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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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I'm not going to be manipulated by you and
play your game. The shop in question has a
violent history and is Chicago's most
notorious gun shop. It is according to the
national newspapers and the Economist the
Nation's No 1 source of crime guns.

You can Google all this information for yourself.
But I suspect that you've already done this and
know full well that the owners have not been
convicted of any criminal charges.
Now why do you suppose that is?

This is America - where crime does pay after all.
Just ask their President.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 7:14:50 PM
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Hi EJ,

I took your advice and checked out the Aussie chapter of the Yankee gun freaks NRA. I was shocked with the cozy relationship between the two. Obviously Aussie is the lap dog in the relationship, and relies heavily on trheir Yankee controllers, and a bit of the folding stuff from the cashed up US crazies as well.

Aussie gun freaks in their own words are "a full member of ICFRA (International Confederation of Full-Bore Rifle Associations)" sitting at the same table as the Grand Wizard himself. Which I believe has it HQ in the deep deep south, possible Alabama, down there with the good olde' boys.

Issy are you a life member? How about a briefing on those varmint extermination laws you want to introduce based on the crazy Czech model.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 8:03:50 PM
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But you were not volunteering before that the shop owner had not committed an offence. That is 'your' Kangaroo Court in action. I didn't look. I didn't need to.

Now, to follow your 'reasoning', should David Jones, a seller of plenty of cutlery, or retailer, what about wholesaler, of cutlery, be held accountable for any harm that comes from their knives and be shamed and their business reputation and goodwill trashed, if some offender, or make that plural, should decide to use the kitchen tools as weapons?

Cars next?
Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 8:06:36 PM
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Keep pushing the lies and someone, somewhere might believe you.
The Greens and GCA have been thrashing this dead neddy for years but have never come up with any evidence.

So, how about a reference or three.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 8:08:02 PM
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Paul, you've got 'em hopping.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 8:18:45 PM
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Issy, I was quoting from the web site of the Australian Chapter of Yank NRA.
Please Issy will you fill me in on those Czech Experience laws you think are such a good idea for Australia. Why are you "ducking" the question?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 9:24:45 PM
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