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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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How're you going with that evidence from the "Port Arthur Inquiry"?

I'd give you a reference but I can't remember it.


The actual figure of illegal guns in the community is 1,000,346.
This is the true figure based on the same evidence that you and Minister Keenan used; how could the three of us get such different conclusions?

How do you feel about a permanent amnesty?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 June 2017 1:28:49 PM
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EmperorJulian, "Gun control ties up police who keep revisiting licensed owners without first checking that the owner holds a licence, according to leoj"

I didn't say that.

I try to spell things out as simply as possible and I give details that are easily checked. However, you don't appear to do me the courtesy of reading and understanding my posts. Then you take off at a tangent. Or attribute things to me that I would never have said, like your first sentence above, which I did not say at all.

Your misunderstandings, along with the foolishness of what follows, clearly demonstrate that you have no knowledge whatsoever of the relevant regulations and processes.

Admittedly the whole game plan of that US 'gun control' political sham is to confuse and mislead and to muddy the waters. 'Gun control' is itself a deliberately misleading title. As explained earlier it is anything but that. It is solely aimed at disarming licensed civilians in western democracies by bans and compulsory confiscations, with or without any reimbursement, of the private property of ordinary law-abiding, licensed citizens.

Again, just ask yourself why those few hidden 'gun control' activists that are beavering away getting Soros' and ors Hegelian propaganda into the media are so damned secretive that they refuse to publish ever the very basic information about themselves, their backers, any overseas links, any political links and (claimed) membership. But they ARE very forward in putting the begging bowl out for public donations. Again, no information, no due diligence on where the money goes and no auditing.

Ask yourself, why should anyone believe them and, what possible motive/s might a billionaire currency dealer and his other wealthy mates who hide money offshore and at least as far as Soros is concerned, sponsor leftist demonstrations and all in western democracies, have for sledging and disarming the good guys, the ordinary respectable citizens who are complying with all laws?
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 22 June 2017 1:58:20 PM
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There were various hits under "Port Arthur Inquiry". The only one I bothered to read was at

It was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.

Naturally an inquiry into a single gun massacre would not relate to the string of gun massacres preceding it.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 22 June 2017 1:59:59 PM
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Care to speculate on why there was no Coronial Inquiry?

If the page that you referenced was 'tinfoil hat' rubbish why didn't you give a reference to its refutation, surely someone has knocked it point by point?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 June 2017 5:42:13 PM
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Is Mise: "If the page that you referenced was 'tinfoil hat' rubbish why didn't you give a reference to its refutation, surely someone has knocked it point by point?"

Yeah, like knocking point by point the nutters' conspiracy theory that NASA faked the moon landing. The lunatics that put forward the assertion that the Port Arthur massacre was a government conspiracy made no points that were subject to verification. They just made it up. Learn something about the philosophy of science.

The gunnies with designs against public safety just make stuff up and the huge majority aren't buying it.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 22 June 2017 9:29:32 PM
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Graham Colyer, who was shot, said that Bryant was not the shooter, is that verifiable or not?

Suppose we'll have to wait till the 30-year moratorium is up; why do you think that the Government locked the records for 30 years?

Why no Coronial Inquiry, or is that not required under Australian law?

Hey, Paul, what do you think of the idea of a permanent amnesty?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 June 2017 11:22:28 PM
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