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Failure of the Gun Laws
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Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 2:20:48 PM
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Answered Wednesday, 21 June 2017 2:00:00 PM
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 2:43:47 PM
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And you were more than adequately answered here, Emperor Julian,
leoj, Tuesday, 20 June 2017 2:27:23 PM Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 6:11:24 PM
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Leoj has referred to his earlier post that says more or less
"I want informed, risk-based, evidence-based laws across the board and not just where firearms are concerned. " Howard's laws are totally risk-based and evidence-based. The Port Arthur massacre alone was enough, but the string of gun massacres preceding it clinch it. Couldn't get any more risk-based and evidence-based than that, and the massive death toll from gun anarchy in the USA compounds it manyfold. Fact is that the gun lobby is a noisy and tiny minority pitting its recreation requirements against the safety of 24 million Australians who want gun anarchy like they want leprosy. Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 7:45:29 PM
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Julian evidently doesn't want evidence-based law; seems that he's happy that some States allow unfettered access to rapid fire pistols, some shotguns and rapid fire rifles.
One repeating rifle that I can think of can fire 16 shots in about 10 seconds and its range is much further than the Adler shotgun. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 8:27:44 PM
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The more restrictions on guns the safer the community. The gun lobbyists pointing to highly lethal guns they reckon are allowed in some jurisdictions aren't seeking that they be restricted, their whole campaign is directed to complaining about restrictions and especially the Howard restrictions that cover the whole of Australia.
It's only through the odd trade across issues that they can get gun-friendly pollies (a tiny minority) to join with deadlocked major parties to pass government Bills (themselves toxic to the interests of most Australians) through the Senate. The mongrel Martin Bryant could get hold of a gun and hence the Port Arthur massacre. To serve their own recreational wants the tiny gun lobby pit themselves against the overwhelming majority of Australians who don't want to be shot dead in massacres the way the Yanks are and Australians were pre-Howard. Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:00:23 PM
Just laws based on logic and evidence, you got a problem with that?
No comment on the fact that the Minister mishandled the truth?
No comment that if I move to Victoria I can legally buy a pistol that can fire 6 shots in 4 seconds and I don't need to register it nor have a license to possess it yet in NSW it is a criminal offence to possess such a pistol without it being registered?
An example of Howard's laws working was the Adler shotgun, never a problem with a lever action shotgun until Greens and other nuts decided that a problem needed to be invented, so they invented one and convinced the pollies to solve it.
Result, Adler now needs a Category B license, which just about every shooter has and the Shooters' Fishers' and Farmers' Party have a seat in the Lower House in NSW.