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Failure of the Gun Laws

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If the gunnies REALLY want evidence-based logic they coud study the evidence and logic at,-researchers-say/7535690
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:13:28 PM
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Emperor Julian,

Are you one of those people who would prefer to buy a lottery ticket from an agency that has sold major prizes in preference to one that has not?

What about numbers for the pools? Would you be looking to select numbers that have not been coming up much?

Here is a clever move, give the local council a 'Oh Dear Me, accidents happen here' sign and installed free by you where there has been a recent 'spate' of accidents. Then offer, conditional on the sign being successful over the coming year in reducing accidents, to instal the same sign wherever there are other 'spates' of accidents. At a generous profit to you of course. A bit sneaky because the Council will not be game not to keep that sign and get more. Otherwise....Well, it doesn't bear thinking about, now does it?

Or alternatively, install a 'protective scientific device' (a garden gnome would do) wherever ABC women staff report a 'spate' of those 'women's cancers' in buildings in which they work. Do the same follow-up for another profit to clever you.

Now that I have made you a very tidy profit, you can review my earlier posts to see how it is done.

As for the link you tendered, you should read it again and not be so inclined to discount or disregard your own commonsense and judgement.

Howard's 'gun control' stopped mass homicide? How could it do that, exactly?

What do other researchers with relevant expertise said about the conclusions reported in that article of yours? Are there any peer reviews in professional journals of worth?
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 22 June 2017 12:06:07 AM
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One of the most worrying aspects of "legal" gun ownership in Australia, is the number of those legal firearms that are being reported "stolen" each year. Between 2013 and 2015, 6451 guns were reported as stolen. The question is how many of those 6451, were not stolen, but sold illegally, by the good law abiding gunnies, and then reported as stolen? How many were never reported?
There could be as many as 600,000 illegal firearms in Australia, many illegal handguns are obtained through legal loopholes which allow for the import of so called "deactivated handguns" which are quickly reactivated by criminals. Others are obtained through the grey market of on selling unregistered guns by their owners. it should be questioned why some people find it necessary to have 300 to 400 registered guns in their possession? How may are simply stockpiling guns for future illegal purposes, such as a so called citizen militia, similar to the 'Doomsdayers' in America. How many gun clubs are nothing but fronts foe right wing extremists? Simmilar to some in America.

From the Age;

" Gary Fleetwood, the ACIC national firearm trace program expert, said that despite increased reports of shootings involving high-powered weapons, including in Victoria, it was unlikely the weapons being used were newly manufactured.

He said that weapons such as the Chinese-manufactured SKS rifle, which has been seized from bikie gangs and other organised crime groups in recent years, were often more than 30 years old.

"When people ask me where these guns are coming from, I say: 'They were already here.'"

Food for thought, don't you agree Issy.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 22 June 2017 5:54:47 AM
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If you want evidence just go to the Government's "Port Arthur Inquiry", you'll find plenty there.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 June 2017 8:35:57 AM
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Just taking Queensland as an example, while police have been seeking any evidence of stolen weapons being preferred by criminals and being used for crime, years so by without any evidence of either.

There is however plenty of ongoing evidence that the largely ethnic gangs that manufacture and traffic drugs have their own illegitimate (but of course!) suppliers for their tools of trade as well as for their importation of drugs and the contacts that work ever so well to conceal their activities and to protect them against laws that cause them inconvenience, such as Qld's now trashed VLAD law.

Criminals are delighted with 'gun control' that focusses police attention on the very people who can reliably be expected never to have any part in crime of any sort and who are opposed to illegal weapons, which of course are the many thousands of respectable law-abiding citizens who have earned their firearms licence and aim to keep it.

So in effect you, the Greens and imported US 'gun control' are doing the equivalent of blaming the rape victim for the crime committed against her.

Please don't continue with claims that have been proved false many times before.

Evidence-based regulation of the persons permitted to have firearms licences is the key.

You might also be surprised to be informed that it is part of the modus operandi of the offender to break available laws and yes, murder was always a crime, along with numerous other things that criminals do as they avoid work and flea of the public.

'Gun control' is a blessing for the offender, tying up trained police on the 'gun control' busywork of bothering already certified crime-free, respectable members of the public.

How many millions are there in drugs per annum? Is there any tier of society that the corruption of those millions cannot reach out for and influence? Say 'Yay, for gun control' for it keeps those punters* occupied, instead of thinking'.(sic)

punters* - that is how many politicians and the commentariat refer to and view the public whose taxes support them. Disgusting.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 22 June 2017 9:58:03 AM
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Gun control ties up police who keep revisiting licensed owners without first checking that the owner holds a licence, according to leoj. Leoj doesn't provide information on how many of these are found to be acquiring illegal weapons under cover of their licences. All this is supposed to be a valid pretext for putting the public at risk by replacing gun control laws with gun anarchy.

Forget it. The public when warned won't wear it. Controls are here to stay and the only acceptable changes are to tighten them and extend their scope. And to rally votes against gun freaks in the Senate.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 22 June 2017 11:44:37 AM
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