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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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Dear Is Mise,

There's heaps more on the web regarding the health risks of having
guns in the home.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 July 2017 7:57:53 PM
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cont'd ...

Here's another one:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 July 2017 8:08:23 PM
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Very interesting and I was particularly struck by

"And it doesn’t matter how the guns are stored or what type or how many guns you own."

Now what we need to see is a study done in Australia; licenced firearms here are required to be locked up, so what is the injury and suicide rate among Australian licenced pistol holders?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 6 July 2017 8:32:14 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

Great question.

Aren't you glad that you live in Australia?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 July 2017 8:33:52 PM
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Where most people are concerned, I do not regard them as gullible for the cognitive thinking mistakes that make us human.

We are all prey to the sly manipulators who know and use against us those human weaknesses described and proved by psychological research (REAL science not the sloppy, self-serving 'science' of feminists for example).

There are also those who BS us with 'statistics findings', which asn't statistical findings at all. Or abuse research by stretching the weak findings or simply the truth. -At the same time quoting the researchers for interpretations they would never have allowed themselves.

It is to its great discredit that SOROS' 'Gun Control' sham quite deliberately does all of those things.

One would imagine that the very first dead giveaway that the Soros 'Gun control' outfit is up to something nasty is its strict emphasis on secrecy about anything however minor to do with its organisation, structure, office bearers, sources and application of funding (no public auditing either), sponsors especially overseas, political contacts and so on.

It is immediately made obvious that 'Gun control' refuses to give any of the basic information that any reputable business, association or even minor sporting club would be giving up-front as a matter of course.

General comment
It would be only polite and respectful for anyone who joins this or any thread at a late stage to do all posters the politeness of reading and comprehending previous posts.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 6 July 2017 9:23:14 PM
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Another kill down to the gun lobby and our lax gun control laws. I guess y'all saw the scene on TV. A greedy pig with a farm wanted to destroy trees where the trees were a fauna habitat and the destruction of them was illegal. An environmental officer approached the landowning pig who fetched a gun and opened fire on the officer, hitting him several times, finally landing the killing shot as the officer was fleeing. Thankfully the killer went to gaol and will leave in a coffin. Hopefully he will suffer while inside.

But the Yank NRA offshoot claims farmers are quite suitable people to own guns. So what about the rest of the farmers? The background to the TV report was that environmental laws were regularly breached by other greedy farmers feeling a God given right to treat the Australian environment the way they pleased. Just like the squattocracy that blighted Australia three centuries ago. The class whose metastases were still active enough to press for a Brisbane Line during a Jap occupation to demark a traitor regime modelled on that of the then French traitors at Vichy.

And these NRA-led enemies want the squattocracy to be armed with guns!
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 6 July 2017 10:52:53 PM
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