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Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes In Our Parliament

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Three of the four no voters in parliament were Queenslanders.

Bob Katter (Kennedy), LNP MPs - David Littleproud
(Maranoa) and Keith Pitt (Hinkler). They were joined
by Liberal MP Russell Broadbent from Victoria who
joined the lonely crew on the no side of the House.

Nine MPs, all members of government were absent from
the chamber at the time of the vote.

They were - Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce, Treasurer Scott
Morrison, Former PM Tony Abbott, assistant ministers
Alex Hawke and Michael Sukkar, Liberal MPs - Andrew Hastie,
Kevin Andrews and Rick Wilson and Nationals MP George
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:34:03 PM
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Yes, Foxy, if anything good has come from the unnecessary survey, it’s that the opponents need to accept what the polls over the last 13 years should have already told them: that the majority wanted marriage equality.

However, as Magda Szubanski noted a few days ago: with the unknown (and unqualifiable) human cost of such an ugly campaign, who could really know if the survey was worth it in the end? Simply passing the law and letting the opponents lump it may have been the better option. At least this way there is a greater air of legitimacy to the change, though.
Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:38:33 PM
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Is Mise,

What do you reckon? Complete arrogance, naivety, or just plain disrespectful of the 40% who voted NO? These ardent Leftists really think that people who find homosexuality totally disgusting, and genuinely regret having the tradition of marriage hurled out on a perverted whim are going to change their minds? Tell them they are joking. Hang on, though. They are probably not joking as they now smell blood and the possibility of dragging society down a lot further yet. Even poor fools who were conned by the call for 'equality' will now know that they were actually conned. Too late of course. Yeah, 60% voted YES, and we are not likely to hear anything about the 'tyranny of the majority' from the Marxist Left, who have contempt for majorities when they don't act as they are supposed to.

So, it's now legal, and the smug bastards are over the moon. That will not make a jot of difference to to NO voters, who will have even more contempt for them. We now have two parallel societies, just because of a lousy 3% of lousy people. But, 'legal' does not mean 'right'.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:38:44 PM
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I suppose that some, maybe many, SSM activists will suffer unsettling anticlimax. There will be a large hole in their lives. What to do now? - A reminder of Spike Milligan's skit, 'What are we going to do now?' (repeat over and over)

I am sure you can stand down now Foxy. Returning to bayonet the vanquished few left on the field (or in the Parliament) is never a good look.

Hopefully the Parliament, both Houses (and the ABC), might get some time for those 'wicked' problems now. 'Struggle Streets' anyone? Nope, all are leaving on holiday abroad.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:55:02 PM
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Dear AJ,

Most of us learned early in high school that our
Representative Democracy was - that we elect members
of Parliament to make decisions on our behalf without
the need to take contentious issues to a public vote.
But instead of doing their jobs our Members of
Parliament handed the reins over to us and in the
process gave a megaphone to the most hateful elements
in Australian society, on both sides of the argument.

That's why today many people will have mixed feelings
about this entire process.
And if that wasn't enough our Prime Minister
then ceded the parliament floor for 2 whole days to
allow every MP to do what voters are sick of hearing
them do - argue. We had to hear the same crackpot
rubbish again, and again, and again. Especially
from people like Bob Katter.

But at least it is now official. Despite the long
haul that it's been. Some will be celebrating, but most
will simply be tired and glad that it's finally over.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 December 2017 3:58:23 PM
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The 'Use By' date for SSM activists, both sides, has expired. Everyone is going on the Summer hols.

Maybe a soft cover, 'What to do with left over SSM activists' and recycled quickly as egg cartons.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 9 December 2017 4:13:38 PM
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