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The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?
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Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 9 July 2016 9:48:59 AM
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Is Mise, I agree some of my questions are stupid, as they are based on the stupid policies of the Shooters and Hooters and One Nation parties. Therefor I expect equally stupid answers from you since they to are based on the fore-mentioned stupid policies.
Do you still believe the elephant killer from the Shooters Party, Robert Borsak is a "conservationists". Given Borsak's support for the greyhound business? Like Borsak do you believe the best way to kill a rabbit or possum is to tie it to a mechanical arm and have a pack of dogs tear it apart? Do you believe conservation involves the wholesale slaughter of thousands of greyhounds each year? Are these also stupid questions? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 9 July 2016 1:43:34 PM
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No, Paul, those are not stupid questions and I'll willingly answer them after you answer my questions relative to Greens Principle 7.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 9 July 2016 2:49:46 PM
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In trying to score points you end up saying some of the most atrocious things. A man planning, and murdering people cold bloodedly based on their race is no way comparable to a homeowner defending his family against armed intruders. Obviously reasoning eludes you. PS, While the greens don't support ISIS, they do sycophantically defend Hamas against Israel, with Hamas being only marginally less vicious than ISIS. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 9 July 2016 8:19:06 PM
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Shadow, your lack of understanding is phenomenal. What Greens, me included do, is not defend Hamas, but rather defend the human rights of the Palestinian people. Zionism in its efforts to establish a Jewish state in Palestine has in more than 60 years systematically trashed the human rights of Palestinians. Millions of Palestinians have been dispossessed, forced into refugees camps as Jews have taken possession of their land.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 10 July 2016 9:08:34 AM
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Paul1405, "What Greens, me included do, is not defend Hamas, but rather defend the human rights of the Palestinian people. Zionism in its efforts to establish a Jewish state in Palestine has in more than 60 years systematically trashed the human rights of Palestinians"
Which is why the Greens picketed a very surprised good citizen of Brisbane, <Greens senator Lee Rhiannon stands by Israel boycott THE AUSTRALIAN AUGUST 29, 2011 12:00AM GREENS senator Lee Rhiannon has again refused to back away from the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign, despite opposition from her leader, Bob Brown. .. One counter-protester, Logan City councillor Hajnal Black, said BDS supporters shouted anti-Semitic slogans. "It's shocking, the sort of things they were saying -- that Jews kill babies, Jews are terrorists . . ." she said. The BDS rally's organisers, Kathy Newnam and Hamish Chitts, declined requests to be interviewed.> Watermelons: a thin veneer of green environmentalism concealing the solid pink and red beneath. The hypocritical Greens are posing as everyone else's moral guardians demanding truth in electoral advertising. But they are the masters of duping voters and they went along with Labor's lies in the recent election. It is outrageous and reprehensible that a federal Senator, Lee Rhiannon, would be encouraging and leading the pack in such a disgraceful action as picketing an ordinary shopkeeper and embarrassing him, his staff and customers. If federal Senators had any backbone at all and were not always distracted checking their travel and other entitlements they would not have a bar of jackasses like Lee Rhiannon. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 10 July 2016 11:25:32 AM
So, Paul, we c an take it that you would stick by your Green Principles (particularly No 7) and watch your partner murdered rather than kill to save her, especially by using a gun.