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The Forum > General Discussion > Immigration


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Hi Paul,

My limited understanding of NZ's immigration policy is that they take in barely twenty thousand migrants each year, and around seven hundred refugees. I'm sorry if I've got those figures wrong.

As for ZPG, the world is well on the way: Japan's population is about to start shrinking, buoyed up only by the fact that more people are living longer. Something similar is about to happen all over Europe. In fact, Australia's population growth would be only half its present rate without immigration. Even the Indigenous population is growing at barely 1 % p.a., and that only by longer living.

Yes, in what used to be called 'the Third World', populations are rising healthily, particularly in Africa but personally, I celebrate that. But even there, population growth is slowing:

Of course, we forget that Africa is a huge continent, four Australias (i.e. 30 million sq. km), with most of the biggest rivers in the world, and barely developed economically.

If anything, by 2050 [only 33 years away: think 1984], population could be declining in most of the world except in Africa. I won't be around by then, but I wouldn't mind betting that world population will be almost in a temporary balance, perhaps growing only because people are living longer. By 2100, with a much older age-structure, world population may be very slowly declining - in fact, the lack of younger generations may be causing a demographic crisis (perhaps a demographic spiral downwards), forcing people everywhere to work until they are eighty.

$ 10 on it. No, make that $ 1000.


Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 1 May 2017 9:36:48 AM
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You obviously do not read my posts or you wouldn't continue asking stupid questions. If your neighbours are Muslim - and not too many Pakistanis would not be Muslim, then, no: they should not be here. Although, I suspect that you don't have Pakistani neighbours at all.

I am amused by all of the 'friends' and neighbours people like you conjure up during these discussions about unsuitable immigrants. Muslims do not have infidel friends. It his haram to be friendly with infidels unless there is an Islam-serving reason.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 1 May 2017 9:47:27 AM
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Loudy, your money is safe,
Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 1 May 2017 10:18:06 AM
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Amateur funnyman and forum magician Paul1405 is ever going to sool his hand puppet Mr 'T' onto you.

Mr 'T' has a whole bundle of highly inventive and instructive stories for you, just you wait and see.

What's better, is that hand puppet Mr 'T', who not so strangely agrees with everything Paul1405 says ('Well, D'Oh!') and then goes even further (another Starship Enterprise, going to the most unlikely of places and having even less likely experiences), is even more hyper-vigilant than Paul1405 at finding suspected 'Hansonites' under every bed (and everywhere else too!).

The Greens are fake environmentalists.

It is all a sham. A front for fringe social policies, which in turn were taken up by the Greens elite to scrounge swinging (in more ways than one!) far leftists from Labor and solely to get those fat behinds of the Greens elite onto Senate seats.

Speaking in particular of SHY's 'Open Door' immigration. It is all virtue signalling to appease and get the votes of the serially disaffected far leftists who are clueless about what the Left were ever about and wouldn't care anyhow.

BTW, SHY is rattling her cage about 'Open Door' immigration again and taking the 457 Visas as her foot in the door. SHY always was a test for the Greens leadership and that is easy stuff for her to mouth off again. What a charmer she is. She'd have the support of Lee Rhiannon and those NSW Greens Trots. Do you know SHY too? Mr 'T' would!
Posted by leoj, Monday, 1 May 2017 10:22:28 AM
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Sorry if my post appeared to be in reply to you. It was intended to be instructive for ttbn of course. And a reply to Dear Paul1405.
Posted by leoj, Monday, 1 May 2017 10:30:15 AM
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Well onthebeach after attempting to spread a virus on the forum, something that was easily detected by others, and without so much as a "beg your pardon" you scuttled off for a time. Only to reappear as the all seeing, all knowing Leoj. as always claiming to be privy to insider knowledge of The Greens, the Labor Party, in fact you are a self-styled guru of politics world wide. Fraudulently claiming you are a moderate with no political affiliation, when it is obvious you are a Hansonite to the core, who spews the party line at every opportunity. I have no problem with that.

ttbn if you lived where I do you would have lots of ethnically diverse neighbors. From your out of touch posts I can only assume your are isolated in the remote wilderness (battery powered computer included) and are fearful of any contact with people not of your tribe.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 May 2017 11:07:19 AM
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