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Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 May 2017 12:04:10 PM
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Hi Paul,
I don't know about towns like Sydney or Melbourne but in large cities like Adelaide, ethnic segregation, at least by suburbs, is striking. In the more affluent eastern suburbs, right around from Mitcham to Walkerville, I reckon more than 95 % of the populations there would be Anglo-Celtic, maybe less. But out in the western suburbs, in different suburbs, the mix would be much more 50: 50. Maybe this crops out in different ways: I'm in a couple of singing groups (based in or near those eastern suburbs, and I'd estimate that maybe 80 % of members would be Anglo; in fact, a high proportion would be British (and Dutch: are Dutch especially musical ?) migrants. On the other hand, out west, when my son was playing soccer, he was one of a handful who weren't 'ethnic' (does Aboriginal count ?) In their western suburbs high school, my kids' mates (back in the 1980s) were various varieties of Slavs and Mediterraneans, as well as Filipino. My point is that there is a high degree of ethnic segregation in Australian cities. Since it seems to be getting more so, I suggest that this could become a problem for any policy of inclusive multiculturalism. Test it: mention a suburb and see if someone immediately remarks on its distinctive ethnic composition. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 1 May 2017 12:09:39 PM
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Dear Paul,
Why don't you tell him: "Oh you hate the Greens? (fill in your own) Join the Club There are weekly meetings at the corner of F*k you street And Kiss my A*s blvd. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 May 2017 12:10:06 PM
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Joke of the day from India. BBC reports Indians furious over Aust immigration changes "They are giving jobs to Australians and not Indians" Unreal complaining that the new changes will give preference to Australians not Indians. Posted by Philip S, Monday, 1 May 2017 5:08:06 PM
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Dear Philips S.,
Something to think about. Will this affect our trade negotiations with India? Our free-trade deals? Will it affect our ability to attract long-term skilled workers and students with their eye on the future? We seem to be going the way of the US. Is that a good idea? Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 May 2017 7:11:31 PM
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Hi Joe,
The formation of ethic ghettos is never desirable in any community. nor are criminal ethnic gangs. Nothing new there, look at the immigration history of New York. Italians for example settled in Leichhardt Sydney after WWII. Migrants have always settled in areas where friends and/or relatives have previously located themselves, that is only natural. Immigration has never been plain sailing, there are substantial issues with a minority of migrants, but fortunatly there are those in society who are working hard, both from within communities, and from the outside to overcome those problems. Can we do more than that? Possibly. The towns of Sydney and Melbourne, on that scale that would make Adelaide a village or even less a dot on the map. Hi ttbn; they are not your friends, I hope they are thankful for such a small mercy. What I do suggest is you lock your doors and windows, pull down the shades, turn off the lights, and pray to the lovely Pauline that she will make them all go away. Then the nightmare will be over for you, wont it. Hi Foxy, There is nothing the all knowing all seeing Leoj can post that will in anyway upset me. He works hard on his cut and paste diatribes. he will make an excellent Minister for Propaganda in a future Hansonite regime. Hi leoj Were you discussed as I was, in they way that phony 'gas bag' and useless Senator, the lovely Pauline Hanson, tried to tie herself to Australia's fallen war hero's on ANZAC Day, she should be ashamed of herself. You would not do that sort of thing, now would you. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 May 2017 8:02:53 PM
Where I live there are more Chinese than white people, as well as Indians and a few Africans. That doesn't make them my 'friends'.
Your constant carping and whining about anyone who is not an ignorant, Left wind twat like you are is not worth my attention any longer. I will not be reading your stupid posts in future. You need help with your mental health problems.