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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

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"No ? No Greens statement on mass murders in the name of an ideology?"

Your right Joe, I checked the Greens website no condemnation as you say, not a single word on "ideological killings over the past week or so, in Somalia, Afghanistan, Belgium, Florida, Baghdad, Dhaka, Yemen"

So, I thought I would pop over to the Labor website and read their statement of condemnation. Nothing, not a word just congrates for Bill on how he din't lose the election, Must be ideological I thought! So a quick google of the Liberal Party website to get a real boots and all condemnation! I thought if anyone had it, it would be the Liberals! Shock horror, like The Greens, like Labor, not a word on the subject, just congrats for Malcolm on how he didn't lose the election, in fact all three are claiming they had the greatest victory since Nelson at Trafalgar!

So it looks like we have bipartisan support from the major political parties in Australia for killings over the past week or so, in Somalia, Afghanistan, Belgium, Florida, Baghdad, Dhaka, Yemen, Do you agree Joe?

Sorry Beach, I keep forgetting Borsak is a "conservationists" wouldn't hurt a fly, so rabbits and possums must be safe. Don't know about elephants though, the guys bagged 8 in the name of "conservation" thus far, unfortunately at least 3 died in agony, due to poor aim. Now, when your only concerned with conservation like these gunnies are, you can't be put off by a bit of animal cruelty, now can you?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 10 July 2016 9:43:36 PM
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Hi Paul,

Perhaps you should check Julie Bishop's web-site, i.e. as Foreign Affairs Minister. She has made statements consistently condemning Islamist atrocities. I don't know who the Greens' spokesperson on foreign affairs is, but if they have one, check theirs out too.


Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 10 July 2016 11:24:57 PM
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Unfortunately Joe, I went to the Julie Bishop Federal Member for Curtain website and I could not find any condemnation of killings over the past week or so, in Somalia, Afghanistan, Belgium, Florida, Baghdad, Dhaka, Yemen. I'm not saying its not there, it may be just buried under all those "feel good" statements some polys like Bishop are prone to make. Could Ms Bishop have been more concerned with the possibility of defeat of the conservatives at the election to be putting out statements of condemnation. Maybe Ms bishop was more concerned with the Federal Government kicking in $5000 for Curtain lifesaving clubs, I assume that has more to do with saving Aussie lives than the lives of people in Somalia, Afghanistan, Belgium, Florida, Baghdad, Dhaka, Yemen.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 July 2016 7:29:12 AM
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Hi Paul,

Labor lost the election. The Greens lost a Senate seat. Suck it up.

No, Julie Bishop would not have much reference to external affairs on her electorate web-site, but she would have on the Dept of Foreign/External Affairs web-site. Check it out.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 11 July 2016 9:20:40 AM
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How're you going with Principle 7

Do you really think that a person should be prosecuted for using a gun in self defence against a terrorist?

Seems to be Greens' policy to protect terrorists.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 11 July 2016 10:34:01 AM
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"Perhaps you (Paul1305) should check Julie Bishop's web-site". I did and found nothing. it may well be somewhere else but I'm not running all over the place looking for it. What did your last black boy die of, over work? I would expect our foreign minister to condemn terrorism in all its forms. Maybe Julie can put up a piece condemning the killing of tens of thousands of innocent people by ALL sides in the Middle East, not just the ones she politically opposes. Do you agree?
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 July 2016 10:52:09 AM
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