us. ALTRAV all I can say is, don't give up your day job, flipping meat patties down at Burger King, you sure need it! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 22 December 2017 3:30:24 AM
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Am I on some parallel universe? I'm not getting the 'vibe' of all this sarcasm. Will someone actually speak English and explain why 116 is not relevant? I know laws are written in some far away language but I'm pretty sure that 116 says you can't stuff around with religion. Having seen 116 I explained that the SSM law obviously catered to 116. I haven't seen the new SSM law so I am not privy to it's content and wording. So when you guys have finished playing in the sandpit you might decide to clarify your ramblings for us lesser mortals. Because right now I feel as though I'm having a one sided conversation.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 22 December 2017 9:00:52 AM
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ALTRAV, I'm looking forward to seeing in you action in the High Court, challenging this SSM law. Constitutionally, yes it certainly is the vibe, Mabo, ummm... no its defiantly the vibe. Do you act 'pro bono', or are you more the $10,000 a day man. If your wig and gown is in the cleaners, I'm sure there are plenty of the rabid right legal eagles on the forum who will lend you theirs. Like you, they are also never backward in coming forward with their learned legal opinions.
Then on the other hand you could get over it, and all the fundos and the die hard's could accept the No's lost, and the Yes's won. End of story. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 22 December 2017 9:30:43 AM
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Your foaming, ranting, raving and accusations hurled at me are a waste of time. I have never promoted anal sex as you claim. All I have done is produced evidence that contradicts your sweeping statement that women do not have anal sex. That is wrong. The country's largest study of sexual activity and attitudes found that 19% of women have had anal sex. Giving you evidence supplied by researchers from the University of NSW, La Trobe University, and The University of Sydney who spoke to 20,000 people aged between 16 and 69 - is just that - evidence. It does not mean that this represents my personal point of view. I realise that you have many claims and saving women is your latest aim. That anal sex is bad, my dear, don't you do it, it is queer. So feel free to continue with your foaming, ranting, ravings but kindly leave me out of it Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 9:38:25 AM
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I have already explained to you why s 116 is not relevant. Your only response was to assert that same-sex marriage prohibits the free excercise of religion. When I said that it didn't, you simply dug your heels in without explaining how same-sex marriage prohibits the free excercise of religion. If you could explain how same-sex marriage prohibits the free excercise of religion, then I'd be happy to respond. Religious people don't have to get married to a person of the same sex if they don't want to. So, what's the problem? Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 22 December 2017 10:30:34 AM
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Foxy, ..'19% of women have had anal sex'
Have been exposed to anal sex, you mean. Are you still pretending that is good news for anal sex advocates? That it somehow 'proves' that many heterosexual women are requesting and enjoying anal interference form MSMs (males who have sex with other males) and thrill-seeking idiots encouraged by the pornography industry, with the entertainment industry not far behind? Where many girls are being preyed upon and from UK figures 29% are exposed to sexual experience before age 16 (many are pre-adolescents), does it surprise anyone that the same grubs who take advantage of vulnerable school kids wouldn't also be having a go at their anuses? How many of the reports of some exposure to anal sex,because they are just raw numbers, right?, are the sad ticks of the survey box by women who were taken advantage of when they were vulnerable and couldn't do much about it, or the violation, 'slips' was planned by some sly grub? You might reflect on previous advice to you which of course you also ignored, that many women who have had an anal sex are drug addicts. What about kids or women for that matter whose partners demand penetrative sex and use their butt for contraception and hey, no need a condom :( because condoms are for contraception. You just don't get it do you? But why not? And why is it so necessary for MSMs who are seeking to legitimise and normalise anal sex, to be able to claim, to spread the big lie, that heterosexual women are requesting and enjoying anal penetration? Posted by leoj, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:08:13 PM
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And, Foxy, what could be the explanation for far more women reporting some f exposure to 'anal sex' (whatever that means), than the number who tick the survey box for the anal violation ever happening again?
Pushed/tricked into it once against their better judgement and inclination but never again? A lot are probably kids and drug affected who were taken advantage of. But some too are affected by that Fifties stereotyping that denies women their sexuality - the need to please men. More inconvenient facts that you side step. Posted by leoj, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:33:27 PM
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Speaking of inconvenient facts, here's one of Foxy's posts.
"Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. [1 wrong] 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO. [2 wrong] Of all eligible [note the word 'eligible'] Australians who expressed a view on - "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The MAJORITY indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding YES. And, 38.4% (4,873,987) responding NO. Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view." [not 10 out of 10 of 100% as Foxy would have it]. Note how [1] & [2] are contradicted by the rest of her post? Is this a case of repeating a falsehood enough times? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 22 December 2017 2:33:57 PM
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You've made so many claims on this forum. Saving women seems to be your latest aim. Good for you. I wish you every success. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 2:40:21 PM
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Is Mise,
The information was given by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Take your complaints up with them. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 2:42:40 PM
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Is Mise,
Here's a link that confirms the points being made throughout this discussion: But you go right ahead - but of course they're all wrong! Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 2:51:47 PM
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My apologies for the typo.
Here's the link again: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 2:56:39 PM
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@Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 2:40:21 PM
Why is it so strategically crucial for MSMs who are seeking to legitimise and normalise anal sex, to be able to claim, to spread the big lie, that heterosexual women are requesting and enjoying anal penetration? But there is NO evidence whatsoever of heterosexual women's interest in anal sex. In fact heterosexual women en masse loathe the very thought. For starters, everything about anal runs counter to women's sexuality. Then there are the other offensive to women features, the preliminary ritual of purging the faeces, the runny brown stains later, the damage to sensitive tissue, vastly higher risk of disease and so on. Anal sex is the fantasy of some men. -Because they already practice it with their male partners and are already anus-focussed, or are influenced by the porn industry to which they now enjoy ready, private access online. Of course these grubs would be putting pressure on women, but especially on girls. Of course they would be seeking to convince young girls and women that 'everybody is doing anal', for obvious purposes. There is abundant evidence of the despicable targeting of girls, school girls. Links have been provided prior. 'Bum sex' is absolutely NOT popular with heterosexual women and for damned good reasons. It is fringe, experimental, risk taking and very likely sexual abuse and sometimes rape being committed against women and now girls, by selfish, aggressive porn loving men and MSM. One only hopes that the Marxist 'Safe Schools' being pushed by Left 'Progressives' in Australia is closely scrutinised by parents, especially by mothers. Posted by leoj, Friday, 22 December 2017 4:39:24 PM
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Could you please provide us with some evidence that ALL women in Australia find anal sex repugnant. I believe that some definitely would - but ALL? Really? There are many professionals that seem to disagree with you on the web. What are your sources in this country for your claims? To express disgust at something like that puzzles me because when it comes to consensual sex - sex therapists tell us that - anything goes. Really - ANYTHING. But they of course stress the word - consensual. I don't think that you can or should speak on behalf of ALL women. If people are capable of making the decision to have sex, they are capable of deciding how they are going to have it. They don't need you to decide for them. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 December 2017 5:46:57 PM
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Nothing but straw man from you :( It is YOU who has to prove that heterosexual women are, as you would have it, eagerly requesting and enjoying anal sex and in significant numbers. But you duck and side step. No surprise that you duck, because heterosexual women do NOT request 'bum sex'. That comes from men and it has to do with stereotyping, negative stuff for women, that is well studied. By all means go ahead and give that proof you say you have. You haven't given any so far. Also, "Why is it so strategically crucial for MSMs who are seeking to legitimise and normalise anal sex, to be able to claim, to spread the big lie, that heterosexual women are requesting and enjoying anal penetration?". Posted by leoj, Friday, 22 December 2017 6:37:31 PM
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On the other hand, it is easy to find reputable, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that disproves the lie that significant numbers of heterosexual women are requesting or even participating in 'bum sex',
'Lets Talk about Real Sex' - Watch the first 4 mins or so and the remainder is interesting too. - Dr Cath Mercer is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Sexual Health and HIV Research at University College London, and she is one of the lead researchers on Britain's National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. She is a trained demographer with an interest in sexual mixing, that is, who has sex with whom. Her interest lies in the transmission of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) with regards to the interaction between biology and behaviour. And not just the individual's behaviour, but also their partners and their partners' partners. In her talk, Cath explores changes in sexual behaviour and sexual partnerships observed in Britain, considering the effect of the internet and social media on sexual behaviour. Posted by leoj, Friday, 22 December 2017 6:49:56 PM
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Examine: does the commonwealth impose the observance of Christian Holy Days for instance? When the Constitution was written certain things were already in place such as the celebration of Christ Jesus birth, so Christian holy days are implied in work contracts recognised by The Commonwealth. Are they imposing a religious observance by allowing penalty rates for working on Christian holy days? The Common law of Australia envisages a Christian view of moral law.
The Commonwealth 'shall not make any law' for establishing any religion, or for 'imposing any religious observance', or 'for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion', and no religious test shall be required as a qualification of any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. Posted by Josephus, Friday, 22 December 2017 6:51:06 PM
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Given the total rubbish one of the sore losers is posting about Foxy, could it be possible that he is actually having anal sex with himself? Afterall most of his diatribes he posts are rather anal at the best of times.
Nowhere on this Forum has Foxy ever advocated anal sex, to say she has is a fabrication. To set the record straight I don't have a problem with those who participate in such activity, be they gay or straight, they can do what they bloody well please. I say go for it, not my call! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 22 December 2017 8:10:34 PM
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"Here's a link that confirms the points being made throughout this discussion" It doesn't confirm that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." as you said. So apologize for posting such misleading information and for insisting that the ABS are complete dills, they would never and never did post that which you ascribe to them. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 22 December 2017 8:55:20 PM
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Your point about public holidays is why the High Court has typically interpreted s 116 narrowly (unbeknownst to ALTRAV, apparently). A lot of things could be considered a breach of s 116 if we were to stretch the bow long enough. One could claim that the previous exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage was also a breach of s 116, if one wanted to push things far enough. Courts ordering that children of Jehovah’s Witnesses receive blood transfusions, against the wishes of their parents, is absolutely a breach of s 116. Contrary to popular belief, however, (and to the utter dismay of right-wing Formalists) the law is not black and white. It can’t be. Common sense must prevail when absurdities arise or justice demands it. <<The Common law of Australia envisages a Christian view of moral law.>> No, it doesn’t. It “evisages” secularism, if anything. Any overlap is likely co-incidental, or the result of modern Christianity having been dragged kicking and screaming out of the Dark Ages by secularism Trying to follow a “Christian moral law” saw 245 years of slavery in a country founded on freedom. This notion of “Christian moral law” is a dubious and highly subjective one fraught with all sorts of problems as to what exactly it constitutes. Secularism is the only alternative, and one which has proved highly successful. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 22 December 2017 9:04:34 PM
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Let's look at the moral Law: It is built on avoiding personal guilt unlike other cultures that are built on avoiding shame of family or Tribe.
1. We must each give allegiance to one Character values. The preamble to the meaning of all other values. 2. We must keep one day in seven as a rest day because we are not slaves, nor make others slaves in our care. This principle established 3,000 years ago. Christians observe either Saturday or Sunday as rest days from work and also applies to all their employees. 3. We are to give respect and care to parents especially in old age. 4. We shall not murder [unlike cultures that murder a family member that has brought shame on the family e.g. a daughter who has been raped.] 5. We should not commit adultery or rape. It violates a boundary of another person or relationship. A practise considered common in pagan society. 6. We must not give false witness against another person. Honesty of even an opponent is vital to a civil society. 7. We must recognise and respect others personal boundaries of property and relationships. These principle are no longer applicable in Western society nor can they be displayed in public or taught in schools as they identify a religious faith. Yet our Constitution was drawn up by people who practised and believed them. This is the basis of Moral Law. Jesus summed it up in two principles. 1. Give full allegiance in mind body and spirit to one Holy Character values. God is identified as purist of character, actions that care for humanity, and wisdom the improves society, e.g. Christ Jesus. 2. Care for others as you would desire they care for you. Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 23 December 2017 5:01:43 AM
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Dear Paul,
Well I give up. I've tried to explain to Leoj the facts from various links including from the largest report this country has ever seen on sexual activity that was done by various researchers from various universitieis which clearly stated that 19% of Australian women did have anal sex. However that was not enough for Leoj. There is plenty of material on the web which he can access - including Cosmopolitan magazine that covers the myths and misconceptions of anal sex, that many young women read. Than there's Dr Kat Van Kirk, Prof. Chris Rissel, even Bettina Arndt, to name just a few who all have opinions and stats on the topic. I am not an advocate of anal sex. I regard sex to be a private matter between consenting individuals. And what other people do is not something I am interested in. However, as one sex therapist pointed out - "I would say such negativity towards certain acts is what drives the divide between a couple. If your partner is afraid of broaching a subject for fear of being shot down in flames and labelled as a sexual deviant, then that can only breed contempt and resentment. This applies noe matter what gender you are. I think if you're capable of making the decision to have sex, then you should be aware of the diversity of human desire." To express disgust at something like that puzzles me because when it comes to consensual sex - it's really a personal matter between the people involved. It's clearly a personal choice. And of course education is the key as to what that choice entails and the risks involved - that goes without saying. Some people will definitely not want any part of it, whilst others may be willing to experiment however to make broad sweeping statements and generalisations on behalf of ALL - is plainly wrong. Ant to carry on about this subject throughout this discussion is equally disturbing and smacks of obsessive behaviour - or of something more serious. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 December 2017 9:04:51 AM
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Is Mise,
In this discussion I have quoted from the Australian Bureau of Statistics word for word. I shall provide you with another link that again confirms the findings of the ABS. If you read this link you will find that it clearly states: "The ABS this morning revealed Australians voted YES to same-sex marriage with 61.6% in favour and 38.4% against." Then if you continue you shall see - "HOW AUSTRALIA VOTED" 61.6% YES 38.4% No Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 December 2017 9:27:12 AM
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Yet again and it is tedious, nothing but straw man from you :( It is YOU who has to prove that heterosexual women are, as you would have it, eagerly requesting and enjoying anal sex and in significant numbers. But you duck and side step. No surprise that you duck, because heterosexual women do NOT request 'bum sex'. That comes from men and it has to do with stereotyping, negative stuff for women, that is well studied. You haven't given any proof at all so far. To add, just giving names doesn't mean that the said researcher supports your opinion. This too, unanswered, "Why is it so strategically crucial for MSMs who are seeking to legitimise and normalise anal sex, to be able to claim, to spread the big lie, that heterosexual women are requesting and enjoying anal penetration?". However, it is easy to find reputable, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that disproves the lie that significant numbers of heterosexual women are requesting or even participating in 'bum sex', 'Lets Talk about Real Sex' - Watch the first 4 mins or so and the remainder is interesting too. You might consider this researcher's comments on the sort of 'proof' you come up with from your Googling, Foxy. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 23 December 2017 9:32:00 AM
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Any incidence of note affecting heterosexual women would be a bellwether of things going very wrong for women and especially for girls - as revealed by this, cited earlier (but of course Foxy has the anal sex advocate's eyepatch in place),
"Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, found heterosexual men were increasingly watching anal porn online. Top searches on PornHub and other pornographic websites often feature the terms associated with this type of intercourse. Researchers found that more and more women being pressured into having painful anal sex because it has been normalised online. Worryingly, teenagers have internalised terms like ‘accidental’ penetration of the anal area. Teen girls are increasingly likely to accept these so-called ‘slips’." ... Researchers wrote: ‘In some cases, anal penetration of the woman… was described by men and women as having happened accidentally… Once they’ve ‘slipped’, many teenage boys are said to refuse to even slow down the pace of intercourse, as painful anal sex is becoming normalised. These techniques were considered ‘normal’ by teens who responded to the study and girls were simply expected to be in pain. Researchers were shocked to discover that teens are becoming so used to anal sex it affects how they speak about it. Many people who had anal sex blamed it on ‘slips’. They wrote: ‘Young people’s narratives normalised coercive, painful and unsafe anal.’ However the researchers are now hinting at authorities’ need to act. They added there must be ‘harm reduction efforts targeting anal sex to help encourage discussion about mutuality and consent, reduce risky and painful techniques and challenge views that normalise coercion’." Posted by leoj, Saturday, 23 December 2017 9:47:53 AM
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WOW! You finally got it near right, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." Which is not the same as, "The ABS this morning revealed Australians voted YES to same-sex marriage with 61.6% in favour and 38.4% against." Your so-called quote is so obviously wrong, you didn't quote the ABS you misquoted them. Wake up!! Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 23 December 2017 10:23:47 AM
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It is what interpretation is placed on the numbers that matters. Here is the straight talk on that,
"The ABS reports that more than 79.5% of voters enrolled with the Australian Electoral Commission submitted their form with a clear vote cast for either side of the debate. Simply put, this means that slightly fewer than half of all eligible voters (49.0%) voted Yes and a little less than a third (30.5%) voted No. The rest did not vote or their preference was unclear. .. So does this mean that we now know what all Australian eligible voters think about this issue? Can we conclude that a majority of eligible voters are in favour of same-sex marriage? What the numbers can’t tell us The number one point to understand about these results is not what they are telling us, but what they are not telling us. It is tempting to believe that the survey outcome means that 61.6% of Australians are in favour of same-sex marriage, and 38.4% against. This is not true. While the response rate was high [as is usual for Australian elections], we know that 20.5% of eligible voters didn’t take part. .. But all we are really able to say is that these figures (61.6% Yes and 38.4% No) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote, rather than being representative of all eligible Australians. These two populations may be very different." Posted by leoj, Saturday, 23 December 2017 11:05:42 AM
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None the less, the YES vote won in what was a voluntary vote, in such cases those who didn't bother to vote are deemed not to care either way, so YES is clearly the winner. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 23 December 2017 12:02:56 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Go back to the link I gave you in my previous post and read the entire link please. You will find that the quote: "The ABS this morning revealed Australians voted YES to same- sex marriage, with 61.6% in favour and 38.4% against." It's just above the big letters of HOW Australia voted - the national results. What the heck's the matter with you? Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 December 2017 12:51:00 PM
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Is Mise,
I don't care either way about the result. So it is 'whatever' from me. It has (pre-)occupied the national broadcaster and politicians in the federal parliament for years. Hoping for some action finally on those 'wicked' problems. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 23 December 2017 12:56:37 PM
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"What the heck's the matter with you?" My problem is that I think that you can't quote accurately. You quoted the ABS as saying "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." that is not on their site so how could you quote it? You most have made it up. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 23 December 2017 1:15:10 PM
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Where have you been Leoj, doing your Ripvanwanker act again, "Hoping for some action finally on those 'wicked' problems" With the rabid right backed up by the Christian fudo's, and other lunatics, they tried everything they could to avoid the inevitable. Finally painted into a corner they wasted over $100 million of taxpayers money on a public survey which only confirmed what we all knew, that the vast majority of Australians supported gay marriage. Laws are now in place which reflect the wish of the people. End of story.
Issy, stop pretending to be a dumb arse nit picker, and accept what is fact. You never know if you butter up Leoj, he may let you into his little secret about solo anal sex, something he's perfected. Leoj is so preoccupied with discussing that particular aspect of sex on the forum, I'm sure he gets off on it. Merry Christmas Issy, Leo, Foxy. I'm off to the big celebration at a Family Christmas gathering tonight with the tribe. Time for a bit of a Christmas hit. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 23 December 2017 1:42:30 PM
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Boy, Paul1405 has got to be the sorest winner I've ever heard. I'd hate to be around when he loses. We all know I'm pissed off that the Yes won, even though I hold on to my values and beliefs and I feel a sense of waters being muddied over this result, but they are my beliefs like it or not. Sure us NO campaigners will not accept the outcome because there have been too many questions along the way. Now that it's over there are still more questions, if only about the veracity and strength of the numbers, when all the 'bar' talk was NO. If we were in the US we would call this the 'college vote' as I believe the outcome ,socially, has been an untrue representation of the actual and true feelings of the real and majority of the eligible voters. Had they all voted, I believe it would have been very close, but also the outcome would have been different. But, there you have it. Paul, you won, enjoy your Christmas and the rest of your life. You live to argue another day.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 23 December 2017 2:28:45 PM
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Dear Paul,
Enjoy Your Christmas. I've been cooking for the past two days. Tomorrow evening is our special family feast - and as always it's at our house with all the traditional Lithuanian Christmas-Eve dishes all sea-food and salads and yummy desserts. Christmas Day lunch is the Glazed Ham, Turkey, Christmas veggies et cetera. I usually do that as well but this year my daughter-in-law has volunteered to do it (Yay!). Still,I am bringing a turkey - to help. Enjoy all the magic of Christmas - and may the New Year bring all of us Good Health and Happiness. And as my brother would say - "Give them heaps!" Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 December 2017 3:23:14 PM
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Suddenly lost interest in arguing s 116 of the Constitution, ALTRAV? Funny that.
Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 24 December 2017 3:15:39 AM
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AJ, I don't remember 'arguing' about 116. Funny that.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 24 December 2017 6:33:31 AM
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"Issy, stop pretending to be a dumb arse nit picker, and accept what is fact." I've accepted the YES vote from the day it was announced, read my posts, all that I'm doing is trying to get Foxy to admit, that for once, she is wrong and that she made up what she attributed to the ABS. What she quoted was wrong. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 24 December 2017 10:19:38 AM
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Is Mise,
I quoted directly from the ABS. You refuse to believe that. I did not make it up. You refuse to believe that. There are many sources on the web that also confirm the findings of the ABS - you can look them up for yourself. They also repeat what the ABS has stated. You refuse to believe that. And of course, we are all wrong and you are right! We get it! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 December 2017 12:30:50 PM
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No, ALTRAV, it's not funny at all.
<<... I don't remember 'arguing' about 116. Funny that.>> In fact, I find it to be quite concerning. To refresh your memory: Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 25 December 2017 12:23:50 AM
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"And of course, we are all wrong and you are right! " Right!! Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 25 December 2017 12:28:16 AM
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I think this topic has run it's course. I've already moved on to other topics. Catch you all on the next one. Bye and Merry Xmas.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 25 December 2017 2:30:18 AM
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That's right ALTRAV, it was all over before it started. When the result of the vote was announced, a resounding victory for the YES campaign. you and the other NOeeee's should have headed for the hills, like some little boys with their pants on fire. Instead a few blowhard-diehards, like yourself, tried to distort the result with your own brand of convoluted irrational nonsense. Then again the whole No campaign was irrational nonsense from the start.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 25 December 2017 8:04:15 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
I'm not fighting to be right. But I will fight when I am right. I trust your judgement. Implicitly. You're just wrong. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 December 2017 9:52:06 AM
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This discussion has run its course, well and truly.
My Christmas Eve went beautifully. So much excitement with the grand-children. We're leaving soon for lunch at my daughter-in-law's. And later, visiting mum. I received a very pleasant surprise last night - The gift of Magda Szubanski's book, "Reckoning". I imagine it will be Brave, compassionate - and hilarious. Have a nice day everyone. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 December 2017 9:58:42 AM
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You said, "Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" If you can shew me just where the ABS said that I'll boil down my best Akubra, reduce it to a paste, flavour it with Vegamite and eat it. The blokes and ladies at the ABS would never be so stupid as to claim that the whole Australian population are entitled to vote. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 25 December 2017 10:08:26 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
Curly hair Don't care! Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 December 2017 10:15:33 AM
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You said, "Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" If you can shew me just where the ABS said that I'll boil down my best Akubra, reduce it to a paste, flavour it with Vegamite and eat it. The Australian population is, at last count, 24.13 million the number who voted was 12.7 million [50%] or half of the population, so how can you claim, with a straight face, that the 61.5 % of the population voted YES? Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 25 December 2017 1:20:57 PM
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Is Mise, as much as I'd like to agree with you, but unfortunately even I have to agree with Foxy. What is not being clarified here is the word 'eligible' voters. Not everyone can vote, mainly because of age so the figures are segmented into sections of the population. So the true assessment, whatever the outcome, has to be based on 'eligible' voters and not ALL the Australian people. The figure you have quoted is the Australian population, or in another word, 'everyone'. I still believe the outcome would have been close but different had the non-voters actually given a crap about the future of this country and it's well being. We know too well from history we have a 'she'll be right' bunch of bogans as the main stream Aussie. My mantra is like the Americans say; How can I soar like an eagle, when I have to fly with turkeys'?
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 25 December 2017 3:14:35 PM
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What don't you understand about the statement, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" When clearly 61.6% of the Australian population [24.13 million] didn't vote YES. 61.6% of those eligible to vote voted YES which is an entirely different thing to Foxy's claim. Foxy, of course, will fight to the death to avoid being shewn to be wrong but the fact is that 61.6% 0f 79.5% voted "Yes" not 61.6% 0f 100%. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 25 December 2017 5:58:57 PM
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OK Is Mise, I cede to a greater, wiser, force. Merry Xmas. See you on the other side.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 25 December 2017 6:30:42 PM
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Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that I gave at the beginning of this discussion in the following way: 61.6% of the Australian population voted YES 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO The Bureau then went on to clearly explain that: Of all eligible Australians who expressed a a view on - "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The majority indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding YES. And 38.4% (4,873,987) responding NO. The ABS further stated that - nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. All states and territories recorded a majority YES response and only 17 of the 150 Federal Electoral Divisions recorded a majority No response. I posted this earlier in the discussion and Is Mise can't seem to comprehend what is being said. He's focusing on his claim that I am saying that all Australians voted in a certain way. Which is not what is being said at all. He needs to re-read what was/is being said. But I'm too tired to continue arguing with him. He's got a mental block of some kind. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 11:48:03 AM
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" He's got a mental block of some kind." Yes, he can't comprehend how the statement "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is not wrong, particularly as you go on to clarify the situation and give evidence that your statement is way off the mark. Bye the way why did you change 'votes' in your earlier statements to 'voted'? You can't be quoting the ABS accurately if you change what you have attributed to them. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 12:10:02 PM
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Foxy,Is Mise, I was trying to explain that the numbers given were of 'eligible' voters and not ALL Aussies. Maybe I just don't explain myself clearly enough. I must admit being a little confused with the numbers such as 61% of 80%. I think we are all getting bogged down with the difference in the figures like 80% of eligible voters as opposed to 100% of all Aussies. I hope everyone stands back for a minute and see's what we are all on about. Thanks.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 12:56:27 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
I can understand that you can't comprehend what is being said. See ya! Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 12:59:10 PM
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Foxy, "Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of
Statistics: 61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO" - Plainly that is a deceit some political propagandists will be maintaining unless challenged every time and it is obvious why they would be doing that. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect. The facts, "..slightly fewer than half of all eligible voters (49.0%) voted Yes and a little less than a third (30.5%) voted No. The rest did not vote or their preference was unclear." Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 1:46:45 PM
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Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 2:58:44 PM
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Why can you not comprehend that the statement "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES." is wrong? Let me write it another way, 61.6% of the Australian population of 24.13 million votes YES. Did they? Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 5:26:05 PM
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Issy, may I advise you on this; "Blow it out your whatever!"
Issy a recount now shows that 163% OF AUSTRALIANS VOTED YES! Do you want a link for that Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 9:47:56 PM
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Dear Paul,
It has already been explained to Is Mise several times that of all eligible Australians who expressed a view on - "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The majority indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding YES. And 38.4% (4,873,987) responding NO. Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. The result was announced by the ABS - telling us that 61.6% of eligible Australians voting YES to same-sex marriage and 38.4% voting NO. It can't be made any clearer. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 10:28:27 PM
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Oh how bloody tedious!
The very best estimate of the 20% that could not be bothered is that provided by statistically valid random sampling, therefore about 70% yes. Next best is the survey itself, giving 60%. Even a lazy 50/50 estimate is reasonable. All of these give an aggregate "yes" higher than the survey itself. Gripers who somehow think the 20% of non responders would be different than the very substantial sample would need better grounds than any so far provided. ABS demographic breakdowns indicate that that more young adults did not respond than the elderly. If anybody *really* thinks a full vote of all eligible adults would not return a "yes", they should offer to pay for it, just as they should have to pay for the last unnecessary survey. I would predict a reduced "no" and increased "yes", simply because some nos have died in the interim. The only questions now are about how gays can go about getting married and conducting their lives in quiet enjoyment. Rusty. Posted by Rusty Catheter, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 10:40:34 PM
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"The result was announced by the ABS - telling us that 61.6% of eligible Australians voting YES to same-sex marriage and 38.4% voting NO." I agree and I respect the result, but that is not the same as the untrue statement "61.6 of the Australian population votes YES 38.4 of the Australian population voted NO" Nowhere did the ABS make such a stupid statement and you cannot shew where they did. Admit that you posted a misleading statement and that you are wrong. Go on, it won't hurt. Paul, What don't you understand about the statement "61.6% of the Australian population [of 24.13 million] votes YES" Are you trying for a place in the thickness stakes as well? Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 10:53:13 PM
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"but that is not the same as the untrue statement" Issy you did not take my advice, which would be most effective; "Blow it out your whatever!"
There is nothing to be gained by your extreme "pedantacism", its making you look rather Foxy, do not worry about the dog with his bone, let him have it, he can chew on it all day long, and in that way he will not be chasing his tail as he normally does, or scratching his fleas. cont Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 4:20:31 AM
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This seems to be a trait found only in some Europeans. overly concerned about "what ifs". Foxy, a little story.... Some 20 years back I accompanied a Fijian friend of mine, taking a small party of Aussie tourists up to his village by 4WD into the highlands of Fiji, 'CC', and the village could earn some much needed cash from it, make about $F200 clear, a lot of money to the village in those days, plus some handicraft sales, and cash gifts as well. We assembled in the village big house, meet the local tribal chief, and others, having some kava with the men, and a feed provided by the village women, they had gone to a lot of trouble with prep. The conversation came around to how was the Clan Chief appointed. The short answer is its taken in turn from one family to the next. There are 12 families in the district, and it goes around in a circle of men. Very simple you would think, but not for one Aussie tourists, he went on and on with what if... what if there is no male in the family etc etc, short answer, it passes to the next family in turn, what if they don't have a male, get it, he went on and on. Then it was why isn't he democratically elected. The Fijians were nonplus with this outrageous nonsense. 'CC' my friend was totally baffled by all this, and i had to tell the bloke, "we are the guests of these people, and it would be a very good idea if you would stop labouring the point," In short he was being a smart arse. A common mistake is to think the old bloke in the group is the Chief, not always so, that day the Clan Chief was a young bloke about 30. not the old 60 year old everyone wanted to shake hands with. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 4:24:17 AM
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Sloppy journalists and propagandists may continue to out themselves by their misquoting of the survey results. But that will not fool anyone and will always be a blot on their credibility.
The Australian Statistical Society issued a statement signed by SSA president, Professor Scott Sisson, and the chair of the SSA media and communications committee, Dr Peter Baker, on the limitations of the interpretation of the survey. "The SSA is concerned that limitations in the Government direction to the Marriage Law Postal Survey mean that, whatever the result, there will still be considerable uncertainty about the actual views of all Australians on the matter." "The SSA is not aware of any official statistics based purely on unadjusted respondent data alone," Sisson and Barker wrote. "However, under the Government direction, there is no scope to adjust for demographic biases or collect any information that might enable the ABS to even indicate what these biases might be." Sisson and Baker were concerned that the "sensitive and emotive" nature of the debate may lead to uninformed community groups misinterpreting the survey result — and ultimately, won't resolve the tortured issue. The facts, along with the restrictions on the interpretation of results, "..slightly fewer than half of all eligible voters (49.0%) voted Yes and a little less than a third (30.5%) voted No. The rest did not vote or their preference was unclear." Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 7:09:50 AM
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The passing of the Same Sex Marriage Bill was a damp squib for most, but it was a cataclysmic earthquake for the serial protesting nuisances like the Greens (and for slack journalists!), who for years rode on the back of homosexuals for political stunts, point-scoring and headlines.
As far as everyone is concerned it is one professional victim group less. 'Gays' no longer have any excuse for not living however they want to. And of course, they are very welcome to be taking the responsibility themselves, like the rest of the population. Maybe now the political parties and Parliament can address those 'wicked problems', such as the 'Struggle Streets', drug trafficking and happenings in the seas to our North. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 7:36:24 AM
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Dear Paul,
Thanks for your advice and for the Fijian story. There are all kinds of people that annoy us, but what annoys me most (as Christopher Hitchens would say) - are lazy arguments. The link that I've cited previously told us that - The result of the postal survey, coming in at a 61.6 per cent majority vote in favour of marriage reform, signifies a more emphatic vote than Australians have ever delivered on a national issue outside a referendum. We're told that at 61.6 per cent YES came out with more votes than either major political party has ever pulled to win a general election. The highest two-party preferred vote Australia has seen was\ when the Liberal-led Coalition was voted into government with a 56.9 per cent majority in 1966. The biggest federal Labor has pulled off was in 1983 when it was delivered government with 53.2 per cent of the vote. Astute political commentators have pointed out, if YES and NO were political parties, and the survey a general election, a YES government would have the strongest majority ever. Broken down by electorate the YES vote won 133 seats to NO's 17. By the same methodology YES would have taken every Senate seat. Mr Turnbull stated: "It is a big country. 150 electorates and 133 - that's nearly 90 per cent - voted YES. Let's not lose sight that it was a YES vote!" Finally, we're told that the final ABS results were very similar to a Roy Morgan survey taken in early October which showed 61.5 percent of Australia's voting YES on the survey an the remaining 38.5 per cent of the respondents either voting NO or failing to answer the question. Results from the final Newspoll survey were also incredibly close. Newspoll showed 79 per cent of Australians had voted in the plebiscite with the YES vote leading NO with 63 per cent to 37 per cent. See you on another discussion. And a Happy New Year to you and Yours! Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 9:56:53 AM
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Dear Rusty,
Thank You for your well-reasoned contributions. They are appreciated. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year and see you on another discussion. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 10:02:35 AM
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Thanks for the humourous link. "As Qantas CEO and marriage equality advocate Alan Joyce said after Wednesday’s Yes victory: “If this was a general election, it would be the biggest landslide in Australian electoral history.” Utter rubish, we don't have the undemocratic 'First Past the Post' voting system for our elections. I note that you said "Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view" It's good to see that you finally admit that the statement "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is wrong. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 10:04:21 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
It isn't wrong. The Australian Bureau of Statistics went on to explain their statement as did I. You unfortunately just grabbed hold of that statement and not the explanations that followed where figures were further given and the meaning was crystal clear as to what was being stated. However, whatever floats your boat. I will leave you to enjoy your gruntlement. It's pointless to continue to explain things to you over, and over again and to thereby encourage your mate to jump in with his foaming, ranting, and raving. God help us! Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 12:27:17 PM
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The explanations were fine and I agree with them, but your statement, your's alone not the ABS's that 61.6 of the Australian population votes YES is demonstrably wrong and you cannot shew where the ABS made such a statement. The Australian POPULATION is 24.13 million. 0f that number 7,817,247 voted YES or less than 33% and that number, no matter how you wriggle and obfuscate ain't 61.6% of the Australian population. Must hurt a lot to be proved wrong, 'cause you sure do go to inordinate lengths to avoid admitting a mistake; I feel sorry for you. Go back through the thread, there are others that think that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is pure balderdash. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 2:18:27 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Whatever floats your boat old chap. Believe what makes you happy! Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 4:35:04 PM
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Just shew me where the ABS said that "61.6 of the Australian population votes YES" and I'll humbly apologize and, as I said before, I'll eat my hat. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 5:17:29 PM
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Foxy could deny it is damp while standing in a swamp in a tropical downpour and in front of sworn independent witnesses observing and swearing that fact.
Bill Shorten can do the same and while fronting a Royal Commission. Is Mise, Your post on Page 1 resonated with me and probably with other posters too, "On the ABC this morn there was a discussion about how the "Gay" lobby can progress from here and change the minds of the people who voted 'No' so that there is close to 100% acceptance". The federal parliament has passed legislation changing marriage. If that was ever an impediment it is now gone, forever. Homosexuals can get on with their lives. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 6:21:19 PM
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If the yes camp are so chuffed about getting their SSM bill through a gutless and manipulated parliament, why do they need to change the minds of the NO voters.
As the TRUE sentiments of the people were hi-jacked there is no doubt that the NO voters will only strengthen their resolve on the matter. Is it because the result did not in fact demonstrate the true sentiment of ALL Australians but only those who voted and those who didn't vote or abstained altogether and didn't vote so as to not show their hand. Like Abbot and Co. you gutless bunch of garbage. I can't stand two faced pigs. Abbot and his mates say they are NO voters and then when it counts they cut and run. These gutless pricks don't deserve the title of Ministers of the Crown. They are more like minstrels of the clown. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 28 December 2017 1:01:24 AM
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"why do they need to change the minds of the NO voters." No we don't, you keep your bigoted attitude, take it to the grave with you if you like.
"As the TRUE sentiments of the people were hi-jacked" wrong again, those who cast a vote were under no allusions as to what they were voting for. There was no pressure to vote yes or no, or even to vote at all. The rest is a bitter diatribe against Abbott and co, who abstained from voting. BTW you are wrong again Abbott is not a Minister of the Crown, he is simply a Member of Parliament. I think this topic has run it's course. I've already moved on to other topics. Catch you all on the next one. Bye and Merry Xmas. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 25 December 2017 2:30:18 AM A man of his word, still here whingeing I see. Now we can add, and a Happy New Year! Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 28 December 2017 3:29:50 AM
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I am happy to be a called a bigot by my opponents because what I uphold is the biologically sexual reality, I an happy to be called a homophobe because that is a left derogatory term for one they oppose. They are trying to use shame to change my reality, shame is the only tool they have to close debate, freedom of ideas and combat my reality. It is the same tactic that Muslims use to close debate on their religion, i.e. an Islamophobia. It is supposed to create shame and peer pressure to submit.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 28 December 2017 7:53:33 AM
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Josephus, it is so refreshing to read some truth and common sense for again. It is a rare commodity on these forums.
I feel heartened by your comments. I feel frustrated when I am unable to find the appropriate words to a response. One thing I have learned about people, as I have never indulged in forums before, is that they refuse to consider an idea when they are set in their ways, even after something has been explained as simply and clear as possible. I will pay closer attention to your posts in future. It does not mean I won't challenge you should I feel the need but I do like your style. Look forward to more. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 28 December 2017 8:24:34 AM
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"why do they need to change the minds of the NO voters." No we don't, you keep your bigoted attitude, take it to the grave with you if you like." as I posted on page 1, "On the ABC this morn there was a discussion about how the "Gay" lobby can progress from here and change the minds of the people who voted 'No' so that there is close to 100% acceptance" I heard the discussion, it happened and is undoubtedly somewhere in the ABC's archives. This problem ain't gunna go away. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 28 December 2017 12:28:35 PM
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Homosexuality is a biological sexual reality, so you are still a bigot and a homophobe if you believe gay people should be treated as second-class citizens just because of their sexuality. Whether some lefties want to use those terms to shame you is irrelevant to that. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 28 December 2017 4:37:06 PM
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"Homosexuality is a biological sexual reality...." Does no one choose a homosexual lifestyle of their own free will? Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 28 December 2017 5:33:39 PM
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Here is another line to attempt of shame,"if you believe gay people should be treated as second-class citizens just because of their sexuality".
Calling homosexual people second class citizens, is absolute nonsense and only exists in the mind of those that believe they are second class. I have several close homosexual friends and they do not see themselves as second class. It is a lie perpetrated by the political left, again to shame their opponents into submission.
Homosexuality is not a biological reality, it is a biological deviation of the design and purpose of biological sexuality.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 28 December 2017 7:21:22 PM
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Is Mise,
No, certainly not entirely. <<Does no one choose a homosexual lifestyle of their own free will?>> Do you really want to go down the the whole ‘determinism vs free will’ avenue? It's messy. Anyway, I have no idea of what this has to do with my response to Josephus. His wording was confused and ambiguous (that was part of my point). So, before I can answer you properly, you'll need to tell me what you understand a “biological sexual reality” to be. -- Josephus, I'm playing the world's smallest violin for you right now. <<Here is another line to attempt of shame,"if you believe gay people should be treated as second-class citizens just because of their sexuality".>> My reasoning was sound, so your attemot to pass it off as an attempt to shame sounds awfully defensive. <<Calling homosexual people second class citizens, is absolute nonsense and only exists in the mind of those that believe they are second class.>> Then don't imply it with your bigotry, and you'll be fine. <<I have several close homosexual friends …>> Yes, don't we all. Especially the bigots. They somehow manage to have the most. <<... and they do not see themselves as second class.>> That's good to hear. Especially when there are those like you who wish to treat them as such. <<Homosexuality is not a biological reality, it is a biological deviation …>> Somehow I don't think you know what ‘reality’ means then. It is not the opposite of ‘deviation’. Are you just trying to get around the mess that ALTRAV had found himself in with the concepts of ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ on the other thread by inserting the word 'reality' instead? Because, all you're really achieving is a string of posts that don't make much sense. I'm glad they at least make sense to ALTRAV and Is Mise, though. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 28 December 2017 8:13:37 PM
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Josephus, there is no pressure on you to change your bigoted homophobic attitude, As far as I am concerned you are welcome to it. I don't know why gay people would want the approval of a bigoted homophobe anyway, no more than you should seek my approval of your perverted Christian practices. If you are into self flagellation on Sunday mornings, don't let me stop you.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 28 December 2017 9:10:27 PM
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“biological sexual reality” A genetic disposition to a sexual identity. No choice in the matter. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 28 December 2017 10:22:12 PM
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Interesting, Is Mise.
That's not what I got from Josephus’s strange choice of words. <<A genetic disposition to a sexual identity.>> And after Josephus’s last post, I don't think that's what he meant either. He seems to be confusing 'reality' with 'normal' by contrasting it with deviation. <<No choice in the matter.>> Well, I'm glad we agree on that much at least. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 28 December 2017 10:41:01 PM
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Guys don't bother with Paul and his followers.
They are never going to see that they are freaks of nature and are fighting as hard as possible to negate anything we say to his and his mates detriment. I'll still keep jousting with them because I can see that as long as we keep our long standing values we will always be one up on them. What they don't realise is, why bother refuting what we say? If you truly believe to be our equals then why do you care? Why all this angry offensive language and behaviour. You got your precious SSM bullshite, that's it, you should have nothing more to say on the topic. We on the other hand have been short changed and have every right to rectify this wrong, given the opportunity. And that is the thrust of our position. So unless you YES clowns want to assist us in our quest for justice, don't bother responding to our posts, your comments are of no use. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 28 December 2017 10:50:16 PM
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That's a nice touch, ALTRAV, I like that.
<<... don't bother with Paul and his followers.>> Make those in favour of same-sex marriage sound like mindless followers unable to think for themselves. That's the angle of approach ttbn took when he was finally forced to concede that he was in the minority. Why does Paul get to be leader, by the way? <<They are never going to see that they are freaks of nature …>> So, because I hold a different opinion to you, I'm a freak of nature? How do you figure that? Your logic sounds flawed. <<I'll still keep jousting with them …>> Until you're cornered, that is, then you'll run off to another thread and repeat the same bogus claims there instead. Just like you had to with s 116 of the Constitution and your fallacies. <<... because I can see that as long as we keep our long standing values we will always be one up on them.>> Why? Because they're “long standing”? That would be the Appeal to Tradition fallacy again. Do you not learn? <<What they don't realise is, why bother refuting what we say?>> Oh, I don't know. Perhaps because some fence-sitting onlooker may change their mind? Don't worry, I'm not giving you enough credit to think that you'll change your mind. <<If you truly believe to be our equals then why do you care?>> What does being equals have to do with anything? <<Why all this angry offensive language and behaviour.>> Such as? <<... you should have nothing more to say on the topic.>> We can still rebut absurd claims. <<We on the other hand have been short changed and have every right to rectify this wrong, given the opportunity.>> You have not yet demonstrated that any wrong has occurred. Let alone that you have been short-changed on anything. <<... don't bother responding to our posts, your comments are of no use>> Oh, I will. Of that I can assure you. For so long as you post demonstrably false and absurd claims, I'll be responding. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 28 December 2017 11:19:41 PM
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AJ, Now let's see; 'Make those in favour of SSM sound like mindless followers unable to think for themselves'.
Now your finally getting it. Well that is what you said? Right? 'Why does Paul get to be leader by the way'. Again I didn't say that, you did. Do you have secret ambitions to lead the queers? Paul will be disappointed. As for being a freak of nature, no it has nothing to do with opinions but everything to do with actually being a freak of nature. You want proof? If you don't want to see the proof when it has been presented in many posts, then it is you who don't want to see the proof. As for 116, you choose to ignore the fact that I made it clear at the time of first posting, that I did not believe the govt did not allow for this in the SSM law, as I had, and still have not, seen the actual final wording. So again you jump into quicksand. Don't believe me go back and look it up. There's the proof you so crave. Tradition is a fallacy to you because it represents the past. You don't like the past because it was intolerant of queers. Again you show how full of yourself you are. And again I will direct you to previous posts where I made it clear not to waste our time because the YES camp was not going to change it's mind. 'What does equals have to do with anything'? Oh how convenient for you to forget. If I had to hear the crap about equality, marriage equality, one more time? It was the YES camp mantra. Oh now you remember. The wrong doing I speak of is the vote for starters and then a gutless govt compounds the problem by passing the SSM rubbish. If you decide to respond I want to see which of my claims are false and absurd. I believe you are guilty of worse by indiscriminately throwing accusations of 'no proof' as if that automatically makes you right. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 29 December 2017 1:28:05 AM
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We are living in an age where the belief is because of evolution theory, gender is fluid, and by thought and chopping off appendages we can finally remove gender. That men have become dominant and aggressive because we kill and eat meat, that by eating fruit and vegetables we will become sublime. It all springs from wrong views of reality, that it is all fluid and changing.
That those that cling to the past realities are primitive and out of touch, that the progressives will prevail, and shame from peers will change their minds. The removal of freedom of ideas from the past are outdated, to be removed from teaching in schools and universities. That way they believe we will evolve. They believe in the Brave New World of Huxley.
The second class citizens are those that hold to the past reality. that believe procreation was naturally to happen between a man and a woman, and not two men or two woman. Shame and name calling they believe will change their reality beliefs.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 29 December 2017 6:18:16 AM
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"Tradition is a fallacy to you because it represents the past. You don't like the past because it was intolerant of queers." Could you clarify a point, which part of the past do you mean? Sometimes the past was very tolerant or the question never arose; an interesting place, the past. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 29 December 2017 9:16:23 AM
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No, ALTRAV, that's not what I said.
<<Well that is what you said? Right?>> That people who support same-sex marriage are “mindless followers unable to think for themselves” is something you implied. <<Again I didn't say that, you did.>> No, I never said that you had said that. You did imply it, however. You need to lean the difference between a direct claim and an implication. It was a joke anyway. <<[Being a freak of nature] has nothing to do with opinions but everything to do with actually being a freak of nature.>> So, if we're not freaks of nature because of our opinions, then on what do you base this accusation? <<If you don't want to see the proof when it has been presented in many posts …>> Proof of what? You still haven't explained why myself and others are freaks of nature. All we have done here is express opinions, but you say our opinions are not what make us freaks. <<As for 116, you choose to ignore the fact that I made it clear at the time of first posting ...>> No, you simply asserted that same-sex marriage breached s 116 of the Constitution. I realised that (eventually) you ended up talking about discrimination law, but that’s entirely different to same-sex marriage itself being unconstitutional. Unfortunately, you gave up before I could get you to acknowledge the difference. Perhaps I should spoon-feed this stuff to you more in the future? <<Tradition is a fallacy to you because it represents the past.>> No, tradition is not a fallacy, and appealing to tradition is not a fallacy simply because tradition represents the past, either. Nor does this have anything to do with my personal opinion. The link I provide makes no mention of me. You're really struggling with this, aren't you? <<Oh how convenient for you to forget [about equality].>> You weren't taking about same-sex marriage there. You were talking about changing minds. So, again, what does being equals have to do with changing minds? Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 29 December 2017 11:26:02 AM
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<<The wrong doing I speak of is the vote for starters …>> I thought you guys were all for the vote. Why the change of heart? Because you lost? <<... and then a gutless govt compounds the problem by passing the SSM rubbish.>> How is that a problem? <<If you decide to respond I want to see which of my claims are false and absurd.>> Pretty much all of them, and I reveal the fact by asking questions that I know you will need to duck and weave, and instead resort to ad hominem (there's another fallacy there for you), or simply by explaining why. <<I believe you are guilty of worse by indiscriminately throwing accusations of 'no proof' as if that automatically makes you right.>> No, only when absurd claims are made with no evidence. And, no, it doesn't necessarily make me right. But when you make a claim, you bear a burden of proof. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 29 December 2017 11:26:08 AM
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AJ still deflecting?. There is no point in conversing with you if think you are always right.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 29 December 2017 12:01:11 PM
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Dear AJ,
I admire your patience and tenacity. David Marr points out that "We should not have had to go through the same-sex marriage vote. But the result is clear. The doomsayers are defeated and they don't speak for Australia. YES: 61.6%. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 12:13:16 PM
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Dear AJ,
Here is just another link that confirms what was stated earlier in this discussion: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 12:28:42 PM
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Facts of biology are no longer reality, opinion is reality according to the Left. Fact is only a man and a woman can procreate with their union. Homosexual unions will never of themselves procreate or be equal in biological reality. If you think you are a woman, born in a man's body; then you are a woman: or think you are a man born in a woman's body then you are a man. It depends on one's opinion not on the factual reality of one's biological birth gender.
Their tactic is to use shame, not facts to prove their reality. Fact is many homosexuals do not want their relationship registered with the Government; funny they do not believe they are second class citizens and unequal to anyone. Those insecure in their relationship want laws to make them feel secure, and remove other opinions by shame as bigotry and hate. Shame by peers it a typical tactic used to change attitudes, as upon a 15 year old virgin, or an 18 year who has never been drunk or used illicit drugs. Christian Moral Law is irrelevant to the Marxists as there are no absolutes just whatever is the dominant cultural view, like 68%. Posted by Josephus, Friday, 29 December 2017 12:45:11 PM
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Dear Josephus,
The facts remain that of the 12 million eligible voters in this country close to 8 million returned an answer YES when asked if same-sex marriage should be made legal. Australians voted YES in the same-sex survey by 61.6%. And approx. 4 million voted NO - 38.4%. The turnout rate was 80%. ABS Statistician David Kalisch who announced this result told us that "This is outstanding for a voluntary survey. It shows how important this issue is for most Australians. A turnout rate of about 80%. With this high and consistent participation rate Australians can have confidence that these stats reflect the view of the population." Malcolm Turnbull clearly told us that "We must respect the voice of the people - it is unequivocal!" "The people have voted YES for marriage equality now its our job to deliver it." And that government has done precisely that. You of course are entitled to your opinions and beliefs. However, Australians have voted according to their beliefs. And we must as the PM stated - respect the voice of the people. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 1:02:56 PM
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Foxy, I need clarification on a major point you quote. Even though statistically it appears your correct.
Factually, I am not so sure. Everyone is at pains to explain that X% of 'eligible' voters, voted. It is flawed that you or Turncoat believe 'The people voted YES'. The 'people' didn't vote. MOST of the people voted. I think it is both important and relevant to keep that at the forefront of any SSM discussion. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 29 December 2017 2:09:41 PM
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I don't understand your confusion - when ABS Statistician David Katisch makes it quite clear - Australian have voted YES in the same sex marriage survey by 61.6 per cent. What do you not understand about that? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 2:38:51 PM
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cont'd ...
If you are unclear read the links I have given up above. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 2:40:11 PM
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Foxy, my comment is only aimed at your wording, the 'people' voted YES.
All I am pointing out is that the way you have written it I took to mean ALL the people, when in fact it should say 'most' of the people voted. I think it was Turncoat who said 'The people have voted YES and we must.........'. Just a bit of house keeping, no biggie. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 29 December 2017 2:50:52 PM
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Since when have I deflected? Deflection is a strange accusation, given that I have gone to the trouble of responding to every one of your claims and questions. Just what exactly am I trying to deflect from? <<There is no point in conversing with you if think you are always right.>> No, I don't think I'm always right, and nothing I have said should suggest that I do. If I sound confident, however, then it is because you are demonstrating that you have no idea of what it is that you are talking about, through your ducking and weaving and ad hominems. -- Dear Foxy, Thanks for the links. I think David Marr summarises things well. Apparently helplines received a rise in the number of calls they received during the debate. It will be impossible to tell if the toll was worth the increased sense of legitimacy the change now has as a result of the survey. -- Josephus, The facts of biology will always be reality. No-one can change that. <<Fact is only a man and a woman can procreate with their union.>> It's just as well marriage is about more than just procreation then, isn't it? <<Fact is many homosexuals do not want their relationship registered with the Government; …>> But many do, and that's what matters. <<... funny they do not believe they are second class citizens and unequal to anyone.>> Of course they don't. How they're treated, on the other hand, is another matter. You sound very confused, Josephus. <<Those insecure in their relationship want laws to make them feel secure, and remove other opinions by shame as bigotry and hate.>> No, they don't. You're making this up now. <<Christian Moral Law …>> Just what exactly constitutes “Christian Moral Law” would differ from Christian to Christian (I'd never even heard of the term, so I think you're making this up too) rendering the concept meaningless. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 29 December 2017 3:11:06 PM
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Let's look at the moral Law:Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 23 December 2017 5:01:43 AM
It is built on avoiding personal guilt unlike other cultures that are built on avoiding shame of family or Tribe.
1. We must each give allegiance to one Character values. The preamble to the meaning of all other values.
2. We must keep one day in seven as a rest day because we are not slaves, nor make others slaves in our care. This principle established 3,000 years ago. Christians observe either Saturday or Sunday as rest days from work and also applies to all their employees.
3. We are to give respect and care to parents especially in old age.
4. We shall not murder [unlike cultures that murder a family member that has brought shame on the family e.g. a daughter who has been raped.]
5. We should not commit adultery or rape. It violates a boundary of another person or relationship. A practise considered common in pagan society.
6. We must not give false witness against another person. Honesty of even an opponent is vital to a civil society.
7. We must recognise and respect others personal boundaries of property and relationships.
These principle are no longer applicable in Western society nor can they be displayed in public or taught in schools as they identify a religious faith. Yet our Constitution was drawn up by people who practised and believed them.
This is the basis of Moral Law. Jesus summed it up in two principles.
1. Give full allegiance in mind body and spirit to one Holy Character values. God is identified as purist of character, actions that care for humanity, and wisdom the improves society, e.g. Christ Jesus.
2. Care for others as you would desire they care for you.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 29 December 2017 3:18:31 PM
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Australians have voted YES in the same sex marriage survey by 61.6%. More than 12 million Australians took part in the postal survey and close to 8 million Australians returned a YES answer. More that 4 million or 38.4% voted NO. A turnout rate of about 80%. The facts speak for themselves. I can't be held responsible for how you or anyone else interprets these figures. The figures speak for themselves. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 3:38:07 PM
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Josephus, good response. Your talents are wasted on Philips. He will just badger you and negate everything/anything he doesn't like.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 29 December 2017 6:39:19 PM
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Well, I certainly hope I negate everything I rebut, ALTRAV. That WOULD be the hallmark of a good debater and someone who was in the right, after all. Ducking, weaving, and personal attacks, on the other hand, are not.
Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 29 December 2017 7:23:07 PM
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And right on cue, he's back. And making my point for me.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 29 December 2017 7:38:01 PM
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As are you, ALTRAV. As are you.
Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 29 December 2017 7:40:12 PM
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"Australians have voted YES in the same sex marriage survey by 61.6%." but that is not the same as your supposed quote of the ABS "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" See where you went wrong yet? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 29 December 2017 9:31:09 PM
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By the way, ALTRAV, any time you feel like communicating like a civilised human being without the use of personal attacks, I'm right here. There is still so much to discuss here, but you need to be able to do it without resorting to insults. It concerns me that your use of insults is done in place of any rational argument. Please don't prove me right on that one.
Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 29 December 2017 10:14:35 PM
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Is Mise,
It was clearly explained from the very beginning - on page 8 of this discussion that Australians voted YES in the same sex marriage survey by 61.6%. And it has been explained to you in numerous posts since then. I can't help you any further. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 10:23:46 PM
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cont'd ...
In every one of my posts and the many links given the breakdown of the figures were clearly stated and explained what they represented - so that there would not be any misinterpretation. Check the latest links- and see what they say. They confirm all of my points. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 December 2017 10:29:21 PM
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To make progeny
man has sex, then homosex is an irony. Same sex marriage is the invention of misguided individuals.Homosexual relationships are basically an abnormal deviant behaviour which should not get legal protection. In fact a civilised society should denounce this obnoxious practice. What does this trend indicate? Psychologists, religious people and probably medical doctors should be able to give some clues to the causes of homosexuality Posted by Ezhil, Friday, 29 December 2017 11:49:07 PM
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Ezhil, many would agree with you. What is weighing on the minds of those who would agree with you is how on earth SSM got through and is now legal.
Being a NO voter I am expected to question, even reject the final outcome. I believe that due to PC and an overwhelming desire for the govt to try to remain relevant and returned to power at the next election, they sold out like the cheap sluts they are so that when they voted they ensured that enough of them voting NO, who did not have the courage to expose themselves, abstained, thereby insuring the success of the YES vote and giving the govt a perceived boost in popularity. This of course was another foolish gamble on their part because they are destined for destruction at the next election. Abstaining was also a fools move as we already knew which way most pollies were going to vote. Because I believe there were actually more NO voters than YES they will punish this govt and vote them out for thinking more about their own selfish political lives than the true will of ALL the people. As to the cause of homo's, no one wants to touch the topic so we do not have a firm and conclusive answer on that. Best guess to date is they are born that way and have a chemical imbalance in the brain, from birth. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 30 December 2017 3:42:39 AM
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Rabid bigoted homophobe's, best guess to date is they were molested by paedophile Catholic priests as children, and this has caused an unjustified and irrational loathing of homosexuals later in life.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 December 2017 7:01:39 AM
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Paul, you are brain washed into believing persons that voted NO hate homosexuals. Not so! Your terms homophobe and bigot are lost on us and describe your own attitude.
My wife worked in Child care under a brilliant young man with a male lover, my daughter when single took in homosexual males as house share because they did not bother her and kept themselves and their rooms immaculate. We have close friends with lesbian daughters, they love their daughters dearly but are disappointed they will not have grandchildren.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 30 December 2017 7:33:02 AM
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"Rabid bigoted homophobe's, best guess to date is they were molested by paedophile [homosexual] Catholic priests as children, and this has caused an unjustified and irrational loathing of homosexuals later in life.
There, Paul, I fixed it for you. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 December 2017 11:19:29 AM
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I did check and nowhere does it say, as you do, that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES". 61.6% of the ELIGIBLE voters voted YES but they are not 61.6% of the POPULATION. See it yet? Or are your rose coloured glasses misted over? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 December 2017 11:29:13 AM
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Sorry Foxy, I said exactly the same thing a few posts ago. Unless I and Is Mise are not seeing something you are, I have to go with him on this one. I believe that's why he's still labouring on this point, because it does seem, on the face of it, that he is right.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 30 December 2017 12:27:40 PM
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From my observation, preference for same sex relationships comes from early childhood bonding relationships.
In Males: Close relationship with older dominant brother, dominant or abusive mother.
In females: No brothers, or abusive males in her life.
"Family dynamics, particularly parental-child relationships, have long been invoked in etiological theories of sexual orientation; For example, studies have frequently shown that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual males to recall their fathers as emotionally distant (Van Den Aardweg, 1984)".
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 30 December 2017 1:15:22 PM
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Josephus, not withstanding your comments and links or references. I too have given this topic some thought over the years.
After considering the medical, psychological and social elements of a queer and their life, I choose to go with them being born with this dis-order. The other alternative, what we call AC/DC is they start out being straight then some time later, mostly as adults, they suddenly declare they are queer. Then some time later (usually longer than a year) they announce they are straight again. I have a distant relative who is such a person. At the moment and for some years she has remained straight. To make my point I will single out women. Having possibly had an uncomfortable relationship with a male partner she may have decided to go queer as another woman would understand and she is dis-enchanted with men at that moment and women give her the support and empathy she is so craving at this time. Totally ignoring the stigma of such an act or union, she only sees and feels security and a loving environment. She is very vulnerable at this stage and is easily 'seduced by the dark side'. This is not the actions of a person who is absolutely convinced they are one way or another, but someone who has other mental or emotional problems or issues, but they are absolutely not a 'real' queer. Josephus, I would not have given the parents that much power or mental influence over their children if I understand you correctly. I am reminded of petulant girls who don't want to conform to their parents teachings and advise so they do things to spite them not thinking of the personal costs until much later when the dust settles and reality finally catches up with them. Such as going out with and possibly even marrying a guy simply because her parents don't think he is appropriate for whatever reason/s. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 30 December 2017 3:06:52 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Ah, but that's not all I said. You left out a few facts. I went on to explain that - Of all eligible Australians who expressed a view on "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The majority indicated the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding YES and 38.4% (4,873,967) responding NO. That nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. Read what the Australian Financial Review on page 53 has to say. I am not in the habit of making things up or misquoting. Plus I always try to explain things. It's an occupational habit. Dear ALTRAV, You're quite welcome to believe whatever you choose. The results of the postal survey were outstanding for a voluntary survey. It showed how important this issue was for most Australians. With such a high and consistent participation rate Australians can have confidence these statistics reflect the view of the population as ABS Statistician David Kalisch stated. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 30 December 2017 6:54:44 PM
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Is Mise, am I missing some thing or does 'the population' now mean 'some' of the population.
I can't seem to get that not everyone voted and of that 'not everyone', not everyone voted YES. Yet I keep reading the word 'everyone'. And then to top it off the scum politicians who were NO voters decided to hide behind their mothers so as to help rig the final decision by the scumbags. Iv'e been alive and followed the political scum long enough to know what they're thinking by now. AAHH, happy days. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 30 December 2017 7:59:49 PM
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I've read all the rest and, I say again, I accept the decision of the majority of those that voted, YES won the vote, SSM is now recognized by the Nation, but 61.6% of the population did not vote YES. Your statement that they did is wrong, Shew me where the statement "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" occurs outside of your misleading misquotes? All that you need to do to shut me up is give a reference to those words by the ABS, or admit the fact that you misquoted them and are consequently wrong. This same misquoting/getting the facts wrong is creeping into the media. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 December 2017 8:35:32 PM
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You may not hate gay people - there may even be some whom you love - but your desire to deny them equal treatment contradicts this. The best you’ve done to justify this apparent contraction is to present an argument which mistakes marriage for a biological institute, when it is purely a social construct for which we as a society have the power to alter as we please. There is evidently no god who invented marriage or told us how marriage must remain. You, however, believe there is, and I would respect you more if you could just say that instead of trying to rationalise an irrational position with a patently ignorant understanding of what marriage is. In a more difficult position is someone like ALTRAV, who doesn’t have a religious belief, yet utterly despises gay people anyway. You at least have a god to blame on any homophobic sentiment in your position on; for all we know, your hands are tied. You should take advantage of that. I could understand if you want your god to have rational reasons for his rules, but I see no reason why you can't just throw this one in the 'Mysterious Ways' basket. It seems to be bottomless. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 30 December 2017 9:40:17 PM
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"Paul, you are brain washed into believing persons that voted NO hate homosexuals" No Fr Joe, every No vote like you love homosexual, and with a well developed paternalistic attitude you simply wanted to protect gay people from themselves. As for all that family gay friendliness of you and your, highly commendable.
Issy, who ever said a pedophile could not be homosexual. Although among the most notorious Catholic pedophile clergy there is no evidence that any were in consenting adult homosexual relationships, they were simply child molesters. Homosexual or heterosexual they deserve the same punishment, in my book, or is there some mitigation for the male preditor molesting a female child? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 December 2017 9:55:36 PM
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The design of the male and female human body itself gives evidence as to the intended biological relationship.
If marriage is just a social contract then sex, procreation or gender is not part of that contract. But that is not the case put forward by the LGBTQQS campaign, as sex is part of their envisaged marriage contract and adultery is part of its violation and children with IVF or surrogacy is also part of their plan for equality. That marriage is just a social contract is a lie propagated by deceivers of our moral culture.
Propagated by Marxist University lecturers seeking to undermine our Culture and values. "We learnt it at University!" Example:
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 31 December 2017 6:44:07 AM
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Tell me please how you change the gender constructs you were born with by changing laws? No you cannot! so we have this gender fluidly rubbish floating around in the minds of university graduates trying to change gender by surgery and hormones. Marriage is not just a State contract, it is a sexual relationship, and to prove it we have sex now identified as LGBTQQS; and it is they who want equality with a normal gender of male and female identity. It is a sexual contract to dismiss this is clear deception of the fact. Marriage is clearly an exclusive sexual contract!
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 31 December 2017 6:56:09 AM
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Is Mise,
You still don't get it. What I have been saying all along is that the figures of 61.6% YES and 38.4% NO are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote rather than being representative of ALL eligible Australians. I have made this quite clear. I have explained this from the very beginning on page 8 of this discussion and subsequently in posts ever since where I have gone on to give the exact statistics of how many of the population voted YES and how many voted NO. I made it quite clear that 7,817,247 (61.6%) responded YES and 4,873,967 (38.4%) responded NO. If you still chose to misinterpret what I have tried to explain to you over and over again - Then there's no further point in my arguing with you. We are not exchanging knowledge here - but ignorance and that is a waste of both our times. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 December 2017 9:06:10 AM
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Just shew me where anyone, other than yourself, asserted that, "61.6% 0f the Australian population votes YES" That statement is wrong and you know it, it's not wasting time to correct erroneous statements because if not challenged they become believable. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 31 December 2017 10:32:05 AM
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"Issy, who ever said a pedophile could not be homosexual. Although among the most notorious Catholic pedophile clergy there is no evidence that any were in consenting adult homosexual relationships, they were simply child molesters" What's adult got to do with it? Sexual actions between those of the same sex, consenting or not, are homosexual by definition. Just out of curiosity, why do you always mention the Catholics? Were there no others who transgressed in that manner? Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 31 December 2017 10:56:08 AM
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We have known all along the SSM was a Marxist agenda.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 31 December 2017 11:01:03 AM
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So, apparently unable to respond to anything I said, you instead deflect by switching to a completely different subject (Do you understand what it means to ‘deflect’ now, ALTRAV?). What has transgenderism got to do with marriage? But since you raised the issue, I would suggest you first learn the difference between sex and gender. Biological sexes are two main categories into which sexual, living organisms are divided based on the sexual function of an individual's physical body. Genders, on the other hand, are social constructs based on the two main categories of biological sex. It’s always entertaining to see you more conservative folk get your panties in a bunch over the concept of gender fluidity, purely as a result of your own ignorance. It’s no wonder you lot believe the world has gone troppo when you think children are being taught that their biological sex is fluid, and that they can change it simply by believing they are a different sex to what they actually are. You guys crack me up. <<Marriage is clearly an exclusive sexual contract!>> No, it's not. What about 'open' marriages? What about asexual couples who never engage in sexual activity? Marriage is about a lot more that just sex. Marriage is whatever society deems it to be. You are in no position to tell the rest of us what it is and what it is not, and I find it very arrogant of you to assume that you are. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 31 December 2017 11:14:54 AM
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Josephus, well spoken. I agree with you completely. Sadly I don't have the linguistic ability you do, so I struggle at making my points clear, as MR Phillips continually persists in reminding me.
So it is with some pleasure to see that someone has put him back in his box so we can go on discussing and debating without the consistent and annoying nit picking and point scoring. Good for you, keep it up. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 31 December 2017 11:17:16 AM
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Is Mise,
This is the link given to you earlier on page 53: There's also plenty more links on the web. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 December 2017 11:39:52 AM
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Well, that was an unfortunate cross-over of posts there, ALTRAV. Right after I explained why Josephus’s comments are ignorant. I'm embarrassed for you.
By the way, I do not insist on reminding you how inarticulate you are. You are the one who carries on about that the most. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 31 December 2017 11:47:14 AM
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You have no argument yourself to prove marriage is not a contract based on gender, now campaigned to be based on LGBTQQS gender as equality to male and female gender descriptors.
You are obviously brain washed at University in gender fluidity; which is absolute Marxist rubbish. For 5,000 years we have only had male and female gender plus a very rare % hermaphrodite.
The violation of a marriage contract is sex with another outside the relationship called adultery; if the LGBTQQS relationships are violated by sex with another, then the contract is based on a sexual bond. However their sexual bond is not a natural biological bond, but a chosen deviation.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 31 December 2017 11:49:42 AM
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"61.6 per cent of Australians vote Yes" Well, 61.6% of Australians didn't did they? So the Australian Financial Review is wrong and sending out a false message just as you are. Wonder what the reaction would be if they headlined "61.6% 0f Australians invested in 'XYZ' stocks" when the true figure was only about a third. Note that I did say that the lie was being repeated in the media. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 31 December 2017 12:24:31 PM
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That's a fallacious shifting of the burden of proof, Josephus.
<<You have no argument yourself to prove marriage is not a contract based on gender ...>> You need to provide evidence of your assertions, not rely on your opponent's inability to prove you wrong - which is an argument from ignorance. Despite the above, however, I have already provided sound reasoning as to why your assertions are wrong. <<For 5,000 years we have only had male and female gender plus a very rare % hermaphrodite.>> And still you don't understand the difference between biological sex and gender. In what way was my previous explanation unclear? By the way, humans have been around for a lot longer than 5000 years. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 31 December 2017 12:28:38 PM
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You yourself do not understand gender! There has only ever been male and female for 5,000 years based on physical sexual descriptors, and suddenly some spurious Marxist University professor seeking fame now imagine gender is identified by personality descriptors. The terms sex and Gender have always been synonymous in every generation and culture for millennia.
It is you who fail in uphold that marriage is merely a social contract based exclusively on attraction to another excluding of any bodily contact.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 31 December 2017 1:43:09 PM
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AJ. possibly the religious fundo is referring to some biblical interpretation that Adam and Eve were created 5,000 years ago, give or take 5 minutes.
Glad the hermaphrodites have finally got a mention, they have lacked the recognition they so richly deserve. Just out of curiosity, why do you always mention the Catholics? Issy that could be because I don't like the Catholic Church and their is plenty to mention about them. You have asked the same question several times before, do you have memory problems How quaint it is when a homophobic bigot will tell you how nice they are to such people. Like this one; "my daughter when single took in homosexual males as house share because they did not bother her and kept themselves and their rooms immaculate." The connotation is these nancy boys would not put the hard word on her, and being famine as they are they kept the room neat and tidy like good girls do. Not like those macho men from the local footy team. Fr Joe, did they also help your daughter with her make up, and help her choose an outfit to wear. Of course the house guest had to fit the classic stereotype for a homosexual male otherwise you could not be sure what you were getting, Right? Unfortunately for some homophobes not all gays fit their classic image of what gays should be. Like the bloke who tells a crass homosexual joke to a fellow "matcho" work college, only to be embarrassed to find out later "matcho" is gay. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 31 December 2017 1:47:53 PM
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I think we all understand the difference between biological sex and gender. What you don't understand is, we reject it.
It was not a socially or culturally acknowledged or accepted trait till the queers started looking for and fabricating reasons as to how they were going to get their agenda across the line. A male with feminine traits is still a male. I don't care that he is effeminate. He is simply a guy with a more gentle and caring demeanor. A queer is all of the above but with one difference he prefers other males. This has never been a socially accepted standard till the queers started pushing their agenda and their weight around to emotionally blackmail people into giving in to their demands. As far as I am concerned there are only three forms of homo sapiens, male, females and neuters. This is just one of the definitions by Monash Uni, for those continually badgering for proof. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 31 December 2017 2:26:06 PM
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Is Mise,
All that is being stated, and clearly explained through out - both in the media and in my posts in this discussion, is that these figures (61.6% YES and 38.4% NO) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote rather than being representative of all eligible Australians. Therefore 61.6% of Australians did vote YES. They were the ones who were eligible and did choose to vote. Those that chose not to vote were not included in this survey. That is the way the survey was counted. I have nothing more to say on this subject. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 December 2017 3:19:05 PM
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While political correctness and embarrassment over the word ‘sex’ have seen ‘sex’ often replaced with ‘gender’, the two words have different meanings. Sex: Either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. Gender: Either of the two sexes (male and female), ESPECIALLY when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. (Emphasis added) The ‘especially’ bit is what social scientists mean when they speak ‘gender’, and it is what is meant when gender fluidity is discussed. So, again, gender is a social construct based on the biological sexes. No-one is telling children that they can change their biological sex just by believing a certain way. This is a misconception of your own making, based on your ignorance of the difference between sex and gender. You should be relieved by this news. Instead, it appears you want or need to believe that the world has gone mad. Whatever helps justify your paranoid delusions regarding Marxists, I suppose. And, again, humans have been around a lot longer than 5000 years. -- Paul1405, Yeah, I figured the crazy ‘5000’ figure had to come from Josephus’s young-earth creationist beliefs. -- ALTRAV, No, Josephus does not understand the difference between sex and gender, and gender as a social construct exists whether you reject it or not. Traditional gender roles, for example, are a social constructs, and have been around for a very long time. They are nothing new, and they certainly didn't form by themselves. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 31 December 2017 3:35:16 PM
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When you say, 'they are nothing new'. I hope you mean, within the last hundred years. It was not a socially or culturally accepted thing many years ago.
Refer my previous post for clarity. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 31 December 2017 4:26:17 PM
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No, ALTRAV, I mean since before our ancestors were even human.
<<When you say, 'they are nothing new'. I hope you mean, within the last hundred years.>> Gender roles (whatever their form) have existed at least since our ancestors became social creatures. <<It was not a socially or culturally accepted thing many years ago.>> Sorry, but I can't think of time where gender roles were considered unacceptable. When was this, and how did people live in these times? Did both males and females act as though they were perfectly identical? Or are you suddenly talking about homosexuality now? I wasn't. Josephus deflected to gender fluidity. Remember? We're no longer talking about sexuality - even if he is trying to conflate the two with conspiracy theories. You're not keeping up with us here, are you ALTRAV. You sound rather confused. I hope you're alright. <<Refer my previous post for clarity.>> I'm afraid they were of no help. I can't see where you have said anything much about gender as a social construct. Other than to take the bizarre position of denying the existence of gender, that is Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 31 December 2017 5:01:38 PM
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"All that is being stated, and clearly explained through out - both in the media and in my posts in this discussion, is that these figures (61.6% YES and 38.4% NO) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote rather than being representative of all eligible Australians." You said "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" that is clearly incorrect, the correct statement is '61.6% 0f the eligible Australian voters vote(d) YES" and nowhere did the ABS say what you did and you cannot give a reference that they did, however, I note that you know that the statement was wrong and acknowledge the fact. So run! Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 31 December 2017 5:44:09 PM
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Philips, you may think it is a 'bizare' position to deny gender as a social construct. What the hell does that mean?
It was created/constructed by people? If so yes I agree. It was never a word used in every day life in the past, until the queers latched on to it as a foundation word to further their perverted cause. All these stupid words, fluidity, gender alignment, etc; and so on, all extracted from a dictionary somewhere and adopted to push their point. I don't abide by the taking of a word and using it to suite another agenda. 'Gay', 'fluidity', etc; etc; I never heard these words till you and your mates started pushing this SSM crap. Suddenly, it's as if we had created a new thesaurus. If these words are truly based on having been created by people then adopted by queers, I then hereby reclaim those words on behalf of the 'normal' majority of the population and declare them not to be used in relation to anything pertaining to poofterism. It was only last century when these words were re-configured and adopted by the queers, so it was not the norm before then. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 31 December 2017 7:24:21 PM
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If gender is merely a social construct why are these people taking hormones and having transition surgery to change their biological genital structure.
n case you do not understand SSM = two persons with the same genitals; and LGBTQQS = L a female attracted to another female with the same genitals, G = a male attracted to another male with the same genitals, B = a person that practices sex with either male of female, T = a person transitioning their genitals from one gender to another, Q = a person questioning their current genital descriptors, Q = a person who considers themselves queer, S = a person who is attracted to persons with the opposite genitals.
Now tell me that SSM and LGBTQQS has nothing to do with a persons genitals.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 1 January 2018 5:11:23 AM
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Its about time the stick in the mud's got over it, stopped this nonsensical convoluted illogical trash talk, and accepted that Australian society was prepared to accept social change on the issue of SSM. You have tried to put up every conceivable rubbish you can think of, even going to the extreme of denying the overwhelming YES vote was the reality. Wake up girls and get used to it "The times they are a changin'" Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 January 2018 6:30:30 AM
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Is Mise,
Denial - Just a river in Egypt! (smile). Stop trying so hard to deny what is so obvious to see. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 January 2018 9:36:38 AM
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Hi Foxy and Issy Happy New Year, Foxy I think, Issy just likes an argument.
Issy you have been continually harassing Foxy over a rather trivial point, which is very unfair. I count both of you as "Forum Friends", so as one Forum Friend to another, Issy please cut it out. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 January 2018 10:09:03 AM
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"Stop trying so hard to deny what is so obvious to see." But I do see the obvious "61.6% of the Australian population voted YES" is obviously wrong and you are obviously wrong and misleading in quoting it as coming from the ABS, if I am wrong then give a quote to shew where the ABS made such a claim. If untruths are nor questioned they may become 'truths' over time. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 1 January 2018 10:09:19 AM
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Hi Foxy, just personally our dear friend "K" who battled cancer for 6 years and spent the past 5 weeks in palliative care, finally succumbed to her illness at 8.30 this morning, She was "T"'s best friend, they did so much together, laughed, joked, argued, at times called each other bitches, but at the end of the day they were good mates. Can't ask anything more from a fellow human being than that.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 January 2018 10:40:06 AM
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Is Mise,
That's not all that was said. I did go on to explain what was meant by that remark - you are denying what is so obvious to see. And selectively focusing only on that one sentence denying the explanation given that follows. It's your choice to do that - and it is a shame. Dear Paul, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of a loved one and friend. I received a belated card in the mail telling me that a close friend lost her husband in July last year. She was one of my bridesmaids. She is finding it difficult to adjust to life without him. Please give my deepest sympathy to your lovely partner. All The Best. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 January 2018 11:59:06 AM
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"I did go on to explain what was meant by that remark - you are denying what is so obvious to see. And selectively focusing only on that one sentence denying the explanation given that follows. It's your choice to do that - and it is a shame." That was not a remark, that was what you claimed was a direct quote from the ABS, so kindly shew where the ABS made such an absurd claim that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES". I don't deny any of what follows on the ABS site, I agree with all that they say, but I cannot agree with a misquote that is attributed to them. Perhaps you might tell us what you meant to quote? It's your choice to deny the obvious, and it's not a shame it's merely amusing. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 1 January 2018 1:23:47 PM
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I don't have the time or inclination to educate someone - who is clearly not interested in understanding, lest it discredit his simplistic and ignorant worldview - on what a social construct is or how it relates to gender. mhaze and I can recommend a book that goes into quite some detail on gender and social constructs (though I dare not link to it after how my last attempt to do so was construed). In the meantime, the OED has a good definition of ‘social construct’: I should note that although gender is a social construct, that doesn't mean that it does not have physiological influences as well. Causal/influencing factors never work in isolation, after all. <<If these words are truly based on having been created by people then adopted by queers, I then hereby reclaim those words on behalf of the 'normal' majority of the population and declare them not to be used in relation to anything pertaining to [homosexuality].>> How arrogant of you to assume you have that power. -- Josephus, I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to reduce social constructs to by inserting the word ‘merely’ into your question (given your question, I can only assume that you mean to reduce them to abstract concepts with no real-world implications), so I'll answer your question without the word ‘merely’ for now until I understand exactly what it is that you're trying to reduce social constructs to. <<If gender is ... a social construct why are these people taking hormones and having transition surgery to change their biological genital structure.>> Because some people feel like they are the opposite sex to what they were physically born, and want to feel more comfortable in their own bodies. I'm not sure how your question is supposed to challenge the fact that gender is a social construct. <<[I]n case you do not understand SSM = two persons with the same genitals …>> Not quite. Same-sex marriage refers to the marriage of two people with (as you put it) the same genitals. But, yeah, so what? Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 1 January 2018 3:41:01 PM
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Perhaps those who are confused by the difference between sex and gender might try Google; or for a straightforward explanation. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 1 January 2018 4:56:30 PM
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Is Mise I did, and came away with the facts that none of these words that the SSM clan have and are using to make their case, were used in every day discussions many years ago, not even the medical profession. If they were, it was patient specific, and not in the public arena.
As for changing your shape and form because you 'don't feel comfortable'. Big deal! This is just one of the abnormalities that's treated with total contempt and arrogance. I have far more respect for a queer who is say, an effeminate guy, than someone who tries to be God like (I know there is no God, you know what I mean) in a vane attempt at trying to be something he/she is not. The end result may be what the queer intended, but most of the time they just end up looking like freaks. As I said I'm not queer but I prefer to see the real deal getting around because at least it's better looking and they haven't attacked and dis-figured themselves. Oh Philips, how dismissive thou art now. 'With the same genitals, so what? You don't think your going to get away with that do you? I'll tell you what. The whole concept of marriage has been done to death not only on this forum but everywhere. If you have two people who love each other like brother and sister or like the series, 'The Odd Couple', then I would say it's OK. But you wanted the word marriage so bad you did not want all the rest of the baggage and commitment that comes with it. You just wanted the name and then you would do what you wanted with it. The word marriage is not just about anyone marrying anyone. There are social and religious laws and teachings about that. Oh that's right you queers are above all the laws and rules that the rest of us have to abide by. Now I get it. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 1 January 2018 7:30:31 PM
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How did psychologists arrive at your definition of Gender? By defining things males do and are, and things that females do and are. So the definitions were originally determined by maleness and femaleness. Funny their sexual biological identity as man and woman!
It is a recent construct adopted by psychologists to develop a spectrum to place people into boxes. I know, I've done the test and it determined I was 57% female. Why? because in the spectrum my brain works according to the test as 57% a woman. However my birth certificate says I am male, and I have all the biological appearance of a man. I have always been known as a man. I do not want to change my gender. This gender theory is just that; theory; it is nonsense invented by someone doing a Masters degree who wanted to make a name for themselves.
AJ. I use the period 5,000 years because that is about how long writings have used the terms man and woman. You jump to false conclusions intending shame because you imagine I need to change to your spurious view about gender descriptors.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 1 January 2018 8:15:42 PM
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Is Mise,
An excellent link. Thanks for that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to have made much difference. -- ALTRAV, I have no idea what it is that you think I’m trying to get away with. <<Oh Philips, how dismissive thou art now. 'With the same genitals, so what? You don't think your going to get away with that do you?>> For reasons still unclear to me, Josephus pointed out that two people in a same-sex relationship have the same genitals. He then challenged me to claim that same-sex marriage and the LGBT acronym have nothing to do with biological sex. Go figure! My only guess is that, in explaining the difference between sex and gender, Josephus had at some point gotten the impression that I thought that biological sex is never relevant to anything? He gets very confused like that. Apparently, you understood precisely what Josephus was getting at. Enough to even accuse me trying to get away with something. So, if you could be so kind as to explain to me what Josephus’s point was (although, he appears to have now dropped it suspiciously quickly), and how it was relevant to anything I have said, then I’d be most appreciative. <<The whole concept of marriage has been done to death not only on this forum but everywhere. If you have two people who love each other like brother and sister or like the series, 'The Odd Couple', then I would say it's OK.>> So, you’d allow two people of the same sex to marry, so long as the relationship wasn’t sexual? That’s sounds odd. <<But you wanted the word marriage so bad you did not want all the rest of the baggage and commitment that comes with it. You just wanted the name and then you would do what you wanted with it.>> This is news to me. Do you have any examples? <<Oh that's right you queers …>> I’m not gay. How many times do I have to tell you that? Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 1 January 2018 8:56:32 PM
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It’s not just my definition, Josephus. It’s THE definition.
<<How did psychologists arrive at your definition of Gender?>> They didn't "arrive" at it, though. They simply needed a word to describe the observed phenomenon. <<By defining things males do and are, and things that females do and are.>> Partly, it’s also about masculinity and femininity. Neither of which are sex-exclusive, even if each appear more in one sex than the other. <<Funny their sexual biological identity as man and woman! It is a recent construct adopted by psychologists to develop a spectrum to place people into boxes.>> It’s not about putting people in boxes. You’re just getting stroppy now. <<I know, I've done the test and it determined I was 57% female.>> I’d have to know which test this was exactly to comment any in any detail. But, no, it wouldn’t have been saying anything a about the state of your genitalia or suggesting that you want to become a female. Perhaps you’re a slightly effeminate man? Nothing wrong with that. I am, too, in some ways. In my opinion, it's better than thinking that wrestling and monster trucks are great-value entertainment, or that getting drunk and bashing people is a fun thing to do on a Friday night. <<However my birth certificate says I am male, and I have all the biological appearance of a man.>> Yes, they would. So what? <<This gender theory is just that; theory …>> Yeah, just like evolution is “just a theory”. <<[Gender theory] is nonsense invented by someone doing a Masters degree who wanted to make a name for themselves.>> No, the concept of gender is very useful in assessing and comparing the various roles men and women play, and in different cultures around the world too. You can stamp your feet all you like, but gender as a social construct exists whether you like it or not. Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 1 January 2018 8:56:36 PM
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Having been a farmer, and handling heavy earth moving machinery which I have done for a large part of my life does not define my gender. I have woman friends working dump trucks in WA mines, and driving Trains, neither activity has made them masculine or male. They are the gentlest females. One is now bringing up her infant children and writing children's books for pre-schoolers.
Performing activities usually ascribed to one gender in the past does not change a persons biological identity. Girls playing football does not change their gender. In fact the Matildas were beaten 7 - 0 by a team of under 15 year boys in Newcastle. Because they play a sport usually played by males does not make them male gender.
However Same Sex Marriage actually identifies the sex of the person by their genitalia, otherwise if they were different genitalia there is NO case. It would be between a man and a woman.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 1 January 2018 9:33:00 PM
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Still confused about the difference between sex and gender, I see. <<Having been a farmer, and handling heavy earth moving machinery which I have done for a large part of my life does not define my gender.>> Well, it doesn’t define your biological sex, but it is more of a masculine gender role. At least in our culture. Your choice of work throughout your life is perceived by people in our culture to be of the more masculine variety. How you choose to identify yourself, on the other hand, is your business. You can call yourself a woman, for all I care, but your choice of work is one which our society views as being more masculine. This is what gender describes. <<I have woman friends working dump trucks in WA mines, and driving Trains, neither activity has made them masculine or male.>> And nor is anyone claiming otherwise. Their professions, on the other hand, are currently perceived to be more masculine than feminine in our society. Women like them, however, may change that over time. Just one of the ways in which gender can be *GHASP* fluid (another way is that graceful, ladylike beauty who surprises you by telling you that she was a real tomboy as a kid). Just because someone has some traits, or engages in some activities, which society would generally describe as being masculine when they are a woman, or feminine when they are a man, that does not mean we start referring to that person as the opposite sex to what they are. Gender describes culturally-defined roles. <<They are the gentlest females.>> I’m sure they are. This contradicts nothing I have said, however. Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 1 January 2018 10:05:07 PM
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No Philips, you are the arrogant one to assume to speak for the queers.
I on the other hand have the right to question your reasoning as to why you would promote the word marriage but not in it's totality and all it stands for. As for people wanting to have surgery to change their appearance. Now this is arrogant. You speak of some people being of the opposite sex from birth. Now your saying it's OK to have major surgery to become a freak, but not to undergo a non-invasive process which will mentally return you to what you were intended by birth. Philips again you try, but no. My reference to two same sex people living together was NOT to suggest that queers could marry so long as they don't have sex. The reference is to describe that people of the same sex share a house, as many did as teenagers, not as lovers but as friends. Do you get the concept now? The paths chosen by most of the queers is one of arrogance and selfishness at the expense of the rest of the country. Before you come back with your usual, 'prove it' mantra, I'll direct you to the SSM campaign and subsequent laws that followed. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 1 January 2018 11:05:48 PM
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At no point have I assumed to speak for gay people, ALTRAV.
<<… you are the arrogant one to assume to speak for [gay people].>> Could you point to where I have done such a thing? <<I on the other hand have the right to question your reasoning as to why you would promote the word marriage but not in it's totality and all it stands for.>> And I fully support that right of yours. Marriage, however, is a social construct which as changed many times over the millennia. So, I would then ask, why its “totality” and “all [which] it stands for” cannot change, if that’s what society wants? <<As for people wanting to have surgery to change their appearance. Now this is arrogant.>> How is that arrogant? Somehow I don't think you know what 'arrogant' means. <<You speak of some people being of the opposite sex from birth.>> I have mentioned those who think and feel like the opposite sex to which they were physically born, yes. <<Now your saying it's OK to have major surgery to become a freak, but not to undergo a non-invasive process which will mentally return you to what you were intended by birth.>> Oh, please, by all means, tell us what this "non-invasive" procedure is? If it's anything like gay conversion therapy, then it's nothing more than pseudoscientific religious bunkum. <<Philips again you try, but no.>> Try what, exactly? This comment is too random to make much sense of. <<My reference to two same sex people living together was NOT to suggest that queers could marry so long as they don't have sex.>> I certainly hoped not. Which is why I added the question mark. I was inviting clarification, and thank you for your clarification. <<The paths chosen by most of the [gay people] is one of arrogance and selfishness at the expense of the rest of the country.>> How so? <<Before you come back with your usual, 'prove it' mantra, I'll direct you to the SSM campaign and subsequent laws that followed.>> You’ll need to be a bit more specific, sorry. Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 1 January 2018 11:27:40 PM
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Gender theory is exclusively based on what some supposed those with a certain genitalia were prone or actually engaged in. Females are supposed to be weak and submissive and males strong and dominant which is supposed to identified their genders. It is this theory that is ruining the lives of thousands who are not secure in who they are supposed to be; so we have a whole industry producing hormones and surgeons performing surgery on perfectly healthy bodies.
The campaign for SSM was pushed by the LGBTQQ people confused and not sure of their gender roles defined by some pseudo psychologists. Supposed gender roles is a construct and genitalia is a biological reality. The fact is true marriage is not based on gender roles but on genitalia, something that transitioning people want to change. SSM voted on by YES is two persons with male genitalia or two persons with vaginas it also incorporates all in the LGBTQQS, it is defined as two persons who love each other. A nonsense definition! It does not define the original meaning of marriage being an exclusive sexual relationship violated by adultery; by a woman adulterating her body by sperm from one outside her relationship. I have been on Jury duty of a couple determining if a child born was produced by rape as she claimed, or consent while the husband was away for three months during the time of conception. The marriage was violated by a consenting sexual act and not because they did not love each other. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 8:21:31 AM
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Gender theory developed as a framework with which to view the roles of the two main biological sexes, through the lens of masculinity and femininity. <<Gender theory is exclusively based on what some supposed those with a certain genitalia were prone or actually engaged in. Females are supposed to be weak and submissive and males strong and dominant ...>> No, gender theory does not suppose anything. It, instead, analyses how various cultures collectively think about the roles of men and women and what masculinity and femininity mean to those cultures. Gender theory also analyses how and why these views and roles have changed over time. You are making it up as you go, to maintain the rage. Apparently, you need to believe that gender is the product of a sinister plot by Marxists to bring down society. Or some such nonsense. <<It is this theory that is ruining the lives of thousands who are not secure in who they are supposed to be ...>> How arrogant of you to presume to know who transsexuals should be, and how to determine that. Gender theory is not ruining lives. It does not dictate to others who they should be. If anything, it should liberate them by helping them to feel less like freaks for not conforming to their culture’s stereotypes. Going by the studies it’s spawned, at least. Again, you are making this up as you go. <<The fact is true marriage is not based on gender roles but on genitalia …>> No, marriage is based on whatever a society wants to base it on. There is no objective standard to which it must conform. But, look, how about you just go back to believing that children are being taught my “Marxists” *snigger* that they can change their biological sex by believing they are something different to what they were born. Some of us just need an evil to fight, I suppose. Or perhaps your religious beliefs compel you to believe that the world is going to pot because that’s what the Bible predicts should happen? Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 10:51:50 AM
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"No, marriage is based on whatever a society wants to base it on. There is no objective standard to which it must conform."
As in India, AJ, where it is firmly based on family economics. Caste, religion, and a favourable horoscope can come into it but it's usually the money value that settles things. I have, among my many friends in India, a couple who joyously discovered that they were in love, some months after they were married. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 11:13:50 AM
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Dear AJ,
The January - 2018 issue of The Australian Women's Weekly on relationships, entitled "For The Love of A Woman". We're told that it can take decades for a woman to determine who she really is and what truly makes her happy. And when she does - even after marriage and children - that discovery is sometimes found in the arms of another woman. Apparently there is a growing number of women partnering with other women in middle-age. In the past, such unions may have been conducted in secrecy but with the passing of ground-breaking same-sex marriage legislation in late December, there is a new sense of social acceptance. In turn, this may give some women the confidence to embrace their feelings in a way that was not open to them previously. The facts are that women, according to recent psychological research in the US, are more open to gender fluidity, especially as they become older. In short, there is now evidence that supports a growing trend to late in life change around sexual preference for women, many of whom have had children, marriages, and in fact lived whole other lives. Attitudes are definitely changing. "Data from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health reveals striking evidence of social change in this regard," says Dr Paco Perales, from the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland. Dr Lisa Diamond, from the University of Utah, recently released a study saying, "it's a complicated dynamic between hormonal changes, physical experiences, and, certainly sexual desires. We don't know if sexual fluidity is more likely at certain life stages than others. But one of the things we have observed is that individuals, especially women, go through changes that give them a little more freedom around middle-age." Although there has not been a lot of research in Australia, where older and lesbian women are largely invisible, Dr Catherine Barrett, director of Celebrate Ageing, says she and her colleagues "have noticed a trend in women coming out late." There are increasing stories of women leaving heterosexual relationships to be with a woman. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 12:21:12 PM
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OK Philips, I it is not for you to dictate what one culture or another does or doesn't do. I choose to go with the accepted and traditional European, Christian standards as laid down through history.
It also happens to be the basis of the majority Australians culture and tradition. If there is to be a culture change it has to be based on a much greater premise than a few queers 'feeling uncomfortable' about how they were created. You and your mates have decided to use words like, culture, gender and tradition to enforce your selfish SSM agenda. These words have been around for ions, but never have they been pushed so hard as they have lately by the SSM clan. If your case had any cred we would have been debating these issues decades ago and the words and your adaption to your cause would have been argued down back then. As for transsexuals, how arrogant of YOU to presume also to know anything about them and question Josephus on his comment/theory. So now you are also an expert and a spokesman for the queers and the gender debate. Yes there has always been an objective standard on marriage and queers do not conform to that standard so they set about to find holes in the standards to try to justify their sick case. How about you go back and tell your mates to stop this divisive and destructive agenda. And if you want proof of that statement I will quite happily and in fact eagerly direct you to the USA Massachusetts social disaster that is occurring as we speak. If you still believe this SSM crap to be a good thing for 'everyone' after reading about Massachusetts, then you are, at the very least, lacking a social and moral conscience and are not in sync with ALL Australians and their family values. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 12:24:53 PM
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Foxy, just a thought but there seems to be a case for some mental analysis for these women. Let's not forget that now, it seems, we are taking mental and social advise from none other than 'Women's Weekly'.
How many more ridiculous examples are we going to have to endure before everyone accepts that when it comes to womens emotions, reason and logic are lost somewhere between periods and menopause. We must not keep facilitating these 'freaks', it only confuses the younger generation and is a threat to their very own mental health and stability. All this SSM rubbish was not around before these sick queers started their, totally unjustified, equality push. I will make a prediction of my own. In the future we will see all these different groups. There will be all kinds of humans with all kinds of identities. There will be male, female, neuters and I can't even dream up the rest. Marriage will be a thing of the past. Everyone will have their own life. Children will become almost extinct because it is inconvenient for these precious little Nancys to have children because 'they too have a life'. So the smart arse European species will die off to critical levels. Not the Asian or Middle Easterners. They stuck to a mature doctrine and although their level of procreation is far too excessive for society and world resources to sustain, ignorance and religion will push them to become a dominant force in the world. Men and women will live separately and come together socially or when the female wants sex. Not the male, he will adapt to raping because he will be denied the usual sexual frequency because the woman is now in control of 'her body and space' and part of this paradigm is the power to control men which is what they have always sought. By attacking the women and physically taking them by force as they did thousands of years ago and in doing so remove any peripheral definitions of homo-sapien returning it to it's original form as originally created and developed from. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 1:25:04 PM
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At no point have I assumed a position to dictate anything to anyone. You are making that up. <<I choose to go with the accepted and traditional European, Christian standards …>> As is your prerogative. The majority, it appears, choose otherwise (depending on what it is exactly that you’re talking about). <<If there is to be a culture change it has to be based on a much greater premise than a few queers 'feeling uncomfortable' about how they were created.>> Which culture change are you referring to exactly? Mere tolerance? Equal treatment? Tolerance and equality benefit everyone. I have never read a study that showed an inverse correlation between tolerance/equality and societal health. <<You and your mates have decided to use words like, culture, gender and tradition to enforce your selfish SSM agenda.>> How is our use of those words incorrect? And how is same-sex marriage selfish? <<As for transsexuals, how arrogant of YOU to presume also to know anything about them and question Josephus on his comment/theory.>> I am only repeating what they say and what the research says. I am presuming nothing. And since when I have not been able to question another’s claims? This is a debating site, after all. How arrogant of you to presume to tell me who I can and cannot question. <<So now you are also an expert and a spokesman for the queers and the gender debate.>> No, I’m not and expert or a spokesperson. Nor have I claimed to be. Some of my academic qualifications (sociology and psychology), however, do touch on these areas. So, I know a thing or two about them. <<Yes there has always been an objective standard on marriage …>> Really?! So, you think you can objectively define how marriage should be? Please, go right ahead! <<And if you want proof of that statement I will quite happily and in fact eagerly direct you to the USA Massachusetts social disaster that is occurring as we speak.>> Yeah, I’ve read that. Most of the claims are rubbish, blown out of proportion, or describe perfectly reasonable measures. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 1:56:55 PM
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"....I choose to go with the accepted and traditional European, Christian standards as laid down through history." You're on shaky ground there; throughout European history, fathers have dictated who their daughters, particularly, should marry and to a lesser extent the sons. We are seeing a return, in a way, to the accepted European peasant attitude to marriage where marriage did not take place until the woman had proved that she was fertile; there was no old age pension and offspring were the only way that most people could (hopefully) provide for themselves in old age. Only the most optimistic married before there was a child on the way. Most marriages until around the late 1500s were private contracts between the families concerned. In my own ancestral villages in England, church records are very sketchy or do not exist before 1630. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 2:18:28 PM
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Are woman finding gender fluidity later in life or is it because their new relationships more fulfilling? Foxy claims it is a change in gender, while the women I know who have paired up with another woman have not changed one iota, just found a close friend. Does gender fluidity have anything to do with how one views their genitalia? If not; why the unnatural use of hormones and surgery to change one's genitalia? All this transitioning taught in Victorian schools to growing youth discovering their sexuality by programmes developed by sex activist Roz Ward. All this freedom and joy only exists in Roz Wards mind as it has caused unrest in teenage minds and bondage to her views. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 3:26:32 PM
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Be thankful that we are not in France,
there, a train is masculine but the station is feminine and the railway is masculine but the thundering great steam locomotives were feminine. Les Français semblent être un peu confus ou déroutant. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 4:37:39 PM
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Dear Josephus,
Foxy is not claiming anything actually. She is merely citing from an article in a woman'd magazine - from the experiences given by the women involved and from the recent psychological research done both here and in the US. In short, as stated in my earlier post women are more open to gender fluidity, especially as they become older. In short, there is now evidence that supports a growing trend to late in life change around sexual preference for women, many of whom have had children, marriages, and in fact lived whole other lives. In any case - if you want to learn more - you can buy this issue of The Australian Women's Weekly (January 2018) at your nearest newsagent and read the entire article for yourself. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 4:57:21 PM
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Is Mise, where am I on shaky ground? I actually don't know from trying to read my post.
Also these examples of marriage in the 1500 and 1600s, were they between heterosexual couples? I really would like to know the meaning of the railway references you made. If I am on the right 'track', is there not a mention of the train being the man and obviously the woman being the tunnel? HEH,HEH. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 6:42:05 PM
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"....I choose to go with the accepted and traditional European, Christian standards as laid down through history." That's the shaky ground because the Christian standards have changed, for instance, it was common for couples to decide to wed, live together then tell the Church authorities that they were married, the local priest would then record the marriage. Even today in Catholicism the couple marry each other, the priest is the witness for the Church, the other witnesses are for the community. People commonly say that they were married by Fr. Blank, but the correct way to phrase it is that they were married before (in the presence of) Fr. Blank. By the way, 'the tunnel' is masculine!! Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 7:14:46 PM
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Is Mise, thanks for the clarification on marriage.
But now I am confused as to the reasoning of the train and the tunnel. I am probably showing my lack of imagination, but if it's not too much trouble is it possible for either yourself or someone familiar with French, (whatever this is called), to expound on this strange comment. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 7:37:07 PM
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Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You may understand it better, but the frog dies in the process. Anyway, I see that you have no answers to any of my questions; no further detail for any of your half-baked claims; and no examples of any of your offensive accusations. I guess you hoped that if you slung enough mud, some of it would stick. Is that it? Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 8:12:44 PM
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Nouns in French have gender but it has nothing to do with the sex, or lack thereof, of the subject. A table is feminine, a knife is masculine, fork feminine and the spoon is masculine, this is gender fluidity (said tongue in cheek). But it does illustrate that gender need not be tied to sex. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 8:19:25 PM
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Is Mise, thank you for that. Now that I know the answer, it seems the same is so for Italian.
Oh, and Mr Philips, Is Mise kindly came to my rescue without digs or innuendo or making some point about a frog that only you would understand. Thanks again Issy. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 9:08:11 PM
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That’s a bit rich, coming from someone who has spent their last few posts to me accusing me of all sorts of offensive things. According to you, I: - tried to get away with something sneaky, which I was also allegedly aware of; - presumed to speak for all gay people; - was under the illusion that I was the arbiter of what cultures do; - presumed to speak for all trans people; And countless other offensive accusations about what me and my so-called “mates” supposedly do. Needless to say, you could not substantiate a single one of your ridiculous claims. Your arguments are so devoid of any reasoning that you are instead forced to resort to character assassination. <<Is Mise kindly came to my rescue without digs or innuendo or making some point about a frog that only you would understand.>> And I can assure you that all here still reading this thread (except you, apparently) understood the ‘frog’ analogy. If you genuinely didn’t, then you are a lot slower than I could have imagined. It's a classic quote from E.B. White. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 10:08:09 PM
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Mr Philips, you have been playing with a loaded deck it appears.
'some of my academic qualifications, (sociology and psychology)'. Now that answers a few questions for me. You reject my comments when I don't supply 'proof', you even reject them when I do. When I comment, that's it. I don't need you attacking, rejecting carrying on. I have spoken. I do not wish to prove anything. You don't like it? That's your right. Move on. I have quoted from articles written by others clearly describing 'facts' such as Massachusetts, and you dare to stand in judgement and dare to discredit things and events you know nothing about or even witnessed. I and billions of others in the world have access to information like this. We all believe it. Only you don't. The articles as such are fact because they exist. Their veracity is not in doubt as there is no evidence of challenges or retractions. So the facts are genuine, whether you like it or not. You will retract your comments denigrating and refuting the articles in question or you will be seen as a petulant child who has to get his way EVERY time. Now I understand you better. You tarnish your precious academic qualifications by your stance. Frankly I'm a little disappointed. I would expect better from someone with an insight into human nature. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 3:33:51 AM
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Foxy, you are still standing by your quote that many women are gender fluid later in life.
Question: How have these women changed gender?? When we talk about gender fluidity it involves changes, not just finding a close friend as many lonely, neglected or abused women so often do. They as a person have not changed in their emotional or psychological make up, just found someone who understands and shares their experiences. When Safe Schools talks about gender fluidity according to Roz Ward it involves breast binding, penis tucking, hormone or surgery to correct their genitals to align with how they believe their gender, and this is not talking about the very rare cases of an hermaphrodite. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 7:31:44 AM
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Yes, I do, ALTRAV.
<<You reject my comments when I don't supply 'proof' …>> Especially when I know them to be false. I request evidence (sound reasoning would be fine, too) to demonstrate that you have none. <<… you even reject them when I do.>> If your evidence is dodgy or false, yes, I will. And I will always explain why so that you can rebut my reasoning or counter-evidence. <<When I comment, that's it. I don't need you attacking, rejecting carrying on. I have never “attacked” you (I will, however, bite back if you start with the character assassination). This is an online debating site - if you don’t like me responding, then either make sure you have evidence for your claims beforehand so that you can shut me up, don’t make demonstrably false claims, or leave. <<I have spoken.>> You sound like my father-in-law, here. He, too, believes that his opinions are fact by virtue of him believing them. I hope that's not what you're implying here. <<I do not wish to prove anything.>> You also can’t, and that’s been my point all along. <<You don't like it? That's your right. Move on.>> That’s an option. Alternatively, I can continue to request evidence and let the deafening silence which follows speak for itself. <<I have quoted from articles written by others clearly describing 'facts' such as Massachusetts and you dare to stand in judgement …>> Yes, I do. The hyperbole surrounding ‘Massachusetts’ is not authoritative or something I must humble myself before. <<… and dare to discredit things and events you know nothing about or even witnessed.>> I haven’t discredited them yet. Would you like to go through them one by one now? You’re assuming I know nothing about them, too. I presume you do know a lot about them and have witnessed much of what it is supposedly so horrible. After all, you know it all to be true, and you wouldn’t just believe anything you read on the internet now, would you? Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 7:38:38 AM
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Dear Josephus,
The facts are that women, according to recent psychological research, are more open to gender fluidity, especially as they become older. In short, there is now evidence that supports a growing trend to late in life change around sexual preference for women, many of whom have had children, marriages and in fact lived whole other lives. There are increasing stories of women leaving heterosexual relationships to be with a woman. There is that thing that lesbians often get asked - "have you just not had good penis, not found the right male partner?" But a lot of women will tell you that part of it is that sexual connection is incredibly strong and it feel right with a woman. But it is not just that. Women are also talking about an emotional and spiritual connection as well. As I stated earlier - there's nothing more to add. If you want the entire article you can get hold of this magazine at your local newsagent. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 9:44:15 AM
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LOL, you are off to another year of Googling to find opinions that somehow can be construed as matching your prejudices. Then holding steadfast to your own naive generalisations, while heavily insinuating that your 'sources' agree with and uphold your opinions. Thinking of your spin, and it is solely something that is in your head, that significant numbers of heterosexual women are requesting, preferring and enjoying anal sex. There there is your insistence that the ABS supports your construct that '61% of Australians supported SSM'. Why would you be wanting to saying that anyhow when it was the Parliament that decided and legislated? Now you would have significant numbers of older heterosexual women (married with children too!) undertaking some change to become lesbians. Back to 'straight' people 'evolving' into gays, as you might have it? Maybe those long years (since the start of OLO?) of advocacy have got to you. For the New Year, get out more and meet some women. They will educate you quickly on what might be going awry with your reckoning. SSM is in. It is time for you to move on. Posted by leoj, Thursday, 4 January 2018 10:17:55 AM
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Before you give any advice to any one else - try practicing what you preach. Perhaps then you shall be taken seriously. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 January 2018 10:54:49 AM
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A bit of "girly-girly" has been around from time immemorable, my grandmother told my mother about it as a means of relieving sexual tensions and not getting pregnant, way back in the days of dangerous and decidedly unhealthy birth control measures. Gender fluidity never entered into it, they were feminine and that was that, and special girl friends often remained friends for life even after marriage etc., Gender fluidity is rather new, or newly discovered in the West, but those effected have been around for ages past. In India, some are officially recognized as a third gender but usually despised by the general population. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 4 January 2018 2:33:14 PM
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Is Mise,
Mine knowledge on this subject is very limited. Although I am learning a little from what I'm reading currently, which is Magda Szunabski's "Reckoning." I've gotten to page 283 thus far. I've got quite a few more to read. It is a riveting read and quite a remarkable memoir. Well worth a read if you've got the interest and the time. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 January 2018 5:30:42 PM
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sorry for the typos.
As for gender fluidity? I guess it is a new thing. These things were taboo for so long and in many areas still are. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 January 2018 5:33:49 PM
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I'm sorry people but when I read of dangerous and disgusting people like this maggot, Roz Ward and how she is 'grooming' children into her sick and perverted world, I wonder why did we take our eye off the ball and allowed these mentally ill people to even exist.
By any definition she is a pedophile, so why has she not been arrested and charged accordingly? Oh that's right, she's not a MAN. I thought we had reached the end with this SSM garbage finally put to the sewer. But no, there's more! I warned of this type of disease spreading into our schools, our homes, our communities and of course our very lives. This should NOT have been allowed to even begin. We should not have allowed SSM to become law. The men should have retained control of the decision making and not allowed the women the right to vote, giving them the freedom to think they could reason at a level equal to men. This is just another example of a major unnatural disaster, managed and promoted by a very small number of certain females? This is exactly what happens when you let a bunch of immature, selfish and petulant children get their way. The govt was supposed to be the 'responsible adult'. They too were found wanting by facilitating these sick people and passing such a disastrous law, with little to no impunity. For those of you with still a modicum of maturity, morals and decency, please look up 'Massachusetts, the result of the SSM laws and their effect on the wider community'. Then tell me you did the right thing by facilitating these freaks. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 4 January 2018 5:51:49 PM
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The same sex marriage bill has been passed in our parliament. It is time for you to move on. Many people in this country seem to believe that everyone should have the same opportunities in life regardless of their skin, religion, sex, or sexual preference. I believe that this debate at its core is about fairness. That - we should treat others the way we want to be treated. If you disagree with this - you can always start your own discussion on the subject. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 January 2018 10:10:28 PM
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Foxy, the fact that SSM is now in law is for a great number of people a great injustice and disappointment. I know your views on SSM.
Please do not dismiss the NO camp as it now has to tolerate and suffer through this new and difficult era. Your views are well known to all on this forum, and good for you. I would rather you had responded to my comments on this maggot Roz Ward and the fact she is 'grooming' children, but is not considered a pedophile. No need to respond, I know your answer already. I wish we were all treated the same in this country, as you suggest. But you know that is a fairy-tale. You mention skin colour, religion and so on. Well if you were right, minorities like the abo's and the queers would not get preferential treatment to the determent of the rest of the population. You believe it's about fairness. We should treat people the way we want to be treated. I assume your comments apply in the converse. So I CAN treat certain people like shite because they have treated me like shite. I believe I have been saying this all along. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 4 January 2018 11:18:31 PM
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"The same sex marriage bill has been passed in our
parliament. It is time for you to move on....." Extremely well said Foxy. I am not black, I am not Muslim, I am not gay, never have been any of those, I am not a lot of things. What I hope I am, is tolerant and respectful of others who have a different culture, different beliefs, who are different in many ways. Underneath we are all the same people. I am not so idealistic that I believe everything, and everyone is perfect, that all is rosy, but more binds us than separates. that in itself is something the ignorant cannot understand. If you look different, speak different, act different, or you are economically different, the rich and poor, then you are to be treated with suspicion and kept in your place. The ignorant belief of the intolerant is that to give others the same rights as they themselves enjoy, will cause them to loose what they exclusively have now. That has been proven time and again not to be true. That was the biggest obstacle faced by the black civil rights movement in the US in the 1960's. The SSM right in Australia, cannot compare with many of the massive struggles for human rights that have taken place in the past, but it was a small victory by a minority to obtain a right that the majority took for granted. Such victories, large or small, are always worthwhile. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 January 2018 5:46:45 AM
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Is that the same Roz Ward who was suspended from La Trobe University "... in May 2016 she was suspended by La Trobe University for a Facebook post where she wrote “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state parliament and get a red one up there and my work is done”. Is she also a Green by any chance? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 5 January 2018 7:46:40 AM
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The Roz Ward who recently claimed that 'up to half of young people are gay'.
Ward must not have access to this, SEX AND GENDER DIVERSITY IN THE 2016 CENSUS A red clown's nose for Comrade Ward. And more red noses for the clowns in the Victorian government who let her loose. Posted by leoj, Friday, 5 January 2018 9:36:43 AM
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As I've stated so many times on this forum in the past - everything is relative, everything has its story; and everyone has obstacles to overcome. They are our greatest teachers. Each of us goes through transitions and transformations. The important thing is that we acknowledge them and learn from them. I feel that it is important to be conscious and compassionate and act with great civility. It is also important to speak your mind without malice or anger. To show tolerance and kindness to each other. If we all tried to do that, I'm sure that the world would be a better place. Dear Paul, Thank You for your post. You actually put a lump in my throat. Beautifully expressed and a good note to end this discussion on. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2018 9:42:16 AM
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cont'd ...
I'm not all that interested in Roz Ward - but I do find it rather odd that the same people who consistently rave on about "freedom of speech," and who will defend the outrageous statements of public speakers like Milo Y., are the ones now hurling rocks at a female for expressing her own controversial political views on her Facebook page. It would seem therefore that certain views are acceptable - not matter how outrageous, as long as they agree with one's own political viewpoints. Whilst other are bad! There's a word for that - hypocrite, comes to mind! Here's what "The Conversation" had to say on the subject: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2018 10:04:50 AM
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P1405, I have moved on and what I found was not good . No-one in the YES camp wants to acknowledge Massachusetts for some reason. I bring it up, but no takers. Could it be that this is a window into our future, and the YES camp don't want it to become general knowledge?
Is Mise and leoj, thanks for the heads up. I have never heard of her before. Or if I have it must have been a while ago and since forgotten. I don't see people like her as offering any 'real' input into the public system, only grief and anguish. She is typical of the maggots I speak of. She seems to be part of the problem. I'd like to know how she got access to our children. Foxy, what you wrote is very comforting. What you wrote was also the mantra to 'political correctness'. I have explained many times, we must destroy PC as it is a disease that if allowed to continue, will be our downfall. The true meaning of PC is to 'lie'. If one is not allowed to speak freely without exception, their message will not be conveyed in it's entirety. The spineless ones try to push PC as promoting politeness and kindness towards one another, rubbish. If I believe someone to be bad or worse, I am not going to sugar coat it so as to not hurt their feelings. Again feelings have no place in discussions or debates. P1405's last post is a perfect example of PC fantasy. It 'actually put a lump in your throat'. That's amazing I felt it too, but it turned out to be vomit. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 5 January 2018 10:45:50 AM
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Roz Ward's Marxism doesn't seem to support freedom of speech, "Safe Schools: tell concerned parents ‘tough luck!’ REBECCA URBANThe Australian12:00AM March 22, 2016 Safe Schools operatives have been coaching educators to dismiss parental concerns over the contentious sex and gender-diversity program, asserting that parents are powerless to shut it down. A Safe Schools national symposium was told by the program’s Victorian co-ordinator, Roz Ward, that schools could ignore concerns raised about the agenda. “When people do complain then school leadership can very calmly and graciously say, ‘You know what? We’re doing it anyway, tough luck’!” she told more than 300 attendees." .. “(It’s) not about celebrating diversity; not about stopping bullying,” Ms Ward said. “(It’s) about gender and sexual diversity. About same-sex attractive, about being transgender, about being lesbian, gay, bisexual — say the words — transgender, intersex. Not just, ‘Be nice to everyone; everyone’s great’.” Safe Schools project manager Joel Radcliffe, a fellow academic at La Trobe University, which spawned the program, told the audience that the issue of parental concern came up a lot when schools were considering whether to join the program. “Parents … seem to have a lot of power (in) schools,” he said. “Parents don’t have the power to shut this down.” ... “Just as proselytising is not part of the school chaplaincy program, advocacy must not be part of the Safe Schools program,” Senator Birmingham said ... Posted by leoj, Friday, 5 January 2018 11:16:35 AM
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Roz Ward and her Red/Green ilk wish to turn Australia into a totalitarian State, with all the loss of freedom that goes with it. Anyone who publically states that they want to see the flag of Communism flying over an Australian Government building is a traitor. Here's some reaction to her efforts: "This video by Politicalpostingmumma has gone viral, with over a million and a half views on Facebook. A mother recounts how the program designed to teach far-left gender theory, and to sexualise children, has been instituted in Victoria under the pretext of “anti-bullying”. “Creepy”, as her son described it. She also details the secrecy and evasiveness employed by schools when parents demanded to know what was going on. Let’s shut it down." Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 5 January 2018 11:54:17 AM
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leoj, great post mate.
Now that is truly worthy of a 'lump in the throat'. And this time it's not vomit, but a euphoric feeling of hope. I want to see more of these 'home truths' so that when these sick queers keep rejecting concerns from reasonable people we can shove these kinds of sick responses back down their own throats. What you describe is awfully like the Massachusetts story. I can't believe that schools are suddenly getting involved with sex related matters when it wasn't that long ago we were told that sex ed was the responsibility of the parents. I look forward to more negative facts about the YES camps attempt at justifying their position and their being brought to account. In time hopefully enough people will come to realise what a major disaster SSM was, and all the deviants and their agenda it has spawned, that we may look forward to a removal or at least a weakening of SSM and all it stands for. Unfortunately it will take longer than I would like. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 5 January 2018 12:08:10 PM
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Thank You to ALTRAV, leoj, Is Mise,
Paul, AJ, and others for all your contributions. At last we're ending this discussion in a civil and well reasoned manner. We may not agree on many things - but I have to admit that it is good to hear the opinions of others. Hopefully, it does make us think outside our comfort zones, and look at things from different perspectives. And isn't that what public forums are supposed to do. Just being echo-chambers gets a bit boring after a while. Happy New Year to all and may our discussions continue in a civil manner. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2018 12:33:11 PM
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In the video on Safe Schools Victoria it was said that there is no 'opt in' or 'opt out'. Further, parents might not even be informed that the school is exposing the child to the material, In NSW, "An epidemic of transgender children is Safe Schools’ legacy" THREE years after it was launched by the Abbott government, the insidious Safe Schools program is to be axed in NSW and replaced with a real anti-bullying program. Kudos to Rob Stokes, the only education minister in the nation honourable enough to tackle the sexual indoctrination program loathed by most parents and defended to the death by fanatical education bureaucrats. “Bullying is a problem, whether you’re being bullied because you’re struggling with your sexuality or being fat or wearing glasses,” said an education source. “All this nonsense about gender fluidity has nothing to do with bullying.” Funding has been allocated for a new program, expected to be ready by Term 3. But incalculable damage already has been done by teaching children that gender and sexuality is fluid, that heterosexuality is not the norm, and that sex is arbitrarily assigned by a doctor at birth. One consequence has been an epidemic in “transgender” children presenting to medical clinics since the advent of Safe Schools in June 2014. ... One of the few doctors willing to criticise the “fashion in child surgical abuse” is Dr John Whitehall, Professor of Paediatrics at Western Sydney University, who questions the “massive intrusion into the minds and bodies of children… It’s a collective madness.” Most transgender children will, “grow out of it through puberty if parents do little more than gently watch and wait… The worst thing that can happen is the child is adopted as a poster child for the school.” With teachers being trained by Safe Schools to think gender is whatever you feel like, “it’s not surprising we’re seeing more kids responding to this propaganda and parents getting on board. It’s very hard for professionals to speak out.” Posted by leoj, Friday, 5 January 2018 4:21:07 PM
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What do you mean by, "No-one in the YES camp wants to acknowledge Massachusetts..."? I offered to go through each one of the points in the that piece of hyperbole and you declined? Care to go through it now? Here, let's start with this little nugget: "Since homosexual marriage became “legal” the rates of HIV / AIDS have gone up considerably in Massachusetts. This year public funding to deal with HIV/AIDS has risen by $500,000. As the homosexual lobby group MassEquality wrote to their supporters after successfully persuading the Legislature to spend that money: "With the rate of HIV infections rising dramatically in Massachusetts, it's clear the fight against AIDS is far from over."" The problem for this claim being, of course, that the rate of HIV infection in Massetusetts has gone down since the introduction of same-sex marriage, when population growth is taken into consideration: Which would make sense given that marriage, if anything, would promote monogamy. Your turn. Pick one. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 5 January 2018 4:39:28 PM
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I've only been skimming the discussion about Safe Schools because it's off topic. But it never ceases to amaze me how often the opponents of same-sex marriage need to divert to it. That in itself speaks volumes.
Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 5 January 2018 4:51:56 PM
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Philips I did not cherry pick any one article over another in a vane attempt to win a point, I always referred to all the articles as a whole or as one, which is how it was presented. With ALL the different media reports from different journos.
But as you think you've got a winner here, let's take a look at it. Your attempt to point score on the aids issue is moot. I have NEVER made reference to aids in my posts, but let's move on anyway. All you have discovered is proof that the federal govt started a anti aids campaign many years ago and as is mentioned in your quote, they just put up another $500,000 to the cause, and why? Because it is working. 'Aids related deaths/illnesses is on the decline'. Surprise, surprise. I already knew that, but as you already said what's this have to do with SSM and safe schools? The next one you quote had better be related to SSM in Massachusetts or else don't bother. How about picking another one you can't win? Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 5 January 2018 6:38:31 PM
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Surely you're not going to leave before you give a reference so that we can find your quote "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES."? Before you answer consider that there are 16,655,856 citizens who are eligible to vote and that 61.6% of the population is 14,784,000 then the NO vote should have been smaller than what you have stated: "38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." Why are you exaggerating the NO vote? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 5 January 2018 8:09:54 PM
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Maybe not directly, ALTRAV, no.
<<I have NEVER made reference to aids in my posts …>> But you never mentioned that the ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole contained some dubious claims. In fact, you presented it as so authoritative that no-one can challenge it. Furthermore, you have never directly argued a lot of the claims contained within the ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole. Should I assume that every claim in this collection of lies, misrepresentations, and exaggerations - that you have not argued here yourself - is not something that you claim to be true? <<All you have discovered is proof that the federal govt started a anti aids campaign many years ago …>> No, what I HAD discovered (quite a while ago, mind you), is that the claim - that the HIV rate was increasing in Massachusetts - was bogus. <<... as is mentioned in your quote, they just put up another $500,000 to the cause, and why?>> Maybe HIV prevention is important to them? I don’t know. What does your presumptuous and conspiratorial mind make of that? <<I already knew that [HIV infection rates in Massachusetts were on the decline] …>> Then why promote the ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole as incontrovertible evidence that same-sex marriage is a bad thing, if you knew it contained at least one error? <<... but as you already said what's this have to do with SSM and safe schools?>> No, I haven’t said that. What I noted before was that same-sex marriage and Safe Schools are two different issues. <<The next one you quote had better be related to SSM in Massachusetts or else don't bother.>> Erm, the one I quoted was taken directly from the ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole concerning same-sex marriage: You haven’t even read it properly, have you? <<How about picking another one you can't win?>> What if I’m not aware of any such claims? I gave you the choice to make it as hard for myself as possible, and you’re still not happy. Doesn’t sound like you have much confidence in the list of claims anymore. No doubt you’ll still be promoting it, though. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 5 January 2018 8:11:43 PM
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That the Woman's Weekly can state gender fluidity can happen to women late in life and identify them as lesbian [attracted to the another woman], is part of the Same Sex movement. It is the gender fluidity theory that is part of identity of same sex attraction, and even males becoming females and marrying females that become male, and all other fluid options. You must recognise that there is no gender identity in the new marriage Act. Previously it identified a male and a female, a man and a woman, identified by their genitals not by the new identity of no gender.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 5 January 2018 8:12:47 PM
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You may be right there, Josephus.
<<That the Woman's Weekly can state gender fluidity can happen to women late in life and identify them as lesbian [attracted to the another woman], is part of the Same Sex movement.>> But that says nothing about whether or not same-sex couples should be treated as equals with regards to marriage. That’s all I’m interested in, and that’s all that should matter. Outlaw bikie gangs sometimes volunteer at soup kitchens, but that doesn’t make soup kitchens a bad thing. Even if they were the only one’s doing soup kitchens, soup kitchens still wouldn’t be a bad thing. We don't get to punish an entire group just because an activist group working in their favour might be dodgy. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 5 January 2018 8:23:12 PM
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You are ignorant of the agenda to remove gender from a persons identity, as gender stereotypes people into roles of maleness or femaleness and the very identity of maleness or femaleness identifies genitals. Where SSM has become law their gender / genitals is irrelevant it is how the person themselves wishes to be identified. Canada does not identify a child's gender till they are seven years, and they do not have a mother and father as that identifies genitals, they have parents who can be of any genital composition and more than two. Doing family tree becomes a headache.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 5 January 2018 8:40:20 PM
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Josephus, I wouldn't bother, Philips is a lost cause. I think he stands in front of the mirror all day and argues with himself going around and around in circles.
Philips, I think your over qualified for us mere mortals. I just read your link and it seems very similar or is the article I have been referring to. This article strengthens MY case and destroys yours. So why do you bring it up? It condemns the SSM movement and all it stands for and highlights the damage it has unleashed on the state of Massachusetts. Are you now saying you agree with us on the SSM being bad for society as a whole? As for choosing another quote from the article. I choose the lot. This article is genuine because otherwise someone would have mounted a legal challenge against it and it would not be available for all to see. Did you think you had discovered something that the rest of the world didn't see. If any of this article is not true, smarter men than you would have had it shredded by now. Sorry, you have finally met your match. I'd like to get on with another discussion but their all pretty mundane and boring. C'mon guys think up some new and controversial topic. I shall be looking at the list with bated breath. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 5 January 2018 10:53:52 PM
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I’m sceptical of a lot of your claims (heck, sometimes you just plain make them up). I’d ask you for evidence of your most recent claims, but, for the reasons I pointed out in my last post to you, they’re irrelevant anyway. If you don’t like those things, then fight against them, but that doesn’t give you the right to treat gay people as second-class citizens. -- ALTRAV, What can I say? Wow! Go back and read my last post to you again. And carefully this time. <<I just read your link and it seems very similar or is the article I have been referring to.>> It IS the link you’ve been referring to! That’s precisely WHY I linked to it. You’re not following any of this, are you? Is there something I should know about? I’m wasting my time here, aren’t I? <<Are you now saying you agree with us on the SSM being bad for society as a whole?>> No, I linked to it to show you that that is where the HIV claim, which I quoted, came from; because you alleged that it was irrelevant to the ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole you’ve been promoting. <<As for choosing another quote from the article. I choose the lot.>> Even the one I discredited? But you just agreed that the claim was false! Now you stand by it? This is the Gish Gallop fallacy, by the way. I mean, I can only address so much here. Which is why I asked you to select one of the claims. <<This article is genuine because otherwise someone would have mounted a legal challenge against it and it would not be available for all to see.>> That’s ridiculous reasoning. Why would anyone bother to challenge a dodgy website, from a dodgy organisation, in court? I can use Google to disprove most of it, for crying out loud. <<Sorry, you have finally met your match.>> Yet you’re not willing to test that. Go on, ALTRAV. Pick one. It’ll be fun! Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 5 January 2018 11:27:39 PM
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Philips, now I'm a little worried for you and your mental health. Are you OK? I ask because I went back to read your link once more and I find it's still a damning document for the SSM cause.
To humour you and try to understand what is going on I have chosen the very topic you just selected yourself. The second paragraph is the complete opposite to what you just tried to convince me of. Again, are you OK? I can't trust you to read it so I had better lay it out and that will be the end of it. Under the heading of Public Health; Since homosexual marriage became 'legal' the rates of HIV/AIDS have gone UP CONSIDERABLY in Massachusetts.This year public funding to deal with HIV/AIDS has risen by $500,000. As the homosexual lobby group 'mass equality' wrote to their supporters after successfully persuading the Legislature to spend that money: "With the rate of HIV infections RISING DRAMATICALLY in Massachusetts, it's clear the fight against AIDS is FAR FROM OVER". It appears amidst all this to-ing and fro-ing of facts I have agreed to the wrong posting on aids. As I said 'I have not mentioned aids before now'. You have. I stand my my original comments on the article in question. I don't know how you can deny the determination of the topic. It was written as a follow up story of facts about the ramifications of SSM and it's destructive influence on the people in the wider community. The fact that you don't like what it says is 'too bad', as your SSM chums were quick to tell concerned parents when they questioned the school about teaching poofterism. I tell you what you don't have to accept that SSM is a bad thing, it's law now, and when I get to see the final wording I and others will begin the process of disseminating and better understanding of it so we can begin the process of changing it so it will be a more equitable impost on the people as a whole. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 January 2018 3:32:03 AM
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You claim gender theory is irrelevant. "I’d ask you for evidence of your most recent claims, but, for the reasons I pointed out in my last post to you, they’re irrelevant anyway".
It is now a criminal offense and Hate speech to use the wrong pronouns to identify gender
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 6 January 2018 8:26:22 AM
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Of course you think it’s damning. <<… I went back to read your link once more and I find it's still a damning document for the SSM cause.>> For the second time now, it’s the ‘Massachusetts’ thing you’ve been going on about. That’s WHY I linked to it. <<The second paragraph is the complete opposite to what you just tried to convince me of.>> Of course it is. That’s because I was explaining to you that the claim regarding HIV rates is false. <<It appears amidst all this to-ing and fro-ing of facts I have agreed to the wrong posting on aids.>> You mean the government link citing the actual statistics showing the rate of HIV infections in decline? Do you have evidence against that, or are you just going to believe the dubious claims with no actual statistical data, from the ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole, because that’s what you want to believe? <<The fact that you don't like what it says is 'too bad' …>> Once again, it’s not about what I do and do not like. I am simply pointing out that their claims are lies, misrepresentations and exaggerations. You apparently are doing everything in your power to avoid testing this. You have no idea what’s going on here, do you? Are you just playing dumb in an attempt to frustrate me, or something? We have people on OLO in the early stages of dementia who are capable of following discussions better than you. It’s clear I’m wasting my time here. -- Josephus, Yes, all the paranoid rubbish you’re going on about is irrelevant. And, again, for the reason I stated earlier. I’ve already seen those dodgy web pages you’ve linked me to. I haven’t bothered to check their claims yet, but I’m sure they’re as dodgy as the ‘Massachusetts’ list of claims ALTRAV is going on about. Again, though, they’re irrelevant. If you don’t like those changes, then make sure they don’t happen here. But blocking same-sex marriage does not guarantee that they won’t happen and vice-versa. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 6 January 2018 9:13:39 AM
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Is Mise,
I have explained to you multiple times that these figures (61.6% YES and 38.4% NO) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote, rather than being representative of all eligible Australians. That's all I can say. See you on another discussion. For me this one has run its course. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2018 9:44:38 AM
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"I have explained to you multiple times that these figures (61.6% YES and 38.4% NO) are representative of those eligible voters who chose to vote," That is wrong, WRONG!! (for emphasis) Your quote, for which you refuse to give a reference (can't?) of "61.6% 0f the Australian population votes YES" is not representative of the eligible voters who voted, it can only be representative of a section of the whole population of Australia and as such is a lie. Such lies need to be nipped in the bud, or like your reference to the same claim in the Financial Review, they will be repeated as truth. Why do you want to support an untruth? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 6 January 2018 10:56:12 AM
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Philips, one thing I have learned from all of this is that SSM IS actually not legal in Massachusetts. It all started when some soft cock judge gave a 'ruling' on a case between a queer and someone else. He found in favour of the queer, citing the constitution. No idea what the case was about.
Apparently the judiciary is not empowered to make laws, the govt is. Courts and police and the like are there to enforce the law. The judge shoud have ruled against the queer as it was not law. SSM law has never been passed in Massachusetts. Apparently the then Governor, Romney, pissed in the ear of some public officials and it all went downhill from there. I don't doubt the veracity of those articles. The facts mentioned within are still evident today, even if some have changed in some way or do not apply any more. I don't know. The reason for highlighting this document was to warn people of what we are heading for. Safe schools and all. A most important fact is that all this happened even though it was not legal. We can expect much worse because in Aus it is now law. I don't know how you can condone this type of behaviour. You can call me all the names you want, I will not shy away from what is right, and will be actively engaged in righting this wrong at every opportunity. So unless congress has passed it since, SSM is illegal in Massachusetts! So all that followed such as all the events listed in the link are illegal, I don't know why the situation still exists. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 January 2018 11:11:37 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
Kindly read my initial post on page 8 and tell me that what I said was wrong. Blind Freddie can understand what was being said - why can't you? It was clearly explained in that post who the 61.6% and the 38.4% were - of the population that voted. How difficult is that for you to comprehend. I think you're just playing games here old chap. And it is getting tedious. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2018 12:12:59 PM
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The only thing that is tedious is your refusal to admit that you were wrong. You quoted, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" Where does the quote come from? Just accurately reference the quotation and I'll shut up. Simple is it not? Or did you make up the quote? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 6 January 2018 1:19:05 PM
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I see I'm now going to have to educate you in the Common Law system. I suppose I have time for that, provided the change of pace in your last post occurred because you now understand what was happening in our last little discussion. Same-sex marriage is LEGAL in Massachusetts. In the Common Law system, judges can make law, and do so through their decisions (i.e. precedence or case law). Lawmakers can legislate to override case law, but could not in this instance as doing so would have been unconstitutional. Therefore, same-sex marriage in Massachusetts is law - whether or not it is enshrined in statute. <<The facts mentioned within are still evident today even if some have changed in some way or do not apply any more.>> The one we looked at, with regards to HIV, never applied. It was always a lie. <<You can call me all the names you want …>> I have not yet called you names. <<... I will not shy away from what is right …>> You have not yet demonstrated that anything about your position is right. All you have demonstrated thus far is that you do not understand the Common Law system, and that your position on the issue of homosexuality and same-sex marriage are based entirely on an irrational hatred, ignorance, and internet rumours. <<... and will be actively engaged in righting this wrong at every opportunity.>> Find something that is actually wrong, and I will join you. I suggest you start educating yourself on the issues first, though. Anyone who thinks that homosexuality is a disorder, and that same-sex marriage in Massachusetts is illegal, is ignorant on a monumental level. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 6 January 2018 1:28:22 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Once again - you're playing games. I did not make up anything. Newspaper headlines have read - "Australia has voted "yes" to same sex marriage." The ABS marriage survey results have given the same national results in both their media releases and in their result sheets. The ABS statistician has done the same. You have been referred to all of these during this discussion and yet you dispute it. As you obviously think I am wrong kindly provide us with what you think is correct. Give us the percentages that you think are right and show us where the ABS is wrong. And how Australia voted contrary to what I'm stating. I shall be eagerly awaiting your reply. By the way this is just one example of the headlines that appeared from the SMH at 5.34pm 15 Nov. 2017: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2018 2:36:13 PM
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cont'd ...
Even Lyle Shelton stated: "We accept and respect the decision of the Australian people." And of course so did another dignitaries such as our politicians and our PM. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2018 2:59:29 PM
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Foxy, I have been following your on going stoush with a couple of commentors with some humorous interest.
I had cause to squint a little and was reminded of a piece of speculation I conjured up regarding your most recent post in reply to Is Mise, I took umbridge, (only slightly) to the last two paragraphs. I believe that the only vote that counted, as govt's rarely take the people's directive on board was, the one Parliament came up with. BUT; and here is the kicker, because this govt is finished and they know it, they made a party room decision to vote YES so as they would come off 'looking good', and as usual, buying votes. As far as I am concerned they wasted their time. Back to point. From memory had ALL the pollies voted, it would have been close, but it would have turned out a NO vote. It was decided that this would not have been a vote winner and obviously unpopular to a large number of voters, and they were not prepared to take that risk. So it was decided that enough of the NO pollies abstain, and in so doing, assuring a YES outcome. What was glaringly obvious and cynically suspicious was Abbot's absence. Here was a man bleating loudly all manner of protestations to SSM. When the time came to literally 'stand up and be counted', where was he? Obviously playing with himself and all the other gutless NO voters who ran hiding behind mummy's apron. Just a thought. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 January 2018 4:52:29 PM
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Philips it appears you are always right. So here is what I'll do.
I'll stop reading all these publications that are wrong or lying or out of date, and I'll just read your posts on OLO thereby becoming as knowledgeable as you, and I won't have to explain myself ever again. I will also promise to remain a homophobic bigot and other things I have momentarily forgotten. I will stop seeking the truth and looking for things that are not there. I think I've covered everything. So carry on. I am anxious to learn. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 January 2018 5:05:15 PM
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Same Sex Marriage has passed the House of Reps with all but four MPs sitting on the opposite side of the chamber for the final count, as well as the four who voted against the bill, only nine others were absent from the chamber. The Bill was passed by an overwhelming majority in the House. So it was not close as you claim. It was an overwhelming "Yes" vote for the legislation! As for my being always right? Well, I've always believed that I'm not requried to set myself on fire to keep other people warm. (joke). Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2018 6:11:01 PM
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Are you as thick as the proverbial two planks? "Australia has voted "yes" to same sex marriage." is not the same as "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" You said; "Here are the facts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 61.6% of the Australian population votes YES. 38.4% of the Australian population voted NO." Those are not facts but lies, just shew me where the ABS said that. One reliable verifiable reference and I'll shut up and never mention your misquotes again. Can't be fairer than that. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 6 January 2018 7:09:55 PM
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Foxy, no I was referring to philips when I said HE believed he is always right.
You were not the intended target for that particular post. I'm sorry if somehow what I said made you believe it was. I'm pretty sure I put his name at the top/beginning. Apologies, it seems my grammar and god knows what else, is getting worse. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 January 2018 7:26:55 PM
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There’s no need to get sarcastic. You're just being petulant now. I’m not always right. Given that I’m human, it would be impossible for me to be right all of the time. However, I clearly know more about the subject areas surrounding same-sex marriage than you do. Here’s a novel idea: how about you educate yourself instead of making assumptions tailored to suit your preconceived biases? Your current methodology is a good way to ensure that you’re almost always wrong. Even if you manage to get something right (as even a broken clock does twice a day), it would only be by accident. <<I'll stop reading all these publications that are wrong or lying or out of date …>> You don’t have to stop reading them (you would never know that they were wrong if you didn't read them, by the way), you just need get into the habit of exercising a healthy scepticism, and verifying claims, even if they support your pre-existing beliefs. <<I will also promise to remain a homophobic bigot and other things I have momentarily forgotten.>> Well, that’s a rather random and confused-sounding comment, buy, okay. I wouldn’t recommend remaining a bigot, though. <<I will stop seeking the truth and looking for things that are not there.>> You should always seek the truth, else how would you know what is and is not there? Just don’t stake your position out in advance and sort through evidence, employing confirmation bias as you go. Easier said than done, I know, but there are techniques you can learn to help with this. As a starting point, I would recommend reading Carl Sagan’s, ‘Demon-Haunted World’. <<I think I've covered everything.>> No, unfortunately you were setting yourself up to continue the train wreck that has been your contribution on this thread. Look, start with Sagan's, ‘Demon-Haunted World’; then read Michael Shermer’s, ‘Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time’. It’s books like these that helped drag me out of the flawed mindset that was keeping me a Christian. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 6 January 2018 8:23:31 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
I'm sorry but I no longer care to continue this argument with you. Have a nice day. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 9:07:45 AM
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Thank you for your apology. It's my own fault for having misinterpreted your post. It's just that this accusation has been levelled at me so many times by certain people on this forum that I just assumed it was me you were referring to. But I'm glad that you were not. Again - Thank You. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 9:11:48 AM
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Foxy bows out without the courtesy of giving a reference as to where the ABS said that
"61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" which she quoted the ABS as saying. There is something wrong when a person gives a quote, with attribution, then refuses to give a reference, one is left with the suspicion that they made it up. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 January 2018 9:29:43 AM
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It’s a tiresome old line:
1) A makes claims X, Y, and Z. 2) B discredits the claims. 3) A gets defensive and distressed because X, Y, and Z form an integral part of A’s worldview. 4) A then claims that B must, therefore, think they know everything. There is a glaring absence of logic between 3 and 4. It is a gaping hole that is never filled. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:16:20 AM
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Actually, I should say that the glaring absence of logic is between 2 and 4. Three explains why 4 occurs, however.
Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 7 January 2018 2:46:46 PM
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Quote,"It seems the vast minority of Australians that are actually LGBQTI are dictating once again. That 0.38% of our population are holding sway in the politically correct atmosphere of government.
Constant changes to politically correct language have left even experts unsure of what to say, according to a University of Queensland.
Volunteers at the Gold Coast’s Commonwealth Games have been told not to use phrases such as “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” to avoid causing offence. Dr Mair Underwood, an anthropologist from UQ’s school of social sciences, said issues of gender and impairment were a major source of confusion.
“I can understand why volunteers might be nervous about saying the wrong thing,” she said.
“I teach a course on gender and sexuality, and every year LGBTIQ students will point out changes to language I have missed.
“Every year I am scared that I will say the wrong thing because the language around gender and sexuality is changing so fast, it’s hard to keep up.”
However, she said that didn’t mean it was not important to move with the times.
“I don’t think fear and confusion mean we shouldn’t try to use terms that everyone can be comfortable with,” she said.
Ms McCleary is one volunteer who was left bewildered after reading her training handbook.
“It (volunteering) was something I was really looking forward to, but not anymore,” she said.
“This whole political correctness has gone too far. For us not to be able to say things like boys and girls, it’s just stupidity.
“No one wants to belittle anybody, but who says this is belittling anyone?
“I really feel for the next generation because they are going to be so confused.”
Another local, who still intends to volunteer and did not wish to be named, said organisers risked creating a sterile, sanitised Games.
“Australia, and Queensland, is known for being relaxed and laidback, but when I read through the guide, I was just shaking my head,” he said.
“With all the dos and don’ts, it’s going to be very sanitised.”
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 7 January 2018 2:55:27 PM
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Dear AJ,
I've just finished reading Magda Szubanski's Memoir, "Reckoning." All 374 pages. On page 356, she gives a copy of her press release supporting same-sex marriage before appearing on the TV show - "The Project." She wrote a statement making deliberate use of the first person plural pronoun: "We pay taxes, fight wars for the country, nurse you when you are sick, make you laugh, sing and dance for you, play netball for you, star in movies, cook your meals, decorate your windows. And, chances are, gay people designed whatever it is you're wearing. All Australians, including gay Australians, should have exactly the same rights, including the right to love, marry and take care of our partners." She issued the press release and waited. Magda did not want this to be like a normal interview with her pushing a barrow. She wanted it to be a moment of connection and understanding, something that cut through the cliches. She wanted, if she could, to help people to feel what it is like to be gay and the pain it can cause. She tried as best as she could to make people feel in their hearts the rightness of her cause. It turned out reading the next morning's papers - that the response was all good. She took a risk - and it seems that so many Australians understood her message. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 3:05:26 PM
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"She took a risk - and it seems that so many Australians understood her message" How many Australians read her press release and how many Australians watch the project? Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 January 2018 3:20:19 PM
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Magda's book was published in 2015. And possibly
her appearance on "The Project" must have had some effect because - close to 8 million Australians returned an answer "yes" to same sex marriage out of 12 million who took part. Not a bad return - which resulted in the legislation being passed in Parliament and into law. Well done Magda! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 3:33:05 PM
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"close to 8 million Australians returned an answer "yes" to same sex marriage out of 12 million who took part." Gee! I thought that 8 million Australians was only 33% of the Australian population and you've been telling us that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" Bit of a difference!! You seem to have finally worked it out. Congratulations. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 January 2018 3:55:57 PM
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In this and other threads you certainly have given that book a large number of plugs on this site. What about seeking the approval of the site's owner to do a review of it under the articles section? It is about etiquette. Posted by leoj, Sunday, 7 January 2018 4:10:02 PM
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Australians voted "yes" in the same sex marriage
survey by 61.6%. And the same sex marriage legislation has passed the House of Reps. Yay! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 4:15:41 PM
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Great idea. How about suggesting to Graham to contact Magda? It is about correct procedure as you point out. Your idea - go for it! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 4:20:36 PM
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Still in denial? "[Eligible] Australians voted "yes" in the same sex marriage survey by 61.6%. And the same sex marriage legislation has passed the House of Reps." There I fixed it for you. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 January 2018 4:21:27 PM
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Foxy, I see that dog with a bone, is still gnawing away at his foot.
Issy you have gone from looking stupid to looking pathetic. In my view its now well past the stage where you are harnessing another poster constantly, over a very minor point, I would think for no other purpose than being an idiot, countless posts on a minor point is ridiculous. I am surprised the Moderator has not called you about your stalking of Foxy over simple wording. Foxy has the right to come on here and enjoy the interaction with other posters, and not be subjected to your nonsense! Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 January 2018 5:28:23 PM
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I forgot to ask - where exactly have I "plugged" Magda's book? You need to take my posts in context. I was not aware of "plugging" anything. And if I did in your mind, then that was not my intention. Besides you need to be aware that the book does not need "plugging." It won the 2016 ABIA (Australian Book Industry Award) as the Book of The Year Winner as well as the ABIA Biography of the Year 2016. It also is the Winner of the NSW Premier's Literary Awards Douglas Stewart Prize for Non-Fiction 2016. And the Winner of the Indie Award for Non-Fiction 2016 as well as the Nielsen Book Data Booksellers' Choice Award 2016. It received - Best Books of 2015 Listings in - the Guardian, Age, Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, and many more, including the Courier Mail, Crikey, West Australian, The Conversation, and even the New Zealand Herald, Canberra Weekly, and so on. I think you get the picture. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 5:34:59 PM
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Dear Paul,
Thank You. I've been thinking of an appropriate word to describe Is Mise's behaviour on this discussion. "troglodyte" comes to mind. A person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or characterized by outmoded or reactionary attitudes. I think Magda would approve. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2018 6:15:47 PM
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Do you think that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is a correct statement and a quote direct from the ABS? If you do then you might be kind enough to post a reference. Until you do I shall continue to highlight what I see as deliberate distortions, no matter what the subject is. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 January 2018 7:41:32 PM
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There has not been any issue that has divided our country more than SSM, and Yes voters are celebrating they have achieved their goals to divide our society on historical cultural grounds. No voters according to the Yes camp are bigots, hate homosexuals, deny gay Australians the right to love and take care of our partners.
Nothing could be further from the truth, No voters do not deny Homosexuals right to love, take a partner and care for them for life. It is a deliberate Lie!
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 7 January 2018 7:47:39 PM
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"troglodyte" a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant. Yep... that's it.
"There has not been any issue that has divided our country more than SSM," Conscription in WWI Fools going off to fight the Korean police action The Vietnam War Now there's three The last 45 Federal Elections with all sorts of issues. there's 45 more. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 January 2018 9:06:26 PM
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"Fools going off to fight the Korean police action" How did that divide Australia? Go on, give us a reference. Nice of you to characterize the 339 Australian military personnel who died there as 'fools', but I suppose that, to a Green, anyone who opposed Communism was a fool. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:07:08 PM
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Is Mise, some won't like me saying that as a matter of detail and truth you are right. I'm not sure if your detractors are being disingenuous or do they really believe that anything less than 100% means 100%. I do believe in the devil is in the detail.
I am not that smart but even I can see your point and am a little curious as to why a simple, 'OK your right', would have saved a long and laborious battle of wills. I am now curious as to what the next response to your latest challenge will be. Josephus, I am interested to hear the response from your detractors as to your comment on SSM dividing this country. I can't imagine where one would get such data. There are too many variables to expect a simple answer, so I would be skeptical about, and question, the answers. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:07:56 PM
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That’s a rather specific claim you've made there. <<… Yes voters are celebrating they have achieved their goals to divide our society on historical cultural grounds.>> Not only do you presume that the ‘Yes’ voters have the goal of dividing society, but this alleged attempt at division was allegedly done, specifically, on the grounds of history and culture. Sheesh, good luck in presenting data for that one! <<No voters do not deny Homosexuals right to love, take a partner and care for them for life.>> Well, most don’t, at least. But you DO all want to deny them the same legal protections as heterosexual couples, and therein lies the problem. -- ALTRAV, There you go. There's your response. Once again, Josephus was on to precisely nothing. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:25:38 PM
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Philips, there is no problem you have answered your own question.
Yes we do want to deny them the same legal protections as heterosexual couples. Seems fair enough, due to the fact they are not the same as heterosexual couples. DUH! We all could have saved a lot of time and money had the YES camp realised this in the beginning. Equality, yeah right. What blind arrogance.(look it up) Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:42:28 PM
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So, we agree on that much, ALTRAV.
<<Yes we do want to deny them the same legal protections as heterosexual couples.>> Some cloak this desire by conning themselves into thinking that de facto relationships have the same rights and protections. They don’t. <<Seems fair enough, due to the fact they are not the same as heterosexual couples.>> So, what is it about the differences between the two kinds of relationships that logically require society to treat gay couples as second-class citizens then? <<DUH! We all could have saved a lot of time and money had the YES camp realised this in the beginning.>> DUH! You haven’t yet explained the rationale behind your claim. <<Equality, yeah right. What blind arrogance.(look it up)>> Why are they not deserving of equal treatment? And why is the belief that they are deserving of equal treatment “blind arrogance”. You really haven’t thought this through, have you ALTRAV? Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:55:14 PM
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Philips, I have thought it through all my life.
Firstly I am under no contract to explain to you or anyone else my reasons for what is the belief of a great number of people. It follows that the reasoning you give, you promote as being the correct one. Well a large section of the population happen to disagree. That is their right. You and your lot simply have to accept that there are a large number of people out there who disagree with you. We don't have an explanation that you will accept, so we choose not to go over it once more. You seem to put a lot of weight on proof. So much of your proof is open to question. Proof and truth are not the same, as you yourself have suggested. Research tells us that there are more than one answer to a situation, and at times they are contradictory. So I form opinions based on 'best guess' reasoning, and sometimes I just don't like something. That is my right as an individual. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 8 January 2018 2:30:01 AM
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Philips and Foxy cannot accept gender and genitals are the same descriptors, that genitals = sex or reproductive descriptors; and gender is a theory based on historical masculine of female behaviours. They cannot accept LGBTQQS, and genital transitions are related to Same Sex attraction, when they claim aged women can have gender transitioning when they mean same sex [genitals] attraction.
The fact is our argument is based in factual biological reproductive science while their argument is based on emotional bonding, and gender insecurity. They support the need to change biological reality by chemicals and surgery to suit their definition of gender. The two shall never agree!
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 8 January 2018 6:39:48 AM
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Issy, the folly of war, and the actions of fools, go hand in hand!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 8 January 2018 7:19:26 AM
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Josephus, I hear you. I think I've been going at this all wrong. I have been trying to convince people of something they will never admit to.
I now realise that logic and reason is not practiced in many quarters. That can apply to all of us, but ultimately we have to step back and do an independent analysis free from emotion. This SSM thing is all about emotion. In my case I have a healthy loathing for such people as that maggot Mazda whats her face. Her fame is based solely on political correctness as there is no substance to her 'literary genius'. She is just another arrogant maggot with absolutely no value to society outside of her own mind. The weak and the gutless attach themselves to these lost causes and everyone goes along for the media ride, saying, 'look at moy, look at moy'. Anyway, we believe in what we believe in, and we know we're right because they're wrong. We'll just have to leave them talking to mirrors and get on with the show. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 8 January 2018 7:30:49 AM
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"Issy, the folly of war, and the actions of fools, go hand in hand!" Can't you find a reference to back your claim? The 'folly of war' is amply illustrated in a comparison of the two Koreas, on the one hand, we have a prosperous South Korea and on the other a repressive Communist regime in North Korea. Had the UN not acted then the whole of Korea would be Communist. Pity there, Paul, they missed out on a Greens' utopia. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 8 January 2018 8:34:29 AM
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Of course you’re not, ALTRAV.
<<… I am under no contract to explain to you or anyone else my reasons ...>> But you provided reasoning which did not contain enough detail to support your position. I am, therefore, entitled to request further detail. If you choose not to provide that, then that is your prerogative. However, your continued lack of detail, sound reasoning, and evidence for your claims only helps to support my suspicion that you have none. No response is still a response, and I’m happy enough with that. <<It follows that the reasoning you give, you promote as being the correct one.>> Of course, but the question remains: Why do you think that is the correct one? Why is the difference between homosexual couples and heterosexual couples a reason to deny the former the right to marry? <<… there are a large number of people out there who disagree with you.>> Sure, but that doesn’t mean that you are or could be right, though, and suggesting otherwise is a fallacy: <<We don't have an explanation that you will accept ...>> Give me an argument that is rational, and I will accept it and concede that your opposition to same-sex marriage has at least some validity. <<You seem to put a lot of weight on proof.>> More so evidence, but, yeah. Why wouldn’t I? The alternative is gullibility or subjective emotions. <<So much of your proof is open to question.>> All of it is. Nothing is immune to questioning. Not even your ‘Massachusetts’ hyperbole. <<Proof and truth are not the same, as you yourself have suggested.>> Correct. Proof demonstrates the truth, whereas the truth just is. I have not suggested otherwise. <<... we have to step back and do an independent analysis free from emotion.>> Ha! This coming from the one who just said, “…sometimes I just don't like something.” <<I now realise that logic and reason is not practiced in many quarters.>> You have provided no logic or sound reasoning. In fact, you have studiously avoided doing so; even reminding me that it's your right not to. Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 8 January 2018 5:25:28 PM
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Issy, the end justifies the means. When war is waged, it is always for the most noble of causes, well for our side that is, the enemy are the bad guys. You hold on to your belief that the proxy war in Korea, between the United States and the Soviet Union, which resulted in the deaths of 1.6 million people was totally justified to "stop communism".
"Can't you find a reference to back your claim?" Yes, 1,600,000 dead human beings! Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 4:13:56 AM
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So the facts are revealed Paul would rather live in North Korea under communism than the South under democratic freedom.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 8:35:16 AM
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You claimed that: "Conscription in WWI Fools going off to fight the Korean police action The Vietnam War" divided the Nation more than SSM, I don't dispute 1 and 3, but your assertion on Korea is a falsehood or is born of ignorance. So give a reference, please. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 8:44:42 AM
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Issy, when you have a leading US General saying the following you have division.
"(Korea) The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy" (US General Omar Bradley). Many of those duped into military involvement in wars, are always conned into believing they are fighting and killing for some lofty moral cause. The reality in Korea was, they were simply the pawns in a world power play, between the United States and the Soviet Union. Why would Australians be involved in such a phony war, I don't know. maybe they liked to be shot at. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 9:51:46 AM
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You claimed that: "Conscription in WWI Fools going off to fight the Korean police action The Vietnam War" divided the Nation more than SSM, I don't dispute 1 and 3, but your assertion on Korea is a falsehood or is born of ignorance. So give a reference, a newspaper article of the time, Hansard, (should be a reference in there somewhere), something from the Communist Party archives, anything at all will be considered. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 10:07:05 AM
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Dear Paul,
The Australian War Memorial tells us that - "The cost of the war in Korea was immense, particularly for its people. The attempt by the Communist North to unite Korea under its rule had been stopped but it had killed more than 2 million people and turned many Korean citizens into homeless refugees. Today Korea is still divided into North and South. A few decades ago I compiled an anthology of anti-war Australian poetry. One of my favourites was a poem by Bruce Dawe, because to me it is one of the best poems that I have read anywhere about war. It's called "Homecoming." And although the poem deals with the various stages in the return of the dead, especially from Vietnam, it could be in general, from any modern war. It is a lament for the futility of war expressed by Bruce Dawe in the detail of the Vietnam War. Bruce Dawe in this poem, does not accuse or blame, it is simply an awe-inspiring statement of anguish. After reading and absorbing this poem, the reader is faced with the question, will there be any one left to bring home, after a nuclear war? Try to get hold of a copy of the poem if you can. If you haven't already done so. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 2:50:28 PM
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"Today Korea is still divided into North and South." as it has been since the end of WWII, however, the South is a prosperous free country and the areas of South Korea which were devastated when I saw them are now the scene of vast improvement, sealed roads where there were dirt jeep tracks, factory buildings galore, our last permanent campsite is a thriving town etc. When we took up residence the only signs that there had been human habitation there were some dangerous toilet pits and rows of chestnut trees. Contrast the few areas that I saw in the North, they are still completely unimproved and the paddy fields have reverted to scrub, or I should say are covered in scrubby growth as they had been cultivated land for hundreds of years. Do you not think that the UNs effort was worth it? Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 5:05:04 PM
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Guys, just a quick heads up. I think we're off topic again.
Just thought I'd mention it. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 6:08:15 PM
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Situation normal!! Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 7:29:03 PM
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Just for you Issy; Korean War June 1950 to July 1953 17,000 Australian involved.
The Korean War encouraged the Menzies Government to ban the Communist Party in Australia. In 1950 the ‘Communist Party Dissolution’ bill was introduced into Parliament. During the 1951 double dissolution election campaign Menzies constantly accused the Labor Party of being soft on communism, and not fully committed to stopping the spread of communism in Korea, Menzies was returned 28th April 1951, despite a small swing to Labor. Then the Parliament, with a Conservative majority now in the Senate, and with Labor supporting, passed Menzies CPD bill. Subsequently the High Court declared the act unconstitutional, and therefore invalid. The Conservative government on July 5, 1951, introduced a Referendum Bill into the Parliament, seeking an alteration to the Constitution giving the Government power “to deal with Communists and Communism”. The Anti Communist Referendum was set for 22nd September 1951. In the initial stages of the campaign the prospects of success for a “No” vote did not appear to be overly bright. Public opinion polls estimated the "Yes" vote at 80%. A bitter and divisive campaign seen the conservative media demand a "yes" vote to show Australia's opposition to the spread of Communism both at home and abroad, continually reminding the public of the efforts being made in Korea to stop Communism. The referendum result was a shock to say the least; A narrow "No" victory. Three States — New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia — voted NO, while three States — Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania — voted YES. The people as a whole voted 2,317,927 in favor of the Government’s proposals and 2,370,009 against. The Korean War had been the catalysts for the referendum, but in the end the Australian people were divided, but did deliver a rebuff to the Menzies Government, and its anti communist push. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 8:15:52 PM
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So what, the Nation was not divided over the Korean war, just shew me, one reference to a divided Nation as we saw in WWI and over Vietnam. Bet you can't, so it's time to 'fess up that you were sprouting BS and say sorry. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 10:24:22 PM
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Issy, I rely on first hand accounts of those times by others, and my own reading of published works. Having spent many an hour discussing the political climate in Australia post WW1 with those who knew, people who lived through those times, and who were politically active during that period.
Anti communism, and support for the Korean War were hot and divisive issues in the early 1950's. I am sure as a veteran of that war, you have your own view on your fellow Australians support, or lack of, for your involvement. Thanks Foxy for the reference, I have a large collection of "old books" including some poetry and I'll see if I can find that poem among my libery. BTW, do you notice the dog has a new bone to chew on. The first legal gay marriages in Australia took place yesterday. Surprise, surprise, the world as we know it did not come to an end, as predicted by the doomsayers. It was all very low key, and as stated some time ago there was no big rush by gay folk to get hitched. Maybe more gays will get married on Saturday as that seems to be the traditional day for weddings. Possibly the hard boiled No mob can launch a new rear guard campaign to stop gay marriages on Saturdays, as that is the "traditional" heterosexual day for such events. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 4:00:38 AM
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A simple reference to a debate in Hansard, a newspaper article of the time etc., will be perfectly acceptable references to the alleged division of the Nation over the Korean War, so be a good and obliging chap and give one. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 9:10:33 AM
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Issy, it seems to cause you some angst to think that possibly not Australians were "Yankee Doddle Dandy" like you when it came to killing millions of innocent people in Korea. Sorry to shatter your sanitized illusion on the whole sorry episode in Australia's history, but that's the reality.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 9:39:25 AM
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Can't you find a reference to back up your wild assertion? Tough! Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 10:42:58 AM
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Dear Paul,
There's quite a bit on the web that has links to the Korean war. Headings like - "What we learned from the Korean War," are helpful. And if anyone wants to start a discussion on the topic - it could prove an interesting one. In the meantime, my suggestion is - there's no point in arguing with people who are reluctant to modify their judgements. It usually ends up with a total breakdown in communication. Wars are highly emotive subjects. The moment that a historian begins to look critically at motivation, circumstances, context, or any other such consideration, the product becomes unacceptable for one or another camp of readers. Regarding the Korean War - there are enough links on the web - on the subject - for anyone interested in the aftermath. Best to just move on. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 11:00:33 AM
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"...there's no point in arguing with people who are reluctant to modify their judgements..." So true! Did you not post on p.1 "At least the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls. That roughly 6 out of 10 Australians were in favour of same sex marriage. And now it's official." Nowhere is there any indication that roughly 6 out of 10 Australians are in favour of SSM and this has been pointed out to you numerous times and yet you have persisted in pushing this misinformation. As you have looked into the Korean War a bit perhaps you could help Paul to find something to back up his observation that the Korean War divided the Nation more than the SSM debate. Best of luck! Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 2:07:56 PM
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Is Mise,
Let it go. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 3:24:46 PM
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Why should I? When the truth of the matter is that less than half of the Australian population voted YES, not roughly 6 out of 10 but, in fact, roughly less than a third voted YES. Why should one let lies/deliberate misinformation pass? Do give Paul a helping hand, perhaps you, with your experience as a librarian can find a reference for him and get him unhoisted from his own petard. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 4:07:05 PM
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Is Mise,
Becaue Sir, Nobody is lying or giving you misinformation. It has been explained throughout this discussion that it was 61.6% of eligible Australians who responded with a "yes" vote Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 4:54:22 PM
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Hi Foxy,
When the dog is gnawing on a bone, the only way to get him off that bone, is to throw him a bigger bone, well done Issy. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 6:01:54 PM
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" It has been explained throughout this discussion that it was 61.6% of eligible Australians who responded with a "yes" vote" Then why did you repeatedly post that, "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" when that is obviously false and also make the claim that roughly 6 out of 10 Australians voted 'Yes" which is equally false? Did you suddenly discover 'eligible', you have previously rejected it. Paul, Are you still having a problem finding a reference to your absurd assertion that the Korean War divided the Nation? Duck and weave all you like but you posted, as fact, something that came from your own make-believe world of Commo fantasy. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 8:16:10 PM
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Issy, I am not having a problem finding a reference, I'm not looking for one. I told you where my view of the Korean War, sorry police action, came from. If you are not in agreement. well tough.
You have a vested interest in propagating the lie that all Australians were totally in support of that disgusting war. I say they were not! You are looking for moral justification for your own participation. If I was in your position, I would do the same thing. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 8:54:06 PM
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Is Mise,
A few corrections: 1) I posted on page 8 of this discussion that 61.6% of the Australian population votes yes. 38.4% of the Australian population voted no. The following paragraphs went on to explain that - of all ELIGIBLE Australians who expressed a view on "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" The majority indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding yes, and 38.4% (4,873,987) responding no. I went on to add that nearly 8 out of 10 ELIGIBLE Australians (79.5%) expressed their views. Note - I did not say 100%. And the word ELIGIBLE is there at the very beginning of this discussion. I also added that - all state and territories recorded a majority yes response. And only 17 of the 150 Federal Electoral Divisions recorded a majority no response. So, NO I did not suddenly discover the word "eligible" and I certainly did not previously reject it as you claim. Most people would understand what was being said. 2) The second correction that needs to be made is - found on page 5 of this discussion where I clearly state "The results of the postal survey told us what we already knew VIA OPINION POLLS that 6 out of ten Aussies were in favour of same-sex marriage..." You have the right to continue with your accusations Sir. However, I have the right to ignore them from now on. And blow you a great big raspberry as I leave. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 9:18:50 PM
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So it was only your view that you posted, fine, but why did you post it as an apparent fact that the Korean War divided Australia more than the SSM debate. There is absolutely no evidence of truth in your claim that Australia was divided by the Korean War, a war that saw Communist expansion foiled on the Korean Peninsular. Foxy, 61.6% of the Australian population did not vote "Yes" in the SSM survey, nor did roughly 6 out of 10 Australians. You have been misstating the facts. Why don't you bring your librarian skills into play and just give a reference to where the ABS, which you quoted, said "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" I think that you made up the quote and are too embarrassed to admit the fact, just as Paul is embarrassed by his own flight of fancy, however, if you give a credible reference, I'll apologize. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 10:29:55 PM
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"So it was only your view that you posted," no not at all, I said I formulated the view after discussion with others of the time, and reading. Hardly a view I plucked out of the air.
"the Korean War divided Australia more than the SSM debate." To what degree did the SSM debate divide Australia? I believe the majority were rather ambivalent on the matter, and didn't allow it to weigh all that heavily on their conscience. If the no vote had got up their would not have been mass riots in the streets. On the other hand we had a war, sorry again, police action, which seen Australia actively involved in the state sanctioned murder of millions. Ample evidence, please explain the failure of Menzies Communists referendum, a de fecto vote on the Korean War. If such a referendum was ever going to succeed that was the time for it. If there was mass support for Korea and anti communist fervour, as you claim, then the yes vote would have had a resounding victory, not the case, a very divisive 50/50 issue. You have avoided that little fact. "a war that saw Communist expansion foiled on the Korean Peninsular." Thank you Captain America, I see you are still holding on to the discredited 'Domino Theory'. The Korean war was a civil war, which morphed into a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union, much like the Vietnam War. Issy, you hold onto your comforting view, it justifies the whole sorry episode and your own personal involvment. p/s 60+ years later and things are still looking rather grim on the Korean Peninsula. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 January 2018 3:48:49 AM
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""troglodyte" a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant. Yep... that's it. "There has not been any issue that has divided our country more than SSM," Conscription in WWI Fools going off to fight the Korean police action The Vietnam War Now there's three" See, you said that Australians and others going to fight in Korea divided the Nation more than the SSM debate, but you cannot give a reference to this, even though you have formed an opinion on the matter. Surely there must be some small item from a newspaper of the day, Hansard, or even a book that you could reference? Perhaps you can find mention of a demonstration against 3RAR when they marched in Brisbane and Sydney to the appreciation of thousands of their fellow Australians? Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 7:47:09 AM
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To get back on subject:
"What the numbers say (and don’t say) in the same-sex marriage survey" Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 8:01:39 AM
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Issy a couple of points, I contend the SSM issue was not all that divisive, hardly mass demos by the No campaigners. and it was Josephus who claimed it was the most divisive issue ever.
You have nothing to say on the Menzies referendum? Strangely it was held at a time when "our boys" were off killing communists in Korea. If support for that noble cause was so great, as you claim, why didn't the referendum succeed. The sacking of the Whitlam government, another very divisive issue in Australia's history. "So the facts are revealed Paul would rather live in North Korea under communism than the South under democratic freedom." Fr. Joe not given that one any thought at all. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 January 2018 9:03:47 AM
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"You have nothing to say on the Menzies referendum? Strangely it was held at a time when "our boys" were off killing communists in Korea. If support for that noble cause was so great, as you claim, why didn't the referendum succeed." Because the Korean War was irrelevant to Australian politics and, possibly because a majority of the voters thought that a Communist Party in plain view was better than an underground one. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 10:26:58 AM
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Is Mise,
No. I have not been mis-stating the facts. You have been twisting them to suit yourself. And that is something over which I have no control. BTW: - I shall repeat for you what I said on page 5 - that the results of the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls - that 6 out of ten Aussies were in favour of same sex marriage. You seem to have a comprehension problem even with this fact. But no matter. I have lived without your good opinion of me for quite a long time in my life. Sadly, I shall have to struggle to continue to live without it hard as it may be. Have a nice day. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 11:06:18 AM
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"BTW: - I shall repeat for you what I said on page 5 - that the results of the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls - that 6 out of ten Aussies were in favour of same sex marriage. You seem to have a comprehension problem even with this fact." Yes, I do, because 6 out of 10 Aussies are not in favour of SSM and "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is still wrong, mainly because 61.6% of the Australian population is a figure greater than the number of eligible voters, (check with the ABS if in denial). You seem to have a comprehension problem even with this fact. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 11:26:06 AM
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Is Mise,
1) The results of the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls that 6 out of ten Aussies were in favour of SSM. 2) Of all eligible Australians who expressed a view on "should the law be changed to allow same sex couples to marry?" the majority indicated that the law should be change with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding "yes." And 38.4% (4,873,987) responding "no." Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. This was clearly explained on page 8 of this discussion. What is your problem? Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:46:43 PM
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Is Mise,
"The Australian people have spoken and they have voted overwhelmingly "yes" for marriage equality..." Stated our Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. And the legislation has now been passed in our Parliament. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 1:11:06 PM
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Nobody, least of all me, disputes that 61.6% of the eligible voters, who voted, endorsed the proposal with a majority of Yes votes. My problem is that the statement which you attributed to the ABS that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is incorrect i.e. wrong. 61.6% 9f the population is a greater number than the number of eligible voters. There are 24,000,000 (+) Australians and 7,817,247 voted Yes that is 3.26% REPEAT 3.26% Now, do you see why the figure of 61.6% of the population that you attribute to the ABS, as voting YES, is wrong? No wonder you can't find a reference. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 6:54:29 PM
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Is Mise,
I'm not arguing with you. We seem to be talking at cross-purposes here. I did explain throughout this discussion exactly what was meant by the given stats and what they represented. Yet you continue to be focused on the wording of one sentence - while an entire explanation followed that sentence. That's silly. Even our Prime Minister stated that "The Australian people have spoken and they have voted overwhelmingly "yes" for marriage equality." Are you going to correct him as well. Goodness me. "No point olagonin' the score, it only makes things worse." Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 7:13:33 PM
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"The Australian people have spoken and they have voted overwhelmingly"yes" for marriage equality." No problem with that, as a general statement it is indisputable truth but it is not a statement attributed to the ABS, only to the PM. You attributed a statement to the ABS, in a supposed direct quote and that statement is demonstrably wrong, others, mostly newspapers have also said that 61.6% of the Australian population voted Yes, they are also wrong but sloppy reporting and an eye grabbing headline are to be expected from the common media. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 7:29:37 PM
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Is Mise,
There's no getting through to you - it seems. I don't see the point in continuing. You do not believe that I did get that statement from the ABS. I do not lie. It was right at the start when the results were first being published. I do not make things up. It's an occupational habit. Unfortunately the only mistake that I will admit to is that I did not copy down the link. I was more interested in copying down all the figures and explanations that they listed. Which I have quoted on page 8. Anyway, I shall leave it there. As Maya Angelou once pointed out: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, They will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel." You have to weigh up what's more important to you. To try to prove someone wrong at all costs. Or to allow them to keep their integrity and believe what they have been trying to tell you. Your choice. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 7:47:06 PM
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Issy, please provide a link, a newspaper article, something from Hansard, even a book reference, which shows the Australian people were overwhelmingly supporting the Korean War. The only event at the time that could be linked to that atrocious war is 'Pig Iron' Bobs anti communists referendum. Which failed!
Did "Our Boys" in Korea get to vote in that referendum? BTW, if 61.6% of the Australian population had voted yes, then you could claim overwhelming support for the bloody war. Not so lucky, are you! Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 January 2018 8:38:35 PM
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"Or to allow them to keep their integrity and believe what they have been trying to tell you." Why? What you have been trying to tell me is that the ABS made a wild and un-referencable statement. Now you tell us that you didn't keep a reference, really? The ABS is not hard to find. In fact, I went looking and they tell me that the Australian population is 24,600,000 (rounded figure) and that 7,817,247 Australians voted Yes. Now 7,817,247 as a percentage of 24,600,00 is 31.78% So we may truthfully say "31.78% of the Australian population voted YES" Or to put it another way, considerably less than half of Australians voted Yes and an even lesser number voted No. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 9:04:05 PM
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Is Mise,
Firstly, not all Australians were eligible to vote. And not all who were eligible to vote responded to the survey. The ABS only counted the ones who did respond. And as stated to you earlier of all eligible Australians who expressed a view on "Should the law be changed to allow SSM couples to marry?" The majority indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding "yes" and 38.4% (4,873,987) responding "no." And again as stated earlier nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their view. All states and territories recorded a majority "yes" response. And only 17 of the 150 Federal Electoral Divisions recorded a majority "no" response. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it . You may not like it - but them's the facts. I rest my case! Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 10:25:08 PM
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"Firstly, not all Australians were eligible to vote." Precisely, Therefore the statement that you have been pushing and which you said was a direct quote from the ABS: "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" cannot be correct, glad that you're finally getting the picture. Paul, You stated that the Korean War divided the Nation, so it's up to you to prove your statement, that's the way it works. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 10:43:51 PM
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Is Mise,
No. that is not a statement that I have been pushing. That is a statement that you have latched onto and left out the explanations that the 61.6% refers to all the eligible Australians who responded with a "yes." There is a difference in what you are presenting and what I am explaining. Therein lies your problem. And it is your problem. Not mine. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 10:51:40 PM
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Is Mise,
What I am pushing is: 61.6% of all eligible Australians responded "yes." But you don't seem to get or understand that for some reason. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 11:00:23 PM
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"What I am pushing is: 61.6% of all eligible Australians responded "yes." But you don't seem to get or understand that for some reason." Well, one of the reasons is that you said: "At least the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls. That roughly 6 out of 10 Australians were in favour of same sex marriage. And now it's official. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:13:23 PM" whereas the correct figure is that roughly 3 out of 10 Australians were in favour of same-sex marriage and now it's official. Do you dispute the figures 3 out of 10? Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 January 2018 8:10:18 AM
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Issy, haven't you sucked that bone dry yet? I'm still waiting for you to respond with evidence to back your claims of mass Aussie support for the Korean War. I gave you the drum on the anti communist referendum of the time and its failure. If Aussies had been as gung-ho as Menzies and You, they would have voted yes on mass at least to the tune of 61.6%.
Before Australian's could vote yes to SSM, there was a requirement that they have an acceptance of homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle. Not participation or even approval, but acceptance. I hark back to my contention that the anti communist referendum failed because Australian's were not as gung-ho as you and Menzies were about communism. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 10:19:49 AM
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What you do not understand is the rules of debate, it is up to the one making an assertion to present evidence. The claim that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES" is a legitimate target because it is just on 100% exaggeration and cannot be attributed to the ABS as was asserted and as such should be challenged until there is a realization of its complete wrongness. Similarly, the claim that roughly 6 out of 10 Australians voted Yes, that too is roughly a 100% exaggeration and such untruths need to be challenged or debate is useless, every wild claim cannot be accepted without backup. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 January 2018 11:25:56 AM
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Is Mise,
I strongly dispute your claims. Because I have explained throughout this discussion that the ABS stated of all eligible Australians who expressed a view on "should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" the majority indicated that the law should be changed with 61.6% responding "yes." And 38.4% responding "no." In other words 61.6% of all eligible Australians responded "yes." This I have maintained throughout this discussion. And all you are doing is clinging to a sentence that you have misunderstood - which I did explain to you and have tirelessly continued to explain - what was meant by that remark. As for you "6 out of 10" reference. Again you have twisted the facts of what was actually said - which was that The results of the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls which indicated that 6 out of 10 Aussies were in favour of same sex marriage. Opinion polls. The results of the postal survey were - nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%) expressed their views. I have explained this to death. I have no wish to continue. If you want to continue - you're on your own. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 12 January 2018 12:35:12 PM
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"I strongly dispute your claims" What? You dispute that only 31.78% of the Australian population voted "Yes"; are you still standing by the supposes quote of the ABS that "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES"? You are the one that made the claim and quoted the ABS as your source, I have acknowledged the correctness of the ABS quotes that followed the erroneous headlines, but that only proves that the quotes that you apparently made up are wrong; 61.6% of the population did not vote Yes, only 31.78% based on the ABS figures. See their website, I'm sure you don't need a link. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 January 2018 1:51:30 PM
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""At least the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls. That roughly 6 out of 10 Australians were in favour of same sex marriage" Which tells us that 6 out of 10 Australians were in favour, which is wrong. The subject of your sentence above is 'the postal survey' not the opinion polls and the survey indicates 3 out of 10. "As for you "6 out of 10" reference. Again you have twisted the facts of what was actually said - which was that The results of the postal survey told us what we already knew via opinion polls which indicated that 6 out of 10 Aussies were in favour of same sex marriage. Opinion polls" I haven't twisted anything, your problem seems to be a lack of understanding of the English language. The opinion polls don't tell us what Aussies (one presumes that that means all Australians) think, they only tell us what those polled said, and they might not have responded truthfully. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 January 2018 2:07:59 PM
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Hi Foxy, I am pleased to tell you that my very dear friend Dr Mehreen Faruq will certainly be the next Green Senator from NSW. An extremely capable person is Mehreen, who will make an excellent Senator.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 4:56:27 PM
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Hi Foxy a link on the above.,-wins-preselection-for-the-nsw/9193630 Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 5:34:08 PM
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P1405, Oh this just keeps getting better and better. Your 'VERY dear friend Mr Farq'. Please I should be calling you all sorts but I think you can fill in the gaps for us.
So not only are you a card carrying unionist, your also a labor supporter, thereby by association a communist. Now you have really exposed a new low and now you openly admit being a greens lover/backer. With such credentials I'm sure you will find a lot of like minded people in your many circle of 'friends'. Ha Ha, too perfect. A comedian takes years to come up with this stuff and here you do it naturally. I can hear the jokes now. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 12 January 2018 7:11:56 PM
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"Mehreen Faruqi, who is currently a NSW Upper House MLC, has won the preselection for the NSW Greens Senate ticket in the next Federal election, unseating Senator Lee Rhiannon." now that is good news. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 January 2018 7:28:45 PM
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That's right Issy. Thanks for that news.
ALTRAV I am sure you look rather effervescent in your snappy black uniform as you goose step around the lounge room. A regular Colonel Klink. I Would not be surprised if you were not a descendent of those Eastern European Nazi collaborators. From my experience, you sound like one, being as off the planet as you are, with all your ranting and raving you would fit right in. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 8:25:16 PM
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P1405, grow up, your own rants are just too cliche to be given any time or credence.
When you are prepared to confirm the disgusting behaviour of your mates during the war, which by the way is what you are supposed to be looking into, not making childish comments as only you can, as it appears you have nothing of actual value to offer this topic, other than to declare yourself a union backing commo who is OK with your mates being responsible for the death of so many Australians. You and your lot should be ashamed of yourselves, not spouting your crap on these forums. As for your trying to paint me as a Nazi, like I said childish. BTW Australia today is a shethole compared to the respectful attitudes of people during the war years. And it has been said, it's a shame that Japan and Germany did not win the war. When I think of the discipline and progress that these two countries have attained, outstanding examples of pride and commitment to success. And they are world leaders. All we have to show for ourselves is a country full of time and space wasters, good for nothing but, drinking, watching sports, and being arrogant, petulant little bleeding hearts, who believe they are owed a living by dole bludging. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 12 January 2018 8:46:59 PM
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ALTRAV, call you a Nazi, get on your high horse, something you are good at. After all its only what you are as you mouth off with your far right extremism. Look at the disgusting name calling you engage in. You remind me of one of those classic Eastern Europeans who populated Australia after WWII, paranoid about communism, but in reality an evil little fascists b escaping an unsavory past. What is your history?
"it's a shame that Japan and Germany did not win the war." Showing your true colours there Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 11:55:59 PM
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P1405, as usual, way off track. Now let's see. Name calling, Hmmm, Nope,
Oh, you mean you are doing the name calling, OK, yes I see it. My description of you and your attitude are just that, describing you and your mates attitude. I don't need to lower myself to your level. You can make all kinds of retaliatory remarks, you can never erase the disgusting behaviour labor and the commo's engaged in. Anyway, don't challenge me, I lived through the aftermath of your scumbags actions, so you carry no weight in this topic. You don't get to challenge me. I don't have a problem being called far right. It's a complement. You on the other hand, like the rest of your lefty mates, don't get it. You can't have blue collar mentality yet try to be white collar. That's why communism doesn't work. So you guys keep going around in circles, it seems you're so good at it. As for the reference to Japan and Germany, your lot are too stupid to see how successful these two countries have been over the years. The part I like best is you and your mates would get the living shitt kicked out of you till you matured up and showed some respect especially towards your elders. As for 'my true past', thankfully it's nothing like you describe. Wrong again. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 13 January 2018 2:18:12 AM
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Its interesting that you would disrespect not only so many Australians, but millions of others who fought the tyranny of Nazi Germany and Imperialist Japan, 1939-45. You now say "it's a shame that Japan and Germany did not win the war". You negate the terrible cost the world had to pay to defeat those despicable regimes, all because you think people such as yourself should enjoy an ordered society where the likes of you are respected, and others are put in their place, we can only imagine the kinds of extremes you would accept to achieve that end. What Germany and Japan are today has nothing to do with the past societies they were. In fact it was the destruction in 1945 of the terrible regimes that governed those two nations that enabled them to start a fresh and grow into the decent tolerant societies they have become today. Something your brand of fascism could never achieve. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2018 7:48:27 AM
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You've always supported Lee Rhiannon on OLO and in the most obsequious, genuflecting way, your 'Aunty Lee' etc. There will be very strong pressure on Lee Rhiannon to pack her bag and be gone, to allow Faruqi to claim to be the incumbent at the next election. But more importantly, having cut the 'immortal' head off the Eastern Bloc Greens Hydra, to try to knock off its other heads and finally put that ginger group to rest. However there are still notable 'Watermelons' to keep the splits wide open and the bile flowing. Such as your mate Sh**bridge, the 'schoolboy who swings from Rhiannon's skirts' and that similarly ineffective games playing nuisance in Melbourne that you infer you visit. Anyhow, will money bags Rhiannon finally be up for a glass of beer and a sausage for the Trots who have idolised her and served her ambitions so well? Or will the taxpayer be paying and only for Rhiannon's closest comrades, which is more likely. Hey, you might still get a stubby! Richard Di Natale still has all of his work before him. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 13 January 2018 9:15:10 AM
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P1405, don't deflect. What happened to the 'millions of people killed during the war were the enemy, you twat.
I and the rest of the world will never condone the actions of extreme evil in any state or form. That's what the Nazi's and so on were about. Nothing new there. What I am saying and you are denying is that your labour/union/commy mates, were Australians and by there actions were TRAITORS. Now do you finally get it? Trying to suggest that because labor was in power and was doing such a magnificent job, when it wasn't, is the height of arrogance, ignorance and hippocracy. Labors own ethos is amongst some of the lowest and least successful forms of govt in history. It all sounds very wonderful on paper, but it never works in reality. If you want to be free to live YOUR life, communism is definitely NOT the way. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 13 January 2018 10:09:21 AM
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Leoj, I've never really understood what the hell a bunch of tree hugging children have to do with running a country.
People who vote for and believe in these fairytale mantras, like the greens spew out, are themselves childlike in reality. After hearing them and their policies it is clear that they know nothing about the 'real' world and what it takes to run a country. They fall far short of any ideas that will produce ANY benefits to mankind in the short term, and in fact cost more in the long term. All these stupid renewable submissions, NONE of which are as reliable or sustainable as has been the case in the past with coal, nuclear and hydro, (the real hydro, not the crap snowy 2 that turncoat is pushing) for the same price or less. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 13 January 2018 10:26:55 AM
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Mehreen Faruqi will be an asset to the Senate, she is very smart and knowledgeable, and, rumour has it, wasn't a bad pistol shot in her younger days. Her expose of WestConnex was brilliant. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 13 January 2018 11:39:38 AM
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WTF, who are you guys? Apart from being green stooges, you carry on like flower girls at a garden party. It appears you guys are some of the tree hugging children I speak of.
Your lack of general and technical knowledge leads you to believe these green mantra's. The simple minded take things at face value and believe it because, 'it sounds right' or 'it makes sense'. Well they don't because even a half educated man with exposure to the real world and all it's parts and how they interact, will tell you the greens are fools. In saying that they have no right being in parliament. If not for the fact that the same ignorant, un-informed, like minded losers, voted them in, they would be walking around in a daze picking flowers. I'll say it again; The greens are not a political party. They are, at best, an ideological collective of uninformed, ignorant dreamers. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 13 January 2018 3:46:33 PM
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Resorting to name calling again ALTRAV
"What happened to the 'millions of people killed during the war were the enemy, you twat." Wow, off the planet nonsense, is this guy for real saying Australian who were killed by the Japanese were also the enemy? Can anyone explain that statement. Fella, you might have tried to hide it in the third person , but this is you. "And it has been said, it's a shame that Japan and Germany did not win the war." Please explain what befits we would be enjoying with a Hitler flunky running Australia. "I and the rest of the world will never condone the actions of extreme evil in any state or form. That's what the Nazi's and so on were about. Nothing new there." Seems some do, you included. Trying to back peddle, you said it was a shame they didn't win the war. Either you don't consider them extreme evil, or your are back peddling. What are you doing? I suggest you go and have a good lie down, but check for Reds under the bed first, because you are paranoid about communism Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2018 3:59:49 PM
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ALTRAV, nice little rant, if you wouldn't allow Labor, the Greens and Liberals in the 'Reichstag', pray tell who would you let in?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2018 5:04:10 PM
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P1405, I know you have to deflect so as to not have to face the reality of being seen as a traitor. Unlike the challenge you put to me. You choose not to see the difference between the enemy and your own people sabotaging you.
As for the statements about Germany and Japan winning the war, that is meant to demonstrate the discipline, commitment and maturity being demonstrated by these two countries, after the war till today. Yes you 'twats', the war was a crappy thing that the elite like the Rothschilds forced it upon us. But what the unions/lobor/commo's did to us is not in the same league. It was much worse. So before you shoot your mouth off again about all the deaths and Hitler and reds under the bed, blah, blah, blah, think. We never had any problems with the 'reds' as you put it, we ignored them. On the other hand you seem obsessed with them, because you are one of them. Now I understand why you acknowledge your like minded twats with, 'hello Comrades'. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 13 January 2018 5:05:14 PM
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ALTRAV. either you cannot comprehend what you are saying, or you are trying to wriggle out of what was a pathetic statement on your part.
Lets read it again; "And it has been said, it's a shame that Japan and Germany did not win the war." The above bland statement is supposed to mean this; "As for the statements about Germany and Japan winning the war, that is meant to demonstrate the discipline, commitment and maturity being demonstrated by these two countries, after the war till today." This bloke claims he's a far right (ratbag), making statements like this condoning violence; "The part I (ALTRAV) like best is you and your mates would get the living shitt kicked out of you till you matured up and showed some respect especially towards your elders." ALTRAV would you be an active "kicker", or a nodding bystander? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2018 6:13:16 PM
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Dear Paul,
You might find this interesting: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 January 2018 6:20:04 PM
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Thanks for that link Foxy, I clearly remember the "Reds under the bed" propaganda campaign of the 1960's.
One of the most disgusting things I personally witnessed during those times was during anti Vietnam War protests (Moratorium marches in Sydney and other cities) where the badgeless coppers (the copper always removed their badges, before making arrests, not wanting to be identified by number later) were assisted by Neo-Nazies, skin heads, to load prptesters, including young girls into paddy wagons. ALTRAV would be proud of that one, AL did you have hair in those days? One for leoj, or whatever nick he is now using, Leo loves to hear about any largesse for politicians providing it a lefty polly not the Lovely Pauline or a Corny Banana. The numskull NSW Minister for Transport the Liberal Andy Constance went on a taxpayer funded fact finding junket to the US to supposedly investigate public transport in America. Andy makes a whistle stop in New York, while there Andy racks up a $1600 "Limo" bill, the cost of chauffeuring the poor little sod around the place. Seems the fact finding didn't extend to actually getting on a bus or a train. Andy much preferred the comfort of the back seat of a limousine to observe New York's public transport. What a jerk! Leo put that one in the next speech you write for the Lovely Pauline. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2018 8:00:13 PM
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You are just sore that your 'Eastern Bloc' Greens have lost Lee Rhiannon, the head of the 'Eastern Bloc' Hydra. Also, that I forecast the end of Rhiannon. Richard Di Natale (and Bob Brown before) needed that. It is a reasonable question to ask now that Rhiannon is finally on the skids, what is to be done about other notorious Watermelons, such as NSW's Sh**bridge, the 'schoolboy who swings from Rhiannon's skirts' and that similarly ineffective, games playing nuisance in Melbourne (another mate of yours). As you are perfectly aware I am not a member of any political party. My main interests are in freedom of speech and accountability. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 13 January 2018 8:12:43 PM
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Foxy, 'ET TU'? I have no problem with your article in that link. What I read is the usual govt argie bargie of lying to the people to help them get their own agenda.
Foxy where this conversation started with Mr P1405, was that I explained that being around after the war, and the reports of the unions/warfies who were openly proud of their communist affiliation, actively engaged in stalling/stopping the supply ships leaving to re-stock our soldiers in battle overseas. I even quoted actual accounts and references, that everyone so relies on, from actual people who suffered because of these treasonous people and their treacherous acts. Mr P deflects and tries to draw the conversation away from my factual statements in a vane attempt to play down what I have clearly proven to be fact at the time. I understand his position as he has admitted being, seemingly, a card carrying, labor/unionist, therefore communist backing sympathiser. It is precisely because of his political and social beliefs, he refuses to even consider that these atrocities actually happened because it would malign his leftist beliefs and therefore render his comments as moot. But I feel compelled to attempt to see him understand the truth. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 13 January 2018 8:17:58 PM
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"You are just sore that your 'Eastern Bloc' Greens have lost Lee Rhiannon, the head of the 'Eastern Bloc' Hydra"
Contraire my dear Leo I voted for the winner. Non political you say? Hummm don't know about that. "My main interests are in freedom of speech and accountability." the word hogwash springs to mind. You spend 90% of your posts attacking Labor/Green, never a disparaging word about One Nation or Corny Banana, or is the Lovely Pauline so pure in your book that she can co no wrong. You are a Artful Dodger. Anyone who changes their nick like you have, is hiding something. AL, all you posted as evidence was some unsubstantiated personal anecdotal stuff about some relative who you claimed nearly died because of strikes in Australia. Hardly evidence. You also make the erroneous claim that I am a communist, not so. I am both a union member, have been for 45 years, and a fully paid up member of the Green, previously a Labor Party member. Even my detractors will admit I have never hid those facts. I am, like most Greens a progressive socialist, and indeed many in the Labor and Liberal parties are as well. The differences between the three tends to be more about emphases than direction. That is why my number two choice at election time is often the Liberal candidate. Malcolm Turnbull, Bill Shorten and Richard Di Natale's political philosophy are not all that different. As for you, if you walk the walk, talk the talk, as you do, then you are what I describe you as, a far right ratbag! I cannot imagine any of the above three persons ever saying. "The part I (ALTRAV) like best is you and your mates would get the living shitt kicked out of you till you matured up and showed some respect especially towards your elders." But you said it. A trade make of the extreme, physical violence against your opponents. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 January 2018 7:27:37 AM
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Dear Paul,
I'm glad that you read the link I cited. I found it interesting to compare the 1950s with today's politics. Some things apparently don't change very much for some people. Which I guess is understandable. As for Lee Rhiannon? I have to admit that I really am not drawn to her very much and although I've never voted for the Greens - from what I've read about Rhiannon - she's been a very disruptive influence in the party. I'm sure the party will do better without her. Mehreen Faruqi appears to be very capable and an excellent replacement. Dear ALTRAV, I like to try to broaden discussions if possible by giving more than any one perspective to any issue. I think its good for people to do some critical thinking if they can. And to ask questions. Of course that is not always easy especially when dealing with highly emotional and political issues. One's values and experiences also often come into play. As far as unions are concerned? I know that they have made many mistakes and are not perfect, however, they have also achieved quite a bit for workers in this country and I do support the right of workers to have certain protections in their jobs and livelihoods. It may interest you to know that I come from a very conservative voting family. People who fled from communism to come to Australia. People who lost not only their country, their social status, their possessions, but their entire families to the Soviet Regime. Anyway, I feel that there is enough hatred in the world today we should try not to add to it. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 January 2018 10:25:25 AM
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P1405, and you wonder why I call you names. Did you actually read my post or did you apply your union leftist reasoning, if it ain't left it ain't true.
Well, ( I will refrain from calling you names for the moment) if you had read it without bias or prejudice, you will have noted, I was quoting ACTUAL people who were there at the time. My father-in-law was one of them. So you don't get to question me as your mates were part of this treason. Who knows you may have also been a part of it. So man up and if you don't want to believe any of what I said, that's your choice. But you do not get to reject what I said just because you were a part of these disgusting acts of Australian war history, by the unions and the labor party. It goes to show the mind set of the labor party and the unions you so proudly promote. You are so blind and of course lacking in common sense and intelligence that you can't see how the unions have driven the cost of Australian goods and services up so high, our exports and therefore our jobs have suffered. The Libs might be cheating, lying, thieves, but at least they were trying to make money and it meant work for you and your lot of selfish scum. Now go and thank your mates for all the work that's out there. Your all good for dragging things down into your gutters. The Libs are bad but at least they try to create jobs so EVERYONE makes money. No you and your mates came along and slowly dragged companies down to your level. Well like I said, you should be proud of what you have done in bringing this country to it's knees. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 14 January 2018 4:14:43 PM
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Hi Foxy, I don't want to slam Lee Rhiannon, I have known Lee for many years. She has been a hardworking and committed member of the party for a very long time, but I take your comments and don't dispute them. Mehreen is a very different personality altogether to Lee. Both are hard working and committed to the cause they represent, but Mehreen offers something new, a person who listens, is very engaging, really makes herself know the issue well before debating. In my book with the valuable experience gained working in the NSW Legislative Council Mehreen is going to make an excellent Senator. I am biased of course, but I would say if you met the lady, spoke to her for a little while on issues that concerns you, you would have no problem voting for her.
I've said it before on the forum. Over the years I've got to know quite a few politicians of all political persuasions, and despite all the scorn and ridicule we heap on them. they are in the main hard working decent people, in there trying to make a difference. To give you an example, I'm more into NSW State politics, Bruce Notley-Smith the Liberal member for Coogee, a seat non only Labor, but The Greens as well have designs on. There is no better local member than Bruce, he puts a hell of a lot into the job. Bruce knows his seat is marginal and it could fall, particularly to Labor, at any election. In my view that would be a shame considering the work Bruce puts in as an MP, but that's politics. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 January 2018 9:26:36 PM
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Dear Paul,
I fully understand what you're saying. Many politicians do work hard and are in politics for the right reasons - to make a difference. In my electorate there are several state politicians who are very approachable and hard working. Two come to mind - both from the Liberal Party. However our Federal member is a different story. I recently had the need to write to him on what I thought was a very simple inquiry - and I received an "automated reply" - telling me that he's not able to respond to all inquiries - and that he might contact me again at a future date. Well it's been several weeks and I'm still waiting. I'm in a safe Liberal electorate - but I did expect more from this man. My inquiry was not that difficult. So it was disappointing. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2018 10:21:05 AM
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Australians have never been better off than they are today, give or take a few variable years. Imagine where we'd be if we'd never had trade unions. I'm proud to have been a union member, and sometimes representative, all my working life since I started at 15 on the NSWG Rly. The only times that I was not a member were when I was in the Army and when I was in a management position with the Defence Dept. Even when I was not working, being overseas, I maintained my membership and as a retired member, I still go to Union functions. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 15 January 2018 11:52:23 AM
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Is Mise, I'm sorry that I can't empathise. You see I was on the receiving end of what the unions dished out.
What I witnessed, in terms of union actions, was incomprehensible and reprehensible. I could not understand the reasons for all the strikes and turmoil. Everyone thought the union was there for the good of the workers. It turned out that whilst they made these token efforts in the name of the workers they were lining their own pockets to the tune of millions of dollars. I remember that mongrel Reynolds, had this shadow hanging over him. It turned out that he was chums with a big builder. I think it was Roberts. (The guy who built the apartment tower at South Perth pub) It was later discovered that Reynolds suddenly owned one of these million dollar penthouses, just beneath Roberts. And the corruption just went viral. Yeah, unionism, comrades. I remember thinking I hope the unions push up the wages so high that ALL the businesses will shut down and go offshore. It would be such retribution, the like of this country has never seen. We have a million govt departments to cater to any complaints against companies and how they treat their workers. All your doing by adding the unions is making the scumbag union reps and leaders wealthier than yourselves. People get sucked in so easily. Aussies are amongst the worst. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 15 January 2018 1:36:22 PM
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Hi Foxy, that is unusual and unacceptable.
"I recently had the need to write to him on what I thought was a very simple inquiry - and I received an "automated reply" - telling me that he's not able to respond to all inquiries." Yes, an initial acknowledgement of your inquiry is in order. But a follow up, if not from the member himself. at least in the case of a busy minister from an electoral office flunky is the order of the day. In the case of the PM he get 100's of inquiries pwe week not only from his local constituents in the seat of Wentworth, but from all over Australia. Everything from a person who want him to do something about the nosy birds in a Edgecliff park to a crackpot who wants us to go to war with New Zealand. Obviously he can't personally deal with such people, but allows his office to take care of it. I'm not putting your inquiry into that category. If you feel he's not doing his job as a local member, complain to the party itself, and of course vote for someone else next time around putting him last on the ballot paper. There is one person in Australia, a woman with a calligraphy quality hand writing, who constantly fires off letters to word and local leaders, everyone from the Pope, to the Queen of England. She is amazing. nothing harmful. she writes to them like if they are her pen pals. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 January 2018 4:58:19 PM
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Dear Paul,
I think this man's been in the job too long and he simply takes things for granted. As I said earlier he's in a safe seat so he'll probably get in again. However I have no intention of voting for him - that's for sure. Unfortunately though I don't think my vote's going to make much difference to him anyway. He does not have any strong and well known candidates running opposite him. Which is a shame. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2018 5:55:59 PM
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There are Unions and there are Unions, some have made it policy to work closely with management, to the benefit of both. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 15 January 2018 9:15:56 PM
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Is Mise, I know this, obviously I speak of the bad ones. Even so unless there was a serious attack on the workers by management, there was still no need for unions.
The govt had it all laid out in law, so making the unions superfluous. I am responding to a commentors resistance to what I said regarding what the unions/labor party did during the war. The act in question was to stop the supply ships leaving to re-stock the Aussies on the battlefield, with food, amo, and everything in between. The wharfies treasonous acts of treachery were designed to give the enemy an advantage. Many Aussies died because of this action on the part of the unions, but some no-nuts on this forum dis-agrees because he doesn't want to hear of it, because he knows it's true. My information is first hand and cannot be dismissed just because someone doesn't want to hear it. This single most disgusting act is why the unions and the labor party should be removed from society altogether as they are the enemy and therefore not to be trusted, or accommodated. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 12:59:15 AM
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Hi Issy, you surprise me, a card carrying union member. Even in the antagonistic days of the 1970's, when the "them and us" mentality was at its peak, time lossed to strikes was not all that great. I would say 2 to 3 days per year, per member. As a active member of the left wing Metal Workers Union, and a member of the Works Committee in an org of 3,000 all members of a number of different competing unions, negotiations were tough, and negotiators on both sides were tough men, not always willing to give an inch.
As for strikes, the men themselves were not all that willing to loose time over minor issues, yes we had our hot heads, but they were a minority, and easily outvoted when it came to the crunch. There were management instigated strikes as well. To give you an example one time when the works agreement was at a critical point of negotiation. a long time member with 20 years up, was caught asleep 5 minutes over time in the lunch room. The bloke was on a "doubler" (doing a double shift due to a breakdown, 16 hours straight). Gone for his meal break in the crib room, about 2am openly dozed off, a staff manager found him asleep 5 minutes over time. Woke the bloke up, as would be normal. Next day, its seems the "management" decided to exercise their right and sacked the bloke, never happened before. Of course they were using a minor indiscretion to bring on a strike during negations. That put 3,000 men on the grass for 48 hours, that lost time of 6,000 man days. In the end the works agreement was signed off, and of course the sacked sleepy worker reinstated with no loss of benefits. All part of the game. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 3:52:51 AM
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The thing today which I totally support, and has improved industrial relations no end is the union/management negotiated work place agreement. They now work so smoothly that the need for belligerent strike action is all but gone.
Here in NSW we are looking at rail and bus strikes in not the too distant future. If such is the case the conservative media will play it up as unreasonable workers making an unreasonable pay demand. What we do have in the state is an incompetent transport minister, leading an incompetent management team. The public transport system is at breaking point. Just last week we had a melt down with the peak hour trains, unable to cope with the "new timetable" and "minor disruptions", and its not even back to maximum capacity after Xmas, that will come on the 27th. The Minister and his mates were at pains to hide the facts, from the public, but were exposed as knowing about a week in advance that major problems were heading their way, they failed to act. They tried to blame the workers, too many drives on holidays or off sick. They knew the numbers, and they knew they were going to be 60 train drivers short come Monday, they thought they could get away with it, and their reaction when it was too late was to cancel services. Shocking the minister should resign, he is a total incompetent. The buses are no better, with a shortage of drivers. My son is getting calls at 2am, can you start at 5am not 7am, can he do 12 hours, extra journeys, there is no drivers, all in a vain attempt to plug the rosters. My son is actually a trainer, but has to drive more because of staff shortages The fool Minister Andrew Constance, all he can think of is his philosophically driven agenda of so called "privatizing" public transport. Even members of his own Liberal Party think he is incompetent. But his right wing faction had the numbers to put him in. cont Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 4:39:50 AM
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p/s The 'Opal' system which cost a billion dollars, is loosing million in revenue through system failure. The Ministers excuse of teething problems is wearing thin. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 4:41:12 AM
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I was in the Australasian Society of Engineers and the later merged union. When I first started work I was in the Australian Railways Union, at 15 I didn't have to join but it was a family tradition. As for management induced strikes, Cockatoo Dockyard was often a prime example. They had a contract with the Navy that allowed them extra time on jobs if there was a strike, time lost on strike plus time equivalent to the strike, so if a supplier or a sub-contractor let them know that there would be a hold up then a strike was very welcome. Usual procedure was for a foreman to keep shifting someone who had a fiery temper from job to job, in the confines of a submarine. About the third or fourth move and all that that entailed (shifting toolboxes and other gear), the worker would tell the foreman where to go and what convoluted exercise he could perform on himself. The worker would be sacked for abusive, indecent language. Hit the grass, via ferry!! Two or three days to get before the Commissioner; ruling "Normal dockyard language, reinstate." The dockyard gets three days for the strike plus three days extension on the contract. A well oiled drill that always ran to script! Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 10:03:18 AM
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P1405 and Is Mise, I tell you what, I won't dis-agree with MOST of what you've said if at least one of you agrees with what I wrote about the warfies union/labour re; the stalling of the supply ships for our troops during the war.
No one has refuted this fact only to suggest that I am a right wing blah, blah. If you were such staunch unionists, I know you were well aware of these acts of treason. I know it's an uncomfortable truth, well if you change your mind, I'm not that far away, and always willing to listen. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 3:02:00 PM
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Have you read "Australia's Secret War", an account by Hal Colebatch of home front industrial disruptions by Australian trade unions? If you haven't then you should. It's revealing, in more ways than one. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 6:41:58 PM
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Is Mise, thanks I will. I would suggest it to P1405 but I know he will refute the findings and deflect in some way.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 10:54:47 PM
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Is Mise, thanks again. I just had a quick overview of the book about the very things I have been trying to convince P1405 and others about.
'Australia's Secret War' by Hal Colebatch. about home front industrial disruptions by Australian trade unions. It confirms everything I have said, and more. Even to mention my father-in-laws personal suffering. It actually mentioned 'without food, radio equipment and munitions'. The very things my father-in-law spoke of, as he was posted as forward radio operator in New Guinea. The book also speaks of how the 'officers had to restrain Australian and American troops from 'killing' striking trade unionists'. So now I feel vindicated about my comments of killing them at the time because they were fighting against us. SO P1405. I get the final and decisive knock out punch. One, Two, Three, YERRRRRRROUT! And the bell sounds as the crowd jump to their feet cheering and screaming out my name. ALTRAV, ALTRAV,..... Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:39:36 PM
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AL, contraire my fellow, even though Hal Colebatch's book is worth a read, there are those who claim it contains both historical and factual errors. Colebatch who regularly pushes a right wing agenda, can hardy be described as an impartial source.
Quoting from the following artificial; "Sadly, Colebatch appears not to have attempted to check any of the stories he was told, but has simply replicated them and on that basis constructed a narrative of Australia in the Second World War in which 'the unions' 'sabotaged' 'the war effort'. He fails to test any of his examples against available primary sources, either public - such as newspapers which are available thanks to the National Library's 'Trove' data base - or government or union archives. This does not prevent him from condemning 'unions' as a whole: a stance that explains the way conservative columnists have embraced his book." Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 7:57:04 AM
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P1405, you shmuck! Your not going to push that angle and think your going to get away with it.
Do you seriously think ANYONE had the stones to write any of these treasonous acts down for posterity. It was done without publicity you twat, they were attacking their own people. You can deny it all you want, I told you I got my info direct from the people who were there. My father-in-law, for starters. You do not get to refute or reject my story. You are now looking foolish, just because you don't want to hear the truth about your beloved labor/union/communist scummy mates. Look it's a matter of record/history, and just because you don't want to hear it, too bad, it actually happened. When you get the soldiers of BOTH countries (Australia and America) wanting to kill the warfies, you know you've got a problem. I was not off track when I said we needed to round the scumbags up and shoot them, it seems I was on the money. Your no longer a credible commentor on this topic now that you and your lot have been exposed. I've told you continually that I don't make this shitt up, so that's the end of it. YOU TRAITOR! Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 9:03:11 AM
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Al, shmuck, twat, Traitor, you are certainly into the name calling.
Offering hearsay evidence from your father-in-law is very nice, but without substantiated documented facts to back it up, it does leave it open to question. Colebatch simply took the stories at face value, failing to check their validity. They may be true, but then again they may be exaggerations as well. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 11:06:06 AM
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"One, Two, Three, YERRRRRRROUT! And the bell sounds as the crowd jump to their feet cheering and screaming out my name. ALTRAV, ALTRAV,.."
AL, you're like the jockey who pulled his horse up a lap too early, cheering I won, I won. The bell you are hearing is that ding-a-ling brain of yours going off like a firecracker. Skip on over to Issy's new thread on that book. It not good reading for the likes of you. Issy is to me a "forum friend", but he's not on my side of politics, we have our moments of discussion, not quite seeing eye to eye, well not all the time, but I do like his comments. I hope he wasn't setting you up for a fall, were you doing that Issy? Don't answer it could be incriminating. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 January 2018 7:29:48 AM
legal in Australia.
After so much division - only four members voted
no against the Bill, while nine abstained.
The overwhelming majority passed the Bill.
How do posters feel now that this has happened?
We had so much discussion prior to this happening.
I thought it may be interesting to see what people
feel now. And if anybody has changed their mind
to what they felt previously?